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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Or maybe it is because I am a neutral and not obsessively anti-Russian or pro-Ukrainian like most of you in this thread.
Supposedly neutral but focused on russian propaganda narrative?

What do you call Euromaidan if not a coup and insurgency and the removal of a lawfully elected president by hordes of fascists
Under influence from russia, the president went against his election promise of closer ties to EU. Something 70% ukranians wished for.
In aftermath he fled to russia with milions of cash, and was lawfully ruled a traitor.

So no. Tone down on the “western coup” and “horde of fascists”.
that later formed Azov Battalion and other proud Nazi groups?
“Hordes of facsists “ but they hardly overcome the voting cutoff of 2%

Azov was estimated to number 900-2500 troops around that time.
Why is a open fascist, mass-murderer and Nazi collaborated like Bandera a national hero in Ukraine? Why is UPA openly hailed in Ukraine?

1/3 ukranians view him positively. Ofcourse often disbelieving his negative actions.

Support for ukraine/bandera however cannot be seen in a vacuum. i assume you heard of the holodomir? Maybe understand why so many ukrainians are not jumping over joy to be colonised back into a neo-ussr?
Oh, you mean "independent Western media" such as a NBC reporter who just made a reportage in Crimea that showed that every local wants to remain a part of Russia and even fight for Russia? Later that same reporter was banned by "democratic" Ukraine.:lol:

Vote for independance 1991 also showed crimea around 50/50.

New votes under russia, and after russian population manipulations will show skewed result.

russia should not be “rewarded” crimea for its agression. Perhaps it can have another election after liberation. Under checks of UN observers.

The same Ukraine that is violently kidnapping its own citizens (males) to force them to join the army and the frontline in Donbas etc. because they are running out of soldiers?:lol:
1 on 1 copy of russian propaganda again mister “neutral”
Do you want me to state the obvious? If my initial claim of vast majority of the millions of ethnic Russians that became Ukrainians in 1991 being pro-Russian in their majority is wrong, how can you explain the completely PEACEFUL Russia annexation of Crimea in 2014, ?
Russian speakers in east <> 1,9 million crimeans you use yo generalize them all
Similarly with most parts of Donbas. Pre-2022, much of Donbas was held by pro-Russian separatists
No, ukraine held majority
that were fighting 8 + years against Kiev. Yet without losing ground.
Russias little green men and heavy support?
You know this…
Now last year, Russia entered and easily conquered most of those areas of Donbas without meeting any public resistance from the populace, in fact many being hailed as liberators, with the only opposition being from Ukranian soldiers, mostly from other areas of Ukraine.
Millions fled…vote with their feet they call that.

The remaining 20% often supports russia yes. This is only an indication of ethnic cleansing before anything else though….

There is much report on insurgant activity in zaporizhia, kherson, (also “claimed russian).

And again. Russia tried to annex huge amount of land. Donbass is their excuse.
Come on, slow down on the Western propaganda and one-sided reporting.
So you counter it by towing the russian propaganda line?
Again low IQ mentality for you to go back to the time before printing press BEFORE a keyboard was invented and internet.

Seriously you are a lost case, a liar or and and illiterate, WWI, WWII, Irak and Vietnamese invasions, Colonial West, Slaughter of aboriginals are before printing press 🤣😂 and because they are before internet, you just skip them, see your western double standard and stupidity.

I have consistentLy stated that all empires expanded through violence. This has been good throughout history. I never picked Islamic expansion out as a single element. Everything (crusades included) were violent expansionist policies.
You did, liar again, your post is still there, I've quoted your statement picking only Islam as an example of destructive expansive empire.
Violence was the default state of affairs in history: few had full standing armies and armies would come from the population. It wasn’t disregarded as a negative thing any more having a credit card is.

Saladdin pushed back the Crusades also through war, not love. He may not have expanded beyond the borders but others did.

It’s human nature to expand. It used to be territorial expansion through wars then, and now its corporate expansion.

Its too bad that your Disney view of the world is disrupted that every Arab conquest was welcomed by every country.

Where did I said that the Arab conquest was welcomed by every country? You are just assuming stuff

As for your verbal abuses: I feel bad for the rest of your household (assuming you have one).
You got the "verbal" abuse you deserve, I have no inferiority complex in front of any western, unlike unfortunately many "yes Sahib" brown man complexed are here

So yes go back to your hole and to the dark ages and stop misrepresenting a good country like Tunisia with your dumb primitive abusive attitude that can’t get past the first line of the post
Lolz, you want me to get past the first line of your homophobic and racist post against Islam ? 🤤🤣Why ??

Because you can't say "sorry, I formulated my idea in a wrong way" ??

Anyway, the rest of your post is also composed if the same shit toward Russia, I'm not Russian, so I don't care.

It’s a fair point and it sucks. But thats what imperial powers do: they interfere and expand (or try to) and leave a trail of destruction when they fail. This is how Islam spreads all the way to SPain.

Btw, you should also put an equivalent list of where Russians have interfered since WWII and continue to do so, and one for Iran. List will be smaller because they have fewer resources, but they all follow the same pattern

When talking about "Russian destructive expansionism" and Ukraine, you only found Islamic conquest as an example 😂🤣😅
Man !!! (Sorry what's your gender, I don't want to offend you) you are so pathetic.....
Supposedly neutral but focused on russian propaganda narrative?

Under influence from russia, the president went against his election promise of closer ties to EU. Something 70% ukranians wished for.
In aftermath he fled to russia with milions of cash, and was lawfully ruled a traitor.

So no. Tone down on the “western coup” and “horde of fascists”.

“Hordes of facsists “ but they hardly overcome the voting cutoff of 2%

Azov was estimated to number 900-2500 troops around that time.

1/3 ukranians view him positively. Ofcourse often disbelieving his negative actions.

Support for ukraine/bandera however cannot be seen in a vacuum. i assume you heard of the holodomir? Maybe understand why so many ukrainians are not jumping over joy to be colonised back into a neo-ussr?

Vote for independance 1991 also showed crimea around 50/50.

New votes under russia, and after russian population manipulations will show skewed result.

russia should not be “rewarded” crimea for its agression. Perhaps it can have another election after liberation. Under checks of UN observers.

1 on 1 copy of russian propaganda again mister “neutral”

Russian speakers in east <> 1,9 million crimeans you use yo generalize them all

No, ukraine held majority

Russias little green men and heavy support?
You know this…

Millions fled…vote with their feet they call that.

The remaining 20% often supports russia yes. This is only an indication of ethnic cleansing before anything else though….

There is much report on insurgant activity in zaporizhia, kherson, (also “claimed russian).

And again. Russia tried to annex huge amount of land. Donbass is their excuse.

So you counter it by towing the russian propaganda line?

To you anything that does not remotely toy the Ukraine line is categorized Russian propaganda no mater how accurate it is historically or factually.

Irrespective of what he did it was a coup. He was not legally removed. Read up on his successors and their dirty business.

If you combine all the parties in Ukraine that expose elements of such views they get far more votes than just that. Irrespective of that, they should not even be there in the first place.

According to your source. 1/3 is still a HUGE number. Name me a single European country where Nazi collaborators, people responsible for genocide and open ultranationalist/fascists have such a large support?

And who do you think tended to or tends to join the Ukrainian army if not a large portion of such people who support the above?

Crimea should never have been a part of Ukraine even for the 23 years that it was a part of Ukraine.

You think that the majority of Crimea want to leave Russia? You really do?

Large/huge area of Donbas was held against all odds. Now most is held by Russia again.

I talked about Crimea and Donbas specifically, rest of Ukraine pro-Russian support is in the minority. It also shows on the ground unlike in Crimea and most parts of Donbas. Who would have thought?

Read my previous post in this thread in order to see what I think about "Russian plans and tactics". So much for your "Russian propaganda" nonsense.

Russian propaganda too. Azov Battalion being officially a part of the Ukrainian National Guard is also propaganda.

I saw several videos of men being rounded up in Ukraine to forcefully join the frontline.

If I am not wrong there is even a law in Ukraine that says that joining the army is mandatory unless certain conditions are met. I read an article of many Ukrainian men escaping Ukraine on fake papers that show that their child has a handicap that would allow them not to be drafted to the army etc. I saw similar reports in the Western media on this topic and forceful drafts to the army.

All Russian propaganda as usual, I guess.

I wonder, where you this outraged as well when Iraq, Afghanistan etc. were attacked by the US and West? Were you calling for sanctions, boycotts etc. of the US and their allies? Oh, I thought so, the usual selective outrage.

"russia should not be “rewarded” crimea for its agression."


Crimea is Russia before California was USA

Why do you have to go to Malaysia, Indonesia or China to have an adult conversation?

The Western mental Bubble exceeds North Korea.

NATO claiming Crimea through its pawns is like Al-Qaeda claiming the large military base in Norfolk.
To you anything that does not remotely toy the Ukraine line is categorized Russian propaganda no mater how accurate it is historically or factually.
Hordes of fascists
Ukraine Not a real country
Save the donbass
Western hypocrites

Its literally copy pasted russian propaganda channel headlines. manipulative and distorted

You only tone it down in followup posts…all the way at the end..as a sidenote.
“Well ukraine traumatised from holodomor as well. Russia no saint. I am neutral”

Russia just started a war of agression and ethnic cleansing in ukraine. They are not “the same”. And your are even prioritizing on russian propaganda for its war crimes

Irrespective of what he did it was a coup. He was not legally removed. Read up on his successors and their dirty business.
He was (legally) deemed a russian traitor.
Some justification for protests, which escalated when hundreds protestors were shot at….

There you go with your “legality” argumentation.

If you combine all the parties in Ukraine that expose elements of such views they get far more votes than just that. Irrespective of that, they should not even be there in the first place.

According to your source. 1/3 is still a HUGE number. Name me a single European country where Nazi collaborators, people responsible for genocide and open ultranationalist/fascists have such a large support?
Putin has 87% support.

Poland, the victims of Bandera…fully support ukraine in this matter. What does that tell you?

Russia is a darker shade of grey here buddy…sorry
And who do you think tended to or tends to join the Ukrainian army if not a large portion of such people who support the above?

Crimea should never have been a part of Ukraine even for the 23 years that it was a part of Ukraine.
Crimea was gifted away which led to a very charged situation due to its importance and ethnic demography.
It would have been better off with russia.

However 1991 vote also saw around 50% crimeans vote independance.
Large/huge area of Donbas was held against all odds. Now most is held by Russia again.
All odds? The seperatists were full of heavy arms…suprise suprise. Till rockets which downed a civilian airliner. Full of my countrymen. Thanks putin.

Might does not make right. But if you think so…wait till autumn after ukraines counteroffensive…you might change your tune.
I talked about Crimea and Donbas specifically, rest of Ukraine pro-Russian support is in the minority. It also shows on the ground unlike in Crimea and most parts of Donbas. Who would have thought?

Read my previous post in this thread in order to see what I think about "Russian plans and tactics". So much for your "Russian propaganda" nonsense.
Ethnic cleansing the donbass with the remaining 30% voting russia is not a justification for annexation….

Russian propaganda too. Azov Battalion being officially a part of the Ukrainian National Guard is also propaganda.
Axov is 900-2500 men. You keep talking about horde and hordes of facsists.
I saw several videos of men being rounded up in Ukraine to forcefully join the frontline.

Several videos which were disproven/exaggerated.

Donbass defenders held the line with 10:1 artillery advantage for russia…
All “forced conscripts” ofcourse.
I wonder, where you this outraged as well when Iraq, Afghanistan etc. were attacked by the US and West? Were you calling for sanctions, boycotts etc. of the US and their allies? Oh, I thought so, the usual selective outrage.
Taliban were harboring terrorists and outed with an immensely low amount of collateral damage. Life expectancy was then greatly improved for afghans…
Why should i be against that?

Quite different from russias afghanistan invasion with plummeting population and millions dead.

Iraq? I was fooled by US propaganda.
us support and image plummeted however. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/...ge-further-erodes-europeans-want-weaker-ties/

Eu is one of the largest donors.

And here you are. Mister neutral trying to justify russias campaign of ethnic cleansing and annexation.
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