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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

A German walks into a bar and orders a fancy beer.
The bartender tells him : "100 euros!"
The German is shocked - "100 euros? yesterday it was only 10 euros !"
"Well, today it is 100 euros."
- "But why 100, damn it?"
Bar tender : "I'll explain it,
-10 euros is the beer,
-10 to help Ukraine,
-20 assistance to European countries who have imposed sanctions and are not members of the EU.
-20 euros in aid to the UK, for successful implementation of sanctions against Russia.
-Then 30 euros are sent to the Balkan countries as aid to buy furnace coal/keep their corrupt politicians.
- and finally, 10 euros for a gas subsidy for the EU and fund to help maintain sanctions!"
The German silently with internal anger took out the money and gave the bartender 100 euros.
The bartender took them, entered in the cash register and gave him 10 euros back.
German in disbelief : "Wait, you said 100 euros, right ? I gave you 100, why are you giving me back 10 euros?"
".....There is no beer."
After losing tens of thousands of Ukrainians we told them to leave . Bakhmut is lost next big battle with be fought at slovianks

CNN, citing sources in the Ukrainian General Staff, reports that on February 28, 2023, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to:

▪️ 259,085 dead

▪️wounded, crippled 246,904;

▪️deserted, as well as missing - 83,952;

▪️ captured - 28 393.

Source: Jeffrey Sachs
The Ukrainian would have lost the war already if they have lose that many people on KIA and unrecoverable WIA....Even if they do have 1 a million strong army. Which is very much a doubt. That's over 50% (Closer to 60%) of irrecoverable loss (if you are talking about 259k death, 246k cripple/Wounded and 110k deserted/captured), any armed force and its unit is said to be ineffective fighting force if they reached 25%...Russia would have been in Kyiv by now if those were the casualty number because it would have left Ukraine 200-250k soldier defending the entire country if they do had a million strong armed force....

I mean number can be fake, but it can't be that fake.......
A German walks into a bar and orders a fancy beer.
The bartender tells him : "100 euros!"
The German is shocked - "100 euros? yesterday it was only 10 euros !"
"Well, today it is 100 euros."
- "But why 100, damn it?"
Bar tender : "I'll explain it,
-10 euros is the beer,
-10 to help Ukraine,
-20 assistance to European countries who have imposed sanctions and are not members of the EU.
-20 euros in aid to the UK, for successful implementation of sanctions against Russia.
-Then 30 euros are sent to the Balkan countries as aid to buy furnace coal/keep their corrupt politicians.
- and finally, 10 euros for a gas subsidy for the EU and fund to help maintain sanctions!"
The German silently with internal anger took out the money and gave the bartender 100 euros.
The bartender took them, entered in the cash register and gave him 10 euros back.
German in disbelief : "Wait, you said 100 euros, right ? I gave you 100, why are you giving me back 10 euros?"
".....There is no beer."
you got it
Last June when thinking of how to hold back the Russians from the Baltic for tight budget, I thought of many shoulder fired weapons and many more mortars, along with more small arms for conscripts. If you can get longer range, 1000s of howitzers with enough ammo, is better if you can afford enough of them. Though every company needs to have a minimum number of mortars to be combat effective in modern warfare.

I was covering that Europe needs to have enough small arms and medium machine guns to face millions of Russians in a Russia vs EU war, of course these units would have mortars. When Russia attacks Europe it won't be with limited numbers in a special operation. To counter, enough Europeans need to be conscripted.

The main concern for Europe is their heavy weapons. Russia has a huge advantage in heavy weapons over Europe. Precision Artillery can destroy heavy weapons easily before they enter the battlefield. Mortars can destroy vehicles, though have less range. Precision mortars can destroy the enemy with close accuracy.

My focus on the war has been watching the heavy weapons of Russia dwindle. Once 25.000 heavy weapons losses for Russia, Europe is more at an even playing field.

Small nations can make small arms, ammo and mortars, if their put their minds to the task, along with the major industries. Leave the high tech weapons for Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, etc.

If you reduce Russia to only infantry wave attacks, it is much easier for Europe to take on should Russia attack.
Russia Ukraine war map 3/03/2023

2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine.svg (1).png
why do Europeans hate each other so much ?

Bakhmut no longer holds after $65 billion in weapons
Not true. Only Russians hate the most in Europe. If hatred, look at Asia. That’s a really mess. The next world war will happen there.

A German walks into a bar and orders a fancy beer.
The bartender tells him : "100 euros!"
The German is shocked - "100 euros? yesterday it was only 10 euros !"
"Well, today it is 100 euros."
- "But why 100, damn it?"
Bar tender : "I'll explain it,
-10 euros is the beer,
-10 to help Ukraine,
-20 assistance to European countries who have imposed sanctions and are not members of the EU.
-20 euros in aid to the UK, for successful implementation of sanctions against Russia.
-Then 30 euros are sent to the Balkan countries as aid to buy furnace coal/keep their corrupt politicians.
- and finally, 10 euros for a gas subsidy for the EU and fund to help maintain sanctions!"
The German silently with internal anger took out the money and gave the bartender 100 euros.
The bartender took them, entered in the cash register and gave him 10 euros back.
German in disbelief : "Wait, you said 100 euros, right ? I gave you 100, why are you giving me back 10 euros?"
".....There is no beer."
Beer still cheap here
13 euros
Cheaper than orange juice

funny part is you criticize and ridicule the Russian army with the words like 2nd strongest army in the world , but forget to mention how much equipment and money Ukraine used on this war .
it was more than what Russia used .
The funny part is not who spent what, but what proportion was spent. NATO has spent 10% of its allocated assets. More importantly the extra expenditure by Russia did not result in capture of Kiev, nor a friendly Govt that would run it to Russia's wishes.

What Russia did get is define the part of Eastern Ukraine it has captured must be the most valuable real-estate in the world given how much it paid for it

Look at it from a neutral perspective, russia attacked ukraine a year ago to stop NATO, its successful as of now.
Are you following the same events I am: Sweden and Finland are joining NATO so expansion is pretty much in Russia's face. And Ukraine is now for near future going to be supported by NATO, even though not officially in it. Israel is not in NATO but gets 150% US backing (unfortunately)

No Russian propaganda. Russian, which is the mother tongue fo the majority of the Ukranian population, was removed as an official language. So no propaganda. Much like pro-Russian democratic parties having been banned. Russian-funded and Russian built cities in Novorossiya (most of Eastern and Southern Ukraine) having their original names changed to some fake Ukrainian names etc.

Azov Battalion was also Russian propaganda. SS Galizien also Russian propaganda. Bandera criminal, genocider, fascist and well-known Nazi collaborated, being a widely celebrated Ukrainian national hero, is also Russian propaganda. UPA being widely celebrated and embraced is also Russian propaganda. Ukraine post-Euromaiden being led by pro-Western/USA installed puppets (majority corrupt Jewish oligarchs) and turning into an US/NATO spear against Russia actively, is also Russian propaganda. We see that today, USA 15.000 km away suddenly cares so deeply about a bunch of Ukrainians that share almost everything in common with Russians, after having invaded 100's of countries illegally and committed genocides, crimes against humanity, invented lies in order to invent sovereign nation states and to topple their leaders, is suddenly concerned about Ukraine. Has nothing to do with wanting to weaken Russia (a non-puppet and potential threat to US hegemony), to keep US hegemony intact by every means possible etc. Similarly rhetoric against China etc.

Beyond pathetic to be this naive and hide behind some kind of selective nonsense talk of democracy etc. Democracy is only talked about and practiced when it is fitting, rest is open game in order to keep your power/influence/hegemony intact, no need to mention 1000's upon 1000's of examples that destroy this illusion for good.

Yet have the audacity to wonder why MOST of the world, is not buying the rhetoric against Russia and fake outrage against Russia's actions, when such actions for centuries and until very recently, was the modus operandi of the very same West.

You are a Dane, why does Denmark not leave Greenland to the locals and allow them to succeed and have their own country as well as apologize for the crimes committed against the Inuits? Oh, of course not, Greenland is rich in natural wealth, large landmass, large Arctic EZZ etc. Keep hiding behind the empty slogans of selective democracy. Now reaching Ukraine, where was this outrage when the Ukrainian army was shelling civilians in Donbas for the past 8 years prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Just wondering.
Russia is an expansionist power like many western countries. Was it Russian population in Afghanistan in 1979 that it was trying to protect. Talking the language as justification is as stupid as US using WMD as justification in IRaq.
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Seriously you are a lost case, a liar or and and illiterate, WWI, WWII, Irak and Vietnamese invasions, Colonial West, Slaughter of aboriginals are before printing press 🤣😂 and because they are before internet, you just skip them, see your western double standard and stupidity.

You did, liar again, your post is still there, I've quoted your statement picking only Islam as an example of destructive expansive empire.
You are an ignorant bozo. You clearly are illiterate and know JUST enough to humiliate yourself and bring the standard down of this forum. My original post (if you stop smoking what ever drug you are smoking) was sharing 3-4 examples of expansion through history. In my follow-up, I then added the Crusades. I mentioned Islam as one of those 5 examples.

Islam was NOT singled out. And it was not about the religion of Islam I made the comment. It was about the armies that were responsible for expanding it.

You are one of those frustrated individuals that can't read. My observation was not on the religion but on the armies that expanded it, and also it was not unique.

Everytime you post here, you bring the standard down. This is a forum (thats what the 'F' in PDF stands for). Forum means people come up with different ideas and opinions. See the dozen exchanges on this page and you will know.

Clearly you are capable of going on internet to surf **** but have missed the bigger picture that a forum is for exchanging ideas. Not going on an abusive rant. But you probably didn't have a running toilet 30 years ago on your street so its understandable.
All the western hype within MEDIA is totally FALSE FAKE & LIES now,
Only a matter of time for Russian Victory in Bhakhmut & near by areas.

Here is typical eg of Western Propuganda on msn.com :
-Putin will be killed by inner circle of Zelensky
-Russian soldiers switching sides into Ukrainian
-Ukraine destroying Moscow defence missile system by drones

Now seriously even a kid 2 years old can make joke better than above headlines on msn.com?
Thats pretty cool. A former superpower captures a coal mining town and its first forward success in 6 months after withdrawing from capital. Not exactly the imperial might of the USSR when it took over an entire country and the Government, for 9 years (give or take)

Why dont you stick to topics more in your wheelhouse mr general. Such as developing wunder nato tacticts that make atgms useless…..

In reality, the US forces in the persian gulf would not last a week in a conflict with Iran.

the US is not some all powerful invincible
Being. They are still the most powerful military. But heavily spread out, losing their edge by the day, and have no capability to fight a serious opponet on their home turf

If Iran wanted to fight the US outside the middle east, it would be introuble. In the middle east, Iran has them by the balls. And every single time They cone face to face with Iran this happens:

View attachment 918533View attachment 918534View attachment 918535
Did you forget operation Praying Mentis when a small US Naval force (and attack aircraft) destoryed 3 ships in a span of 2 hours in the 80s?
You are talking about Russia when I am talking about the millions of ethnic Russians WITHIN Ukraine and their sentiments prior to 2014 and post 2014 (Crimean annexation and post Euromaidan which began in 2013).

Whoa whoa, there are millions of ethnic Russians yet I don't see any genocide that the Russians claimed from Kherson to Kharkiv and you saw how welcoming many people in Kherson City was compared to Russians when they came into Kherson. Heck even made up about Donetsk city being bombed for 8 straight years when it looks mostly intact since near the frontlines.
All I am saying is that I find it very hard to believe that majority-Russian areas such as Crimea and Donbas will ever return to Kiev. Only by force will that happen. Has Ukraine not banned the public use of Russian language, banned all pro-Russian parties and practically done everything to alienate pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens? They were doing all that long before Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year. There was great unrest post-Euromaidan between pro-Russia Ukrainians (mostly ethnic Russians) and Ukrainians who were anti-Russia. This occurred before the Crimean annexation. I posted a link to the riots in Odessa where pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens were burned alive in the local trade union house with the local police encouraging this behavior and looking passively.
Ukraine never banned it. Russians made that crap up. Like I have said, if millions were alienated from Kherson to Kharkiv, where is the evidence for that? Why else would they need to send in the Green men with no patches and not claim they were Russian troops? Putin had to deny they were his until long after. Why?

Those narratives and stories were never told in the Western media. Or the 8 + years of shelling in Donbas from 2014 until the Russian invasion last year.

LOL! You fell for that propaganda about Donbas being shelled for 8 years.


All this is without even mentioning political theories and how world powers/regional powers are and have been acting in their immediate neighborhood.

No need to explain how the US has acted within their neighborhood in cases of countries (freely or not freely) electing regimes/politicians who are not pro-USA. Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, invasion of Grenada etc. So no wonder that most of the non-Western world don't buy the Western/US narrative of evil bad Russia and saintly West that never attacks any country.

We all remember Iraq and the idiotic lies and the illegal invasion of that country, the destruction, casualties, toppling of their regime etc.

Another historical fact, Ukraine and Ukrainians were collaborators of Nazi Germany, committed ethnic genocide against the Polish population in modern-day Western Ukraine (back then Polish territory),

Some of the worst concentration camp guards were Ukrainians, (you in the US had one hiding not long ago, Demanjuk something), entire SS brigades were made up by Ukrainians,

many of them being celebrated to this day out in the open with tactic Ukrainian governmental support, Azov Battalion, Ukraine being one of the most corrupt nations, similarly ruled/dominated by oligarchs like Russia (read up on who helped elect Zelenskij) etc.

Ukraine is a fake nation state created by Stalin/USSR. It currently occupies historical Russian, Polish and Hungarian territory.

Almost all of Eastern/Southern Ukraine was built/founded by the Russian empire. This entire region is not called Novorossiya (New Russia) by a coincidence.

The only reason why the US/EU gives a flying **** about Ukraine is due to Russia being the "evil guys" and your governments/regimes/elites obsession about weakening every possible US adversary that does not toe the US line whether it be Russia or China or anyone else. It is not about human rights, caring about some 10.000 dead civilian Ukrainians or what not. If that was the case we would not have seen this occurring for decades upon decades with no pause:


So you will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian but Russia is not your Cuba, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and whatever small/weak states in comparison.

Where was the talk of legality when this



Is it legal to invade sovereign nations based on lies, topple said states legal UN-recognized government etc.?

Is it legal to suddenly ban Russian language, ban pro-Russian political parties etc.?

BTW it is not illegal for territories in a given state to succeed by democratic means as seen with the Crimea referendum where the overwhelming majority of Crimeans (who are ethnic Russians in their vast majority) voted to join Russia once again. This all occurred peacefully BTW. Said Crimea was given to the USSR province (Ukraine) by an Ukrainian (Kruschev) without consent much the same way Ukraine's modern-day borders were drawn by Stalin/USSR and contain historically Polish, Hungarian and Russian lands.
LOL! Yeah they voted in Kherson for example and we saw what happened there. Fake voting referendum, it was bad that they had to speed up the annexation in other regions not even completely under Russian control to try to make it legit.

The Russians and back then Soviet Union have been in past conflicts since the Cold War. Nobody question about the legality of that huh?
Lol..the longer the war goes on, the more likely some of those E. European countries might merge with Russia in the future- they seem afraid of something deep, what is it? Sometimes its really Russia, but other times its their inferiority complex + destiny on the horizon that US cant really save them in the long term?
Yeah thats why the Baltics and Poland and even Finland fears. Being forced to merge with Russia. Hence supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Bakhmut is almost over and done with, i bet people like you and Jhungary and others wont admit Bakhmut has fallen when it does. Ukrainian govt's control of east Ukraine will weaken considerably once Bakhmut falls, Russians troops are already outside Chasiv Yar! THis just tells me Ukraine's manpower, equipment and facilities have been HAMMERED really badly by Russian artillery and rockets, because Ukrainian defenses near important sites arent as tough as they used to be, Russians work them for a few weeks and break into them...and once Russian soldiers fight Ukranian soldiers in the city center, Ukrainians always lose that city.
The Russians had control most of the land and cities like Kherson to Lyman and so on and lost them. Putin will have to keep a large standing army to maintain control otherwise pulling them out the Ukrainians will push to reclaim. The Russians losing thousands per month is not something they can afford. Russian forces don't even feel like they are at home either.
After losing tens of thousands of Ukrainians we told them to leave . Bakhmut is lost next big battle with be fought at slovianks

CNN, citing sources in the Ukrainian General Staff, reports that on February 28, 2023, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to:

▪️ 259,085 dead

▪️wounded, crippled 246,904;

▪️deserted, as well as missing - 83,952;

▪️ captured - 28 393.

Source: Jeffrey Sachs
Link pls? Jeffrey Sachs is a professor. He is not cnn.

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