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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Sure, you have degrees in every field by now, the same old story of knowing it all and refusing to admit any mistakes and the same strange command of English as usual.


What is next, you are going to tell me that Sunni and Shia Islam are not part of the Islamic family or Islam?

This is getting ridiculous.
Sure, that's a lie I made up 8 years ago that I have a degree in Political Science Degree so I can prove some random poster wrong in 2023 in a Ukrainian Thread..

Education :

Bachelor of Science in Political Science and International Politics

Master in International Business


I am specialised in killing. And I can drive a Bradley faster than a Ferrari lol Muwahaha

I served 7 years with the US Army, AIT at Cavalry Operation then move to Infantry Tactics and finally Defence Intelligence Specialist.

After the Army, I worked in many odd jobs, I was once forensic photographer for MPD and also worked in Movie Production company as a technical advisor.
Sometime it pays to read member page before commenting.

On the other hand, about Christianity, as I said, you believe what you want to believe, just don't go around and say other people is wrong. Because Dr. Lattier said otherwise and I choose his opinion than you, especially he show the historical point of view, and you show us what you think and then proceed to say everyone else, include this theology doctor, is wrong. .
Sure, that's a lie I made up 8 years ago that I have a degree in Political Science Degree so I can prove some random poster wrong in 2023 in a Ukrainian Thread..

Sometime it pays to read member page before commenting.

On the other hand, about Christianity, as I said, you believe what you want to believe, just don't go around and say other people is wrong. Because Dr. Lattier said otherwise and I choose his opinion than you, especially he show the historical point of view, and you show us what you think.

Dude, when somebody uses their educational background, make claims on an anonymous forum etc. as an argument, I quit taking it seriously. I am not interested in what you claim to be but what you are writing.

I cannot take your claim seriously, when you are refusing to admit that Christian sects are a part of Christianity when they are and they consider themselves to be a part of Christianity and I would claim that every theologist would claim the same thing as well.
Dude, when somebody uses their educational background, make claims on an anonymous forum etc. as an argument, I quit taking it seriously. I am not interested in what you claim to be but what you are writing.

I cannot take your claim seriously, when you are refusing to admit that Christian sects are NOT a part of Christianity when they are and they consider themselves to be a part of Christianity and I would claim that every theologist would claim the same thing as well.
First of all, I never discuss politic with you, I said it so you don't go straight into it, I can discuss Politic with you if you want, but then it would mostly ended up you being gobsmacked and only keep saying you are right and I am wrong no matter how much academic reference and data I put in.

Secondly, I never said Christian Denomination is not part of Christianity, I said the offshoot does not share the same believe, other than the core believe of Jesus and the Lord, if that is what you said, then yes, you are right, but then you aren't saying that, you are saying since they are all "Part" of Christianity, they share the same belief and doctrine, THAT IS WHAT WE ARE ARGUING ABOUT, not whether or not they all believe in God, because there is a question of what denomination believe in Trinities, Holy date and so on, each of the different denomination have different doctrine and believe, and the West were always more secular
The Russian are winning...

First of all, I never discuss politic with you, I said it so you don't go straight into it, I can discuss Politic with you if you want, but then it would mostly ended up you being gobsmacked and only keep saying you are right and I am wrong no matter how much academic reference and data I put in.

Secondly, I never said Christian Denomination is not part of Christianity Family, I said the offshoot does not share the same believe, other than the core believe of Jesus and the Lord, if that is what you said, then yes, you are right, but then you aren't saying that, you are saying since they are all "Part" of Christianity, they share the same belief and doctrine, THAT IS WHAT WE ARE ARGUING ABOUT, not whether or not they all believe in God, because there is a question of what denomination believe in Trinities, Holy date and so on, each of the different denomination have different doctrine and believe, and the West were always more secular


Nonsense to the first part.

Second part is more nonsense. I never claimed anything of what you claim I did.

Anyway since you are such a brilliant "scientist", why don't you tell us all where you invented the notion of Orthodox Christianity being more militant than Catholic Christianity?

More funnily, you alluded to NATO just being a security pact when that is blatantly false. Similarly completely and incomprehensibly misunderstood what I was writting the entire time hence your use of Turkey which I already explained and which confirmed my initial points and not the opposite.

As funny as you claiming in another discussion that Eastern Ukraine is the birth place of modern Ukrainian nationalism. Of course without ever providing any sources that confirms your claim.

Even more funny, you thinking, some nobody online, what my degree of knowledge in Christianity is (or any topic for that matter) or even my background or beliefs etc.

The amount of arrogance is quite staggering.

Nonsense to the first part.

Second part is more nonsense. I never claimed anything of what you claim I did.

Anyway since you are such a brilliant "scientist", why don't you tell us all where you invented the notion of Orthodox Christianity being more militant than Catholic Christianity?

More funnily, you alluded to NATO just being a security pact when that is blatantly false. Similarly completely and incomprehensibly misunderstood what I was writting the entire time hence your use of Turkey which I already explained and which confirmed my initial points and not the opposite.

As funny as you claiming in another discussion that Eastern Ukraine is the birth place of modern Ukrainian nationalism. Of course without ever providing any sources that confirms your claim.
Sure, everything is nonsense to you.

But when it's time for you to show proof, you became a no-show Susie

Show me where in NATO Charter show that it does more than Security Cooperation, and I will keep on with you on topic, otherwise it's pointless to discuss with someone based solely on their delusional thought that NATO do more than what its charter alluded to.

Also, show me where in the Bible say all Christianity is militant to other religion, again, I have already show you how Secularism was born on Western Denomination written by a PhD in Theology, and you give me nothing, and again, it is pointless to discuss with someone based on their delusional agenda.


On the other hand, I am still waiting on the proof that you should show that most Ukrainian were ethnic Russian in the previous argument. This is how sleezy you are with any argument.
Sure, everything is nonsense to you.

But when it's time for you to show proof, you became a no-show Susie

Show me where in NATO Charter show that it does more than Security Cooperation, and I will keep on with you on topic, otherwise it's pointless to discuss with someone based solely on their delusional thought that NATO do more than what its charter alluded to.

Also, show me where in the Bible say all Christianity is militant to other religion, again, I have already show you how Secularism was born on Western Denomination written by a PhD in Theology, and you give me nothing, and again, it is pointless to discuss with someone based on their delusional agenda.


On the other hand, I am still waiting on the proof that you should show that most Ukrainian were ethnic Russian in the previous argument. This is how sleezy you are with any argument.

More trolling. You are the supposed learned person that is telling the world what your supposed education is. Forget that? Not me. You are also the one that is supposedly knowing everything about my knowledge about Christianity and God's know what.

My conclusion is that you have problems understanding English. That explains your constant false claims that you are attributing to me.

You are the one that claimed that Orthodoxy was more militant than Catholicism, did you suddenly forget that? Not me.

The only thing that I have said throughout this discussion is that those 3 Christian sects are part of Christianity despite theological differences and that they used to (Christians of Europe) unite against non-Christians in the past.

Try to think outside of the box for a while. This is not law. NATO is a security organization but DE FACTO it is much more than just that and an extension of the Western liberal-democratic order as is EU (the economic vehicle of this liberal-democratic Western order).

So in conclusion, nothing that I wrote is inaccurate.

As for your last fake claim (once again), I never claimed that ethnic Russians are the majority in Ukraine. Why are you lying? I wrote that the vast majority of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine (Donbas) and Crimea usually voted for pro-Russian political parties and that I suspect that most ethnic Russians remain pro-Russian, which events in Crimea confirm.

I am ending it here, as I am wasting my time. You can have the last word, I don't care.
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