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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Saudi Crown Prince 🇸🇦 Prince Mohammed bin Salman: The Kingdom is ready to make efforts to mediate between all parties to the crisis in Ukraine 🇺🇦
• Ukrainian President Zelensky warmly welcomed the visit of His Highness the Saudi Foreign Minister
• Saudi Arabia provided an aid package estimated at $410 million as humanitarian support for the Ukrainian people

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So long as Britain remains Brexit, a Putin project, Russia would never attack the UK (maybe a False Flag, though nothing real).

The same is true for Trump America, so long as the US Republicans are owned by the Putin agenda, Russia and the US are not real enemies.

The G.O.P.’s ‘Putin Wing’​

New York Times

By David Leonhardt
April 7, 2022

Donald Trump turned Vladimir Putin into a popular figure among a significant segment of Republican voters. As a candidate, president and ex-president, Trump has repeatedly praised Putin, calling him “strong,” “savvy” and “genius.” Trump has also echoed Putin’s ideology, by harshly criticizing NATO.

Taking their cue from Trump, some Republican voters began to view Putin more favorably. A YouGov poll in January found that Republicans viewed Putin more favorably than they viewed President Biden, Kamala Harris or Nancy Pelosi.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has changed the situation, damaging his popularity in the U.S., even among Republicans. If anything, many Republican voters say they wish the Biden administration would take more aggressive action to help Ukraine, according to the Pew Research Center. Yet Trump’s effect on Putin’s popularity has not entirely disappeared: There is still a meaningful faction of Republican elites who feel an affinity for the Russian president.

Today’s newsletter looks at this faction. Representative Liz Cheney, the Wyoming Republican and frequent Trump critic, describes it as “the Putin wing of the G.O.P.” It both admires him as a strong leader and likes his right-wing nationalism, including his opposition to NATO, Western liberalism and L.G.B.T. rights.

For now, this wing remains on the party’s fringe, with little ability to affect policy. Senator Lindsey Graham has called Putin’s defenders “outliers,” while Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader in the House, has described Putin as an evil dictator who is murdering people.

But the G.O.P.’s Putin wing still has influence. It is affecting coverage by the most important news source for Republicans voters: Fox News. It seems to be shaping the behavior of another major corporation: Koch Industries. And Trump remains a leading contender to win the 2024 Republican nomination, which suggests the party’s Putin-friendly faction may not remain on the fringe.

In the days leading up to the invasion, Trump praised Putin for recognizing Ukraine’s economic and strategic value to Russia. “He’s going to go in and be a peacekeeper,” Trump said. “We could use that on our southern border.”

In recent days, Trump has shifted to a more mixed message, both saying that Putin should negotiate a peace agreement and praising him as “driven.” Trump has also encouraged Putin to release negative information on Biden’s family.

Tucker Carlson, the host of one of cable television’s highest-rated shows, has suggested that American liberals represent a bigger threat than Putin. “It might be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious, what is this really about?” Carlson said in February. “Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist?”

Carlson has also promoted a false rumor, popular in Russia, accusing the U.S. of funding biological weapons labs in Ukraine. These comments are consistent with Carlson’s history of arguing that the U.S. should align itself with Russia over Ukraine. “I think we should probably take the side of Russia, if we have to choose between Russia and Ukraine,” he said in 2019.

Koch Industries, the conglomerate whose controlling family is a major funder of Republican candidates and conservative causes, has said it would continue to operate in Russia even as many Western companies have left.

Political advocacy groups affiliated with Charles Koch have also questioned why the U.S. is levying harsh sanctions on Russia and have suggested that a Ukrainian victory is not in America’s interest, as Judd Legum of the Popular Information newsletter has reported. “The United States can and should do very little for Ukraine,” Will Ruger, the president of a Koch-funded group, has said. “Ukraine simply doesn’t matter to America’s security or our prosperity.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a far-right Georgia congresswoman, has criticized both Russia’s invasion and Ukraine’s government. President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government is corrupt, she claimed (without offering evidence), and is in power only because the Obama administration helped overthrow the previous regime (which is not true). She has argued that the U.S. should not send weapons to Ukraine.

Matt Rosendale, a Montana congressman, called Zelensky “a less-than-forthright president of the Ukraine.”

Former Trump administration officials have echoed their boss’s comments. “I have enormous respect for him,” Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, said of Putin. “He is very savvy, very shrewd.” Peter Navarro, who was a Trump economic adviser, said that Ukraine was “not really a country” because it used to be part of the Soviet Union. Douglas Macgregor, another administration official, said that Russian forces had been “too gentle” with Ukraine.

At least two Republican candidates have made similar comments. “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another,” J.D. Vance, who is running for Senate in Ohio, said. Joe Kent, who is trying to win a primary over a House Republican who voted to impeach Trump over the Jan. 6 riot, called Putin’s demand to control part of eastern Ukraine “very reasonable.”

These Conservatives Are Defending Russia In Ukraine Crisis—And Trump Leads The Way​

(Former Trump cia director) Mike Pompeo... said he had “enormous respect” for the “talented statesman” Putin

Do Trump, Pompeo and the Russia Republicans seek friendship, common goals and and often the expansion of China, as they do concerning Russia and Putin. No, because Trump and Putin are on the same team.

Trump sides with Putin as Biden tries to stop a war​

John Bolton: Trump Is a Putin-Loving Moron Who Thought Finland Was Part of Russia​

Among other things, the former president has claimed that Vladimir Putinnever would have” invaded Ukraine on his watch; that there “would be no NATO” if it wasn‘t for him; and that he generously armed Ukraine “when the previous administration was sending blankets.” These statements, of course, are lies.


'Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine or any other country,' says Moscow's ambassador to the EU​

Russians are known liars. Lied about no troops in Crimea. Russia lie about their intentions, then blame the victim for the war. This is a Trump tactic too, spoofed on comedy shows.

Here are what Russians are saying about Russian plans after Ukraine.

Exiled Russian oligarch says 'the next steps' of Putin's war may be invasion of the Baltic countries​

Former Russian prime minister warns Putin will attack Baltic States next​

Russia at war with the Baltics, puts Russia at war with the entire EU. And if pro-Russia Republicans are in the white house, there would be no US defense of Europe.

Russia would probably seek to occupy the old Iron Curtain and perhaps beyond (Finland, Italy).

This is why Europe must re-arm, Europe wasted an entire year.
SAM superiority is > air superiority in this conflict. Both sides have done good job hiding their SAMs, and not losing them to the most trivial employment of antiradiation missiles.

One of the universally adopted tactic to kill bombers when you care about killing the bomber more than protecting what it was supposed to bomb is to just let it through, and shoot at it mid-way, or on its way back.
well, I will say RuAF has not really make a present in the last year, but I don't know if that is going to change, especially when Western Tank start roaming the battlefield, I would still want to have local air superiority before I fly my CAP in this situation.
Yes, any RF signal "Theoretically" can be jammed. Just how hard it is, and how practical it is the matter. If I have unlimited resources and bottomless power, I can jam EVERY RF signal in this world.

But I can tell you as a matter of fact as a Tactical Officer who was trained with Type 4 NATO SATCOM protocol, you can't.

If you know anything about satellite jamming, there are only two ways you can jam a satellite, they are jamming their uplink and downlink com. Again, this might have work if you use commercial satellite, for Military Satellite, you can't, because you need to be able to filter out the encrypted comm burst to connect the uplink module, and that's also depends on the node ends, whether or not they will switch transfer mode. If they do, you will have to do over.

But that wouldn't be an issue because you will need to position your jamming device quite close to the signal interception, which mean if you do that, people will know you are trying to jam a military satellite.

Jamming Downlink is another issue, first you need to know where that connection is coming from, and then intercept said signal, you can't intercept that signal until it bounce back to the node, otherwise you would have no signal to jam, and it would have been protected by encryption anyway.

What you are essentially referring to is a kind of DDOS attack, again, it does not work against military satellite, first, you have to have a stronger signal and computing power to do that, second, you have to be in close proximity of the signal.

What you failed to see is you can connect to multiple signal with a single node. and 1 will become 2, 2 will become 4, 4 will become 16, while I cannot tell you how much is the maximum node connection, I can only say it is a lot more than 8. and then you have more than 1 node, and you will need to jam ALL THOSE to be able to successfully jam the comm.

umm.....no. EMP does not affect UHF

It may affect some low bandwidth UHF, but over 800Mhz are considered secured from HEMP. And UHF goes up to 3GHz

First of all, any hint of Russia using nuke is stupid. First, it wouldn't change the status of the battlefield for the Russian, it will only draw NATO closer to the conflict. You would have to either drop Megaton level nuke to make a different or hundred of <40Kt device. 1 40kt device have a damage radius of 15-20km, if Russian just nuke the front line, they would have to use hundred, if not thousands of tactical nuke. That's more or less the same as starting a global thermonuclear war.

Second, using nuke would go against the original goal, if Russia don't want part of Ukraine, why invade? Why not just use their air force and bomb Ukraine back to stoneage? Or better yet, why not use nuke on day 1? Nobody like to lose soldier for nothing, if they want to use nuke, they would have use it a long time ago.

Yes, it's not a easy thing cut whole world communications but I think a nuclear world war deserves the endeavor, at least the first hours/days. :lol:

Drop a few nukes and achieve a unconditional surrender of your enemies is always a nice thing if you wont get retaliate. I bet in Germany there are better washing machines than in Ukraine.

People thinks in conventional war and forget what is a nuclear war. Remember Japan Empire arrogance and how they bring their knees after just two small nukes. Well, Russia can launch a lot more over all West Europe (except UK and France if they dont want to get a nuclear taste).
I think whole West Europe except UK and France is a good reward to loot all you can steal in your hands.

About cut whole world communications in case of large scale war. I remember January 2012 in the context of Hormuz Strait tensions, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011–2012_Strait_of_Hormuz_dispute
The seizure of Megaupload was in the same days that American aircraft carriers passing by Hormuz, under Iran threats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaupload (19 January 2012)

Following the shutdown of the Megaupload website, the website of the United States Department of Justice and other websites were taken offline following concerted denial of service attacks attributed to Anonymous

I guess in case of Iran war scalation, USA undercovers could give anonymous some additional tools to block more communications, and then, start quietly WWIII.

But thanks God, Iran didnt bite the bait of twisted Americans: https://www.reuters.com/article/oukwd-uk-iran-boat-idAFTRE80K0Q620120121 (21 January 2012)

I think a nuclear war can be won, USA attempted to trigger it in 2012 with Iran as excuse, they failed but they will try again, because there is no enough raw materials and energy resources to keep Europe as a rich zone. :enjoy:
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