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Russia says it will deliver S-400 systems in 5 years

You are severely overestimating Pakistan's and Kashmir's standing in the world. It has nothing to do with that. Neither it has anything to do with shooting down a single 3rd gen fighter with a boat load of 4th gen fighter. Not at all.

Its merely a question of who has more money. Right now China does than India. So Russia will naturally work closer with them than India.
then my dear yr severely underestimating the power of Pakistan!

REMEMBER! Muslims in Russia arnt happy even to this day, and they make up 14% of its population and have 40% representation in its Military, Given that they r all ethnically Turks as well or part of turkic tribes and given our close relation with Turkey ad China both, if Pakistan wants, she can leave this Russia to a mere size of Switzerland with Moscow and its surround districts. And will itself name it Slavickistan!:rofl:

Pakistan is the ultimate King in this region and in the Muslim World, rattling Pakistan, trust me is in none of all their interests! as Pakistan's need of them is only temporary, right now, but in permanent basis they need us to trade to their own time tested Ally India!

If Pakistan wants, it can still squash this country like little bug as we did 40 years ago!

These insults of not intervening by SCO in 26th feb. scenario as well as now giving hosting rights to a country like India of this SCO on the first place is of grave concern to Pakistan post Kashmir annexation and Citizenship Act laws is a great insult to Pakistan by Russia whose one of the members Pakistan is as well. And if China is involved in this then we will remember this act from China as well since we never expressed even a single concern abt Uyghur issue even though our Muslim population is NOT HAPPY WITH IT.



This is our clear cut position now after indian violation of Tashkent Treaty which as far as Pakistan is concern is DEAD and so Lahore declaration.
You're trying to pigeon hole Russia diplomacy through Pakistani lens.

GoP is most welcome to work for it's perceived interests, but you're severely overestimating GoP's stature in the global arena. For Russia, good relations with Pakistan are a welcome bonus, but to assume GoP holds leverage over Russian decisions is nonsensical and incorrect, more so if you claim to be solely responsible for breaking up of USSR. No decent Pakistani diplomat is going to claim as such, lest they be laughed out of the global forum.

GoP, currently, is unable to influence any major power other than China to work in it's favour. Reciprocal agreements notwithstanding.

No country is going to stop doing business in their own interests because it might aggravate Pakistan.
to have good relation for Russia means its middle east expansion is never challenged by anybody......And specially for Russia's own unification, as 40% of their military is still Muslim and is itself a heavily sanctioned Country with mere 150 million all thanks to Pakistan, if Russia keeps rattling Pakistan by insulting it by giving hosting rights to India itself in the first place post 27 feb. scenario when its clear that india is at our mercy and at anytime we can fight and win or recapture New Dehli and establish our rule there at our will.........As for Russia if pakistan can break to pieces 40 years ago Pakistan can still do it again! and this time given the Russia position and situation post Cold war and post Crimea Crisis, its far too easy. And that will increase the value and usefulness of Pakistan in the western eyes as well.

So Win Win for Pakistan, a permanent Enemy ally complet;y neutralized off the face of the Earth for good!

Things r about to change big time post 2022 son! u just dont know whats going on.

and BTW @BringHarmony Both F16s and Su30MKI are 4th gen jets.....

Mig21 is 3rd gen jet being shot down by this F16AM serial#92-731
to have good relation for Russia means its middle east expansion is never challenged by anybody......And specially for Russia's own unification, as 40% of their military is still Muslim and is itself a heavily sanctioned Country with mere 150 million all thanks to Pakistan, if Russia keeps rattling Pakistan by insulting it by giving hosting rights to India itself in the first place post 27 feb. scenario when its clear that india is at our mercy and at anytime we can fight and win or recapture New Dehli and establish our rule there at our will.........As for Russia if pakistan can break to pieces 40 years ago Pakistan can still do it again! and this time given the Russia position and situation post Cold war and post Crimea Crisis, its far too easy. And that will increase the value and usefulness of Pakistan in the western eyes as well.

So Win Win for Pakistan, a permanent Enemy ally complet;y neutralized off the face of the Earth for good!

Things r about to change big time post 2022 son! u just dont know whats going on.

and BTW @BringHarmony Both F16s and Su30MKI are 4th gen jets.....

Mig21 is 3rd gen jet being shot down by this F16AM serial#92-731
Time and history have repeatedly demonstrated how the strong prey on the weak and seldom follow any rules.

What are you waiting for?

If GoP is as stronk as you claim it to be, come forth, destroy all those who oppose you.

Many oppressed muslims around the world call for your aid, are you unable or unwilling?

Actions speak louder. Where were your brethren nations when you beckoned them post A370 abrogation. If Pakistan holds the key to all the muslim nations, then why is it so woefully unable to influence any of them. "Aapne kabse theka sambhala dunya ke musalmano ka?"

Untill you can demonstrate your claims by providing the supporting actions, leave them for a comedic occasion as they remain far fetched and ludicrous.
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then my dear yr severely underestimating the power of Pakistan!

REMEMBER! Muslims in Russia arnt happy even to this day, and they make up 14% of its population and have 40% representation in its Military, Given that they r all ethnically Turks as well or part of turkic tribes and given our close relation with Turkey ad China both, if Pakistan wants, she can leave this Russia to a mere size of Switzerland with Moscow and its surround districts. And will itself name it Slavickistan!:rofl:
So lemme guess. To influence Russia, you will approach Turkey who will use some kind of Turkish influence over Muslims (who are a minority in Russia) to revolt against Russian government, cause civil war etc for .... Kashmir?

I have seen many bridges too far but this one takes the cake.

Lets see reality :
Russia (Head of the state) Putin -- certainly not a muslim. He is a Russian orthodox.
Defence Minister, Sergey Shoygu (Army General as well) -- Again a Russian Orthodox.
Russian Naval Admiral, Nikolai Yevmenov -- Again a Russian Orthodox.
Russian Airforce, Andrey Yudin -- Again a Russian Orthodox.

So you are telling me, that Russian government and military headed by Russian Orthodox will somehow align with Pakistan because of fear of revolt precipitated by a Turkish friendship of a minority Muslim population who have some kind of Turkish connection.

Yeah, its that stupid.

Pakistan is the ultimate King in this region and in the Muslim World, rattling Pakistan, trust me is in none of all their interests! as Pakistan's need of them is only temporary, right now, but in permanent basis they need us to trade to their own time tested Ally India!

If Pakistan wants, it can still squash this country like little bug as we did 40 years ago!
Are you talking about Russia? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

These insults of not intervening by SCO in 26th feb. scenario as well as now giving hosting rights to a country like India of this SCO on the first place is of grave concern to Pakistan post Kashmir annexation and Citizenship Act laws is a great insult to Pakistan by Russia whose one of the members Pakistan is as well. And if China is involved in this then we will remember this act from China as well since we never expressed even a single concern abt Uyghur issue even though our Muslim population is NOT HAPPY WITH IT.
I have nothing to say on this.



This is our clear cut position now after indian violation of Tashkent Treaty which as far as Pakistan is concern is DEAD and so Lahore declaration.
Okay now I am lost.

Its actually for the ship
True, but it can work over land too. IIRC Trump offered this and PAC-3 to India inplace of S-400.
Time and history have repeatedly demonstrated how the strong prey on the weak and seldom follow any rules.

What are you waiting for?

If GoP is as stronk as you claim it to be, come forth, destroy all those who oppose you.

Many oppressed muslims around the world call for your aid, are you unable or unwilling?

Actions speak louder. Where were your brethren nations when you beckoned them post A370 abrogation. If Pakistan holds the key to all the muslim nations, then why is it so woefully unable to influence any of them. "Aapne kabse theka sambhala dunya ke musalmano ka?"

Untill you can demonstrate your claims by providing the supporting actions, leave them for a comedic occasion as they remain far fetched and ludicrous.
hahaha sunshine! Pakistan's games are far too superior and far too greater then u will ever understand them to be! We r a type of country that eats other countries just to please a 3rd power........

We r the one and only Masters of this Great Game, you meanwhile are just ex slaves/subjects of our superior martial races, a mere incompetent Pagan race......

Dont even insult us by mentioning us in the same breath as yourselves

So lemme guess. To influence Russia, you will approach Turkey who will use some kind of Turkish influence over Muslims (who are a minority in Russia) to revolt against Russian government, cause civil war etc for .... Kashmir?

I have seen many bridges too far but this one takes the cake.

Lets see reality :
Russia (Head of the state) Putin -- certainly not a muslim. He is a Russian orthodox.
Defence Minister, Sergey Shoygu (Army General as well) -- Again a Russian Orthodox.
Russian Naval Admiral, Nikolai Yevmenov -- Again a Russian Orthodox.
Russian Airforce, Andrey Yudin -- Again a Russian Orthodox.

So you are telling me, that Russian government and military headed by Russian Orthodox will somehow align with Pakistan because of fear of revolt precipitated by a Turkish friendship of a minority Muslim population who have some kind of Turkish connection.

Yeah, its that stupid.


Are you talking about Russia? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

I have nothing to say on this.

Okay now I am lost.

True, but it can work over land too. IIRC Trump offered this and PAC-3 to India inplace of S-400.

my dear friend, u it seems dont know anything about how the great games are played.....

never ever underestimate the Turkish influence on Central Asia and certainly not on Russian speaking Muslims!

When these 48 western countries alliance invaded Afghanistan with 140,000 troops back in 2001 armed to their teeth, nobody gave Pakistan and CERTAINLY NOT TALIBAN a chance either, but 19 years after that we all can see what happened!

Pakistan meanwhile always had plans for Central Asia as well, afterall we r the reasons for their liberation.
In the long run, these SCO countries will need Pakistan, Pakistan's need of them is only temporary economical.

Then what? have u thought about it??:lol:

Russia meanwhile itself is scared of BRI passing through Central Asia :azn: because those countries will become sovereign.......since those old soviet generals sitting in their head of state positions will become irrelevant.

Pakistan is a 5th largest country in the whole wide world 220 million country, even bangladesh has bigger population then Russia which is 180 million., We r interested in using Russian UNSC vote as well as Russian power potential influence over india since indian 60% weapons r imported from Russia.......

To make it agree to evacuate Kashmir, wholly and fully. nothing more nothing less then that, SCO meanwhile has proved to be a useless organization for Pakistan's interests anyways!!!! And given this insult of giving its hosting rights to India, our sworn enemy who had attacked Pakistan on 27 feb. and Pakistan complained about that too to SCO's Russian Head, and he refused to intervene even though its written in SCO charter that no member country can attack another LOL

Now its proved that Pulwama was an inside job that they themselves had done to win elections.

so whats the usefulness of SCO for Pakistan? ZERO!

At a briefing at the Russian embassy, ambassador Nikolay Kudashev described New Delhi’s actions in Jammu and Kashmir as an internal matter, and said the Kashmir issue should be handled bilaterally by India and Pakistan instead of being taken up at the UN Security Council.

Russia will deliver the five S-400 air defence systems ordered by India under a $5.4-billion deal by 2025 and the two sides are creating a comprehensive system of payments insulated from US sanctions, Russian diplomats said on Friday.

At a briefing at the Russian embassy, ambassador Nikolay Kudashev described New Delhi’s actions in Jammu and Kashmir as an internal matter, and said the Kashmir issue should be handled bilaterally by India and Pakistan instead of being taken up at the UN Security Council.

Roman Babushkin, the deputy chief of mission, said production of the S-400 systems for India has started. “We are expecting the deliveries to be completed by 2025,” he said.

India’s armed forces will soon receive the first batch of 5,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles made in India, and the two sides are close to signing a contract for 200 Kamov Ka-226 helicopters, under which 60 will be supplied by Russia and the rest made in India, Babushkin added.

As reported by HT, India last year made the first payment of $850 million for the S-400 systems through a special mechanism aimed at averting sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) of the US.

A senior US State Department official said on January 8 that India won’t receive a blanket waiver for the S-400 deal signed in 2018. Under CAATSA, countries making purchases worth more than $15 million from Russia’s state-owned defence firm could be subject to sanctions, though the US president has the authority to issue a waiver.

Kudashev described the system created by Russia and India to protect deals from US sanctions as a “work in progress”. The sanctions triggered by payments have complicated trade and investment, he said.

“[The two sides] are developing inter-bank cooperation, and enhancing and strengthening the position of national currencies in their trade and investment cooperation. They are developing and testing the means of payments that are an alternative to the SWIFT system, which became one of the instruments for sanctions,” he said.

The two sides are considering other ways to “clear the way for growing cooperation in many spheres, be it military, energy and space”, he added.

Asked about China’s move to discuss the Kashmir issue at the UN Security Council, Kudashev said: “We’ve never been in favour of bringing this issue into the UN agenda because, in our take, this is strictly a bilateral matter for India and Pakistan to discuss on the basis of the Simla Agreement and Lahore Declaration. This is our continuous position and it’s well known.”

Replying to another question on whether he wished to visit Kashmir to assess the ground situation, Kudashev said he hadn’t joined other envoys on a recent trip to the region as he hadn’t been invited.

“Quite frankly, I do not feel there is a reason for me to travel [to Kashmir]. Your decisions, as far as Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, this is your internal matter, belonging to the constitutional space of India,” he said.

Kudashev echoed Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s criticism of the US-backed concept of the Indo-Pacific, saying it was divisive and omitted China and Russia. He acknowledged India’s position on the Indo-Pacific wasn’t aimed at containing anybody.

“I would say quite frankly that we expressed to India, time and again, our concern about the American strategies [and] the Quad. As far as I understand, our concerns are taken into consideration and our dialogue on these issues is continuing,” he said.

Kudashev also said external affairs minister S Jaishankar will visit Russia from March 22-23 to attend a meeting of the Russia-Indian-China trilateral.


Classic Russia! India paid 850 million dollars and will not even get a single S-400. In 2025, S-400 will be useless. China would have duplicated it and made it obsolete. Most likely Chinese pressure at work. India should have dumped Russia and dump them hard. They are not a reliable supplier. In the past it was that carrier, right?
Could it be a diversion , a tactic used by India , to make Pakistanis at ease and then surprise us with S-400 when we least expect it ?
That's why we have ababeel missile program. And with passing time we will mature MIRV technology . First Successful test was already done.
I believe we still got few years.
With mix of Cruise missile systems, BMS, A2G , Fast & accurate shot range missiles, while Delhi is just few kilometres away from us and hot target. Nobody can save it considering the weapons we have today nor S400 can save delhi even S400 is world's best defense system.
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hahaha sunshine! Pakistan's games are far too superior and far too greater then u will ever understand them to be! We r a type of country that eats other countries just to please a 3rd power........

We r the one and only Masters of this Great Game, you meanwhile are just ex slaves/subjects of our superior martial races, a mere incompetent Pagan race......

Dont even insult us by mentioning us in the same breath as yourselves


my dear friend, u it seems dont know anything about how the great games are played.....

never ever underestimate the Turkish influence on Central Asia and certainly not on Russian speaking Muslims!

When these 48 western countries alliance invaded Afghanistan with 140,000 troops back in 2001 armed to their teeth, nobody gave Pakistan and CERTAINLY NOT TALIBAN a chance either, but 19 years after that we all can see what happened!

Pakistan meanwhile always had plans for Central Asia as well, afterall we r the reasons for their liberation.
In the long run, these SCO countries will need Pakistan, Pakistan's need of them is only temporary economical.

Then what? have u thought about it??:lol:

Russia meanwhile itself is scared of BRI passing through Central Asia :azn: because those countries will become sovereign.......since those old soviet generals sitting in their head of state positions will become irrelevant.

Pakistan is a 5th largest country in the whole wide world 220 million country, even bangladesh has bigger population then Russia which is 180 million., We r interested in using Russian UNSC vote as well as Russian power potential influence over india since indian 60% weapons r imported from Russia.......

To make it agree to evacuate Kashmir, wholly and fully. nothing more nothing less then that, SCO meanwhile has proved to be a useless organization for Pakistan's interests anyways!!!! And given this insult of giving its hosting rights to India, our sworn enemy who had attacked Pakistan on 27 feb. and Pakistan complained about that too to SCO's Russian Head, and he refused to intervene even though its written in SCO charter that no member country can attack another LOL

Now its proved that Pulwama was an inside job that they themselves had done to win elections.

so whats the usefulness of SCO for Pakistan? ZERO!

This mentality is reminding me about championship trophy final 2017(luckly won) which sung by Pakistan next two years.

The same way, we singing about luckily shooting down a 3rd gen fighter. And, it will be continue for 1-2 years.

Thank god, we don't have such mentality otherwise we might be singing the old songs about1971, siachen war and kargil war.
This mentality is reminding me about championship trophy final 2017(luckly won) which sung by Pakistan next two years.

The same way, we singing about luckily shooting down a 3rd gen fighter. And, it will be continue for 1-2 years.

Thank god, we don't have such mentality otherwise we might be singing the old songs about1971, siachen war and kargil war.
hahaha kid post 27 feb. things have changed permanently.......now just need to start the war.
hahaha kid post 27 feb. things have changed permanently.......now just need to start the war.

Hahahaha - nothing can be change permanently. Only one 3rd gen plane can't be change anything....... By the way, Lucky day is always count as lucky.

From 73 years, we have lost war against to China (bigger army) only, but learnt the lesson as well. So, we are fine and one-two very small incidents can't make any difference
Hahahaha - nothing can be change permanently. Only one 3rd gen plane can't be change anything....... By the way, Lucky day is always count as lucky.

From 73 years, we have lost war against to China (bigger army), but learnt the lesson as well. So, we are fine and one-two very small incidents can't make any difference
Hmmm so after it was shot down, it is now rated 3rd gen. Whereas Ganguz used to rate Mig 21 Bison as a 4th generation capable of taking down F 16s and JF 17s
Hahahaha - nothing can be change permanently. Only one 3rd gen plane can't be change anything....... By the way, Lucky day is always count as lucky.

From 73 years, we have lost war against to China (bigger army) only, but learnt the lesson as well. So, we are fine and one-two very small incidents can't make any difference
read post#24 for Su30 kill, and see post#33 for Mig kill........ since when did yr Su30MKI became 3rd gen? Mig21 is 3rd gen. BTW that wreckage of Su30 fell in Makra village in yr IOK.

Besides thats not all we did to u guys, EW jamming and all, blinding yr radars, tempering the IFFs of yr israeli SPYDER AD missile, which ended up blowing yr own helicopter.

And on top of it that aerial bombing of your territory as well. Yr Bipin Rawat got a second life that day. Watch below.


As for you guys being ''fine'' @Raj-Hindustani lets find that out then how much u really are fine?

Frankly according to our calculations yr totally at our mercy and it wont take much for us to recapture Dehli just like we captured 800 years ago in 12th century.
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