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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

And why they target airbases instead other nearer more valious targets?

I thing the reason is Ukrainian drones use Russian airplanes coming back home as umbrella for Russian ground radars, so they only can attack targets in that path.

But I think, Russian airplanes dont have any kind of radar to detect drones? maybe Russian airplanes radars are very simple and it can't detect drones flying low near to them.

They can't sell to the West, but China will buy all the energy they can buy and even more.
You believe Chinese are dumb? No, they will not buy everything from Putin they will not fall into the same trap like the Europeans did. Even they want to buy there are lacks of infra, demands.
INS Hanit does not have AEGIS and it is much less of a warship in comparison to sophisticated destroyers out there.

From what I've heard, the Hanit had its CIWS and Barak-1 missiles deactivated to not accidentally hit military/civilian aircraft nearby, which is a possibility, the Iron Dome once targeted an Israeli F-15, fortunately the missile commander self destructed the interceptor. Also the Hanit was too close to Lebanon, a mistake on Israel's behalf.

The radar system on the Hanit was the rotating EL/M-2258 ALPHA, as opposed to the more modern EL/M 2248 upgrade

Barak-8 combined with the MF-STAR can easily take down any cruise missile.
Saudi air defenses are composed of point defense systems in large part with radar coverage gaps that could be exploited by Houthi and Iran from time-to-time. Check following posts one by one for perspective:

Saudi air defenses have blunted numerous attacks as well so credit where due. It is not easy to intercept ballistic missiles.

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INS Hanit does not have AEGIS and it is much less of a warship in comparison to sophisticated destroyers out there.


Compare with performance of USS Mason in 2016:

An Arleigh Burke class warship is like a moving fortress in the seas. But very expensive as well.

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Pakistani air defenses are good enough for stopping Indian aircraft but US is another ballgame in comparison. I will not fault Pakistan in this matter. Mine is a country of limited resources and I have realistic expectations from it.

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Even if Iraq had some big ticket items such as S-300 systems and a functioning Air Force, these would have made no difference whatsoever when up against a war-machine like NATO. The REAL FIGHT was on the ground and mostly around (and inside) Iraqi cities.

US-led forces suffered significant set backs in the Battle of Nasiriyah in fact - the FIRST MAJOR BATTLE of war in Iraq on the ground. Even though thousands of Iraqi combatants lost their lives in this battle and US-led forces were able to secure Nasiriyah, Iraqi General Raad Hamdani credited battle in this city for motivating Iraqi forces to FIGHT in other locations by and large, in a series of his interviews.

YOU cannot take over a country by force and execute REGIME CHANGE in it until or unless YOU can secure its cities. Your forces must be well-equipped for URBAN WARFARE therefore.

It is the main battle tank (MBT) that provides the required level of MOBILITY and PUNCH to move forward and secure "areas of interest." American and British MBTs are not only mobile but pack a significant PUNCH and are SURVIVABLE. American and British MBTs could take multiple hits and survive in Iraqi urban spaces.

The problem of Russian MBTs is that they are NOT survivable. Similarly, Ukrainian MBTs are NOT survivable. This shortcoming has FORCED both camps to OVER RELY upon artillery pieces to secure "areas of interest." This is why either camp is SLOW to make advances.

Russian forces have FAILED to take over much of Ukraine and execute REGIME CHANGE there because its MBTs are NOT survivable. Rest of the criticism is subjective or overblown.
I laugh everytime people tell me "Iraq is easy" or "Taliban is just some sandal wearing farmer"

Because I was in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I specifically remember that is not the case.

Iraqi like most army in the world, some of them are not very well trained, and some of them are, the well-trained bunch (Like the Republican Guard, or Saddam Division) have training and experience near our level. Just that they were couple with no-training conscript and that is what their mistake, but when they put up a fight, with the knowledge on their own backyard, that is nothing to laugh at.

I remember jumping off from Kuwait with the 3rd, thinking we are going to ride to Baghdad pretty much like Putin think the Russian are going to ride into Kyiv, and we are going to win the race with the Marine, boy were we wrong. Yes, some stage are push over, but when you hit closer to their capital, you started to encounter more and more well trained and well placed troop, and that's the problem, we were stopped at Karbala and have to divert and have to rely on the 101 to continue the fight, they lost a jet, an apache, a tank, a blackhawk and 2 Bradley just to fight thru Karbala gab, and we lost around 14 troop. The Iraqi know how to fight a ground war, and the thing about ground war is, no matter how advance you are in the air or sea, it won't help you because you would still have to take those position and you can't have aircraft circling above you 24/7 which mean at some time you are going to be on your own, it make no different if you have thousand of strike eagle, if they aren't above you, even if they are 5 minutes from you, that wouldn't work because you will be dead in 2 and a half. That is how intense fighting was.

People who laugh at Iraqi or Taliban have no idea how good they were in Battle of Karbala Gap, or Battle of Al Najaf, or Battle of Nasiriyah, we lost a whole god damn supply column in Nasiriyah, that's not because we are stupid, but because they are that good. And if you ask he Brits about Al Barsa, they would probably say the same thing.

Whenever I hear people, be it American back home or Chinese or Indian or Pakistani member here or what have you talk about how shit Iraqi was or Taliban was, and we are that shit to be defeated by them. This video comes to mind.

Have You been honest you will be able to say what you want in one line.

You use long sentences and fancy words , only to hide the fact you are not telling to truth and have very little to say .

Your irritation at my ability to formulate complex and comprehensive thoughts is your problem. I'd suggest fixing it.

In those two lines, you contributed nothing at all. Other than issuing a baseless accusation and failing to address the multiple points contained in my comment.

The truth is , Zelenskyy was democratically elected as precedent by a vast majority of Ukrainians , while his country was invaded by a dictator.

As "precedent"? You mean to say before him, no other Ukrainian presidents were democratically elected? I'm not sure to follow.

Now, what I pointed to is that the current Ukrainian regime as a whole was installed through a textbook CIA-orchestrated "color revolution". This includes Zelenski's predecessor Poroshenko. It's a foreign-imposed regime at the service of imperial powers, one which furthermore has been oppressing part of its population on "ethno"-linguistic grounds.

The fact that he happens to be Jewish is irrelevant here , except to you , who try to peddle silly conspiracy theories that suits your hateful agenda,

The fact that Ukrainian neo-Nazi formations, which have historically been highly Judeophobic will now agree to endorse a Jewish individual as their president, will be intriguing to any interested observer. It's also telling of a political reality I explained in the previous post. Which you missed out on, and which does not feature conspiracy theories.
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Imagine the exact same text had formed the object of a proposed resolution by some other party than Russia, particularly a NATO regime or the zionist entity occupying Palestine. And that it was unrelated to the Ukrainian context.

Not only would western regimes have voted in favor, their streamlined media apparatus wouldn't have ceased glorifying the resolution's virtues. Dissident voices would've been railed as Nazi sympathizers, monsters, demons. NATO regime supporters, trolls and bot accounts alike would have cheered on.

With the behavior they exhibited at this recent UNGA vote, NATO regimes once again proved several points.

Starting with the fact that the Ukrainian comprador clique they illegally brought to power through a "color revolution", propping them up ever since, is indeed inextricably interconnected with local neo-Nazi elements. Elements ordered by NATO to implement a moratorium on traditional Judeophobia (hence their tolerance for a zionist Jew as Ukraine's president) and to focus their hatred on Russians and on Russians alone (though Roma have de facto been considered fair game as well, after scenes emerged of their abuse at the hands of regime-approved Ukrainian extremists).

Hence why NATO member states needed to vote against this sort of a resolution in order to lend political cover to their protégés in Kiov. A most blatant act of self-contradiction we should add, since normally anything that evokes Nazism in the slightest manner is automatically considered anathema if not downright criminalized by those same western victors of WW2. In various countries of the west, citizens happen to be imprisoned as we speak, some of whom happen to be over eighty years of age, for expressing contrary opinions about the persecution of Jewish people by the National-Socialists.

Political schizophrenia and structural decay rarely gets more salient than this. We're dealing with regimes which no longer bother to come across as credible. Revolting is the hypocrisy, and so is the attitude of those who'd feign not to perceive it.

On a sidenote I believe some pages back, someone tried to suggest that the Russophobic neo-Nazi phenomenon in Ukraine is confined to the largely obliterated Azov regiment. This is not only false in the general sense, given the documented sympathies for Stepan Bandera expressed by numerous Kiovan officials who are not classified on the far right (so much so that a major shopping artery in the center of Kiov was renamed after Bandera - I wonder which 1% party can prompt such a move); but the contention is baseless when it comes to the Ukrainian armed forces as well: Azov were not the only such group, and by far. Truth is that multiple other ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations continue to operate distinct units within the Kiovan military. They include the likes of Kraken, Sloboda's own militiamen and so on and so forth.

Let's not get into how the totally disproportionate political leverage of these entities exceeds their electoral relevance by magnitudes, which is why they were able to threaten former president Poroshenko so that he would allow them to keep violating the Minsk ceasefire agreements and shell Russian-speaking areas in the Donbas. That's also why in this regard, it's not relevant how many votes they received at elections.

In conclusion, allow me to express my gratitude for your steady engagement in favor of truth and justice on this thread. Do not pay attention to attempts at stifling your freedom of speech or denting your motivation through personal attacks. If a user resorts to such means, it's that they're acting out of desperation. Again, hats off to you brother and thanks for keeping us informed through the suffocating fog of manipulative NATO propaganda and lies.

You welcome brother. 👍
And why they target airbases instead other nearer more valious targets?

I thing the reason is Ukrainian drones use Russian airplanes coming back home as umbrella for Russian ground radars, so they only can attack targets in that path.

But I think, Russian airplanes dont have any kind of radar to detect drones? maybe Russian airplanes radars are very simple and it can't detect drones flying low near to them.

They can't sell to the West, but China will buy all the energy they can buy and even more.

China pays less and delivering gas & oil to China via ships makes it even less economical as they current pipelines are far more limited than the pipes going into Europe.
It's funny how pro-Russians are still claiming that Russia coul conquer Europe when in reality they've been attacking one city like bakhmut four months and still haven't taken it and Bakhmut isn't far from the frontline where Russian begun the invasion.

Russians also cannot defend their strategic airbase from 1970s drones and they claim their tech could shoot down easily American stealth bombers & fighters.... right.
The real question is how the heck the Russians doesn't AAD their base against the country they are at war.

Either Russian incompetence or that Russian AD just suck.
you still doubt incompetence in Russians military in all levels ? :eek:

The second best armed forces in the world everybody.
indeed minor damage , only need some part of the wing changed (incidentally they must separate all the wing for that , then remove the engine , fix its mount and then send the engine for a total overhaul and install two new engine ,
probably only take 1-2 month :undecided:
but is that really a strategic bomber ? look more like something from flanker family .

p.s. don't bother found it it seems its a tu-22m than the tu-95 that at first in older news implied, and honestly I wonder if its still in better condition than the average of Russian fleet ?
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that is indeed foam on the ground , but the aircraft seems fairly intact and not much of visible burn mark on it .by looking at scorch mark on the ground to me it seems they hit a fuel tanker and Russians in all their wisdom didn't completely flatten the airbase first so the leaking burning fuel moved toward the aircraft and the firefighters used an old but effective technic . while one group tried to extinguish the fire another group covered that airplane and the ground around it with foam to cool it and prevent the burning fuel damage the airplane . now to see if they were successful or not we need ground photo m its a little hard with commercial satellite imagery . but that firefighter tricks is effective and completely legit and used all over the world.

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