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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Most likely Russia now depends on older armour (30-50 years old T-62/T-64) and they don't work like newer tanks does which have a separate cooling system.

Older tanks needs special fuel mixture to work in winter, otherwise their engine will seize up in cold temperature, and since they don't do anti-freeze the way we do modern car or modern tank, if Russia don't have that much fuel mixture then those tank won't work in winter. And I doubt the Russian keep up with the supply with old fuel mix.

But then this is just my take..

All they need is to mix in kero into diesel to make them survive mild negative temperatures. But below -20C°, yes, speciality refinery made low temperature diesels would be the only remedy.

It shocks me what UA volunteers showed me in Poland, and what can't be posted onto the net.

RUAF is an army of middle aged men. But most Ukrainian soldiers who are dying are teens, and people in early twenties. It will be a very bitter after the war. Ukraine only had like 25M people of working age at the start in total.
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Yes, another big wow now: fleet sailors, and aircraft crews are sent forward as cannon fodder. These guys take years to train, and training yields are low. 1/3 As I know from PLA. Only 1 of 3 lieutenants will be flight worthy, everybody else last resort reserve, and ground staff.

I also surprised why they activated people from "riotous" Pacific Fleet. Things must have been bad enough that they moved in known unreliable people. (They had a mutiny in the Pacific Fleet in March)

Merkel: Putin Wants to Destroy Europe​

Dear Frölen Merkel, if you knew that Putin wants to "Destroy Europe", why did you spoon fed him, and his regime for 16 years?

Modern Russia all, but certain been a German project. It's German brought up, and cultivated, and would've been completely impossible without it.

I would only say that Ukraine had multiple very good opportunities to move out of Bakhmut over the last 2 months, and they didn't.

Them not using their better infantry there, means they want it for something else.

September-October been an extremely favourable time for new offensives, but UA side foregone all of them because ground truths remain the same: terrible lack of artillery of all sizes, and lack of armoured transport.

Building up reserves to the point of giving up walkover opportunities is a hard choice, definitely.

A good question will be who is standing against Russian artillery in that front, and how much zelensky care about them.

Russians have Akatsiyas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2S3_Akatsiya) in s##tloads still. They lost their better SPHs, Mstas, massively in March, but they no longer that reliant on fancy arty.

Even if they fire from 10km, even cold war SPHs are fast enough to run away from counterfire.

They also realised that artillery is their lifeline, and they are preserving SPHes even over tanks. During every Russian retreat in last month, very few SPHes left behind relatively to other high value vehicles: SAMs, radars, and comms vehicles.

Ukraine still desperately needs more mobile artillery, like 6x-8x of what it has now, as a minimum.
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I've noticed that Russians aren't even using that many tanks in Bakhmut and sends soldiers into battle almost like we were living in year 1915 instead of 2022.

Crazy stuff.

Tackling AFU's high offensive power units in Bakhmut with cannon fodder infantry is infinitely more cheaper than tackling them with mechanized.

Russians are concentrating their remaining armour behind Svatove, Melitopol, and Mariupol. That's clearly a defensive move, and a bad one. They are preparing for a worst case scenario, and are ready to forego all opportunities to use armour.

Now on this thread will be one sided and boring.

Somal is a guy genuinely warranting deeper inquest into his identity. Allegedly, an American Somalian out of all people, but with very poor English, registering within week after Russians have started this war, seemingly able to understand Russian, using Russian language Windows on his computer, having Russian locale in his image metadata, being active online close to 24*7, and, after all of that, vehemently denying having any Russian connection.

One sided perspectives invariably lead to misinformation and distortions.

And so does closing eyes on overt propaganda. Failing to filter your input from known disinformation will distort your analysis.
Putins strategic military obsession with Bakhmut is a great mystery? Maybe the deal with the Wagner chief is to just burn through the Russian prisoners as cannon fodder, to make the Ukrainian's use up men and materials , whilst the new Russian conscripts get some basic training?

Our slaughterbots have finally reached frontlines. They cost $150 + (cost of RPG warhead) to make, mostly due to expensive motors. 2 SMT lines in Poland will be popping up few hundred of them per day.

We plan to find a dirt cheap motor supplier in the future to potentially halve the cost. It's extremely minimallistic design: thick phenolic PCB as rigid frame, trace antenna, ESC, and video all on one PCB, few layers of thick shrinkwrap as casing, zip ties for assembly of large parts.

They no longer allow anybody from red countries in regardless of reasons. I'm not having anything against that, nor want people who link volunteers with the Hungarian brigade to waste their effort on arguing with higher ups now. And simply, there been too many randoms in the field making bad air.

Signum, Omega... cutthroat people, and a kernel for something bigger. 108, and 128 were good line infantry, brave men, but those are just sculpted, model units, with very serious officers.

Bye till I am back in UAE.



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