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Russia says it will deliver S-400 systems in 5 years


Dec 14, 2018
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At a briefing at the Russian embassy, ambassador Nikolay Kudashev described New Delhi’s actions in Jammu and Kashmir as an internal matter, and said the Kashmir issue should be handled bilaterally by India and Pakistan instead of being taken up at the UN Security Council.

Russia will deliver the five S-400 air defence systems ordered by India under a $5.4-billion deal by 2025 and the two sides are creating a comprehensive system of payments insulated from US sanctions, Russian diplomats said on Friday.

At a briefing at the Russian embassy, ambassador Nikolay Kudashev described New Delhi’s actions in Jammu and Kashmir as an internal matter, and said the Kashmir issue should be handled bilaterally by India and Pakistan instead of being taken up at the UN Security Council.

Roman Babushkin, the deputy chief of mission, said production of the S-400 systems for India has started. “We are expecting the deliveries to be completed by 2025,” he said.

India’s armed forces will soon receive the first batch of 5,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles made in India, and the two sides are close to signing a contract for 200 Kamov Ka-226 helicopters, under which 60 will be supplied by Russia and the rest made in India, Babushkin added.

As reported by HT, India last year made the first payment of $850 million for the S-400 systems through a special mechanism aimed at averting sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) of the US.

A senior US State Department official said on January 8 that India won’t receive a blanket waiver for the S-400 deal signed in 2018. Under CAATSA, countries making purchases worth more than $15 million from Russia’s state-owned defence firm could be subject to sanctions, though the US president has the authority to issue a waiver.

Kudashev described the system created by Russia and India to protect deals from US sanctions as a “work in progress”. The sanctions triggered by payments have complicated trade and investment, he said.

“[The two sides] are developing inter-bank cooperation, and enhancing and strengthening the position of national currencies in their trade and investment cooperation. They are developing and testing the means of payments that are an alternative to the SWIFT system, which became one of the instruments for sanctions,” he said.

The two sides are considering other ways to “clear the way for growing cooperation in many spheres, be it military, energy and space”, he added.

Asked about China’s move to discuss the Kashmir issue at the UN Security Council, Kudashev said: “We’ve never been in favour of bringing this issue into the UN agenda because, in our take, this is strictly a bilateral matter for India and Pakistan to discuss on the basis of the Simla Agreement and Lahore Declaration. This is our continuous position and it’s well known.”

Replying to another question on whether he wished to visit Kashmir to assess the ground situation, Kudashev said he hadn’t joined other envoys on a recent trip to the region as he hadn’t been invited.

“Quite frankly, I do not feel there is a reason for me to travel [to Kashmir]. Your decisions, as far as Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, this is your internal matter, belonging to the constitutional space of India,” he said.

Kudashev echoed Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s criticism of the US-backed concept of the Indo-Pacific, saying it was divisive and omitted China and Russia. He acknowledged India’s position on the Indo-Pacific wasn’t aimed at containing anybody.

“I would say quite frankly that we expressed to India, time and again, our concern about the American strategies [and] the Quad. As far as I understand, our concerns are taken into consideration and our dialogue on these issues is continuing,” he said.

Kudashev also said external affairs minister S Jaishankar will visit Russia from March 22-23 to attend a meeting of the Russia-Indian-China trilateral.


Classic Russia! India paid 850 million dollars and will not even get a single S-400. In 2025, S-400 will be useless. China would have duplicated it and made it obsolete. Most likely Chinese pressure at work. India should have dumped Russia and dump them hard. They are not a reliable supplier. In the past it was that carrier, right?
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Russia is trolling India all the way to the bank.

They don't want their S400s to go the way of the Mig-21 and Mi-17.
ambassador Nikolay Kudashev described New Delhi’s actions in Jammu and Kashmir as an internal matter, and said the Kashmir issue should be handled bilaterally by India and Pakistan
If an article's first paragraph defies the laws of grammar and physics by saying something is both "internal" and "bilateral" simultaneously, why should I bother even reading the rest of that b.s. article, let alone believing it?
If an article's first paragraph defies the laws of grammar and physics by saying something is both "internal" and "bilateral" simultaneously, why should I bother even reading the rest of that b.s. article, let alone believing it?
Its called diplomacy. It is not supposed to make one single sense. So that each one can be happy with his or her interpretation of truth.

Real news is the action. If S-400 will be delivered by 2025, then India's bet on the system backfired. They went through all the trouble of displeasing USA, handing out 850 millions and setting up channels to bypass SWIFT which makes them vulnerable to be sanctioned or examined under FATF. All for a system which is not going to show up any time soon. Not to mention this is the first sign of delay. I bet India is not going to get it even till 2035. Worst, Indian government can change and new government will dump the deal with partial payments done and India gets nothing at all. Those 850 millions go down the drain.

Honestly, India lost the bargain with Russia. Should be stayed with proven weapons from european or north american partners. Russia duped them big time.
2025 - wtf... I srsly hope Indians realise PAF will have developed counters to the system IF they actually get it on time.
I sincerely hope all the intellects commenting here understand that 2025 is for the complete delivery and not for the first system. Come on !!!

Complete delivery... yes if it is completed by 2025. You never know about the hurdles that might occur in these sorta deals
Complete delivery... yes if it is completed by 2025. You never know about the hurdles that might occur in these sorta deals
If you are going for unexpected events outside of anyone's control, anything can get delayed or derailed. Just take a look at your attack helicopters from Turkey. So its moot to think otherwise. BTW Russia does a better job at delivering on time especially when it is such a high profile deal.
If you are going for unexpected events outside of anyone's control, anything can get delayed or derailed. Just take a look at your attack helicopters from Turkey. So its moot to think otherwise. BTW Russia does a better job at delivering on time especially when it is such a high profile deal.

I am well aware tyvm and you can keep your fingers crossed that Russia does a good job this time around as well then eh.
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