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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine is throwing everything at it's disposal to protect bakhmut , don't know why bakhmut is so precious to Ukraine
It’s the opposite, Russia throws everything it has towards Bakhmut. Ukraine is on the defense. It has no choice. If your country is under attack you certainly want to defend every inch. The city has no strategic value.

The question you should ask is why Bakhmut is so important to the Russian.

For the Ukrainian, their goal is to hinder Russian offensive, either to slow their advance or to buy time for their own counter attack. Which mean for the Ukrainian, any fight is welcome because it take resource and focus off what they are doing. As long as Russia keep attacking Bakhmut, Ukraine will say "Why not"

For the Russian, Bakhmut is not important AT ALL since they loses Lyman and Izyum, because before you need Bakhmut to secure a flank to attack Sloviansk and Kramatorsk which is the only way you can take both city, but now with Izyum and Lyman under Ukrainian Control, that is no longer possible, on the other hand, Bakhmut would be sitting duck even if Russia took it if and when Ukrianian broke thru Svatove.

What Russia is doing now is basically wasting resource and stringing up their troop for some land you don't need to have or have no purpose at all, they already did it twice, focusing on Mariupol means they blunted their Northern Advance and give time the Ukrainian build up their defence to withstand the Russian Assault, which is why it lead to the current situation to begin with. The other time they so focus on Siverodonetsk and Lysychansk they lost both Kharkiv and Kherson because of that.

This is not a smart way to fight.
The only consideration that makes sense is Russia army wants to break out of the stalemate and advance further to larger Donbas area.
I am very shocked. My country Vietnam air defense bases on S300 missile defense systems from Russia. If turn out they are useless against chinese air assaults we must ask for money back from Putin. Good, we don’t buy S400 yet.
if china field those 100+ j20 you think what those s300 can do?

Zelensky is saying that he will take back every inch of the land taken by Russia. 😃😃
good, longer war there mean less war here .
I like these proxy wars
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if china field those 100+ j20 you think what those s300 can do?

good, longer war there mean less war here .
I like these proxy wars
I know too little about chinese aircraft, can’t tell. I think it’s not easy to escape Vietnamese multilayer air defense. The US once attacked Hanoi with 2,200 aircraft in a single battle, so that’s not new to us in terms of air defense. We have a wide range of own developed radars that can detect any objects in theory.



Ukraine is throwing everything at it's disposal to protect bakhmut , don't know why bakhmut is so precious to Ukraine
one of the major traffic hub

The question you should ask is why Bakhmut is so important to the Russian.

For the Ukrainian, their goal is to hinder Russian offensive, either to slow their advance or to buy time for their own counter attack. Which mean for the Ukrainian, any fight is welcome because it take resource and focus off what they are doing. As long as Russia keep attacking Bakhmut, Ukraine will say "Why not"

For the Russian, Bakhmut is not important AT ALL since they loses Lyman and Izyum, because before you need Bakhmut to secure a flank to attack Sloviansk and Kramatorsk which is the only way you can take both city, but now with Izyum and Lyman under Ukrainian Control, that is no longer possible, on the other hand, Bakhmut would be sitting duck even if Russia took it if and when Ukrianian broke thru Svatove.

What Russia is doing now is basically wasting resource and stringing up their troop for some land you don't need to have or have no purpose at all, they already did it twice, focusing on Mariupol means they blunted their Northern Advance and give time the Ukrainian build up their defence to withstand the Russian Assault, which is why it lead to the current situation to begin with. The other time they so focus on Siverodonetsk and Lysychansk they lost both Kharkiv and Kherson because of that.

This is not a smart way to fight.
The Russians didn't have a well-thought-out plan in the first place. They didn't have plan B if plan A didn't work.

Wasting Russian youth. Sad for Russians, incompetent leadership.
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Bakhmut: Inside Ukraine's Bloodiest Fight

There seems to be a general inability for Both Russians and Ukrainians to have a normal countdown of "one two three". They always seem to substitute it for other words.
Yeah on the whole ukraine has been making better strategic decisions then the russians but sometimes they also join in on a grind match. Similar as in sevastopol.

Maybe cultural? From soviet times?
You suggest Ukraine should abandon Bakhmut because Russians are devoting enormous resources to taking it? Where would you retreat to? Some position that cant be defended? Why would you do that? "Isn't it better to stay in a position that you are able to defend, like Bakhmut?
A woman soldier can be so good like a man soldier.
lol, how old are you?
I don't see a point . All Russia is doing is throwing artillery at bakhmat grinding the opposition . Why is bakhmut so important to Ukraine ?
Its just a defendable position. Why abandon it for a position that is not able to be defended? Where would you retreat to if you were the general?
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Ukraine is throwing everything at it's disposal to protect bakhmut , don't know why bakhmut is so precious to Ukraine

Yeah on the whole ukraine has been making better strategic decisions then the russians but sometimes they also join in on a grind match. Similar as in sevastopol.

Maybe cultural? From soviet times?

Ukrainians aren't throwing everything they have on defending Bakhmut, but Russian certainly are as they are desperate for some kinda victory, so for Ukrainians it's a good way to let Russian waste their resources. Russian assault on Bakhmut is already showing signs of slowing down as they are now throwing small 10-20 men units against Ukrainian defensive lines.

He is advised to avoid booking rooms no higher than second floor. Easier to fall off of windows these days.

I am very shocked. My country Vietnam air defense bases on S300 missile defense systems from Russia. If turn out they are useless against chinese air assaults we must ask for money back from Putin. Good, we don’t buy S400 yet.

Vietnam is already reducing reliance on Russian systems. Smart strategic move. It would only speed up from now on.
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You suggest Ukraine should abandon Bakhmut because Russians are devoting enormous resources to taking it? Where would you retreat to? Some position that cant be defended? Why would you do that? "Isn't it better to stay in a position that you are able to defend, like Bakhmut?

Ofcourse, if defendable and russia is hurting more then your entrenched troops its smart to let them blunt their offensive power on Bakhmut.

However logistics and manouver warfare is russias weak point. Now that the russians have their artillery and drones/recon somewhat in place and outnumbering Ukraine. The latter could move to the next defense line and in meantime put the hurt on the russians as they then try to transport/build up to the new front.

(Downside is that it would be a temporary propaganda boost for the russians).

Another Putin critic 'falls out a window' to his death: Sausage tycoon plummets from luxury hotel​

>> If Putin spent half the time he spends on assisinating his critics as he did on the war - then things might even be going better for him!!!

location of incident?

Assassination is a specialty of the Wagner hooligans, because that’s a private army, Putin can say he has nothing to do. Or carried out by his special service FSB.
That’s official, as a German court officially said it. They killed an opponent in Berlin in broad daylight light.

That makes completely no sense.

To begin with, location! Rayagada

Odisha is not a touristy place by any extend, and Rayagada is not even a town, better be called a village. Go to google maps. It's a freaking remote place.

And Sai International is not a "Luxury hotel," but a roadside motel.





Now, the guy in question is described as a "Billionaire." He could've gone, and lived in a place like Taj Hotel in Bombay full time. And Taj is the most well guarded hotel in the world.

If the guy took a risk to travel India as a white person with only a personal assistant, he definitely believed that his risks were bigger a big city even in a hotel guarded by Indian 3 letter services.

It's obvious: the guy was on the run, and wanted to hide in obscurity. But India is a not a place where you can hide in obscurity: ID checks everywhere. India would've been a perfect place to hide in from a foreign govt, but not if that govt was friendly with Modi.

Now, ask yourself: How in the world did Journos got onto the story so fast? If some random rich white dude dies in a motel in backwater town in India, it will be at least weeks before somebody will figure out, and decide to make it newsworthy. It's obvious that somebody have cooked this story as a cover.
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