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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Will Schryver is a paid Russian Shill. He served in the USMC and had a tour of Iraq. His credibility is in the dustbin

He is actually well-informed, unlike the rest of the sheeple who are brainwashed by the mainstream lame media. Perhaps you should pay attention to his analysis.

Also, trying to use the "paid Russian shill" against anyone who doesn't fall for the official propaganda just shows you swallow what you hear from MSNBC and CNN. You definitely need to research facts outside of those propaganda outlets.

What are you on about 😂

The article that you quoted is 10 month old. Where do you see the Syrian fighters fighting in the Donbass region? You just proved my previous point. Stay clear from those propaganda outlets, and you should be able to see the root causes of this war from a different angle.
Some people in this forum think that 50 Bradley IFVs plus a dozen apcs from France and Germany will change the course of this war. A few bombing runs from Ka-52s and Lancet drones will take care of these IFVs.

I doubt that. Russia's use of attack helicopters has dramatically fallen from the beginning of the war, they get picked off pretty easily due to a proliferation of MANPADs. Lancet drones are few and far between. They really haven't been deployed on the mass scale that would be expected of suicide drones, probably due to limited production.

The Bradley will complement the many APCs and MBTs that Ukraine currently operates. They're more mobile than MBTs, especially in urban combat.
Another proof that the West is getting nervous and doing everything they can to slow down the guaranteed Russian military victory over the cannon fodder aka Ukrainians.

No, these are just the first steps in finally crushing the Russians. They’ve already lost 50% of the territory they gained in Feb/March. It’s just a matter of time for the rest.

U.S. weapons package for Ukraine includes 50 Bradley Fighting Vehicles -officials​


WASHINGTON, Jan 5 (Reuters) - A new U.S. weapons package for Ukraine will include about 50 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, two U.S. officials said on Thursday, with one of the officials saying the package will be worth roughly $2.8 billion.

On Wednesday President Joe Biden said that sending Bradley Fighting Vehicles, a U.S. Army staple, to Ukraine was being considered to help fight Russia's invasion.

The latest security package for Ukraine is expected to be unveiled on Friday, the officials said.

But but but "NATO is running out of missiles and ammunition" LOL

The war seems to be getting worse for Ukraine- critical territories being lost still, Huge manpower losses consistenyly happening- US and NATO LOW ON WEAPONS.....good luck Ukraine- 2023 will be the decisive year of this war!

That's a personal projection of some hopeful thoughts on a war that has not evolved according to Russia's initial invasion plans.

Manpower loss is a relative concept. Since Ukraine is fighting against an invasion which threatens its sovereignty and nationhood, it has no other option but fight back.

Russia systematically exterminated North Caucasian people are in past 300+ years, but, once the population recovered, people rose up.

Russia has reinforced, not undermined Ukrainian nationhood, which is, in my opinion, their largest strategic mistake.

If the US failed to make a nation out of the Afghan people and pulled out, Russia will fail to destroy Ukrainian nationhood. Then, all manpower loss is relative.

NATO is stronger than ever. Russia is weakened. It has to sell oil at dirt cheap rates to find customers. It has to seek assistance from Iran and North Korea. It has to engage in rogue state tactics to keep its trade vessels running, processor imports going. Worst yet, it has to engage in extreme brainwashing on national TV, telling people how Russian territory is going to get bigger.
Putin exposes himself as hooligan. He says he only agrees to peace talks if Ukraine accepts all demands including ceding territories to Russia.

I think he uses a creative concept, "new territorial realities." Very much like Hitler's concept of labensraum. Or, the concept of "blue territory." First forcefully changing the status quo, and then, under status quo ante, claiming a new set of reality. Didn't work for Hitler or Hirohito; won't work for Putin, either.

Its almost 1 year now and the whole of NATO+ are still unable to defeat and balkanize Russia.

What a shame

Well, it was Russia which initially wanted to destroy Ukrainian nationhood, yet unable to turn it into a failed state. On fact, it is Russia that shows the signs of a failed state. What a failure.

It’s very dangerous to give weapons to diverse non army groups as Wagner hooligans, Patriot nationalists, Kadydrow’s Checkens, Donbas, Luhansk separatists, Syria ex mercenaries, prison inmates, etc.
They can turn weapons on him one day you don’t know.
but Putin wants to remain in power at all costs until he falls death of heart attack like Stalin.

Russia may face a warring states period under unruly warlords. And that's with a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons.

With his newfound very aggressive rhetoric, Medvedev could be trimming himself for such an opportunity.
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