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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Scots are not nordics at all.
There are English people, as you say, at least 50 million of them in the UK. Boris Johnson and Beckham are not the most pure examples of English people. Boris' Grandpa was called Osman Kemal and his mum is part jewish. Beckham is also part jewish. King George? Well depends which one. King George II was as English as I am. Which is not at all, he was in fact German.

Ryan Giggs is a quarter black. so, hmmmm not really the finest example of a Celt.

But yes, English People do exist. But they are a nationality. Celts are more a subgroup of white people, more comparable to Slavs or Anglo-Saxons.

Irish and welsh are largely Celtic. They are similar people.
Western Germans and English are largely Anglo-Saxon (or we can say Germanic). They are similar people.
Russians and Ukrainians are Slavic, They are similar people.

Russians are Slavic, Irish are Celtic. But they are not similar people.
They are both white people, but are not very similar.

That was actually my point......I was saying "IF YOU CAN CLAIM" all that was true, you can also claim what I said in previous post is true......

Nobody is of Pure Ethnicity this day, I am a Hispanic-Asian with Anglo descent, my wife is Nordic and Dalecarlian descent, in a big country like US and Russia or even smaller country like Sweden, I am American, my wife is Swedish, and Putin is Russian. There are no "Ethnic American", "Ethnic Swede" and "Ethnic Russian"

That is what I mean by "Ethnicity" did not really exist, because how are you going to define them? Thru geneology? Or thru descent?? Hence I said it the 3rd time now, if you are saying "Ethnic Russian" is the similar to "Ethnic Ukrainian" the only thing they shared between ethnic Ukrainian and Ethnic Russian is their physical feature, but then if you put it that way, it's also mean every other European are similar to each other.

and no Nobody in Germany and England I know would think German and English is similar......

I am a white Slavic person. Nationality Bosnian. I grew up next to English and Irish people. I do not understand English or Irish people. We are NOT very similar. They are not very attractive or interesting to me.

I met maybe 3 Russians in my life and I'm already going out with one, We are more similar. Culturally and linguistically.
I don't know about Russian and Bosnian, as I said, Culturally, Ukrainian share some similarity with Russia, but language, again, unless my ex and most of my friend lies to me, they aren't similar.
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There are no "Ethnic American", "Ethnic Swede" and "Ethnic Russian"
There are no Ethnic Americans, but there are certainly ethnic swedes and ethnic Russians.
That is what I mean by "Ethnicity" did not really exist, because how are you going to define them? Thru geneology? Or thru descent??
You define it by descent, appearance, culture language & religion. And yeah, it does exist because people identify with it and exclude others from it.
Hence I said it the 3rd time now, if you are saying "Ethnic Russian" is the similar to "Ethnic Ukrainian" the only thing they shared between ethnic Ukrainian and Ethnic Russian is their physical feature,
No, they share culture, religion, language similarities also. They are very closely related groups.
but then if you put it that way, it's also mean every other European are similar to each other.
They are when compared to Africans or Asians.
and no Nobody in Germany and England I know would think German and English is similar......
They might not think so, but they are. Not all germans, I'm talking western germans, much less so the bavarians.
I am a Hispanic-Asian with Anglo descent,
You are probably just confused because of your mixed ethnic and racial background. You dont neatly fit into any group, You can just say you are American. A lot of it what you consider yourself and what others accept you as.

Like you, I have other ethnic groups in my family, and I can also try to identify with them, like German, but if I Turn up to a village in Germany, with my name and Language skills and religion and world views, it would take a huge huge effort before I would be accepted as an ethnic German. Like never.

So back to Ukranians, They exist, they seem very determined to be free and independent and are locked into a war with probably the closest ethnic groups to them in this world. This is not unusual by the way. The most bitter conflicts are amongst the most similar groups. Because its personal.
There are no Ethnic Americans, but there are certainly ethnic swedes and ethnic Russians.

How do you figure?? My wife would have disagreed there is ethnic Swede.

You define it by descent, appearance, culture language & religion. And yeah, it does exist because people identify with it and exclude others from it.

No, they share culture, religion, language similarities also. They are very closely related groups.

They are when compared to Africans or Asians.

They might not think so, but they are. Not all germans, I'm talking western germans, much less so the bavarians.

You are probably just confused because of your mixed ethnic and racial background. You dont neatly fit into any group, You can just say you are American. A lot of it what you consider yourself and what others accept you as.

Like you, I have other ethnic groups in my family, and I can also try to identify with them, like German, but if I Turn up to a village in Germany, with my name and Language skills and religion and world views, it would take a huge huge effort before I would be accepted as an ethnic German. Like never.

So back to Ukranians, They exist, they seem very determined to be free and independent and are locked into a war with probably the closest ethnic groups to them in this world. This is not unusual by the way. The most bitter conflicts are amongst the most similar groups. Because its personal.

And I think we have derailed this thread long enough. Let's just agree to disagree.
How do you figure?? My wife would have disagreed there is ethnic Swede.
Americans are not an ethnic group just yet. Just look at those that identify as American. They are largely English with some north European background. Maybe one day they will be an ethnic group.

A swede says there are no ethnic swedes? Well, she is either not an ethnic swede or just someone with a woke agenda saying nonsense.

Most countries in europe give you a passport if you can show you are of their ethnic group. So ethnic groups do exist and are recognised by most European countries and they have their metrics on how to measure if you belong to that group our not.

For example, if you can prove you are a part of that ethnic group, there are countries in the EU that will give you a passport even if you or your ancestors have never even lived or been to that country.
He is imprisoned in an island, most likely in England.

Only 10 them they will donate, and the Russian drones with those guided tank busters are waiting for them. Rest assured, they won't make much of a difference in the battle-field.

As far as I know Lord Voldemort resides in the UK. Anyone else is an invention based on your hateful agenda.

UK is in indeed an Island , therefore they don't have many tanks to spare . This is clearly a demonstrative move , to influence Germany to free their leopard 2 ,
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Challenger 2 MBT are not suited for Urban combat. No tank is really asides merkava which was designed with urban combat in mind.

If it's sent into Bakhmut then thats just a waste of a good tank. Challenger 2 can make a big difference on the fields of Donbass however
Not urban combats
That’s for the Wagners at Bakhmut at the outer skirts and northern front at Soledar, Kremina. the hooligans try to storm Ukraine defense lines since months. they hide in trenches. Tanks will root them out.
Balmut. Reminds me of Verdun it also was a planned meat grinder by the Germans where the French had to send thousands of soldiers in order to defend it.
Balmut. Reminds me of Verdun it also was a planned meat grinder by the Germans where the French had to send thousands of soldiers in order to defend it.
Almost the same
Verdun is France’s strongest defense on the eastern flank, same for Bakhmut for Ukraine. Neither France nor Ukraine can’t afford to lose. Strategically both Verdun and Bakhmut are not important. Cities with few thousands inhabitants, no industrial no weapons manufacturing. It’s just symbolic for the population the gov can say hey! Look, our armies will defend the fortress until the bitter end, no matter the costs.
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