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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

go search about UHDE Ltd. and Hoechst AG. and their financing to work in Iraq by UK's Export Credits Guarantee Department
Sources that says that ”Iran claims this and that” are not proof of anything.

for the record the case went to court and some European convicted .

Convicted of what? Jaywalking? No source…

but as always a certain Swedish person want to deny the sun .

There is proof that the sun exist.

but when you build chemical factory to produce Thuban and mustard I'm not aware of any other use for it or when you approve finance for it .
Approving finance is not shipping chemical weapons.
or when you use your veto power to prevent UNSC condemn Saddam use of chemical weapon against civilian
Vetoing a resolution is not shipping chemical weapons.
Providing target information is not shipping chemical weapons.

This is not ”selling chemical weapons”.

”American weapons experts have recently voiced concern that the German Government has permitted Siemens to sell Baghdad at least eight sophisticated medical machines which contain devices that are vital for nuclear weapons. The machines, known as "lithotripters", use ultrasound to destroy kidney stones in patients.”

after 1984 dutch government went to the extend to not mention some precoursor for chemical weapons on manifest to hide their export to iraq and you have the audacity to say European government were not involved and only some individual .
you think you can fool anybody but yourself on the matter

”Precursor chemical weapons” are not chemical weapons.


Steel is a precursor to the atom bomb as it is enclosed in steel.
That does not make steel an atom bomb.

With ”proof” like this, I guess conviction is guaranteed.😂😂😂😂

So far you have not proven that the West shipped chemical weapons. They shipped chemicals and technology which Iraq used to develop chemical weapons.

Meanwhile Iran is continuing its terrorist agenda.
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When the Soviet union fell, it's borders shrank heavily.

What happened after wasn't a recovery, it was bandaging the bleeding wound. Russia has been facing disintegration for a while now, and Putin has made the matter worse.

Ukraine will get access to the largest single market union in the world, the EU. It doesn't even need to join NATO.

Russian nuclear threats mean nothing, considering that NATO has made it clear that they WILL get involved militarily as soon as a nuclear weapon is used by Russia. That's why Russia isn't making nuclear threats as much anymore.

Russia is doing nuclear threats, another thing is if NATO corrupt leaders listen or not, they only listen the sound of American bagfuls of money.

Western states (except USA) are acting against Russia like a brainless drunk man.

USA can stop a Russian nuclear first strike, they have enough ABM shields.

Rest of NATO can't it.

But they act like if they could, they are insane, they are drunk of American lies and bribes.

(11 months ago).
RSAF has been flying Typhoons, F-15s in air strikes plus with support from Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain F-16s and F-18s. These airplanes don't run on air. To fly and drop weapons , you need to replinish them. This is where US and UK (or rather the consortium that makes the Typhoon) have very much been at the forefront. I did not talk about casualties, I talked about the war.

And yes there is lots of Yemen vs. Yemen fighting but there is proof of civilians being killed by airstrikes. I won't let you distract from the main point that under no circumstances can this coalition led by Saudi Arabia be flying 1000s of sorties without parts being replinished.

Listen to yourself: 'Saudi Arabian campaign has been limited to Southern, Easter, Northern Yemen'. Wtf is left.

Yes, but you are forgetting that most of those fighter jets and their needs and demands (upkeep in other words) are done by KSA within KSA by Saudi Arabian hands. In fact KSA is producing many of the fighter jet parts locally since a long time ago. Almost everything is done locally now to keep those fighter jets running.

Of course, in which war, has there not been casualties, in particular when fighting/engaging an asymmetrical opponent? We know this from our own engagements in KPK against TTP and their likes as well as in Balochistan against BLA and other terrorist elements.

However there is a long way from that to the systematic Western propaganda/one-sided nonsense of "genocide" and what not other nonsense. Have in mind that the only so-called "neutral" party that verifies whether a missile/bomb has hit a civilian area or not are the Houthi's on the ground who are the ones creating the narratives and the ones that control the narrative as there are nobody but them on the ground. Many independent reporters have already documented that many of the civilian casualties that are blamed on KSA/Yemeni army, are in fact casualties caused by the Houthis themselves.

Well, it is quite "interesting" that Eastern, Southern and Southwestern Yemen (those areas free from Houthi terrorist rule) are not facing those problems as mentioned.

The most clear example of this being largely Houthi propaganda is the fact that the Houthis have not been screaming "genocide" 24/7 in the past 1 year (during the ceasefire) but ironically nothing has changed in regards to the naval control of Yemeni waters which KSA remains in control of and nothing has changed compared to what the situation was in say 2020. Nor has there been any difference in weather or other factors that could have played a role. So allow me to be very doubtful of such claims.

To make the story short: almost the entire Russia invasion army is annihilated. From the initial 200,000 men army there is nothing left. More than half of tanks and heavy equipment were destroyed.

What now coming from Russia offensives, they are resembled of weaklings, cowards, mobies, recruits, convicts, criminals, losers. People you better don’t want to meet them in daylight.

In terms of weapons, Russia T14 tanks will never see in mass production. They can’t build the tank engines. They can’t build the electronics. They can’t make the software.

Time will tell. The Russians are on the offensive apparently.

Russia doesn't want a real war with NATO. Excluding nukes, they be screwed literally.

What I basically wrote myself but the point is that Russia DO have nukes and PLENTY of them. In fact more than anyone else. Also PLENTY of missiles and nuclear submarines etc. to deliver them to any point on the planet, including annihilating the entire USA in the process and entire world in fact.

Quite a big difference from the usual punching bag (Afghanistan, Iraq, Grenada etc.)


A close-up view of the ATLAS sensor turret. DoD

While Russian tanks get obliterated in Ukraine, US M1 Abrams tanks are getting upgraded with AI targeting sensors

First mass produced batch of 120 drones is already in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, first few hundreds will have these conspicuous pink motors. They will have to be repainted in the field. The old black ones were way too expensive for no performance difference.

  1. Two circularly polarised antennas were found to provide significant improvement over a trace, or dipole whisker antennas.
  2. Moving away from structural PCB as labour for assembly is not a chokepoint, and waterjet cut CFRP is very cheap
  3. Black XT60 connector for the battery
  4. Black cfrp rotors instead of the previous off-the-shelf colourful polycarbonate ones to increase control bandwidth, and make it less toy looking
  5. Velcro strap for battery, and payload is included
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While Russian tanks get obliterated in Ukraine, US M1 Abrams tanks are getting upgraded with AI targeting sensors
Sure, tanks dont get hurt if they stay at home, peeing old oil out of the suspensions...
Sources that says that ”Iran claims this and that” are not proof of anything.

Proof stems from a multitude of sources, beyond Iranian statements. Which shows the latter were accurate. As opposed to NATO regimes. Lying is a defining feature of their political culture.


Convicted of what?

Of violating laws of warfare and/or domestic export laws.

There is proof that the sun exist.

There is proof EU and USA regimes assisted Saddam in his chemical warfare, nay, intentionally made it possible in the first place.

Approving finance is not shipping chemical weapons.

Approving finance for chemical weapons factories equals funding WMD production. A crime European regimes have committed.

Vetoing a resolution is not shipping chemical weapons.

It's aiding a crime. Those guilty of such are criminals and must be punished according to the law.

Providing target information is not shipping chemical weapons.

It is active participation in a war crime. Those doing so are criminals that deserve punishment.

This is not ”selling chemical weapons”.

It's worse.

”American weapons experts have recently voiced concern that the German Government has permitted Siemens to sell Baghdad at least eight sophisticated medical machines which contain devices that are vital for nuclear weapons. The machines, known as "lithotripters", use ultrasound to destroy kidney stones in patients.”


”Precursor chemical weapons” are not chemical weapons.

View attachment 916520

When it's known they are used to produce poison gas, it's unlawful to supply the perpetrator.

Steel is a precursor to the atom bomb as it is enclosed in steel.

That does not make steel an atom bomb.

Steel is a widely available commodity with virtually unlimited applications. Chemical weapons precursors aren't. Making them available to a manifest, active WMD user is a crime.

With ”proof” like this, I guess conviction is guaranteed.😂😂😂😂
View attachment 916523

Abundant proof has been posted. No amount of denial can invalidate it.

Note that the quoted subject has posted not one but four laughter emoticons in a row. Usually a sign of nervousness.

So far you have not proven that the West shipped chemical weapons. They shipped chemicals and technology which Iraq used to develop chemical weapons.

They deliberately enabled Saddam to manufacture and use chemical weapons on a large scale. The quoted subject's rhetoric attempts at twisting the fact are falling flat.


Meanwhile Iran is continuing its terrorist agenda.
View attachment 916521

Sources that say German regime authorities claim this or that are not proof of anything. In fact, in an estimated 80%-90% of cases, when regime officials in Berlin make a claim it implies that the opposite is true.

Meanwhile the USA are continuing their acts of terrorism and being exposed like bloody amateurs:

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Sanctions have pushed Russia to sell Urals at an average price of $49.48 a barrel last month, a 41 per cent drop year on year and well below of the $70-a-barrel level assumed in Russia’s budget.

Financial Times

News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication

Russian deficit hits $25bn


Moscow’s budget gap has soared as the Kremlin steps up defence spending while western sanctions begin to bite into oil and gas revenues.

Russia’s budget deficit hit Rbs1.76tn ($25bn) in January as the Kremlin stepped up defence spending and western sanctions began to hit the country’s oil and gas revenue.​

The official figures are the latest sign of the damage the invasion of Ukraine continues to wreak on the economy nearly a year into President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Revenue from oil and gas fell 46 per cent year on year to Rbs426bn, the finance ministry said yesterday, blaming the drop on falling prices for Urals, its main crude export blend, and a decline in natural gas exports. Urals has traded at a significant discount to the global benchmark Brent product since the conflict began in late February 2022.
Expenditure ballooned by 59 per cent year on year to Rbs3.12tn in January 2023, amid largely classified plans to ramp up defence spending to Rbs3.5tn this year. Ukrainian officials have warned in recent days they believe Russia is set to launch a big offensive in the coming weeks to mark the first anniversary of the conflict.
Natalia Lavrova, chief economist at BCS Global Markets, the investment banking arm of the brokerage, said the figures marked the first time in its modern history that Russia had increased spending drastically at a time when revenues were falling sharply.
“The only time we saw something similar was in 2015, when spending on national defence increased sharply,” she said. “However, the huge difference between 2015 and 2023 is that, back then, the revenues dynamics was not as disastrous.”
The drop in oil and gas revenue was accompanied by a 28 per cent fall in other revenue to Rbs931bn, the finance ministry said, ascribing it to a decline in value added tax and corporate tax takings. The only similar decline in tax revenues on record was during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Lavrova said, when Russia imposed extensive lockdown measures.
“It is obvious that budgetary risks are increasing: both on the spending and revenue sides,” Lavrova added.
Moscow, which typically derives up to half of its revenues from oil and gas, offset the blow to its economy from western sanctions through increased volumes of discounted energy sales to countries such as China and India amid record energy prices last year.
But Putin’s “economic mobilisation” drive to support the war effort has driven up spending, while the sanctions have pushed Russia to sell Urals at an average price of $49.48 a barrel last month, a 41 per cent drop year on year and well below of the $70-a-barrel level assumed in Russia’s budget.
The ongoing hit to Russia’s coffers has prompted the finance ministry to look for ways to compensate for the widening deficit. Russia sold Rbs38.5bn of Chinese yuan and gold from its rainy-day National Welfare Fund last month and plans to issue Rbs800bn in local bonds in the first quarter of 2023 as part of a move to raise this year’s domestic borrowing to Rbs2.5tn, from a previously planned Rbs1.7tn.
The work of 50y on energy links to Europe. Putin flushed down the toilet overnight. Even if the war stops tomorrow it would take 50y to repair the damage.

US Viagra maker halts supplies of erectile dysfunction pill to Russia over Ukraine invasion​

>> Shit just got serious for Russian Men.. ( and cue all the jokes about how "strong" russian resolve is etc )...
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This is not ”selling chemical weapons”.

”American weapons experts have recently voiced concern that the German Government has permitted Siemens to sell Baghdad at least eight sophisticated medical machines which contain devices that are vital for nuclear weapons. The machines, known as "lithotripters", use ultrasound to destroy kidney stones in patients.”

”Precursor chemical weapons” are not chemical weapons.

Any country must buy precursors of chemical weapons without never build chem weapons. Because those are substances of wide use.

Well, but Iraq built and used chemical weapons and USA knew it.

Even without selling precursors, it's hypocrite support a regime who used those weapons, and they did it.

Although I guess it's perfectly legal and if it's not, it doesnt matter, because you can't judge/punish the strongest superpower of this world.

Laws can only to be applied to weaker subjects than who are judging.

I think it's not a nice thing from international laws point of view the fact of drop two nukes over civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki :lol:.

But obviously no one can judge USA about it, because there is no a state stronger than USA in this planet.
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