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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Who can you use it against? Saudi Arabia? please. There is no state army in the Middle East that can challenge you. So who is all this military for? Until the emergence of some islamic superpower, this military strength can only be used against non state actors. Which tells you a lot about the non state actors.
Obviously Iran lol

Who can you use it against? Saudi Arabia? please. There is no state army in the Middle East that can challenge you. So who is all this military for? Until the emergence of some islamic superpower, this military strength can only be used against non state actors. Which tells you a lot about the non state actors.
So according to this laughable logic the US needs all of its 12 aircraft carrier strike groups, air defenses, 6th generation NGAD fighters, thousands of nuclear warheads mounted on ICBMs, B21 raiders, thousands of Abrams tanks and basically the strongest standing military on earth just to fight some militias up until another super power grows, and that somehow makes it under existential threat by those same militias? You're just reaching.
Most Muslims don't live in Saudi Arabia, most Christians don't live in Nazereth, what does that have to do with anything?

All you say is some trivial fact and try to twist it against Israel, basically coping.
I have nothing against Israel. In fact I would prefer jewish people live there then in my neighbourhood. Most muslims are not indigenous to Saudi Arabia, so they are not going to want to move there. But the Israeli claim is that jews are indigenous to Israel, and they have a right to live there. But they sadly dont. Because they are pretty smart.
I don't know, considering the fact Israel is richer per capita than the UK, France, China, North Korea, Pakistan and India, with a military more modernly equipped than all of those for the most part, with far more combat experience than all of those as well, I'd guess Israel is in the showing off military and economic power part.

Your wishful thinking is just coping dude.
I dont think so. I could be wrong, but I dont think so. To compare Israel with france or UK, or even North Korea. come on. The moment support from all the western countries stops, Israel can just surrender. Israel is just an extension of the west. Totally armed and funded by the west. You know this. And its fine. Its like Armenia only exists because of Russia. Every empire have their pet projects.
I have nothing against Israel. In fact I would prefer jewish people live there then in my neighbourhood. Most muslims are not indigenous to Saudi Arabia, so they are not going to want to move there. But the Israeli claim is that jews are indigenous to Israel, and they have a right to live there. But they sadly dont. Because they are pretty smart.
Most Arabs don't live in Saudi Arabia even though they're all indegious to Saudi Arabia. I don't get how you don't see the way you're reaching

Jews stay overseas because their position there is too good to pass on. They support Israel through organisations like AIPAC and such. Even the ones born outside often come to Israel to serve in the military and then go back.

I dont think so. I could be wrong, but I dont think so. To compare Israel with france or UK, or even North Korea. come on. The moment support from all the western countries stops, Israel can just surrender. Israel is just an extension of the west. Totally armed and funded by the west. You know this. And its fine. Its like Armenia only exists because of Russia. Every empire have their pet projects.
I said facts. Look at the 2022 GDP per capita. Look at the success of the Israeli military.

Jews control the west, you really expect the west to stop supporting Israel? Besides, less than 1 percent of our GDP comes in the form of "aid" and it is given to Israel because it's the best investment the US can make.

Israel won against the Arabs in 1948 and 1967 without any support.
So according to this laughable logic the US needs all of its 12 aircraft carrier strike groups, air defenses, 6th generation NGAD fighters, thousands of nuclear warheads mounted on ICBMs, B21 raiders, thousands of Abrams tanks and basically the strongest standing military on earth just to fight some militias up until another super power grows, and that somehow makes it under existential threat by those same militias? You're just reaching.
US has adversaries it can use it against. Israel will not openly fight Iran or anyone in that league. It will always be proxy wars.
US has adversaries it can use it against. Israel will not openly fight Iran or anyone in that league. It will always be proxy wars.
Again reaching.
US has no adverseries up until they start to fight them, that's the logic you use.

Israel had plenty of direct confrontation with Iran, every time Israel bombs Syria or Iraq it means a few IRGC members along with the weapon shipment they have were blown up. Iranians and Syrians in turn try to use air defenses and we blow those up as well.
Most Arabs don't live in Saudi Arabia even though they're all indegious to Saudi Arabia. I don't get how you don't see the way you're reaching
I made my point. you dont have to accept it.
Jews stay overseas because their position there is too good to pass on.
Thats for sure. Waaaay too good.

They support Israel through organisations like AIPAC and such. Even the ones born outside often come to Israel to serve in the military and then go back.
I said facts. Look at the 2022 GDP per capita.
I don't need to see GDP figures to know who has all the money in the world. I know who pays my salary and who owns everything. So no argument form me there.
Jews control the west, you really expect the west to stop supporting Israel?
I would not say "control", I'm not antisemitic. I would say, have a disproportionate influence. And will they stop this support. hmmmm, I dont know, its possible. Maybe or maybe not. some jewish people I know are pretty good people, so they may do good things in the future.
Israel won against the Arabs in 1948 and 1967 without any support.
lol, no. just no.

I just hope when Ukraine wins it does not develop the Israeli complex and starts to believe they're some sort of superpower. Ukrainian strength is just a projection of western power. And a tiny projection at that.
lol, no. just no.

I just hope when Ukraine wins it does not develop the Israeli complex and starts to believe they're some sort of superpower. Ukrainian strength is just a projection of western power. And a tiny projection at that.
Israel had far more glorious victories against proportionally far bigger enemies supported by the USSR in a much shorter time, without anyone to back it up. 1967 is an example.
Israel had far more glorious victories against proportionally far bigger enemies supported by the USSR in a much shorter time, without anyone to back it up. 1967 is an example.
thats just comedy. satellite pictures, weapons intelligence, money. All western. Its amazing isn't it. You wander the earth for 2,000 years, then some nice people decide to gift you a patch of sand because they feel sorry for you, arm you and fund you and from this patch of sand smaller than Armenia you proclaim your superpower status, it's hilarious.
thats just comedy. satellite pictures, weapons intelligence, money. All western. Its amazing isn't it. You wander the earth for 2,000 years, then some nice people decide to gift you a patch of sand because they feel sorry for you, arm you and fund you and from this patch of sand smaller than Armenia you proclaim your superpower status, it's hilarious.

Exactly. I remember reading a book by some ex-Secretary of State about how the Israelis came begging for arms and additional support, similar to the British Churchill coming to the U.S.

While we see Ukraine prospering in the conflict, let's not forget the tide turned when Western arms and support came rolling in. Like the link, I posted a few pages back satellite information, accurate, timely information on the position of Russian forces and assets. Ukraine's hooked into the Western C4I system.
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attacking the source of a news doesnt invalidate the news, just keeping it technical.
No, but obviously propaganda sources should be taken with a grain of salt.

Iran has chosen a side in the war, so I will remain skeptical of the claims made.
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