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Russia to China: Together we can rule the world

the most powerful thing russia has is technology and its large pool of scientists and engineers. if either china or russia want to close the technological with the US they have to work to gather.
the most powerful thing russia has is technology and its large pool of scientists and engineers. if either china or russia want to close the technological with the US they have to work to gather.
The Russians are famous for their legacy especially in maths and physics, they are tier one alone with French thus depsite of the visible catching up or even exceed in certain area like emerging industry from our side, but they still have a much better foundation.
Nobody's gonna rule the world as long as the USA Dollar $$$ is the Global Reserve Currency.

And to prevent any other currency to compete for that title... You have the American Nuclear Arsenal to provide continued American Rule.

Nobody's gonna rule the world as long as the USA Dollar $$$ is the Global Reserve Currency.

And to prevent any other currency to compete for that title... You have the American Nuclear Arsenal to provide continued American Rule.

America is going to be latino majority like Brazil in the next generation. Soviet Union had more nukes then anyone and they fell apart.
another thing to consider is russias ussr era relationships. while the west has ensured that most non warsaw pact ussr allies were punished like serbia iraq syria and the like after the breakup of the ussr. russia might still have alot sympathizes around the world even if its have very few in its neighborhood the biggest hurdle russia faces in exploiting that is its limited geo political scope post break up and its inability to offer much in the way of monetary support. a good way to find residual russian influence is to look at countries that still buy russian arms. i believe if properly exploited the soft power of russia is greater than that of china. and carries less stigma as western propaganda has refocused on china on the world stage while russia is reserved for the audiences at home.
i believe the only way to have a bipolar world order is to have a second global economy with the country leading such an economy being the new super power.
anything found in the west should have a answer in the east.
and that is why russia in indispensable as such a system will require not only a dominant superpower but also ring of great and regional powers and a host of middle and small powers and this is where russian influence helps in strides.
and this is not to mention the huge reserves of hydrocarbons that russia and C.A republics(under considerable russian influence) have.
Nobody's gonna rule the world as long as the USA Dollar $$$ is the Global Reserve Currency.

And to prevent any other currency to compete for that title... You have the American Nuclear Arsenal to provide continued American Rule.

The title is sensational indeed but no one ruled forever, the Petro dollar system has only established for less than a century and the US power peaks in 1990s after winning the cold war and we can already see the downward trend of its reign in just 30 years.
The title is sensational indeed but no one ruled forever, the Petro dollar system has only established for less than a century and the US power peaks in 1990s after winning the cold war and we can already see the downward trend of its reign in just 30 years.

Indeed. Just as WW2 ended the reign of Britain and France as the top powers of the world, COVID-19 ends the reign of America and Russia as the top powers of the world.
China and Russia have common understandings and solved their border disputes decades ago. They both want to keep their culture and history and prevent western liberalism to destroy their way of life. They do not want LGBT feminists running around teaching their children how boys should date boys (safe schools lol) etc.
China and Russia don't like to rule the world, they just won't let US rule the world.
I'd like to see us try to push around china and Russia alliance with those ex Soviet countries in central Asia which are allied with Russia. Too much manpower, ingenuity, resources, money for anyone to mess with them.
What interest would China have in allying with Russia? I strongly believe the Russian-China rivalry will become extremely worse esp by the end of this decade. They have competing interests in the artic and even in Siberia which has historically been far closer to China than Russia...

Mark my words these so called allie will become the worst of enemies esp as China eyes the vast resources in siberia
COVID will end the reign of the US which has been top power after WW2. China and Russia takes over.

What interest would China have in allying with Russia? I strongly believe the Russian-China rivalry will become extremely worse esp by the end of this decade. They have competing interests in the artic and even in Siberia which has historically been far closer to China than Russia...

Mark my words these so called allie will become the worst of enemies esp as China eyes the vast resources in siberia

Relation between Russia and China is sort of like relation between Canada and America.
What interest would China have in allying with Russia? I strongly believe the Russian-China rivalry will become extremely worse esp by the end of this decade. They have competing interests in the artic and even in Siberia which has historically been far closer to China than Russia...

Mark my words these so called allie will become the worst of enemies esp as China eyes the vast resources in siberia

Perhaps things could change but the historical viewpoint says yes due to Soviet-Sino spilt of the 60s 70s 80s and prior Russian expansion into Northeast Asia but today Russia is practically alone so it needs China more as for Siberia only the ultranationalist Chinese really care the CCP is more pragmatic

Besides the US is not willing to compromise with Russia regarding its former Soviet sphere it wants all of it and Russia to be its vassal for neo liberalism but Russia isn't interested in that so unfortunately Russia going be towards China for the foreseeable future
Perhaps things could change but the historical viewpoint says yes due to Soviet-Sino spilt of the 60s 70s 80s and prior Russian expansion into Northeast Asia but today Russia is practically alone so it needs China more as for Siberia only the ultranationalist Chinese really care the CCP is more pragmatic

Besides the US is not willing to compromise with Russia regarding its former Soviet sphere it wants all of it and Russia to be its vassal for neo liberalism but Russia isn't interested in that so unfortunately Russia going be towards China for the foreseeable future

I doubt it. Sure in the next few years Russia will try its best to cozy upto China but as China expands its economy and sphere of influence they would gain very little from allying with Russia. With global warming competition for resources in the artic are going to heat of dramatically. Russia is domestically far weaker than it projects. Russia has been able to punch far above its weight (population/economy) due to its military and diplamatic manuvering. Sure Russia might have some fancy weapons but very few of them. 90% of their military is still of soviet origin.

China is far more interested in Africa than in Russia at the moment. The moment Russia is weak China will make its move and act on Siberia. Many of their top generals already have spoken on this.

US is already forseeing this as being a strong possibility. Russia will have no choice but to ally itself with US/Japan against China in the next decade.
I doubt it. Sure in the next few years Russia will try its best to cozy upto China but as China expands its economy and sphere of influence they would gain very little from allying with Russia. With global warming competition for resources in the artic are going to heat of dramatically. Russia is domestically far weaker than it projects. Russia has been able to punch far above its weight (population/economy) due to its military and diplamatic manuvering. Sure Russia might have some fancy weapons but very few of them. 90% of their military is still of soviet origin.

China is far more interested in Africa than in Russia at the moment. The moment Russia is weak China will make its move and act on Siberia. Many of their top generals already have spoken on this.

US is already forseeing this as being a strong possibility. Russia will have no choice but to ally itself with US/Japan against China in the next decade.
Siberia as a whole is not considered as a part of China. Maybe less than 5% of its land is considered controversial by few chinese nationalist.CCP's long term goal has never involved siberia for the rejuvenation of china( Taiwan is) as a leading global power,and ccp has their goal set for centuries. CCP's goals is tied to aspirations regarding historical chinese glory and Siberia has no part in it.
Annexing siberia would be a political disaster,set a bad precident and provide all the ammunition toward the western coalition to vilify china once and for all.

It's very likely that China will make amends for its political mistakes toward Japan and reconcile.
CCP learns from their mistakes.
Historically china and japan had a cordial relationship,that's before the western hegemons turned the pacific inside down and set everything haywire.
When China is able to seriously dismantle or challenge US hegemony and make a move for reconciliation toward japan ,Japan will gladly accept an alliance with its historical ally.
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