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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I never said I was Filippino

Dad was Chicano (It's Mex-Am, probably you confused that with Filipino), mom is Vietnamese born in China. her family have a textile and steel production company, which make anything from re-bar to the metal bar you use on a fan, Vietnam and China respectively which we still run today. And My dad has had 3 farms on his side in the US, all these are still in play. Considering that 300K USD (or around 450K AUD) annually is nothing, as it split between me, my sister and my brother.

My wife is a lawyer, she earns between 110k to 180k depends on her end of year bonus, she does PI work, so her job is paid to a partnership, runs on a base salary and depends on case and settlement she brings home an end of year bonus that is a percentage of settlement she earns. Base pay is 80k after pot (not that pot, it's a pool of money the individual lawyer in partnership made that contribute back to the firm) and tax, and she usually bring home double that with the end of year payout. And she usually contributes her base pay to the household and use the rest on herself.

I used to work for NSW Police, getting civilian pays with a Sergeant Pay scale (or Const 5) as I teach interview/interrogation technique in Detective Course and Forensic Intelligence, I no longer work for them after COVID was on terminal leave in 2021. I used to work 4 days with 3 days off. 45 hours a week in an office is tough work. My paid is actually just above median. A rookie (or Probie, but don't tell the cop I said that, they hated the term probie) earn 76k a year so the 89K I earn is not really that much, it's between a Senior Constable and Sergeant Salary. I also do have book royalty and I did think tank work, I have 2 published book on Intelligence Gathering, and I now work full time with a Sydney Based Defence Think Tank. All up these are about 100k a year.

And yes, we bought the house I am in for 750k around 8 years ago. It's Blacktown so it's average price I guess.

I don't think the living expense is that bad, I mean, sure, my household bill jump about 70% but still manageable. We don't have kids so that save us a lot of money, the thing I have problem the most is pet needs. pet food jumped about 200% I mean, I have 2 cats, they sued to cost me around $45 a week, and around 200 for vet, now it's almost double.

For new Australian, even 90k a year aren't bad, you pay around $500 a week for a nice apartment in the suburb like Campbelltown or Penrith, or 700-900 in the city, which is only 1/3 of your paycheque. You can still save up and pay for the mortgage, if you don't go holiday oversea or so on. I know people who are earning around 55k a year manage to get on home ownership, it's really depends on how much you save and where you live.

Haha at risk of continuing this off topic conversation, this is crazy good income I have to say. Not your job but as a combined income from family businesses and your wife. Lawyers in Aus big cities can really earn some good money but their hours can be crazier than the income. Some friends are no strangers to 70 hour weeks due to being more junior level.

Sydney and Melbourne property prices are basically even really. Melbourne has the reputation of being maybe 80% Sydney cost but there are downsides that aren't calculated into this.

90K a year is far from bad even living in one of those two cities. But it means you'll never buy a nice house at this income rate only. Depends where one wishes to purchase their property. I'm referring to something like a minimum 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with at least one parking spot. Yes apartments are much more affordable particularly in Melbourne and yeah this income is comfortable if you have property. For your status, you can afford live like an absolute king... until you have kids.
russians, ukrainians and americans are all Islamaphobic fascists. All three are mass murderers of Millions of Muslims globally. I am happy watching these gora slaughter each other. Long may it continue. If they weren't killing each other, they would be killing millions of brown/olive-skinned Muslims. That is the reality.

This is very true.
You know how easy it is for a russian to put on an ukranian uniform and make a lowbudget propaganda twitter video?

You know what was really despicable?
Russias treatment of tartars and chechens.
In meantime ukraine has a decent record for muslim minority rights:

Russian propaganda is full on Fascist Goebbels rulebook.
“accuse others that of which you are guilty of”.
its absolutely disgusting

Your defending Russia…an agressive colonialist empire which genocided and murdered muslims in the millions…but but…”here is a low quality video of some guy in an ukranian uniform messing with the quran! Those ukranians deserve to be ethnically cleansed! “

How that that read? Cause thats basically what you are doing you fucking muppet.

I see another arseh0le has been triggered by facts.
The Tatars & Chechens are doing just fine in Russia and live in a very thriving community. I don't buy into the western lies to defame the Russian state.
Nowhere have I stated that Ukrainians deserve to be ethnically cleansed you dumb twat! Russia would have carpet bombed Ukraine if they wanted that just like your western masters did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and countless others.
I am however for the annihilation of Ukro-Nazi's regiments who have been ethnically cleansing in the Donbass unabated for far to long without the international community batting an eyelid. The home of orthodox Christianity will Unite with the Islamic world and this can be seen happening now. The world has had enough of the Wests hegemony and so whether you like it or not, we're heading for a multi-polar world. Heeeee Hooooo!
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These hypocrite Ukronazis were bombing and illegally invading Iraq in the coalition. Now they want sympathy from us. No sane Muslim should support Ukraine. What's happening to them is divine justice for their illegal participation in the Iraq war.

He's a reddit shill paid to simp for daddyusa.
When incompetent people are made mods they can give you negative rating for anything you said and they don't like.
I wonder this thread has left any credibility for free speech.
I see another arseh0le has been triggered by facts.
The Tatars & Chechens are doing just fine in Russia and live in a very thriving community. I don't buy into the western lies to defame the Russian state.
Nowhere have I stated that Ukrainians deserve to be ethnically cleansed you dumb twat! Russia would have carpet bombed Ukraine if they wanted that just like your western masters did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and countless others.
I am however against the annihilation of Ukro-Nazi's regiments who have been ethnically cleansing in the Donbass unabated for far to long without the international community batting an eyelid. The home of orthodox Christianity will Unite with the Islamic world and this can be seen happening now. The world has had enough of the Wests hegemony and so whether you like it or not, we're heading for a multi-polar world. Heeeee Hooooo!

Orthodox Christians, americans, russians and ukrainians are ALL Islamaphobes to the core. NONE of them aare the friends or well-wishers of Muslims. In fact ALL are responsible for the deaths of countless millions of Muslims all around the world. After 9-11, putin said that the west and russia should unite against the "common enemy" of christian european civilisation. Let these goreh slaughter each other. Better for us. If they weren't killing each other they would be killing us.
I see another arseh0le has been triggered by facts.
The Tatars & Chechens are doing just fine in Russia and live in a very thriving community. I don't buy into the western lies to defame the Russian state.
Nowhere have I stated that Ukrainians deserve to be ethnically cleansed you dumb twat! Russia would have carpet bombed Ukraine if they wanted that just like your western masters did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and countless others.
I am however against the annihilation of Ukro-Nazi's regiments who have been ethnically cleansing in the Donbass unabated for far to long without the international community batting an eyelid. The home of orthodox Christianity will Unite with the Islamic world and this can be seen happening now. The world has had enough of the Wests hegemony and so whether you like it or not, we're heading for a multi-polar world. Heeeee Hooooo!

Weren't these the same Chechen guys who just fifteen years ago, were trying to kill as many Russians as they could?lol . Are the Chechens stupid or something? Why are they fighting for the Russians, the same Russians that have been killing them for centuries years?
Orthodox Christians, americans, russians and ukrainians are ALL Islamaphobes to the core. NONE of them aare the friends or well-wishers of Muslims. In fact ALL are responsible for the deaths of countless millions of Muslims all around the world. After 9-11, putin said that the west and russia should unite against the "common enemy" of christian european civilisation. Let these goreh slaughter each other. Better for us. If they weren't killing each other they would be killing us.

@PAKISTANFOREVER - Orthodox Christianity have much in common with us and should be supported against the globalist agenda. They will form an alliance with the Islamic world going forward. Watch this....

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I see another arseh0le has been triggered by facts.
The Tatars & Chechens are doing just fine in Russia and live in a very thriving community. I don't buy into the western lies to defame the Russian state.
Under soviet rudsia they were ethnically cleansed.

Russia was brutal against the chechens

After 2014. Russia imposed laws on tartars that it would then use as excuse to invade the donbass for when its about russian speakers the fucking hypocrites.

You basically dont know what the **** your talking about. Learn history.
Nowhere have I stated that Ukrainians deserve to be ethnically cleansed you dumb twat!
Its literally whats happening as result of russias artillery flattening tactics and bucha treatment. 1/4 of ukranian total population fled.
In a lot of areas only 20% pro russians remain.

You are here…cheering for the agressor…
Russia would have carpet bombed Ukraine if they wanted that just like your western masters did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and countless others.
You are using afghanistan as example. Where life expectancy greatly increased under nato control…to defend russia’s war of agression on ukraine (previously genocided during holodomor by russia)…while russia also attacked afghanistan causing a million dead and plummeting life expectancy.

I am however for the annihilation of Ukro-Nazi's regiments who have been ethnically cleansing in the Donbass unabated for far to long without the international community batting an eyelid.
Nonsence. UN was monitoring.
And hate to burst your fake news…but casualties were pretty evenly matched and mostly due to collateral damage from government vs seperatists…latter hugely supported by russia by the way.
The home of orthodox Christianity will Unite with the Islamic world and this can be seen happening now. The world has had enough of the Wests hegemony and so whether you like it or not, we're heading for a multi-polar world. Heeeee Hooooo!
Look at un votes on russias war of agression.
Russia is losing the orthodox allies it used to have (ukraine/kazachstan)
Haha at risk of continuing this off topic conversation, this is crazy good income I have to say. Not your job but as a combined income from family businesses and your wife. Lawyers in Aus big cities can really earn some good money but their hours can be crazier than the income. Some friends are no strangers to 70 hour weeks due to being more junior level.

Sydney and Melbourne property prices are basically even really. Melbourne has the reputation of being maybe 80% Sydney cost but there are downsides that aren't calculated into this.

90K a year is far from bad even living in one of those two cities. But it means you'll never buy a nice house at this income rate only. Depends where one wishes to purchase their property. I'm referring to something like a minimum 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with at least one parking spot. Yes apartments are much more affordable particularly in Melbourne and yeah this income is comfortable if you have property. For your status, you can afford live like an absolute king... until you have kids.
Well, Law Enforcement are always pays good in Oz, I did virtually the same thing in the US for 38K a year. (about 60 grand) and I have more hours because I was actually working as a detective. So I would need to go do cases, have overtime and pull double shifts, here, the class schedule is fixed, I don't need to do anything, just need to show up on classes. To be fair, I was attracted by the reward they offer here in Australia. I move here because Police here offer multiple hundred thousand dollars reward for cold case, sometime even millions like William Tyrrel case, back in the US, even high profile case seldom get more than 100K reward. I know a lot of ex-FBI and ex-CIA move here to try to solve cold case and work as bounty hunter.

Lawyer income really depends. Most firm work as a partnership, so they are all paid a base rate and you take home whatever you earn with retaining the settlement, and if you lose a case, you don't earn. Retainer usually 33 (1/3) to 45% of a settlement, and working on PI (Personal Injury) it basically MTA (Motor Traffic Accident) or Workman Comp. You are talking about averaging 100-250k payout per case, so payout is about 30-50k a case before tax and before expense, some time you get cases that goes up to million dollar + settlement, and say retainer is 45% and you have 4 partners working on that case, then everyone takes home 110k just that case alone. But usually if you go to court, the hours are crazy, you have to work 10 hours a day and the spend the other 8 in court. If my wife has court that day, I most likely will not see her at home at all.

Junior Lawyer are shit, they work as a lawyer but get paid paralegal salary. Everybody does that tho, you work menial job like drafting statement, getting lunch and research case law and so on, you work 9 to 9 and get pay like a bus driver because you aren't partner.

Well, I think buying house is about how you manage your properties portfolio, you start with one, then try to pay it off as quickly as possible, and then use that as equity and get another loan for another property, and then lease out that one to have the renter pay the mortgage for you, and you do the same with the third, fourth, fifth and so on. My brother did that, and he own 2 home in Hong Kong and 2 Condo in the US with just around 70K US salary a year. All you need is a steady job, saving and people who are willing to rent your place, which is not hard at all now.
Under soviet rudsia they were ethnically cleansed.

Russia was brutal against the chechens

After 2014. Russia imposed laws on tartars that it would then use as excuse to invade the donbass for when its about russian speakers the fucking hypocrites.

You basically dont know what the **** your talking about. Learn history.

Its literally whats happening as result of russias artillery flattening tactics and bucha treatment. 1/4 of ukranian total population fled.
In a lot of areas only 20% pro russians remain.

You are here…cheering for the agressor…

You are using afghanistan as example. Where life expectancy greatly increased under nato control…to defend russia’s war of agression on ukraine (previously genocided during holodomor by russia)…while russia also attacked afghanistan causing a million dead and plummeting life expectancy.


Nonsence. UN was monitoring.
And hate to burst your fake news…but casualties were pretty evenly matched and mostly due to collateral damage from government vs seperatists…latter hugely supported by russia by the way.

Look at un votes on russias war of agression.
Russia is losing the orthodox allies it used to have (ukraine/kazachstan)

Mixing and matching History to suite your agenda I see. I don't take people seriously who think that the Soviet Union and modern day Russia are the same thing. I'll briefly break it down for you.

1. USSR - An entity created and controlled by Zionists/Banksters/Marxists under which crimes against ethnic minorities took place. When the Soviet Union broke up, these very people created mini pockets of resistance and separatists to stab Russia as they lost their grip on power.

2. Russia - A independent state, snatched back from the hands of the manipulating Zionists which is debt free externally and a slave to no external entity. A country which is diverse and extremely resource rich which is what is making the asses of the West itch endlessly. It is why Putin said in his speech that he will "Find the traitors and parasites" within Russia and pick them off one by one. This is also why Israel is agitated and why you have a large volume of Zionists fleeing Russia for Israel over the last couple of years.
Comedian is a job. Like other jobs. What’s bad about be a comedian? Trump is a businessman, Hitler a painter, Xi as peasant revolutionary, Putin a spy, Scholz a lawyer. What job is best?
About Spain, a perfect place for winter holiday. but seriously I never understand the separatists in catalonia, in bask.

I didnt say nothing against comediands. I love political bad taste jokes :enjoy:. South Spanish coast and Canary islands can be acceptable in Winter, but the rest hasn't nothing to envy to real cold zones.

Stalin was a guy from Georgia who hated Russia, Khrushchev was the head of the party in Ukraine, and Brezhnev was Ukrainian.

The Soviet Union was an anti-Russian set-up that was founded by a coalition of Russia-haters.

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