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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

March into the deaths

A NATO official says Russia spring offensives run out of steam. On average Russia suffers 200 men dead, 600 men wounded per day.

Worthless sacrifice

They land nameless on mass graves.

Mobilisierte Militärreservisten bei einer Verabschiedungszeremonie in Sewastopol. Aufnahme vom 27. Selptem.ber 2022.

Einem Nato-Beamten zufolge sind die Soldaten, die für Russland im Ukraine-Krieg kämpfen, schlecht ausgebildet. (Archivbild) © Uncredited/imago
Look at Prince Harry & Charles & William
where can they without protection body guards ... mate ???
Every dignitary has protection. What is the point you are making? Even CEOs of corporations have protection. But they don't have to take the train around the country like Putin who is afraid of being targeted in the air.

EU countries demand for oil from Russia cant match China and India's combined demand for Russian oil - oil is now an asset currency and commodity with sustained demand. Phasing it out in the world is at least 20-40 years away. The world cannot ignore Russian energy, it literally ignored US and EU toothless idiotic sanctions on it. smh. SO much for "free market", we see US turns against its own capitalistic and free market "rules" when those systems put it at the disadvantage.

Which one is it- you dont believe or you don't accept?
20-40 years away? Outside of China, most industrial oil consumption is on decline. US is at the point where it was in 1995. Most Western Europe is declining as GDP goes up. 20 years is a dream that even the Gulf oil producing countries don't share as they accelerate to get their economies diversified while for you Russia's future is based on the rest of the world needing its oil....
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Yes, most of German are total brainwashed. But this cant be and isnt an excuse cause you can read me who isnt brainwashed. If you can give me a tip how to wake them up, i will give you a smiling emoji.

Well, Poles...also brainwashed as germans, but not over such a long time. So in Poland itself it begins to crack. They begin to understand that they are the next what have to go against Russia cause no more enough Ukro left. It develops.
German economy grew by 2% in 2022. Less than in 2021 but higher than 2018 , 2019. May be they think you are the ones that needs to wake up since they are seeing the impact of this growth. Nobody was complaining in 2019 when it grew by less than 2% either.

When Israel got an emergency transfer of F-16s during the war, their pilots were flying them pretty much the next day. (Alternative narrative: those were USAF pilots who substituted Israeli ones in first weeks)
what era are you referring to? In 1973, Israel got rapid transfer of US Aircraft. But Vipers were on the drawing board then
I don't think dictators like Putin can ever afford to 'rethink'. If they are seen as failures in foreign wars, then they know what's coming. Look at the Soviet Union history of leadership competition which were all the time bloody and backstabbing. Russia is an inheritor of that legacy.
If it would come to a point where F16s or some other more lethal weapons would start to make a difference then my prediction is that Russia would even resort to tactical nukes on Ukrainian bases and battlefields and I also think China would not let Russia fail, in which case the war would be over within a very short time: The Chinese have the capacity of cheap, mass production of weaponry which exceeds even American capacity.
China knows if Russia is pushed it will use nukes not good for anyone

China also knows that if Russia loses Taiwan will start thinking about independence

Remember today Taiwan isn't a separate country no one including USA accepts Taiwan status as a separate country this status quo is atleast some what acceptable to China but if Taiwan believes it can get away it will call for independent pushing both China and USA into conflict (with Taiwan thinking it can make it and USA believing it may work)
Hence why China would want Russia to succeed preferable without over whelming involvement of China.

Hence why China has helped Russia economically by blocking any and all blockage but not military yet just indirectly via Iran and north Korea for shells and low tech things and this will continue to happen

Weren't these the same Chechen guys who just fifteen years ago, were trying to kill as many Russians as they could?lol . Are the Chechens stupid or something? Why are they fighting for the Russians, the same Russians that have been killing them for centuries years?
Chenyacha was reduced to ash and then fully reconstructed with fully independent chenyain place din power.

It's not like China where mosques and languages are being demolished

Chechenyains are pretty happy and I hope they don't pick up another useless fight as long as their langauge and culture is reserved which is preserved and allowed for now

Early 1990s the fair was Russia will act like Soviet union and destroy their culture/religion but so far Russians have given a free hand
China knows if Russia is pushed it will use nukes not good for anyone

China also knows that if Russia loses Taiwan will start thinking about independence

Remember today Taiwan isn't a separate country no one including USA accepts Taiwan status as a separate country this status quo is atleast some what acceptable to China but if Taiwan believes it can get away it will call for independent pushing both China and USA into conflict (with Taiwan thinking it can make it and USA believing it may work)
Hence why China would want Russia to succeed preferable without over whelming involvement of China.

Hence why China has helped Russia economically by blocking any and all blockage but not military yet just indirectly via Iran and north Korea for shells and low tech things and this will continue to happen

You right on all those points! Just saw a video where even John Bolton is saying China is winning in the Russia-Ukraine. I had said that very early in the beginning of the war that it would be China and America who would come out ahead from this war!!! Loser Europeans!!!
German economy grew by 2% in 2022. Less than in 2021 but higher than 2018 , 2019. May be they think you are the ones that needs to wake up since they are seeing the impact of this growth. Nobody was complaining in 2019 when it grew by less than 2% either.

Well, first let me show you this

"As an economy grows, businesses and consumers spend more money on goods and services. In the growth stage of an economic cycle, demand typically outstrips the supply of goods, and producers can raise their prices. As a result, the rate of inflation increases. Inflation is a sustained rise in overall price levels."

In Germany at the moment the "economic growth" is not driven by higher consumer demands, but by higher inflation AND shorted supply of goods (e.g. natural gas and products you need natural gas for to produce). So if one say "Germany economy growth is 2% in 2022, then in real it is a decline cause of inflation what is not caused by higher consumer demand,

Normally the inflation over the last decades was around 2%. Now it is (let us believe the german gov/Bundesbank for this example) at ~ 8%. So in real the economic growth in germany in 2022 is 2%-8%+2%=-4%.

Is Russia a Western country?
Definitely not. Russia is an Asian country.

While Russian language is Slavic, Russians are whites by their race and Russian religion was Christianity before Communism killed it off, Russia is first and foremost the spiritual and societal heir of the Mongol Khanate. Russia slid irrevocably off the Western cultural sphere after 1237 and the Mongol Conquest, and the last vestiges of any Western heritage were obliterated in 1471 when Muscovy crushed Novgorod and destroyed it for good. The 243 years of the Mongol Yoke from 1237 to 1480 did Mongolicize Russia thoroughly. The irony is, of course, that today’s Mongolia is a rather nice and civil place, and would be one of the Economic Tigers if there wasn’t the widespread alcoholism problem.
It is far harder to define “what is Asian” rather than “what is Western”, but Russia definitely is not a Western country, and Russia relates to anything Western with utter hostility.
Let us inspect what makes Russia a non-Western country:
  • Authoritarian Patrimonialism. This is a form of government which has never really existed in the West, but is extremely common in Asia. In Authoritarian Patrimonialism, all power, both violence, economic and societal, are concentrated to one man, and everything radiates from him, and the country is considered to be his personal property. The ruler is above the law. This is an astonishingly stable form of statehood, and immune to any attempts to reform it. It really doesn’t matter if we call the ruler as Czar, Emperor, Premier or President, the system is just the one and the same.
  • Never having had either Feudalism nor Capitalism. Russia has never had either Feudal nor a Capitalist society. Russia has never experienced a form of statehood where the aristocrats or the entrepreneurs are independent from the ruler and being independent and self-standing. There has never been any checking power to the ruler and his power. There has never been anything like Magna Charta in Russia.
  • No rule of law. The ruler and his cronies are above any laws, and there is no independent jurisprudence. The judges and prosecutors exist solely as tools of the ruler to punish anyone who protests against the ruler. The law exists solely to prop up the state apparatus. Russia can be best described as an anarchotyranny - anarchy for crooks, tyranny for law-abiding peasants.
  • No civil society. Everything is dependent of the ruler, and there can be no independent organizations of individual citizens. The control of the state is total - it extends from the top of the society all the way to the peasant level.
  • Totally corrupt from the bottom level to the top. This is a part and parcel for all Authoritarian Patrimonialisms, but Russia has turned the knob up to eleven. As the only ways for the ruler to keep the cronies in control are punishments and favours and there is no rule of law, it means eveyrone steals and embezzles. Punitive measures follow only if someone steals too much or from a wrong person.
  • Macho honour culture, toxic masculinity and adoration of violent behaviour. While Westerners usually consider a violent fist hero as a dork, the Russian ideal of muzhik, “good man”, is of someone who cajoles with his higher-ups and keeps anyone below him in control with fists. Russian men display all the properties of machismo and toxic masculinity, and family violence is a non-issue as it is considered “keeping up home discipline”.
  • Widespread alcoholism and drug abuse. How do they drink vodka in Northern countries? In Sweden - with water. In Finland - without water. In Russia - like water. Alcohol is a coping mechanism, in Sweden and Russia because the winter sucks here, but in Russia because everything sucks.
  • Abject poverty aside astonishing opulence. The ordinary Russian has always been poor as a church mouse, while the cronies of the ruler have always been rich beyond any measures - because they get the opportunity to steal. Since the lack of the rule of law and lack of the civil society and total societal rottenness make any long term plans to get wealthy impossible, the Russians appreciate conspicuous consumption above all - to display you’re on a lucky streak now. No use to save anything because all your assets can be seized at any moment.
  • Ethical bigotry. No tolerance for sexual or gender minorities, no tolerance for Hippies or similar alternative lifestyle, no tolerance for Liberal or Libertarian mindset, no tolerance for independent opinions or any dissidence. A nail standing up gets beaten in.
  • No middle class. The ordinary Russian has always been a peasant and poor as a church mouse, while those in favour of the ruler are opulent beyond any measures. One of the features of Feudalism was the rise of independent cities and city bourgeoisie and middle class. There has never been a middle class in Russia - just the dirt poor peasants and filthy rich upper class. Instead there has been a lot of middleman minorities - Jews, Armenians, Georgians, Latvians and Finns.
  • No independent media. Independent media - the watchdog of the rulers - is an integral part of the Western society. It is an absolute no-no in Russia - everything is controlled by the state.
  • No human rights. None. Full stop. The Russians consider the concept of human rights as a devious plot to weaken the sacred fatherland and limit the omnipotence of the ruler, and demolish the power structure based on subjugation and physical violence.
  • Total blend of state, businessmen and organized crime. Russia can best be described as a mafia which has its own state and peasantry. The government sets a blind eye on the organized crime as long as it can use it to perform dirty operations both home and abroad, and the line between mafia bosses and Russian businessmen is one drawn on water.
  • Concept that Russia is perpetually in war with West. This is an important feature. For Westerners, there is war and there is peace. For the Russians, there isn’t. There are only various stages of conflict, varying from coerced armstice to all-out bang-bang war. Russia experiences it is perpetually in war with West, and relates to West with hostility, enhancing it with dirty operations, state vandalism, assassinations, sabotages and cyber assaults - all the time poking where West might be weak.
The Western world is the heir of Greek philosophy, Roman jurisprudence, Christianity and Enlightment.

Russia is the heir of Genghis Khan.
China knows if Russia is pushed it will use nukes not good for anyone

China also knows that if Russia loses Taiwan will start thinking about independence

Remember today Taiwan isn't a separate country no one including USA accepts Taiwan status as a separate country this status quo is atleast some what acceptable to China but if Taiwan believes it can get away it will call for independent pushing both China and USA into conflict (with Taiwan thinking it can make it and USA believing it may work)
Hence why China would want Russia to succeed preferable without over whelming involvement of China.

Hence why China has helped Russia economically by blocking any and all blockage but not military yet just indirectly via Iran and north Korea for shells and low tech things and this will continue to happen

Chenyacha was reduced to ash and then fully reconstructed with fully independent chenyain place din power.

It's not like China where mosques and languages are being demolished

Chechenyains are pretty happy and I hope they don't pick up another useless fight as long as their langauge and culture is reserved which is preserved and allowed for now

Early 1990s the fair was Russia will act like Soviet union and destroy their culture/religion but so far Russians have given a free hand

Chechnya will be stable as long as the money from Moscow keeps flowing. Moscow Thug Kadyrov sits on a constant stream of cash just to keep the region quiet. Putin and Kadyrov have been so closely associated for 15years+ if either one dies it’s all going to unravel quickly
Chechnya will be stable as long as the money from Moscow keeps flowing. Moscow Thug Kadyrov sits on a constant stream of cash just to keep the region quiet. Putin and Kadyrov have been so closely associated for 15years+ if either one dies it’s all going to unravel quickly
Not really I have spoken to people from Chechnya they are very happy and don't want anything with insurgency as slong as they have freedom in their land which they fully enjoy

Same is true for other states like daghistan. They are allowed to speak their langauge and practice their religion what else do they want

Is Russia a Western country?
Definitely not. Russia is an Asian country.

While Russian language is Slavic, Russians are whites by their race and Russian religion was Christianity before Communism killed it off, Russia is first and foremost the spiritual and societal heir of the Mongol Khanate. Russia slid irrevocably off the Western cultural sphere after 1237 and the Mongol Conquest, and the last vestiges of any Western heritage were obliterated in 1471 when Muscovy crushed Novgorod and destroyed it for good. The 243 years of the Mongol Yoke from 1237 to 1480 did Mongolicize Russia thoroughly. The irony is, of course, that today’s Mongolia is a rather nice and civil place, and would be one of the Economic Tigers if there wasn’t the widespread alcoholism problem.
It is far harder to define “what is Asian” rather than “what is Western”, but Russia definitely is not a Western country, and Russia relates to anything Western with utter hostility.
Let us inspect what makes Russia a non-Western country:
  • Authoritarian Patrimonialism. This is a form of government which has never really existed in the West, but is extremely common in Asia. In Authoritarian Patrimonialism, all power, both violence, economic and societal, are concentrated to one man, and everything radiates from him, and the country is considered to be his personal property. The ruler is above the law. This is an astonishingly stable form of statehood, and immune to any attempts to reform it. It really doesn’t matter if we call the ruler as Czar, Emperor, Premier or President, the system is just the one and the same.
  • Never having had either Feudalism nor Capitalism. Russia has never had either Feudal nor a Capitalist society. Russia has never experienced a form of statehood where the aristocrats or the entrepreneurs are independent from the ruler and being independent and self-standing. There has never been any checking power to the ruler and his power. There has never been anything like Magna Charta in Russia.
  • No rule of law. The ruler and his cronies are above any laws, and there is no independent jurisprudence. The judges and prosecutors exist solely as tools of the ruler to punish anyone who protests against the ruler. The law exists solely to prop up the state apparatus. Russia can be best described as an anarchotyranny - anarchy for crooks, tyranny for law-abiding peasants.
  • No civil society. Everything is dependent of the ruler, and there can be no independent organizations of individual citizens. The control of the state is total - it extends from the top of the society all the way to the peasant level.
  • Totally corrupt from the bottom level to the top. This is a part and parcel for all Authoritarian Patrimonialisms, but Russia has turned the knob up to eleven. As the only ways for the ruler to keep the cronies in control are punishments and favours and there is no rule of law, it means eveyrone steals and embezzles. Punitive measures follow only if someone steals too much or from a wrong person.
  • Macho honour culture, toxic masculinity and adoration of violent behaviour. While Westerners usually consider a violent fist hero as a dork, the Russian ideal of muzhik, “good man”, is of someone who cajoles with his higher-ups and keeps anyone below him in control with fists. Russian men display all the properties of machismo and toxic masculinity, and family violence is a non-issue as it is considered “keeping up home discipline”.
  • Widespread alcoholism and drug abuse. How do they drink vodka in Northern countries? In Sweden - with water. In Finland - without water. In Russia - like water. Alcohol is a coping mechanism, in Sweden and Russia because the winter sucks here, but in Russia because everything sucks.
  • Abject poverty aside astonishing opulence. The ordinary Russian has always been poor as a church mouse, while the cronies of the ruler have always been rich beyond any measures - because they get the opportunity to steal. Since the lack of the rule of law and lack of the civil society and total societal rottenness make any long term plans to get wealthy impossible, the Russians appreciate conspicuous consumption above all - to display you’re on a lucky streak now. No use to save anything because all your assets can be seized at any moment.
  • Ethical bigotry. No tolerance for sexual or gender minorities, no tolerance for Hippies or similar alternative lifestyle, no tolerance for Liberal or Libertarian mindset, no tolerance for independent opinions or any dissidence. A nail standing up gets beaten in.
  • No middle class. The ordinary Russian has always been a peasant and poor as a church mouse, while those in favour of the ruler are opulent beyond any measures. One of the features of Feudalism was the rise of independent cities and city bourgeoisie and middle class. There has never been a middle class in Russia - just the dirt poor peasants and filthy rich upper class. Instead there has been a lot of middleman minorities - Jews, Armenians, Georgians, Latvians and Finns.
  • No independent media. Independent media - the watchdog of the rulers - is an integral part of the Western society. It is an absolute no-no in Russia - everything is controlled by the state.
  • No human rights. None. Full stop. The Russians consider the concept of human rights as a devious plot to weaken the sacred fatherland and limit the omnipotence of the ruler, and demolish the power structure based on subjugation and physical violence.
  • Total blend of state, businessmen and organized crime. Russia can best be described as a mafia which has its own state and peasantry. The government sets a blind eye on the organized crime as long as it can use it to perform dirty operations both home and abroad, and the line between mafia bosses and Russian businessmen is one drawn on water.
  • Concept that Russia is perpetually in war with West. This is an important feature. For Westerners, there is war and there is peace. For the Russians, there isn’t. There are only various stages of conflict, varying from coerced armstice to all-out bang-bang war. Russia experiences it is perpetually in war with West, and relates to West with hostility, enhancing it with dirty operations, state vandalism, assassinations, sabotages and cyber assaults - all the time poking where West might be weak.
The Western world is the heir of Greek philosophy, Roman jurisprudence, Christianity and Enlightment.

Russia is the heir of Genghis Khan.
As far as history has taught me : Anglo-Saxons have Italian genes and the Europeans have Mongol genes, both the product of brute savagery of the highest order.
A independent state, snatched back from the hands of the manipulating Zionists

You know, their pres is a literal communist

Khrushchev was the head of the party in Ukraine, and Brezhnev was Ukrainian.

Technicalities missing, both were ethnic Russians whose families lived in Ukraine for a few generations. When people say that CPSU was ran by Ukrainians, they need to say those were Russian-Ukrainians, not Ukrainian-Ukrainians.

After the death of first generation of CPSU leaders, who were quite cosmopolitan, urban, and educated, came Stalin, and mostly Russian, and of less urban origins. After Stalin, came Khrushchev, and he was openly patronizing of people who came from origins like his own. Russian, but thoroughly Ukrainised.

They were Russian enough to slip through ethnic cleansings, and discrimination, but in everything else they were much like Ukrainians.
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You are not concerned of revealing privacy to public? I often make jokes and criticize communist China, pissing on criminals such as Putin. If they find out where I live, well, who knows, they send assassins.
Well, I have enough guns here to protect myself, and I know how to use them, let them come lol.....

Joke aside, I know OPSEC, I didn't tell them anything other than which country I am in now, and what I used to do. You can't trace back to me with the stuff that I said, and there isn't anything I leave out that can reveal my identity.

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