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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The vids exposes your propaganda lie "Putin is in bad health condition and will die soon"

Both are leaders of their country, are at war, so comparing each health condition is essential for the ongoing war. So while comparing it, it turns out that the health condition of Joe Biden is much worse than the health condition of Putin. And this could influence the ongoing war in the next month cause of early dead of Joe Biden.
Thats what your best hope of Russian victory is that one President is older and may die? Thats the straw you are gasping for. Btw, he just had a clean physical
Yes, but you are forgetting that most of those fighter jets and their needs and demands (upkeep in other words) are done by KSA within KSA by Saudi Arabian hands. In fact KSA is producing many of the fighter jet parts locally since a long time ago. Almost everything is done locally now to keep those fighter jets running.

Of course, in which war, has there not been casualties, in particular when fighting/engaging an asymmetrical opponent? We know this from our own engagements in KPK against TTP and their likes as well as in Balochistan against BLA and other terrorist elements.
1. There is no way that Saudi Arabia is self-sufficient in Typhoons Tornados and F-15s. You can't even deploy a Typhoon squadron without the BAe equivalent of ALIS (its a computerized form of logistics system) of F-35. I don't know what the BAe one is referred to. This is needed to do the maintenance/troubleshooting. And I can guarantee you BAe has not turned the source code of even this over.

2. Fair point that there will be casualties. This was not about Saudi Arabia fighting an insurgency action (which is what BLA is). This is about interfering OVERTLY in your neighbors political set-up and when that does not work then KSA resorted to attack. The point was not to judge KSA. But that that action with material (if not moral) support from NATO in terms of equipment is in an unjust war and draws a distinction from the Ukraine one where it is helping the defender. That was the original discussion that NATO only supports defenders.

I gave Yemen and the support for Iraq in its war with Iran as examples
Putin started the war. He refused to deliver gas, why now complain? He turns Russia into a beggar. Without money how will he keep the living standard in Russia? About no future, Germany exports were 1,600 billion euros despite chaos, corona, war. The highest figure ever. Will see who has no future.

the factory built by European companies
With that line of argumentation, you would prosecute the driving teacher for terrorism, when the terrorist drove into a crowd.

For your claims to have any value, you have to show that Saddam asked for a facility to produce chemical weapons.

Just claims , nothing to back them up - Your usual modus operandi.
No longer the case. See the “Made in KSA” thread on the Arab section where this topic has been discussed. @The SC

Moreover see open sources such as GAMI and SAMI. They have Twitter accounts in both Arabic and English.

Anyway our discussion is outside the scope of this thread.
Its not outside of scope of discussion when it is not true:
1. It was just not Typhoons being used. F-15s in heavy use. What does Saudi Arabia produce for F-15s.
2. For Typhoons there is no doubt some consumable parts are being produced. But it takes a few replacement parts to keep the Typhoon going. Its avionics are constantly upgraded and patched. Engine support is done by Rolls Royce, no KSA capability. Work may be being done in country but it's with Rolls Royce know how.
3. And finally, its the weapons themselves. KSA is dependent on US and NATO countries for its PGMs
Europe Shafted Itself Listening To Uncle Sam.

Some random guy on a youtube channel (which the cleaning person at our office can have access to) has more wisdom than the entire democratically elected Govt of the EU? Come on, give it a rest.

You take a guy with a european accent and then assume he speaks for everybody. AT LEAST pick somebody thats been interviewed with a newspaper/publication. That publication does not have to be credible but shows somebody gives a rats a**

If you run naked in the battlefield, yes, 29 kg is not much.

MICH Helmet + Modular Communication device is around 4KG

Body Armour with 4 SAPI plate (Front, Back + 2 sides) is 7.4 kg

M4 Rifle with 30 rounds is 3.5 kg

10 30x M4 Mag = 6Kg (600g per mag)

2x M67 Grenade = 1KG

Those thing alone is 21.9kg. Taht is before you have MRE, Change of clothes, Rug, IFAK and anything you might need, just helmet , body armour, rifle, mags and 2 grenade, not even a rug, you are hauling 21.9kg, sure, add another 29KG on that individual, my wife didn't even weight 50KG. I am sorry, not every soldier can be Arnold Schwarzenegger

And no, I did not detract from talking about Fire and Forget, I am talking about man portable system, if you think 29 kg is "Man Portable" well, that's only mean you are either Arnold Schwarzenegger or you are stupid.......

Or you just like to fight war naked.
ICH's reference point is hauling 29KG while sitting in his living room with his xbox console and holding the controller and killing tanks. So if he can dart around on his video game , why can't a soldier do the same on a battlefield
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The only stupid fake soldier here is you.. general jhungary

ATGMs are useless because nato wunder tactics and wunder soldiers...

The zionist wunder soldiers found out in 2006 how deadly ATGMS are against their tanks that had been over engineered everything in favor of maximum armor.

Basic 40 year old ATGMs shredded saudi armor

If the US had balls between their legs, they would send their abrams in with volunteer american tank crews.... but i wont hold my breath
You know this war is going on for a year or did you just wake up now and realize war started.

It is these ATGMs that repulsed the lines of Russian tanks last March/April when Russia retreated and gave up on Kiev.

I am sure the general jhungry also can remind you. Then we can talk about balls or who ran with balls between their legs
They retreated with tails tucked between their legs after this:

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Maybe you should have taught the zionist your super advance scout wunder tactics that makes atgms useless against western armor
I think Hezbollah should go all out and get Israel out of Golan. If these pictures were truly representative of Hezbollah victory, Golan should be back with Syria. Instead Hizbollah has sat on its side of its border and turned Lebanon single handedly into a 4th world country with no governance, no banking system, no trash collection. And thats just the good things
Russia is already controlling all of Crimea and most of Donbas and most of the majority ethnic Russian areas of Ukraine. They are supposedly launching another offensive if we are to believe Ukraine and NATO. This new offensive is cause for panic in NATO and Ukraine. We saw this during today's meeting in Munich.

That is all fine and any idiot realizes that NATO is economically and militarily light years ahead of Russia but how does that change the main problem that I raised, namely that Ukrainian casualties have been at least as high as the Russian casualties and the Russians have 3-4 times the population and are able to mobilize unlimited amounts of cannon fodder as already seen. Mostly composed of already "unwanted" minority groups and criminals (Wagner).

How will NATO deal with this simple yet extremely challenging problem when NATO troops are never going to engage directly with Russian troops on the ground in Ukraine? If they do this war will escalate into a potential and direct NATO-Russia war and then every bet is off the table, including the use of nuclear weapons. No party has interest in such a thing despite empty rhetoric from the Russian side.

Moreover and maybe even more importantly, what is Ukraine, if they ever reclaim Crimea, Donbas and other majority Russian territories in Ukraine, going to do with the millions upon millions of ethnic Russians in Ukraine of which the majority of those people don't want to be a part of Ukraine?

And not only that, Russia has been pretty "civilized" for their part compared to their historical modus operandi as seen in Chechnya or Afghanistan or WW2. Due to them initially trying to win over Ukrainians which as I wrote, was a complete failure and counterproductive.

Anyway my main points remain, how do you answer this?

Lastly how long will the elected governments in Europe and the US justify billions upon billions of tax payers money being spent on far-away Ukraine when 1) Russia is never going to directly attack any NATO member, 2) the people say enough is enough in times of already challenging economic times, other priorities, tiredness from the war/media coverage etc. We already see this occurring in numerous European states and in the US.

It is not as simple as you thing it is, the Russians were supposed to be dead and buried by September. It seems that nobody has learnt from WW1, WW2, Napoleon's wars etc. Russia is an incredibly hard nut to crack if history is our witness.
You do realize that many people from Kherson to Kharkiv can speak Russian right? Even Zelensky? Thats the worse excuse to claim that they wanted to be liberated. Considering how the people of Kherson were celebrating with the Ukrainian troops en masse compared to Russians being there. As you said, the Russians failed to win over the Ukrainians. Just remember, the Afghans beat the Soviets when they lost millions of Afghans and the Russians controlled most of the country.

You don't see that kind of welcome for the Russian troops.
WHile there is no way to verify claims of losses (for either side) and the daily movement of a relatively static battle line, one thing that can be quantified is the economic situation.

With no money, can't produce things and pay soldiers. This is battle of economies and seeing who outlasts who. At this point I can't bet on Russia being able to outlast EU countries which escaped a recession and have no dependency on Russian energy

Russian deficit hits $25bn​


Moscow’s budget gap has soared as the Kremlin steps up defence spending while western sanctions begin to bite into oil and gas revenues.

Russia’s budget deficit hit Rbs1.76tn ($25bn) in January as the Kremlin stepped up defence spending and western sanctions began to hit the country’s oil and gas revenue.​

The official figures are the latest sign of the damage the invasion of Ukraine continues to wreak on the economy nearly a year into President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Revenue from oil and gas fell 46 per cent year on year to Rbs426bn, the finance ministry said yesterday, blaming the drop on falling prices for Urals, its main crude export blend, and a decline in natural gas exports. Urals has traded at a significant discount to the global benchmark Brent product since the conflict began in late February 2022.
Expenditure ballooned by 59 per cent year on year to Rbs3.12tn in January 2023, amid largely classified plans to ramp up defence spending to Rbs3.5tn this year. Ukrainian officials have warned in recent days they believe Russia is set to launch a big offensive in the coming weeks to mark the first anniversary of the conflict.
Natalia Lavrova, chief economist at BCS Global Markets, the investment banking arm of the brokerage, said the figures marked the first time in its modern history that Russia had increased spending drastically at a time when revenues were falling sharply.
“The only time we saw something similar was in 2015, when spending on national defence increased sharply,” she said. “However, the huge difference between 2015 and 2023 is that, back then, the revenues dynamics was not as disastrous.”
The drop in oil and gas revenue was accompanied by a 28 per cent fall in other revenue to Rbs931bn, the finance ministry said, ascribing it to a decline in value added tax and corporate tax takings. The only similar decline in tax revenues on record was during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Lavrova said, when Russia imposed extensive lockdown measures.
“It is obvious that budgetary risks are increasing: both on the spending and revenue sides,” Lavrova added.
Moscow, which typically derives up to half of its revenues from oil and gas, offset the blow to its economy from western sanctions through increased volumes of discounted energy sales to countries such as China and India amid record energy prices last year.
But Putin’s “economic mobilisation” drive to support the war effort has driven up spending, while the sanctions have pushed Russia to sell Urals at an average price of $49.48 a barrel last month, a 41 per cent drop year on year and well below of the $70-a-barrel level assumed in Russia’s budget.
The ongoing hit to Russia’s coffers has prompted the finance ministry to look for ways to compensate for the widening deficit. Russia sold Rbs38.5bn of Chinese yuan and gold from its rainy-day National Welfare Fund last month and plans to issue Rbs800bn in local bonds in the first quarter of 2023 as part of a move to raise this year’s domestic borrowing to Rbs2.5tn, from a previously planned Rbs1.7tn.


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But from what I can see, most of the territory that Russia has conquered from Ukraine is mainly inhabited by either ethnic Russians or Ukrainian Russian speakers that have a degree of affinity with Russia and which prior to 2014 used to vote almost exclusively for pro-Russian parties. How are they ever going to integrate into an extremely Russophobic Kiev regime that even goes so far as banning pro-Russian political parties, the Russian language and is actively rewriting history?

I don't think that people understand the historical divisions within Ukraine. People east of the Dnipro river are very different from the Western Ukrainians. West Ukrainian is often Catholic, was ruled/dominated by Poland/Polish people for almost 600 years, the architecture and culture is different, the political identity (Western Ukraine being a hotbed of Ukrainian nationalism, where most of the Nazi Ukrainian collaborators were from, Bandera and other extremist hotbed) vs Eastern Ukraine.

You do realize that half of Ukraine, in particular Eastern and Southern Ukraine, was founded and settled by Russians right? Most of the cities were founded and built by the Russian empire. 100.000's if not millions of ethnic Russians settled those regions that used to be barren steppe or inhabited by Crimean Tatars.

Do you think that Russians fell down from the sky in Eastern and Southern Ukraine and Crimea? They are not going anywhere. Most of the inhabitants, whether Russian or Ukrainian (ethnicity) don't even speak Ukrainian, lol.

Zelenskiy himself barely speaks Ukrainian and his mother tongue is Russian.
I see you have bought the russian narrative, eventhough you somehow pretend to be objective, it is still obvious.
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