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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Any particular reason why a Vietnamese based in Germany is such an US/NATO shill? Excuse my language but did the Americans not mass-murder Vietnamese a few decades ago and laying waste to much of Vietnam?

You keep talking about primitive Russians but in the real world (historically as well) Ukrainians are the primitive ones and were known as such too (Cossacks).

Russia and Russians have given infinitely more to the world than Ukraine will ever do.
The West

The West has become a religious cult and a mental kindergarten.

I do not know what is worse, their ignorance or their fanaticism or the evil cynicism of their bosses.

In 2008 and 2014 they said: -we are going to convert the Russian naval base in Sevastopol into a NATO naval base. Something that clearly leads to a big crisis.

And then they come to this thread with their chuckles to say that the ruling class of London-Washington did that thinking about the welfare of Ukrainians.

They are insufferable.

The West

The West has become a religious cult and a mental kindergarten.

I do not know what is worse, their ignorance or their fanaticism or the evil cynicism of their bosses.

In 2008 and 2014 they said: -we are going to convert the Russian naval base in Sevastopol into a NATO naval base. Something that clearly leads to a big crisis.

And then they come to this thread with their chuckles to say that the ruling class of London-Washington did that thinking about the welfare of Ukrainians.

They are insufferable.

Spain is extremely pro-Ukraine. Whether the right or left (Vox or current party in power).

Not only that, Spain is part of the same West and one of the foremost Western colonial powers.


Spain was once doing what the US (foremost power today or at least since WW2) have been doing.

USSR/Russia were supporting the socialists/communists during the Spanish civil war that ended up losing as we all know. I would argue for the better of Spain.
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No not double standards. As a westerner, I'm a proponent on a multi-polar world as I believe someone needs to place checks and balances on the West and the free reign they have had to wreak havoc through the world. Finally there is someone who has decided to that the initiative and stand up to the double standards of Uncle Sam. They have had enough of the aggression despite the multiple warnings over the last 20 years. Russia Watched as NATO interfered with Russian Allies (Libya, Syria). Ukraine is and has always been a red line and unfortunately the clown of Kiev sentenced his people to decimation full well knowing the consequences of his actions. Russia is fighting aggression towards it, not the other way round....


First this map is bullshit, secondly, the fact US troops are on Russia's border is because those countries do not want to be in the "Russian sphere of influence", they chose the US because they knew how it was to be under Russian occupation, they know Russia will never abandon their "lost territories".

All the countries that joined NATO did it on their freewill, no one has been forced to join the alliance or to host US forces on their soils. Ukrainians willing to die than to be under Russian occupation should tell you much about what people in eastern Europe think of Russia.

Only Russia has started this war, not the other way around. Now that the whole world saw how their invasion has badly failed and their armed forces are trash, they are trying to find scapegoats and coming with BS claims "they are fighting NATO". Nato would plain and simple pulverize those drunkards, that is why they are agitating the nuclear threat every days, but Russians are all talk they will do jack shit. They didn't even dare to attack any western weapon shipment and some think they'll use nuclear weapons, lmao.
First this map is bullshit, secondly, the fact US troops are on Russia's border is because those countries do not want to be in the "Russian sphere of influence", they chose the US because they knew how it was to be under Russian occupation, they know Russia will never abandon their "lost territories".

All the countries that joined NATO did it on their freewill, no one has been forced to join the alliance or to host US forces on their soils. Ukrainians willing to die than to be under Russian occupation should tell you much about what people in eastern Europe think of Russia.

Only Russia has started this war, not the other way around. Now that the whole world saw how their invasion has badly failed and their armed forces are trash, they are trying to find scapegoats and coming with BS claims "they are fighting NATO". Nato would plain and simple pulverize those drunkards, that is why they are agitating the nuclear threat every days, but Russians are all talk they will do jack shit. They didn't even dare to attack any western weapon shipment and some think they'll use nuclear weapons, lmao.

History aside, who drew Ukraine's current borders, who founded what cities etc., this is the crux of the matter.

Russia's main failure during the USSR and post-1991 was that the nations and peoples who were once under the influence/control/USSR/Russian sphere, preferred to leave that influence and join another sphere (West, NATO, EU) and overall the vast majority of peoples in those countries once under the Russian sphere, don't regret that. Rather the opposite.

This is a testament to the failure of Russia.

In particular as Russians and Ukrainians share almost everything in common in terms of culture, language, religion, history, ancestry etc.

Russia is one of the most underperforming countries on the planet compared to its enormous potential. Not sure if Western democracy is the solution for Russia (without it disintegrating) but what is certain is that the current oligarchic rule is a hindrance for Russia more than anything else. I have seen nothing that proves otherwise.

Are you saying that the vast majority of people in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary etc. preferred to live under USSR/Russia rule rather than EU/West/NATO?

I am highly critical of certain Western (mainly US foreign policy) policies but we both know that this is not the case.

Germany's current role/circumstances/US bases is due to losing WW2 and before WW1 after starting both wars. Nobody is to blame for that than Germany.

Similarly the lands that Germany lost in what is modern-day Poland were originally Polish before the Prussians conquered it.

I mean Germany is a European Christian country which is culturally (and in every other way) part of the same West that the US is a part of.
Nice try you dope, but this is War. Where were you clowns complaining when the West was carpet bombing the Middle east and Afghanistan? Also, When Ukrainian units and temporary production lines use civilian infrastructure, then they become legitimate targets.
So how about you get off your high horse and face the facts that this is a war and so you can't pick and chose what's right or wrong based on who the war is being waged against. Plus Russia has made it clear that they WILL achieve their objectives NO MATTER WHAT, so deal with it.
Russia will achieve military objectives? Ok but by what means? Any wunderwaffen? Putin can send one million Russians more to Ukraine but without weapons, military gears they will die worthless death. You can’t throw them barefoot, naked against Ukraine artillery. That’s inhuman.

I am not from military I just question the logical thought behind “hey du dope, we will achieve no matter what you think”.
Are you saying that the vast majority of people in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary etc. preferred to live under USSR/Russia rule rather than EU/West/NATO?

I am highly critical of certain Western (mainly US foreign policy) policies but we both know that this is not the case.

Germany's current role/circumstances/US bases is due to losing WW2 and before WW1 after starting both wars. Nobody is to blame for that than Germany.

Similarly the lands that Germany lost in what is modern-day Poland were originally Polish before the Prussians conquered it.

I mean Germany is a European Christian country which is culturally (and in every other way) part of the same West that the US is a part of.

Well, i laughed cause ALL US-barracks in the BRD on the soil of Germany are there cause US put them there. No German gov is ever ask for.
Well, i laughed cause ALL US-barracks in the BRD on the soil of Germany are there cause US put them there. No German gov is ever ask for.

Of course not. Just like in Japan. But I guess this is the "consequence" of losing WW2. Germans and Japanese can consider themselves lucky that the USSR/Stalin did not mass-murder them in the same way that the Germans (Nazis) did with the civilian population in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and elsewhere).

We have to be fair here.

And no, I don't buy the story of Germany only being to blame for WW2, just like with Russia nowadays (reality is more complicated) but they bore the brunt of the responsibility.

Besides looking at German society and German opinions (mainstream), it seems that Germans were very comfortable with hosting US soldiers etc. since WW2. Maybe the recent wakeup (due to Russia) can give Germany more independence. I think this is what Scholz is aiming at and it would be natural as Germany cannot pay for WW2 forever. It makes no sense.

Also the US monster is looking at China as the next meal (Taiwan) so they are giving more responsibility to Germany in Europe. If you want a more independent Germany, you have to hope that Scholz grabs this opportunity.
Of course not. Just like in Japan. But I guess this is the "consequence" of losing WW2. Germans and Japanese can consider themselves lucky that the USSR/Stalin did not mass-murder them in the same way that the Germans (Nazis) did with the civilian population in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and elsewhere).

We have to be fair here.

And no, I don't buy the story of Germany only being to blame for WW2, just like with Russia nowadays (reality is more complicated) but they bore the brunt of the responsibility.

Besides looking at German society and German opinions (mainstream), it seems that Germans were very comfortable with hosting US soldiers etc. since WW2. Maybe the recent wakeup (due to Russia) can give Germany more independence. I think this is what Scholz is aiming at and it would be natural as Germany cannot pay for WW2 forever. It makes no sense.

Also the US monster is looking at China as the next meal (Taiwan) so they are giving more responsibility to Germany in Europe. If you want a more independent Germany, you have to hope that Scholz grabs this opportunity.

Well, a lot blabla and that is why i laughed about this

All the countries that joined NATO did it on their freewill, no one has been forced to join the alliance or to host US forces on their soils.
Well, a lot blabla and that is why i laughed about this

But @Vergennes is not wrong. Governments who were elected by the people in those countries voluntarily joined NATO and EU with majority support by the populations. All the other governments never changed this policy because they did not have public support for such a change.

I mean if MOST Germans wanted the US out of Germany, they could force them to leave.

If KSA almost 20 years ago could remove US presence/bases from KSA, there is no excuses for Germany. Instead those bases would just leave for Poland which is extremely pro-US. Or some other nearby country.

France for instance, from what I recall, does not have any US bases.
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