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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Lets see how many new brigades Russia can mobilize.
The BND says Putin can mobilize additional one million men. The Bundeswehr says 100,000 additional men. So the reality may be something in between. the Russians can mobilize 500,000 men for the war.
The problem for Putin is where the weapons? 60 percent of Russia tanks, 40 percent of armored vehicles were destroyed last year.
Many make the bet on China. Xi jinping will become the new Nicolaus. He brings foods and weapons to Moscow.
Well, you would still have to deal with RuAF. They are incompetent, but they aren't that incompetent....

You will need local air superiority to deploy JDAM, but you don't if you deal with GLSDB

SAM superiority is > air superiority in this conflict. Both sides have done good job hiding their SAMs, and not losing them to the most trivial employment of antiradiation missiles.

One of the universally adopted tactic to kill bombers when you care about killing the bomber more than protecting what it was supposed to bomb is to just let it through, and shoot at it mid-way, or on its way back.

The funny, ironic and IMO most dangerous part of the Chinese support for Russia is, that Russia constantly claims, they are only "protecting" the will of Russian's in Ukraine who won't be part of Ukraine but live in an independent republic or even united with Russia. So what if Taiwan will indeed declare independence, will Russia - and even more so China - then also accept the vote of these peoples since they don't want to live in an independent "republic"!

Even more so, Russian's tell the world, that Russian's in Donbas and the other "republics" were not respected, their way of living, language and so on are not accepted and even oppressed ... while at the same time Russia itself grants NO-ONE in Russia in its won republics the same rights they demand for Russians in the new republics.

I know the answer already, but you cannot claim on the one side, the will of the peoples in a certain area is more important than the will of a nation even if you yourself gave guarantees for this nation's sovereignty and accepted the border for granted, while on the other side you deny the same right in exactly the same situation whenever it does not fit your agenda!

If I remember correctly, Mao was forced to include Russians, whose number was like 300 people in the country, as a recognised minority because Stalin insisted on having such "fishhook" for China if Mao was to be dethroned, so he will have a pretext to go "protecting" them there.
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It was never planned to send Abrams. Imagine if Abrams come to front and get blown away in minutes or broke down by technical failure? Then also the left blind in the world will begin to see...
To give an example of Air force fighters
like the F-35 getting blown away from
Pakistans Jf-17s ha ha ha
that would be totally unbelievable but not impossible.

Obviously the Ukrainians are saving their reserves, rotating troops which are trained and equipped by the west for the spring while the Russians are wasting and throwing their combat potential on a town like Bakhmut, their power has been so degraded they are again talking of a new round of mobilization.

Meanwhile wagnerites are still getting decimated in and around Bakhmut

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do you believe its possible for Russia to ran out of Iran drone ? russia have its own small drone program . let compare shahed-136 with lancet .
a question for you which one is more sophisticated or how hard is for Mig factory to produce Shahed-136.
how hard it is for Mikron and Angstrom to produce the chips inside them ? or do you believe Russia will have any problem building that two stroke engine for the drone or the warhead .

the only thing special about Gran-2 is as it's based on Shahed-136 its cheap to produce and its easy to produce a single workshop can also build 10-20 of it per day

and well unless there be a unsc resolution against it I don't believe any sanction will be legitimate . they are just another one sided illegitimate sanction
Once China starts shipping arms to Russia, it is no longer a neutral nation and there is no international law that blocks sanctions against an aggressor.
Once China starts shipping arms to Russia, it is no longer a neutral nation and there is no international law that blocks sanctions against an aggressor.

China has a big decision to make - if it does join in supplying weapons to Russia, it risk sanctions by the EU itself. Right now, the EU has been reluctant to apply sanctions to China as part of USA's strategy to contain China. If China steps in to help Russia wage war in Europe, then the EU will find it difficult to stop the momentum of putting trade, technology sanctions on China...

Big decision time to work out the tradeoffs for China.
The USA attacks Russia and sanctions China at the same time, so it is natural for China and Russia to align. But it is ridiculous that the United States sells weapons to Taiwan and wants China not to support Russia. :coffee: :coffee:
If the United States attacked Russia, it would be all over the news.
Supporting a war of aggression is very different from supporting the right of self-defense.
I was saying myself if American weapons are transferred into the arena than yes Ukraine has good chance of defending Kiev. But updates from Washington are confused as f*** tbh.

Fact is that the Americans made a very hasty and uninformed promise to the Ukrainians. These US tanks are a total mismatch for this specific war. Not to even mention the logistical and spares challange. The Americans are going to remain silent to save face.
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