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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Bakhmut is not "Practically" surrounded, it was surrounded on the NE, E, SE, S, SW, Ukrainian will not need to pull out until T-0504 is cut off, that could be 10 days, or 2 months.
if it get cut out will they be able to pull out?

Operation "DAGGER"

Lieutenant Colonel Maciej Korowaj presents a hypothetical course of a probable Russian offensive on Ukraine. - "I developed it based on the RUS operational methodology. Given the complexity of the topic, I have limited myself to the key issues. The thread shows the course of the entire operation in (4) stages.

🔴 Minimum parameters of fighting in the auxiliary direction in the first stage of the operation RUS fire superiority 7:1 attack up to 10 km/day. Main direction II and III stage 5:1 up to 15 km/day. At the key points of the 10:1 operation. Average in operation 3:1 and up to 10km/day.

1️⃣ 1st Stage (up to 3 days) hitting the 1st throw in the auxiliary direction from the east to the direction of Kiev. Pressure in the northern direction (Regional Grouping of Forces) and in the Donbass. RUS achieve strategic surprise as to the strength and direction of the strike.

🔴 The topic of strategic redeployment is strongly emphasized by RUS and regularly trained, whether in own or allied exercises. An example is, for example, "ZAPAD 2017" and the annual exercise of the crypt railway troops. "ECHELON".

🔴 Strategic or operational surprise is achieved by RUS through tgz. "Żabi Skok" of the main forces of the Operational Union in the direction of the strike no later than 3 days before the start of the operation. 1st throw units up to 24h for 2nd throw units 72h. The third flush is about 2-3 weeks.

🔴 The OC's entry into combat is smooth. A few days or a week before the strike, elements of the reconnaissance and forward command system are deployed along with support units. Nevertheless, it is difficult to clearly state the intention of action. They often maneuver or demonstrate.

2️⃣ The 2nd stage of the operation (5-6 days) is the entry of the 2nd wave. Continued attack towards Kiev. At the same time, an attack from the south flanking the main SZU forces in Donbass.

3️⃣ The 3rd stage of the operation (day 10-12) is the entry of all the forces of the 2nd echelon simultaneously with the planned change of the direction of the main attack from east to south and the continuation of the attack from south to north. At the same time, strikes are made on the Dnieper crossings.

4️⃣ 4th stage of the operation (day 20-30) the main objective is to capture the key area by the forces of the 3rd echelon and the separated 2nd echelon. At that time, the forces of the first echelon should restore combat readiness and move to the operation reserve. RUS in this case will retain the operational initiative.

🔴 Taking into account the changes in the RUS command and previous actions such as: reducing artillery fire, forcing UKR to disperse air defense units over critical infrastructure, "disappearance" of many select units from the front - something is afoot. If you like it, pass it on."







What Bakhmut looks like from a bird's eye view.

photo_2023-02-08_23-32-37 (2).jpg
Yeah, but how you find it in the first place?

If you type English or German, it won't give you a thai language result in search.

Just check the words in the twitterposts for similarities. Glad to help you. Auch wenns vergeblich ist.

i do not do that, just pointing out unsustainability of your position in this particular case.
No, it is not, international law is non existing for couple of decades and is used only as tool of justification for mightier ones, sadly i would say.
That is Your opinion, and seems to be escapism.

That would be the Swedish/American Excalibur…

first you must prove claims
You are a big believer of making claims without evidence…
Noone needs to prove anything to You, here on PDF.
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