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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I am a Military intelligence guy, I don't do Bullshit, you may like it, I don't,

I look at data and information and predict what is going to happen. In this war, I have made 5 predictions, 4 of them turns out to be correct. 5th one is ongoing. (Well, 6 if you also consider my "Mariupol" prediction, but then that's a no brainer)

I was already talking about HIMARS transfer back in April 2022 talking to @Oldman1 here on this forum when the US is negotiating with BAe for right of transfer, it wasn't really a rocket science to think HIMARS is going to be on the list when it is what they needed and why they will go to BAe for if not for HIMARS. US announce HIMARS transfer in May 2022.

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In June 2022, I predicted Ukrainian is going to make a push into Kupiansk in this forum, it's simple data really, HIMARS have 80km+ range, Kupiansk was then 74km into Ukrainian Controlled Kharkiv, it again didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Kupiansk is going to be Ukrainian next target once they get their hand on enough HIMARS. They made the push in September all in all telling everyone they are going to push into Kherson.

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In October 2022, after the Kerch Bridge bombing, I predicted Russian is going to be lucky to hold on to Kherson by the end of this year. Many people here laugh at my prediction, but again, you put 2 and 2 together and you will know there are no way they can supply both Crimea and Kherson with that extended supply line with a damaged bridge. Kherson was liberated by Ukrainian in Nov 2022.

The 4th prediction I made was the West is going to supply Ukraine with APC and Tanks if I was in charge of Ukrainian weapon program on Jan 1 2023, immediately after US signed deal on transferring Bradley (IIRC it was on Jan 6) and then 31 M1 Abrams comes after. You don't need to know your shit to know that would happen. But that still a correct prediction nonetheless.

The final prediction I made is Ukraine is going to be able to hold on to T-0504 anywhere form 2 weeks to 2 months and hold on the Bakhmut until said road was cut, I made that post on Feb 9, and today is March 12. You be the judge on that one.

This is what I do, I don't go around and claim I am right and I know shit because I was right, I made prediction on war that based on actionable intelligence. You want to buy his "Mine is right" that's not my business.
Good analysis and predictions but since you don't have a crystal ball it is hard to predict which way this war will go. You seriously have underestimated the China angle and the reciprocation of support from Russia allied nations. India is playing a double game and crudely insulted the US and allies by supplying goods and buying commodities from Russia and continue to support Russia as an ally with the pretext of being a "sovereign nation and taking self interest decisions and actions". This NATO - Russia war in Ukraine will have decisive consequences for the world order with China and India coming out on top whatever the outcome whilst the Zion economies will be ravaged with recessions and reduced economies when the world turns against them. Offering brown faces in the highest positions in government in Zion states for the purpose of acquiring trade positions will only consolidate Indian hegemony in political and economical play within those countries.

Unless NATO supplies troops the Ukrainians are seriously disadvantaged as almost 20% of Ukrainians have fled the country, 20% that should have been working on war aligned functions but who instead are being exploited as European cheap labour.

As for "military intelligence" you guys get it wrong many a times as we have seen in many conflicts. As your job is observe and report there are many things you cannot see such as the human will to fight, the human fire for freedom and the love of God over love for self.
and i prove the evidence of war in Europe date 2400 years before the evidence you provided for existence of war in china and it started with massacre , at least in china it was war , not killing defenseless people
That is not proof that the Chinese learned from Europe.
Furthermore, to call a massace of a few dozen people a war is questionable.


Incidently humans have been using spears for at least 400,000 years.
There is proof that humans have been killed by spears for at least 100,000 years.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_warfare shows that people were killed by arrows in Sudan 13,000 years ago.

Lack of documentation is not proof that something did not happen.
The fact is that noone knows the history of warfare, but Chinese have been fighting wars since the beginning of history, so they have nothing to brag about.
Good analysis and predictions but since you don't have a crystal ball it is hard to predict which way this war will go. You seriously have underestimated the China angle and the reciprocation of support from Russia allied nations. India is playing a double game and crudely insulted the US and allies by supplying goods and buying commodities from Russia and continue to support Russia as an ally with the pretext of being a "sovereign nation and taking self interest decisions and actions". This NATO - Russia war in Ukraine will have decisive consequences for the world order with China and India coming out on top whatever the outcome whilst the Zion economies will be ravaged with recessions and reduced economies when the world turns against them. Offering brown faces in the highest positions in government in Zion states for the purpose of acquiring trade positions will only consolidate Indian hegemony in political and economical play within those countries.

Unless NATO supplies troops the Ukrainians are seriously disadvantaged as almost 20% of Ukrainians have fled the country, 20% that should have been working on war aligned functions but who instead are being exploited in European cheap labour.

As for "military intelligence" you guys get it wrong many a times as we have seen in many conflicts. As your job is observe and report there are many things you cannot see such as the human will to fight, the human fire for freedom and the love of God over love for self.
Laws on neutrality allow trade with belligerent nations, as long as they avoid selling certain items. India and China are enemies and are as likely to go down the drains.
A lot of russian economic information comes straight from russia state media.
And from 2022 numbers which saw hugely inflated prices.

But on one hand they claim high inflation will crush eu economies and public support!

Russias inflation is now higher then the eu however….
And yet you claim russia should just start printing out hundreds of billions to cover deficit? What effect is that going to have?

Lets see after 2023 how russia fared.
Nobody knows exactly about the russian economy, because Russia stopped providing data. Putin is basically just providing a number when needed, and the pro russians post it as facts.
But some follow russian trade through the numbers given by Russias trading partners, and they conclude Russias economy is seriously declining.
Russia printing more rubles would be pointless. They might aswell print toiletpaper and call it a currency. Nobody outside Russia would want it, because nobody knows the value of the ruble.
UA intel says Russian pullout redline is 3 million losses. It is like half of their 20-30 aged men.

Obviously, it will be a deadly blow to the country demographically.

But there are big doubts if they can mobilise even half a million with their logistics.
Whose Intel? That's the problem

We blindly trust one Intel.
The same Intel told us afgahnistan is stable (even though we at Afghanistan neighborhood said it's not)

Same Intel said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.

You would expect USA and Europe to tell you Russia is winning or even holding off

The day that report comes out the funding will stop because people in Europe and USA will be up in arms to stop this war (as inflation is hurting people)

In this war you have to look at claims at both sides and then look at ground situation

Which is clear
Sanctions aren't enough and Russia is slowing but surely going to take donbass by end of this year..

Unless Ukriane gets cluster ammunition and F16s..that's what Poland is saying

Nobody knows exactly about the russian economy, because Russia stopped providing data. Putin is basically just providing a number when needed, and the pro russians post it as facts.
But some follow russian trade through the numbers given by Russias trading partners, and they conclude Russias economy is seriously declining.
Russia printing more rubles would be pointless. They might aswell print toiletpaper and call it a currency. Nobody outside Russia would want it, because nobody knows the value of the ruble.
EVERYONE knows hard Russian exports number

And the number is massive..
Russia is running a big surplus in current account deficit

A lot of russian economic information comes straight from russia state media.
And from 2022 numbers which saw hugely inflated prices.

But on one hand they claim high inflation will crush eu economies and public support!

Russias inflation is now higher then the eu however….
And yet you claim russia should just start printing out hundreds of billions to cover deficit? What effect is that going to have?

Lets see after 2023 how russia fared.
Number provided by Russia are wrong ?? But why?

How come Russia would have high inflation..the math doesn't add up

For inflation to be higher you either need to have high import cost or high raw material cost.. nothing has changed for Russia

Imports are cheaper then ever and ruble is stronger then ever..!! So how will Russia get inflation???
The only thing expensive will be iphones not food energy or anything it can source from China(which is basically everything except iphones and high end chips)

Nonsense from western sources is no different then what non sense Russia does by inflating it's weapons capabilities (on this forum when use to discredit Russia weapons advance avionics/ systems given lack of r&d since 1980s)
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Ukraine has chosen the chechnya route i.e slow destructive defeat rather then Georgian path i.e accept terms for negotiated settlement

Result will be same.
Thousands of Russians and many more Ukrainians will die with ultimate Victory for Russia unless west takes it more seriously with better weapons
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Whose Intel? That's the problem

We blindly trust one Intel.
The same Intel told us afgahnistan is stable (even though we at Afghanistan neighborhood said it's not)

Do we have any reason to doubt that Russians have set a "very high red line"?

Any higher than an already mind boggling number of 3 millions, and it's simply unfathomable how they will function as a country. They will turn into Paraguay.

And there is no doubt, they have logistic difficulties mobilising troops even as foot soldiers.

We have all reasons to doubt them being able to physically deliver even 1 million bodies to the frontline. For them to lose 3 million troops, they at least need to get these 3 million troops to the frontlines first.
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Result will be same.
Thousands of Russians and many more Ukrainians will die with ultimate Victory for Russia unless west takes it more seriously with better weapons

I will agree with you on that the West is absolutely not taking it seriously.

It is a stark contrast with Western leaders giving panicky speeches with shaking ankles in Poland a year ago.

They got at ease now as they know that there is no chance of Russians going to Poland now.
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