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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Some people in this forum think that 50 Bradley IFVs plus a dozen apcs from France and Germany will change the course of this war and the certain victory that Russia will achieve after they bring the whole Ukraine into its knees. A few bombing runs from Ka-52s and Lancet drones will take care of these IFVs.

50 Bradley will pave the way for more heavy equipments.

Few bradleys totally wiped out entire Iraqi armored columns this dude's full on BS.
Some people in this forum think that 50 Bradley IFVs plus a dozen apcs from France and Germany will change the course of this war. A few bombing runs from Ka-52s and Lancet drones will take care of these IFVs.

France couldnt even send Caesar artillery stems so they now sent BOX-looking Iranian Raksh APC knock off to Ukrainian soldiers?
lmaooooooooooo. France really shouldnt send these boxes on wheels with little armor to the frontline- Russia will grill Ukranian troops using them sooo easily...Ukranian troops are dying faster already from stupid commando raids that expose them on the ground with little protection other than their bullet proof vest...even DPR and LPR is targeting them easily when they do those commando raids..smh.
Your aware that Bradley’s tore apart Soviet armor in Desert Storm right?
did Iranian EFPs rip through Bradleys in Iraq? just curious, since you make it seem invincible. i really hope they can be maintained on the front line too, because if they're stuck, they become a sitting duck for easy targeting.

More weapons wont help Ukraine's lack of manpower enough- that seems to be showing now.
Some people in this forum think that 50 Bradley IFVs plus a dozen apcs from France and Germany will change the course of this war. A few bombing runs from Ka-52s and Lancet drones will take care of these IFVs.

Will Schryver is a paid Russian Shill. He served in the USMC and had a tour of Iraq. His credibility is in the dustbin

More weapons wont help Ukraine's lack of manpower enough- that seems to be showing now.
What are you on about 😂

did Iranian EFPs rip through Bradleys in Iraq? just curious, since you make it seem invincible. i really hope they can be maintained on the front line too, because if they're stuck, they become a sitting duck for easy targeting.

More weapons wont help Ukraine's lack of manpower enough- that seems to be showing now.

Bradley’s aren’t invincible, but they’re by far the best IFV in the war and a huge upgrade for Ukraine. The Bradley’s 25mm will tear through BMPs and they can see and shoot farther than T-72s with their TOWs.
Some people in this forum think that 50 Bradley IFVs plus a dozen apcs from France and Germany will change the course of this war and the certain victory that Russia will achieve after they bring the whole Ukraine into its knees. A few bombing runs from Ka-52s and Lancet drones will take care of these IFVs.

as far as I know the great russian plan to overrun Ukraine went boom as some Byraktar murdered the attack from north and later a handfull of HIMARS paved the way for two successful giant counter offensives ... every weapon delivered to Ukarine by the west has so far turned out to be 100 time better than anything Russia has moved to the frontline...

were are all those propaganda wonder weapons

TOS .... claimed to put fear into every NATO soldier... useless
Terminator ... after getting bloody noses early in conflict it disapear from frontline
T-14 never showed up at all
T-90M holds record for the longest turret fligth cougth on cam by whooping 15s..hello dady Javelin
SU 57...never showed up
all their jets fall from the sky like dead birds...even the one far away from the front
over 300 days war and still no controll of the sky
airbases deep in Russia getting attacked...total fail of their highly overhyped air defence
6months trying to take a little village
300days into the war and they still dont know that mobile phones are dead penalty for their soldiers

the 100 IFV are no game changer but something more to worry about for this joke of an Orc Army
as far as I know the great russian plan to overrun Ukraine went boom as some Byraktar murdered the attack from north and later a handfull of HIMARS paved the way for two successful giant counter offensives ... every weapon delivered to Ukarine by the west has so far turned out to be 100 time better than anything Russia has moved to the frontline...

were are all those propaganda wonder weapons

TOS .... claimed to put fear into every NATO soldier... useless
Terminator ... after getting bloody noses early in conflict it disapear from frontline
T-14 never showed up at all
T-90M holds record for the longest turret fligth cougth on cam by whooping 15s..hello dady Javelin
SU 57...never showed up
all their jets fall from the sky like dead birds...even the one far away from the front
over 300 days war and still no controll of the sky
airbases deep in Russia getting attacked...total fail of their highly overhyped air defence
6months trying to take a little village
300days into the war and they still dont know that mobile phones are dead penalty for their soldiers

the 100 IFV are no game changer but something more to worry about for this joke of an Orc Army

Russians are peaceful people. Only a small part of the army is used for Ukraine war.
hehehehe, she is not australian. She lived in australia for some time pretended she had money, bought a 4 million dollar house on national TV, and then disappeared form australia, never to be seen again. Now she is scamming ukranians it seems. She is likely a Hungarian.
That's the woman from The Block.

I think VICPOL still looking for her.

Think she is Polish-Hungarian

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