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Russia set to take part in new Indian submarine tender

Here's the recent news and I feel something is Fishy about Indian 6 submarines tender worth 12B dollars :unsure::shout:
$2.7B Turk Sub Deal With Germany Takes Effect
ANKARA - A 2 billion-euro ($2.7 billion) deal between Turkey's arms procurement agency and Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems for the joint manufacture of six submarines formally took effect July 1, the German group announced. :hitwall:

"The 2 billion-euro order for six U214 submarine material packages placed with ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems by the Republic of Turkey has entered into force with receipt of the advance payment," the group said in a statement July 1.

"As a longstanding partner and supplier to the Turkish Navy, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems can now begin executing the order," the statement said. "The order will contribute to securing employment at [ThyssenKrupp's] HDW in Kiel, as well as at many subcontractors in Germany and Turkey, for the next 10 years."

A major loan deal on the last day of 2010 between German banks and the Turkish Treasury rescued the contract between the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, the Turkish government's procurement agency, and German shipyard Howaldswerke Deutsche Werft (HDW), Turkish procurement officials said earlier. Since then, the two sides had discussed the loan's conditions, and that process ended successfully in late June.

Turkey and HDW, an affiliate of the ThyssenKrupp conglomerate, originally signed the submarine contract in July 2009, but no price was disclosed at the time. Turkey originally selected HDW over French and Spanish rivals in the summer of 2008, when officials said the German offer was worth 2.5 billion euros.

Renegotiations over price and a clear road map for Turkish local participation led to a final agreement on a price reduction of more than 500 million euros, bringing down the program's final cost to about 2 billion euros.

Under the Turkish modern submarine program, the non-nuclear vessels will be built at the Navy's Golcuk Shipyard on the Marmara Sea coast near Istanbul. The submarine program will become Turkey's largest defense modernization project after a planned $13 billion deal to buy 100 next-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighters for the Air Force.

Ankara is hoping the U214 submarines will enter service shortly after 2015, two years later than the original schedule when the program was launched a few years ago.

With a decision to proceed, Turkey scrapped a modernization plan for its older Ay-class submarines, also built by HDW.

Turkey also is building its own corvette-type ships and hopes to produce its own frigates by the end of this decade. Several Turkish shipyards are producing patrol boats, coast guard boats and other amphibious platforms
$2.7B Turk Sub Deal With Germany Takes Effect - Defense News

Why the f**k we are ready to give away 12billion dollars for just 6 subs ,when turkey did the same for 2 billion dollars man,we could do the same ???
Take my words -Huge Huge SCAM waiting to be uncovered....:angry::sick:
12Billion dollars =36Subs that also U214(THE BEST )
There's nothing special even if we are gonna get TOT(Note:Turkey too getting the same ) for Subs as Diesel powered with AIP is not future but an interim solution for Mid sized navy.Look at US navy and UK do they have diesel powered in there fleet ???:angry::argh:
We will manufacture 12 of them later as follow on by 2025.
Those will be indigenous. Their cost is not included in this 12 billion$ deal. Corruption is inevitable, who was that stupid who revealed that government sanctioned 12 billion$ for this project? Have they ever gone to a market to purchase their groceries ? Here is a simple lesson for these idiots, never tell a shopkeeper how much money you are willing to pay or how much money you have in your pocket for particular item, but it only matters if you want to bargain.
Such as?? What could be more than TOT?

It could be for any hidden stuff/help that can't be taken openly. But one thing is sure, no govt pay more than price of product and here the amount is very very huge. We might be always guessing but sometimes things are already set.
I think..12 Billion $ will also take of weapon and other system spare-parts, training, sea trails etc.
Hey guys how good is the Sub offered by DCNS ? I mean they are saying its a bigger version of Scorpene with AIP and new gen subsystems but exactly how good is it ?
There's nothing special even if we are gonna get TOT(Note:Turkey too getting the same ) for Subs as Diesel powered with AIP is not future but an interim solution for Mid sized navy.Look at US navy and UK do they have diesel powered in there fleet ???:angry::argh:

Well you are wrong. SSK can do a lot of work that the SSN cant do. mainly intel gathering in peace time. This is something the SSN cant do near the coasts. The SSK has another advantage that is it is half the cost or even cheaper than the SSN. It is smaller and perfect in the BoB and the Arabian sea. For the Indian ocean we have our CBG along with the Akula and the Arihant.

Diesel electric subs are really good for coastal and Brown water warfare.
Hey guys how good is the Sub offered by DCNS ? I mean they are saying its a bigger version of Scorpene with AIP and new gen subsystems but exactly how good is it ?

i think the bigger scorpenes will be a little better than the existing ones however if we buy DCN's subs then we must go for the Barracudas
Its an SSN and IN has already decided not to go for such a small design. Also I meant bigger scorpenes in comparison to other subs not the present scorpene.
There's nothing special even if we are gonna get TOT(Note:Turkey too getting the same ) for Subs as Diesel powered with AIP is not future but an interim solution for Mid sized navy.Look at US navy and UK do they have diesel powered in there fleet ???:angry::argh:

biggest advantage of ssk is that they are quieter ( the amur is quietest of them all according to russians)...... For warfare against good surface ships, like the ones china has, which have pretty good sonars and other detection ability, quiet is the way to go...... Us and uk dont need diesel subs cause most of the wars they fight in are thousands of miles away which only nucleur subs can reach......
Aside from conventional subs, didn't India lease two Akula class from Russia? I haven't heard anything since then. Did Russians ever deliver them?

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