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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

A large scale war is expensive to fund, especially once your reserve ammunitions get depleted. $100bil+ is a joke, especially for a country as large as Russia. Even Singapore has more money than that.

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Before the war in 2021.Russia had $630 billion forex reserves. Then coming 200 billion Swiss franc, $150 billion in national wealth funds. Russia living standard was on the rise. Thousands of foreign companies operating in Russia. Europe is fully dependent on gas and oil. Sweden, Finland not seeking NATO.

One year later. All is gone. Russia tourists can’t make holiday in France and elsewhere accept Belarus and turkey. Ships can’t sail. Planes can’t fly.

What’s remaining today is propaganda and warm handshake from unlimited friend China.

I dont need a clown like you to believe me. Though i will openly call out bullshit on a forum for others to see

The US navy immidiatly withdraws its carriers out of the persian gulf as soon as there is tension… why???

Iran has tens of thousands of precision missiles aimed at the tiny american bases dotting the area.

The 5th fleet base is in range of all short range missiles

The most strategic chokepoint on earth the straight of hormuz is ready to be mined with 10mintues notice

Creating an absolute death trap an a tiny lake called the persian gulf. Every single US base in the region under the range of IRanian missiles. All american presences under the target of qods forces

When france and us tried to assist the zionist occupation of lebanon by sending in their own occupying troops:

Iran slaughtered over 250 amerocans and 70 french fries, forced them to leave in humiliation. The. Slaughtered the zionist puppet SLA army.
The. Slaughtered the zionists themselves until they left. 6 weeks earlier then their UN agreement, while telling the un we left, tell hezbollah to stop attacking us

Iran does not mess around, and is The middle east hegemon. The US is very aware of this fact and behave accordingly. Regardless of what their fake general fangirls seem to think
Hormuz is strategic for GCC, Europe and Asia, it's not for USA.

Iran using all their available war power to destroy all they can, it will make a favor to USA elite (they dont give a shit about their militarymen in far zones, and Iran fk-up ME/Europe/Asia it will save energy and raw materials to be used only by USA empire, instead rest of developed world).

USA is naturally protected by two oceans, the only who can defy that protection is Russia and China, but since USA has several ABM shields, I think even they can't it, and that explains the current USA aggressive behavior against Russia (something impossible in cold war, where abm shield technology was not so advanced).
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lol, yes, of course, your super duper navy is going to destroy the evil American navy....

Meanwhile in reality, your own country being biatch slap by tiny israel, they are killing your people left and right,

remember this??

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How dumb you have to be to have your enemy assassinate your top scientist IN YOUR OWN COUTNRY??

How about this??

View attachment 918539

What kind of idiots can't protect their own arms factory in their own counties??

And how about this guy??

View attachment 918540

I mean, you allowed that idiot ***-man trump to kill one of your top general?? Who does that? Trump aren't even fit for being a human being, and you let him kill your general??

Sure, of course, Iran can destory the entire 4th, 5th and 6th fleet in hours. Yes, and please don't quit your day job., :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl:

You still here because we let you stay here, if you want to be the next Afghanistan, then please do go ahead and attack US fleet and bases with your "tens of thousand" precision guide missile. I mean if your "Top Arms Export" is a lawn mower drone, then there are nothing to fear lol.

that's mostly because people who talk about going to war and killing this and smashing that usually is the kind of people who is the last to pick up a weapon to fight.

As I said if their top arms export is those lawn mower drone, then let them talk lol, they are harmless.
running joke

“How to beat Russia “
What armed forces in NATO should learn from Ukraine’s homeland defense

Written by Nico Lange


What is more, "Oryx" tallies of Russian equipment purportedly lost aren't proving much. Given that Russia and Ukraine have been using identical weapons to a large extent, nothing's easier for Kievan regime forces to photograph destroyed assets of their own and publicly pass them off as Russian.
except some newer models were not fielded by the ukranians before the invasion…like the T-90 😆

They were however fielded by some russian divisions around kharkiv. You know…that had to retreat during ukraines counteroffensive.

But anyway. If you are willingly blind no amount of proof suffices.
Putins 3 day operation is going great!

London and Washington have not stopped adding fuel to the fire to see their dream come true: this dreadful tragedy of the Ukrainian Gambit (2008, sacrificing Ukraine to destabilize Russia.

The rest is infantile literature

"ukraine gave away its many nukes ..."


These atomic weapons did not belong to Ukraine but to the USSR.
Ignoring everything as usual again.

And regarding your 1 “point”. Ukraine was one of the soviet states you imp.

Largest tank battle of the war in Vuhledar and the Russians were routed.

It's far from the biggest. The first days of wars seen entire tank battalions vanish under well placed 300mm strikes, and Su-24 bombings.

Then, there been giant tank battles around Chernihiv.

And then, there been Russians losing a whole tank army to... territorials.

Lol, Kazakhstan is 6 times bigger than Ukraine, and has a giant desert in the middle.

Any attempts to pass the desert will be the same turkey shoots they got in North Ukraine, and now Wuhledar
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It is amazing to what kind of extent you are willing to go in order to deny historical facts, ground realities and paint Ukraine with the biggest "saintly" brush possible.
I use the saintly brush possible by showing you a link that there indeed was support for Bandera?
There is no genocide in Ukraine whatsoever.
And thats why i did not use that word?

With flattening resisting cities with dumb bombs and bucha tactics they usually conquer territory where a good 80-90% of the population fled. Millions upon millions.
After that..russia will hold sham elections and parade the “liberated villagers”.
According to the UN no more than 10.000 civilians have died.
Verified with actual death toll likely much higher they usually add. Forgot that again mr neutral?
This is a drop in the ocean compared to the US/West (that you are blindly following and whitewashing constantly) crimes in just 2 nations (Iraq and Afghanistan) let alone the other numerous/dozens of illegal invasions.
Afghan collateral damage was very low from coalition troops.
Russian war saw millions dead.

Iraq was already discussed. American lies and its actions saw opinions in europe plummet.
If you want to talk about legality,
I dont. Laws are human constructs and do not equate “just”.
the whole concept of Ukraine's modern-day borders are a joke and fake. As I already wrote. All of Eastern and Southern Ukraine is Russian territory built brick by brick by Russia (Imperial Russia) and USSR.
Ukraine was part of ussr.
All main cities, all the industry etc. Everything is built by Russia. Even the names of the towns and cities are Russian. West Ukraine is all Polish and later more recently Austria-Hungary. Ukraine's borders were literally drawn by Stalin/USSR. The same Stalin that stole Polish, Hungarian, Russian etc. territories to create Ukraine. Without asking any locals and without conducting any votes.
So ukranians have to suffer because of Stalins population deportations and redraw of maps?

Ukranians have had an national identity for longer then pakistan.
Or are you saying that “fake” country should also just suck it up and be annexed by India? Hahaha 🤣

Also…with putins agression, we see another “birth of a nation” moment.
It has hugely boosted ukranian sense of self. Slava ukraini!
Zelenskiyy himself has gone against the Ukrainian constitution 100's of times by now. Banning Orthodox Church communities in communion with Moscow since centuries, banning pro-Russian or non-anti Russian parties, removing Russian as an official language etc. So don't go there.
Well in time of war both sides harden.
You point the finger at the victim yet forget the assaulter.
Russia is “neutrally speaking” definately the darker shade of grey here buddy.
Abducting thousands of kids for one
Oh, and it is funny, as a German you should know that your country and countrymen committed actual genocide in Ukraine (Russia too btw) killing millions of people in the process and burning down 1000's of villages and destroying 100's of towns.
Yes, germany feels deeply ashamed for that..and recognises russia sliding into nationalistic fascism very well.
The same Germany was the biggest Russian lapdog/partner in the EU/Europe until recently. You had to be shamed publicly for months by Ukraine to start donating military equipment to Ukraine and doing your part. Nordstream etc. Schröder etc. Not a word about that from you.
The idea france and germany had was that trade and partnership would lead to peace and russian integration.
Read up on the history of the Cossacks and their brutality. Ukraine is in many ways a traumatized country and this war is not going to help them, just make it even more worse. More traumatized generations. More hatred, more rabid nationalism.

So it will be like a White Iraq, or worse, White Lebanon.

This is just logical, and EU will get a de-facto member with freedom of movement with a warzone.

It will be nice to see how much of Europe's nationalist movements would worth then if they will not join the fray.

In Poland, I've seen tons of Eastern European outfits going in and out daily, using their privilege of having a foreign passport to stock up outside.

They only organised Western European right wing organisation said to operate there was said to be Italian. Never seen any of them.

And I lost count to meeting American right wing larpers who ran to Polish border after few days of real war.

History could have been totally different had the strong and victorious West post-1991 (USSR downfall) done what it probably SHOULD have done in order to integrate Russia into Europe and regain the trust after the Cold War. Instead mistakes on both sides were made and here we are.

The history would've certainly been different if the strong, and victorious West have had resolve to finish them off 30 years ago, and not clawing the defeat from the jaws of victory overt the chicken Kiyv

What’s happening to giant money mountain of Russia before the war?

Russia will run out of money next year and file bankruptcy. Unless some unlimited friends lend money.

Money press goes brrrrr

Russians have the financial runway for 2-3 years. I have to say, I revised my estimate for the third time.

They massively cut spending, let their usually strong FX control go down, double digit rates, and overall they agreed to massive degradation of day to day life of most Russians.

And they have not went 100% with the mobilisation, leaving the breathing room for the labour force.

Nor they completely closed off foreign trade, to let a trickle of consumer goods keep the consumer economy going belly up completely.

Bandera is mostly worshipped in Western Ukraine and Central Ukraine. The hotspots of Ukrainian nationalism.

By far, the most active Ukrainian nationalist movements were birthed by the East Ukraine, and not even by Russian speaking Ukrainians, but actual ethnic Russian Ukrainians, who lived there for 2-3 generations.
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