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Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

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I think someone saw the movie salt, and well....................

Is this a joke or what?
The so called 'unidentified' Russian general has said they will use Iran's airspace for the attack.
Why do people believe such big lies so easy?Why on earth would Russia bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia?
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you are forgetting one thing here... KSA has muslim holly centers. If any thing happen to them. then surely Russia is doomed.

That m sure about. so i dont think Russians will be fool enough even to say openly to attack KSA...
Russia was already doomed in its Soviat-Afghan war Period . But Idiots never learn their lessons and repeat same mistakes with similar ignorance.
Of course there will be a response from US . but not from ANY arab country.;)

and if Russia is smart about it, the Qataris and Saudis might not even know who did what....

and lets be serious can the US afford another war in the Middle East?

If Iran, Russia, and China make an alliance, lets just say , they can do ALOT.

China sure is not going to help Russia since China is very dependent on oil. Not to mention you are going to have Muslims outrage and start committing acts on Russian and Chinese soil. I know Iran will be hit badly since they are practically next door to the important shrines of Saudi Arabia. Mecca and Medina.
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what kind of crack was the editor of such news hitting , afghan weed is at its lowest price lately.

Of course there will be a response from US . but not from ANY arab country.;)

and if Russia is smart about it, the Qataris and Saudis might not even know who did what....

and lets be serious can the US afford another war in the Middle East?

If Iran, Russia, and China make an alliance, lets just say , they can do ALOT.

To many wet dreams , but dreams are free for a reason , I did not Afghan weed was smuggled that easily into Iran and United states.
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The Russians aren't crazy bro!

this is all lies and propaganda , last but not least the Russians abandoned their port facility in Tartus for good .

All personnel withdrawn from Russian navy base in Syria - diplomat ? RT Russian politics

The Russians only care about money gas and vodka while Syria does not have any of these , Putin only used this conflict to boast his image back home after the heavy protests that went out against him in 2012 , trying to divert his public attention on another issue .
The news is baseless, however, Russia would never dare to say such things, even when it was at the peak of it's strength in the 80s, and it was being spanked in Afghanistan, it didn't dare to make threats. For sure the KSA is too great to get threatened.
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