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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Iraqis were resisting from 2003 till 2017 when the last battle took place in Mosul. We should understand that the height of battles took place in Fallujah, Ramadi, Hadith, and other towns in central and northern Iraq in 2008. So it was not 21 days but over 14 years.

Former presidential candidate Senator John McCain admitted in the 2008 presidential debates that the US was on the brink of being defeated had General Petraeus not struck agreements with the Awakening Council in the Sunni heartland in Iraq.

These were intermittent battles reflecting Iraqi insurgency model of warfare which was DEADLY in its own right. Iraqi can FIGHT unlike some countries in the Middle East - these people are descendants of the ancient Mesopotamia after all.

I responded to OP in the context of NATO and what it can do. He continues to speak with ignorance as usual.

Russian army is very large and well-equipped to fight a regional power but NATO is the reason WHY Russia has FAILED to take over entire Ukraine and some of its gains were reversed by now. I can explain this in detail if necessary. NATO has leveled the playing field for Ukraine in this war. This is not to take away from Ukrainian fighting spirit. It is the combination of man and machine in the end.
that is some very precise work!!! must be guided munitions of some type.

these are Ukrainian made drones, not USA ones. While sophisticated western weapons make the headlines, the vast majority of weapons on both sides are old soviet stocks. During the time of the Soviet Union all the best weaponry came from Ukraine

Unless Russians confirm it, your and others' claims are just hogwash.

Reading RT is like asking a convicted criminal his side of the story. I'm innocent your honer, I tell you i'm innocent.
But what im saying is that basically all AD sucks. Look at Saudi fuel tanks and Israeli ship which had something like AEGIS radar on it was hit. I'm begging to think AD for most part is a money making scam or a work in progress. I dont know what air defence Pakistan has but US just flew helicopters in to get bin laden, noone had any idea they were coming.

I remember in the bombing of Serbia in 1999, the serbs launched 2 MiG-29's from Belgrade to hit a US base in Bosnia. those Migs got within 45km of the US base. US and everything there to protect the base, AWACS, fighters, patriots, close in air defence, you know what downed those Migs? An F16. So watching all this, I'm not that convinced air defence is generally very good anywhere.

I would say Iraq had a much weaker army than Ukatine. All Iraqi weapons were Ukranian and Russian anyway. Ukraine was the second most powerful republic in the Soviet Union. twice the population of Iraq in 1991. and very industrialised.

Saudi air defenses are composed of point defense systems in large part with radar coverage gaps that could be exploited by Houthi and Iran from time-to-time. Check following posts one by one for perspective:

Saudi air defenses have blunted numerous attacks as well so credit where due. It is not easy to intercept ballistic missiles.

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INS Hanit does not have AEGIS and it is much less of a warship in comparison to sophisticated destroyers out there.


Compare with performance of USS Mason in 2016:

An Arleigh Burke class warship is like a moving fortress in the seas. But very expensive as well.

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Pakistani air defenses are good enough for stopping Indian airborne threats but US is another ballgame in comparison. US has vastly superior technology and have developed much better battle tactics than Indians courtesy of its vast battlefield experience. I will not fault Pakistan in this matter. Mine is a country of limited resources and I have realistic expectations from it.

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Even if Iraq had some big ticket items such as S-300 systems and a functioning Air Force, these would have made no difference whatsoever when up against a war-machine like NATO. The REAL FIGHT was on the ground and mostly around (and inside) Iraqi cities.

US-led forces suffered significant set backs in the Battle of Nasiriyah in fact - the FIRST MAJOR BATTLE of war in Iraq on the ground. Even though thousands of Iraqi combatants lost their lives in this battle and US-led forces were able to secure Nasiriyah, Iraqi General Raad Hamdani credited battle in this city for motivating Iraqi forces to FIGHT in other locations by and large, in a series of his interviews.

YOU cannot take over a country by force and execute REGIME CHANGE there until or unless YOU can secure its cities. Your forces must be well-equipped for URBAN WARFARE therefore.

It is the main battle tank (MBT) that provides the required level of MOBILITY and PUNCH to move forward and secure "areas of interest." American and British MBTs are not only mobile but pack a significant PUNCH and are SURVIVABLE. American and British MBTs could take multiple hits and survive in Iraqi urban spaces.

The problem of Russian MBTs is that they are NOT survivable. Similarly, Ukrainian MBTs are NOT survivable. This shortcoming has FORCED both camps to OVER RELY upon artillery pieces to secure "areas of interest." This is why either camp is SLOW to make advances.

Russian forces have FAILED to take over much of Ukraine and execute REGIME CHANGE there because its MBTs are NOT survivable. Russian battle tactics are also less developed than that of NATO.
No, a paid Russian or pro-Russian keyboard warrior never gets tired for spreading lies and propaganda!
That's because either that or their commissar would put them on the frontline.........

Who wants to be cannon fodder for Russia anyway, much rather stay behind being a keyboard warrior than a real one......
Inappropriate Language

Only USA and Ukraine voted "No" against that resolution that condemned NAZISM and Neo-Nazism. The whole EU abstained. That is what you need to understand about Western elites.
The West voted no or abstained against a resolution that was targetting freedom of speech. Nazism is handled in courts.
We are waiting for the Russian cockroaches to be prosecuted for their war crimes.
It is the duty of the Russian Federation to prosecute, and they are failing with this as with everything else in the war.
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Russia could throw the entire sink in my opinion due to Ukraine's drone attacks on Russia.. This is like puking the Bear a bit to far.. This could occur very soon.

This is escalating to be fairly honest even more then I realized previously. The Russians will come down hard and might expand into NATO countries neighbouring Russia
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