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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Yes, but you are forgetting that most of those fighter jets and their needs and demands (upkeep in other words) are done by KSA within KSA by Saudi Arabian hands. In fact KSA is producing many of the fighter jet parts locally since a long time ago. Almost everything is done locally now to keep those fighter jets running.
Most of these fighters are being serviced by US contractors and the Saudis buy their spare parts from the manufacturers.


US Viagra maker halts supplies of erectile dysfunction pill to Russia over Ukraine invasion​

>> Shit just got serious for Russian Men.. ( and cue all the jokes about how "strong" russian resolve is etc )...

In other news, I read russia put Viagra replacement as a tier-1 national importance medicine to replace

Talking of priorities, and the class of demented geriatric hedonists in power

CPC is just like that too
Russia is taking casualties big time and spinning in its cauldron that they have created themselves

US Viagra maker halts supplies of erectile dysfunction pill to Russia over Ukraine invasion​

>> Shit just got serious for Russian Men.. ( and cue all the jokes about how "strong" russian resolve is etc )...
at this rate of attrition, they wont need viagra, they will need cloning..
Any country must buy precursors of chemical weapons without never build chem weapons. Because those are substances of wide use.

Well, but Iraq built and used chemical weapons and USA knew it.

Even without selling precursors, it's hypocrite support a regime who used those weapons, and they did it.

Although I guess it's perfectly legal and if it's not, it doesnt matter, because you can't judge/punish the strongest superpower of this world.

It's unlawful to aid and abet war crimes. There is liability for complicity.

For more details see here:

Oona A. Hathaway, Alexandra Francis, Aaron Haviland, Srinath Reddy Kethireddy, Alyssa T. Yamamoto, Aiding and Abetting in International Criminal Law, Cornell Law Review, Volume 104, Issue 6, September 2019, Article 4.


EU regimes were informed of the fact that Saddam's military was murdering Iranians civilians and troops with poison gas, but they deliberately continued their lax export control on rare key substances Iraq needed to manufacture the WMD.

It was perfectly known to the USA regime that Saddam's military was murdering Iranian civilians and troops with poison gas, yet Washington continued providing live satellite imagery to assist Baghdad in those attacks.

The USA regime prevented the United Nations Security Council from taking action against Saddam for his use of WMD.

This means both the USA and EU regimes in question were complicit. They are criminal entities.

But obviously no one can judge USA about it, because there is no a state stronger than USA in this planet.

There will be soon enough. And USA crimes will not be forgotten on that day.
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Russia is taking casualties big time and spinning in its cauldron that they have created themselves
According to testimonies of Russia soldiers casualty rate runs a horrible 70 percent. Most of them are poor souls of Wagners, ex prisoners, social scums. That’s a win win. As Putin runs low on foods for Russia population he can save a lot. He doesn’t need to feed them in prisons and gulags.

Meanwhile Ukraine support group grows from 50 to 54 members. Probably Ukraine is the most supported country in war in history ever.

Ukraine prepares for the counteroffensive in spring. Ukraine army is getting trainings in Germany on something Russia army apparently lacks of: Feldwebel or pioneers. They are the spearhead of an army in offensive.

Russia is doing nuclear threats, another thing is if NATO corrupt leaders listen or not, they only listen the sound of American bagfuls of money.

Western states (except USA) are acting against Russia like a brainless drunk man.

USA can stop a Russian nuclear first strike, they have enough ABM shields.

Rest of NATO can't it.

But they act like if they could, they are insane, they are drunk of American lies and bribes.

(11 months ago).
Nuclear tests are irrelevant, don't know why that was even brought up.

Your comment ignores the fact that the US nuclear umbrella exists in Europe.

The only lies here are the ones being fed to people by Russia. The US no doubt lies, but in this case it is almost exclusively Russian propaganda.
Most of these fighters are being serviced by US contractors and the Saudis buy their spare parts from the manufacturers.

No longer the case. See the “Made in KSA” thread on the Arab section where this topic has been discussed. @The SC

Moreover see open sources such as GAMI and SAMI. They have Twitter accounts in both Arabic and English.

Anyway our discussion is outside the scope of this thread.

Russia’s army is estimated to have lost nearly 40% of its prewar fleet of tanks after nine months of fighting in Ukraine, according to a count by the specialist thinktank the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS).
That rises to as much as 50% for some of the key tanks used in combat, forcing Russia to reach into its still sizeable cold war-era stocks. Ukraine’s tank numbers are estimated to have increased because of the number it has captured and supplies of Soviet-era tanks from its western allies.
Any country must buy precursors of chemical weapons without never build chem weapons. Because those are substances of wide use.

Well, but Iraq built and used chemical weapons and USA knew it.

Even without selling precursors, it's hypocrite support a regime who used those weapons, and they did it.

Although I guess it's perfectly legal and if it's not, it doesnt matter, because you can't judge/punish the strongest superpower of this world.

Laws can only to be applied to weaker subjects than who are judging.

I think it's not a nice thing from international laws point of view the fact of drop two nukes over civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki :lol:.

But obviously no one can judge USA about it, because there is no a state stronger than USA in this planet.
I trained your engineers to build farm tractors, but when they returned to your country, they built tanks instead. They did not built farm tractors THEN turned farm tractors into tanks. Instead, they used the new knowledge and went straight into weapons. Whether the tanks are the equals of any other country's is irrelevant. The point is that the new civilian knowledge -- intellectual capital -- went straight into weapons development.
Russia Advancing At A Steady Speed.

You shouldnt pay too much attention to Weeb Union. He is basically just quoting pro russian sources and drawing imaginary (but rather obvious) future russian axis of assaults on the map. Now he is saying up to 1500 ukrainians in Parasoviivka are trapped with no escape because they are missing 500 meters of paved road for resupply. First of all, I doubt 1500 ukrainians cover a front of 1 km, secondly its only 800 meters cross fields and tree lines and they have left this open pocket.
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