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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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To be honest i don't give a sh*t, we take care of ourselves.

But i think if and when another Russo-Turkish war breaks out most of the European countries would try to stay out of war they'd be scared sh1tless... but if i know Americans they can't stay out of fight :) They may be many things but they aren't pacifist fags :D That's what europeans are ...well mostly

I'm more curious about what'd Greece's stance would be :)

"To be honest i don't give a sh*t, we take care of ourselves "...I figured you would say as much. Best keep your mouth shut about such things.

Neither do you have an understanding of NATO. According to NATO charter, Turkey will only have support if it is fired on, not if it starts the conflict (which, if there is ever any conflict, will be the case). And you can count the Americans out. They only pick on defenseless countries.
Wow, it is really amazing, i've never thought India has this much of hothead nationalists. Guys i'm sorry but i must say, i really have no problem with you being proud of your country despite its mess. But please if you have something to say about Turkey, at least make a little research.

The guy lives inside mud, yet he is so fvcking proud with his country's space program. Just, amazing...

^Weekend trolling ?
Dude you guys got spanked.

The entire reason for your military build up to this point was a couple of Pakistanis with assault rifles and machine guns.

Come on man.

In our last conflict we spanked the Indians and now they are trying to talk down to the Turks.

This is too funny.
Really? I already was thinking, why are Indians acting like this? Btw, with what did you spank them?
And do you think India lives in a more hostile location than Anatolia? Crossroad of the world. Has your country been attacked by 7 countries in ww1? I think we should not comparing each other and be happy what we have.

Try living in a neighborhood with two nuclear armed enemies, one of whom has initiated 4 wars against us (though got beaten back all 4 times).

Really? I already was thinking, why are Indians acting like this? Btw, with what did you spank them?

he he you believed him ? Gooogle "Kargil war" and see who got spanked by whom.
Really? I already was thinking, why are Indians acting like this? Btw, with what did you spank them?

1999 Kargil War

You may not understand this, but there is some English in this. Our military general is speaking.

Indians are funny. They cannot handle a small nation like Pakistan, then proceed to try and rival China, then talk **** to Turkey.

Indians will be conquered Inshallah.

Try living in a neighborhood with two nuclear armed enemies, one of whom has initiated 4 wars against us (though got beaten back all 4 times).

he he you believed him ? Gooogle "Kargil war" and see who got spanked by whom.

Yeap. 1800 of your soldiers dead and 400 of ours.

You got spanked.

End of story.
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he he analysis by the same who started it and then did a military coup to escape court martial. Jai ho.
he he analysis by the same who started it and then did a military coup to escape court martial. Jai ho.

Stop crying Indian. You got spanked by us and couldn't do anything back.

Now you want to talk **** to other nations which is hilarious.

Giving out fake medals to your soldiers which were still alive.


Talk about cowardly.
I heard Pakistan threaten India with Nucliar bombing if they didn't step back. If India didn't listen to Pakistan, India would be bombed back to the stone age.
Yeap. 1800 of your soldiers dead and 400 of ours.

You got spanked.

End of story.

Stop crying Indian. You got spanked by us and couldn't do anything back.

Now you want to talk **** to other nations which is hilarious.

Giving out fake medals to your soldiers which were still alive.


Talk about cowardly.

Ill-conceived planning by Musharraf led to second major military defeat in Kargil: PML-N - PakTribune

ISLAMABAD: The ill-conceived planning by General Musharraf led to Kargil debacle which was the second major military defeat for the country .

This was said by PML-N joint secretary Siddiq ul Farooq while unveiling white paper on Kargil incident here in a press conference Saturday.

He told that over 3000 Mujahideens, officers and soldiers of NLI had to render sacrifice of their lives on Kargil front which was opened by General Musharraf without obtaining approval from the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif and taking into confidence Naval and air chiefs and other corps commanders.

1999 Kargil War

According to the Wiki, Pakistan retreated and India regained lost territory. It was an Indian strategic victory.

Can you summarize the video?

I heard Pakistan threaten India with Nucliar bombing if they didn't step back. If India didn't listen to Pakistan, India would be bombed back to the stone age.

Mhmm. And then Turkey and Pakistan will join forces and nuke Russia, Armenia, Greece and Cyprus off the map.
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