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Russia too leave the INF treaty soon.

Yep,'cause war hasn't changed much from those times...:whistle:
Nobody in Europe wants to invade Russia btw,i was just responding to the OP with his dreams that somehow the europeans are running scared now.

Actually Europe is more like running broke now. Let us see what happens?
French and British didn`t show themselves in good light during Libyan campaign , US was needed to finish the job and not only that French almost depleted their precision munitions and that says a lot. European countries make excellent military equipment but days of military domination is over.

US started and lead Odyssey Dawn, which later became Unified Protector under NATO command and US involvement was downsized......

Wars might change, but people - not. Remember - Russians never surrender and fight till end! And most of modern European nations will capitulate in 1st day of war. In a matter of fact - does not meean a lot - will your city be destroyed by Satana, Topol-M or some new IRBM.

what, Russian domination is coming? How about conscripts living in appaling barracks with gear that is lacking, high on krokodil?
Sad reality is, that without nukes you couldn't even get past Poland.

Actually Europe is more like running broke now. Let us see what happens?

Libya and Mali were done by broke people. Nothing will happen, this is Putin's huff and puff and anger due to the fact he is being sidelined and Syrian rebels are geting weapons.
Wars might change, but people - not. Remember - Russians never surrender and fight till end! And most of modern European nations will capitulate in 1st day of war. In a matter of fact - does not meean a lot - will your city be destroyed by Satana, Topol-M or some new IRBM.

Yes,yes i know,the russian midgeot,the greatest midgeot of them all! Bad weather turned back the Wehrmacht and especially Napoleon's Grande Armee.France and the UK have nuclear capabilities to so you better hold on to your pants before launching a nuclear armageddon.I really don't understand this russian obsession with Europe,in the future the danger will come from China for the russians,european states have long abandoned the agressive rhetoric.
Yes,yes i know,the russian midgeot,the greatest midgeot of them all! Bad weather turned back the Wehrmacht and especially Napoleon's Grande Armee.France and the UK have nuclear capabilities to so you better hold on to your pants before launching a nuclear armageddon.I really don't understand this russian obsession with Europe,in the future the danger will come from China for the russians,european states have long abandoned the agressive rhetoric.

Bad weather also affected Russians , they are not super humans. Both of these armies that invaded Russia had supply lines and resources hugely overextended , and both equally underestimated their opponent.

US started and lead Odyssey Dawn, which later became Unified Protector under NATO command and US involvement was downsized......

That does not negate my point , if France which is arguably strongest EU military depleted precision munition on 5th rate military power like Libya that says a lot about overall conventional potential of European armies.
That does not negate my point , if France which is arguably strongest EU military depleted precision munition on 5th rate military power like Libya that says a lot about overall conventional potential of European armies.

At least they didn't loose any aircraft as opposed to the 7-9 machines the russians lost during the brief (9 days) georgian conflict.That says a lot about overall potential of the russian air forces.:coffee:
That does not negate my point , if France which is arguably strongest EU military depleted precision munition on 5th rate military power like Libya that says a lot about overall conventional potential of European armies.

Example from UK:

Brimstone Missiles
Did UK forces nearly run out of ammunition in the Libya operation? It is a claim which has been much discussed in relation to the Brimstone missile. A new variation on this anti-armour missile is the Dual Mode Seeker Brimstone (DMSB) which makes it a laser-guided weapon with a small but very potent charge. But the military only had so many of these upgraded DMSBs, with a stockpile in Afghanistan of Brimstone that had not been used and were due for re-servicing. The supplier, MBDA, was able to increase production of the seeker heads; and other weapons were fired wherever possible. Supply then caught up with demand. But the stock of usable DMSBs was reported to have fallen to single figures at one stage. There is no question of the UK running out of munitions for this operation. Nevertheless, it ran very short of the new variant of the weapon which most suited the chosen tactics.

House of Commons - Operations in Libya - Defence Committee

So, they had missiles in stock, just not the precise new dual seeker ones for use in populated areas. And in a hypothetical conflict with Russia the old ones would do just fine. As for France, well, one can only hope they learned, they do have lots of AASM conversion kits on order.
And when you go a look at what they've actually spent, the number isn't really that negligable:

According to Mr. Gérard Longuet, Secretary of Defense and Veterans Affairs, 950 guided guided bomb were dropped by French Air Force and Navy Rafale and Mirage 2000s, these included an unspecified number of laser guided bombs and 240 air-launched missiles – including 15 SCALP cruise missiles and 225 GPS guided Hammers (AASM); in addition, French helicopters have launched 431 HOT missiles.

France Spent Over 1,000 Bombs and Missiles in the 7 Month Libyan Campaign - Defense Update - Military Technology & Defense News
what, Russian domination is coming? How about conscripts living in appaling barracks with gear that is lacking, high on krokodil?
Sad reality is, that without nukes you couldn't even get past Poland.

In a few years you will cut your aircraft carriers inti needles. So called "conversion" - i know it, we already past all that terrible thing of collapse. And you will extremly love that things - local conflicts, independence of different states, lack of food. Just be ready. And all yours western fairy tales about Russian weakness - forget them all, era of traitor Gorbachev ended.
In a few years you will cut your aircraft carriers inti needles. So called "conversion" - i know it, we already past all that terrible thing of collapse. And you will extremly love that things - local conflicts, independence of different states, lack of food. Just be ready. And all yours western fairy tales about Russian weakness - forget them all, era of traitor Gorbachev ended.

Actually ....NO

United States House of Representatives rejected the amendment U.S. aircraft carrier cut remains 11 | Stock Market Today

Better postpone your plans of mass raping every european female from 5-90,as the russians usually like to do when they invade Europe.
At least they didn't loose any aircraft as opposed to the 7-9 machines the russians lost during the brief (9 days) georgian conflict.That says a lot about overall potential of the russian air forces.:coffee:

Georgians had way better air defenses than Libya who˙s was army was dilapidated by years of neglect, with professional crews from Ukraine to man Buk systems and integrate AD network (also 1-2 of downed planes were victim of friendly fire). However , to be fair Russian Air Force did poorly in Georgian campaign which is not strange due to lack of funding since 1992. Five years has passed from 888 war , a lot of things changed from then , more funding lead to substantially more flying hours , more exercises and most importantly new air crafts again built in sufficient numbers.
Yes,yes i know,the russian midgeot,the greatest midgeot of them all! Bad weather turned back the Wehrmacht and especially Napoleon's Grande Armee.France and the UK have nuclear capabilities to so you better hold on to your pants before launching a nuclear armageddon.I really don't understand this russian obsession with Europe,in the future the danger will come from China for the russians,european states have long abandoned the agressive rhetoric.

in the future danger will always come from the US who is sping us right now while we write. Russia leaves this nuclear treaty because the US wants russia to scrap tactical nukes.
If it wishes or considers it necessary if Russia goes down this road Europe can out spend and out gun you in a blink of an eye.

Only Germany stands a realistic chance to out spend and out gun Russia.

In a few years you will cut your aircraft carriers inti needles. So called "conversion" - i know it, we already past all that terrible thing of collapse. And you will extremly love that things - local conflicts, independence of different states, lack of food. Just be ready. And all yours western fairy tales about Russian weakness - forget them all, era of traitor Gorbachev ended.

Let us not get carried away Vladimir. :lol:
Maybe the Russians are going to introduce a brand-new type of Intermidate Ranger Missiles.
Let us not get carried away Vladimir. :lol:
Putin - is one of the greatest leaders of Russia - such as Ivan Groznyi, Stalin, Petr the 1st. He will return old might of USSR to Eurasian Union. You may laugh, but in 1150- years of Russian state we had many periods of disasters and collapses. But Russia always rise. Always.
Putin - is one of the greatest leaders of Russia - such as Ivan Groznyi, Stalin, Petr the 1st. He will return old might of USSR to Eurasian Union. You may laugh, but in 1150- years of Russian state we had many periods of disasters and collapses. But Russia always rise. Always.

If i had my doubts it's pretty clear now:you're a first class idiot.Do you even know how many russians Stalin killed? Heck,you almost lost WW2 because that clown you call a "great leader" purged the military inteligentsia out of paranoia.

Only Germany stands a realistic chance to out spend and out gun Russia.

I was talking about the EU as a whole.I would prefere to establish strong military ties between all 28 members,drop out of NATO and force every member to dedicate at least 2% of GDP to the military(most EU nations currently spend between 0.8 to 1.6%) .That would suffice to keep us safe from everybody.
If i had my doubts it's pretty clear now:you're a first class idiot.Do you even know how many russians Stalin killed? Heck,you almost lost WW2 because that clown you call a "great leader" purged the military inteligentsia out of paranoia.

Idiot is your father, eurohomo. When Stalin took a power Russia was ruined state. When he died - Russia become superpower. It was his merit. 1923-1953 630000 were perished,- traitors, trozkists, spions and so on. If you are not a foolish, do not bilieve all than western propaganda tell. It is some kind of fantasy - anglosaxonians killed 99% of North American Indians, 90% of Australian native, 75% Irishmen, 100% people in Tasmania, 100 mln Chineses died after Opium Wars - you really thin they will tell truth about others? They will lie much more, than Gebbels did talking shut about Russian rapes. In Red Army soldires were killed just in front of formation for suck things. Read what anglosaxonins did with Franch and German wemen - o, i forgot you are western fairy teils lover!

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