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Russia’s Choice: Power Balancer or China’s Canada?

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How long can they fight?
Any conventional war with US is going to be a prolonged one especially financial strains and economical damages alone will crumble Russian economy.
And technologically too US has decisive advantage against Russia.

Nuclear Blackmail wont bring US down to its Knees.

Nuclear weapons take out all technological edge one can have ...So called your 'nuclear blackmail' ..
How long can they fight?
Any conventional war with US is going to be a prolonged one especially financial strains and economical damages alone will crumble Russian economy.
And technologically too US has decisive advantage against Russia.

Nuclear Blackmail wont bring US down to its Knees.

I think you are underestimating Russia. Even now if NATO exist it is because of Russia.

There is a power differential between US and Russia, but Russia can inflict unacceptable damage to US
Nuclear weapons take out all technological edge one can have ...So called your 'nuclear blackmail' ..

Are you kidding me?
Do you even understand what is nuclear blackmail?
It is just talk nothing else basically trying to intimidate or scare your opponent.

I think you are underestimating Russia. Even now if NATO exist it is because of Russia.

There is a power differential between US and Russia, but Russia can inflict unacceptable damage to US

I do not underestimate them and yes they can damage US very badly but without nuclear weapons,the will suffer a huge defeat.
James Brooke, VOA Moscow bureau chief

Please understand that Voice of America has a mission to promote American interests. The tone of the article should be a good enough clue. Please don't fall for the obvious bait in the VOA article and play into the propaganda.

China needs to have a friendly attitude to Russia, not arrogance. Any friction between China and Russia harms both of them and benefits everyone else.

Also, Russia remains the second most powerful country in the world in terms of military technology. It is not likely to change any time soon.
Are you kidding me?
Do you even understand what is nuclear blackmail?
It is just talk nothing else basically trying to intimidate or scare your opponent.

I do not underestimate them and yes they can damage US very badly but without nuclear weapons,the will suffer a huge defeat.

Russia will be defeated, but what is use of a victory when you are also almost destroyed
Russia is a friend to China now,we don't have any disputes with Russia,as two largest countries in the world,we share the longest common border in the world,that should be the role model for all neighoring countries.
Please understand that Voice of America has a mission to promote American interests. The tone of the article should be a good enough clue. Please don't fall for the obvious bait in the VOA article and play into the propaganda.

China needs to have a friendly attitude to Russia, not arrogance. Any friction between China and Russia harms both of them and benefits everyone else.

Also, Russia remains the second most powerful country in the world in terms of military technology. It is not likely to change any time soon.

You are right, Putin will seethe with anger if he comes across this article
Well that too depends..... economy actually does play a primary role, which in turn can fuel either an aggressive foreign policy (if you wish so), or a timid one (if you don't have the balls). You people have already crossed 8 out of 10 thresh-hold-markers to be a great power, now it rests squarely in your court what you want to do with it!

If you want to go with an aggressive policy, go for the following..... your economy and technological know-how can already support it... it's just a matter of willpower:

1. Build at least 10 carrier strike groups.
2. Mature your stealth air platforms.
3. You are lagging technologically on second strike platform (quiet submarines) dedicated all your efforts.
4. Increase the number of nukes to 10,000+ (you certainly had the time to do it) 4000 strategic + 6000 tactical.
5. Your missiles are mature. No need there.
6. Dedicate your efforts on various ABM platforms..

You can certainly do all of the above within a decade... there is no other nation on the planet at the moment who can do something similar other than the US.... once you have teeth, then EVERYTHING else falls in-place automatically. You don't need to go threaten anyone.... who would dare attack someone with the above gizmos?

People are wrong when they give ranking "tags" to nations. Pecking order is actually automatic, whosoever can kick the crap out of the one below (-) is ranked + on the other.... so stop worrying about semantics, work hard on the economy and put the money to good use... i.e.... increase the size and lethality of your fangs....

Russia is widely consiered as a country more powerful than china.Economy is just a small part of power.How many time is the economy of song bigger than mongol tribes?probably thounsands of times,but still song is the shamelessly weaker one.
You are right, Putin will seethe with anger if he comes across this article

More likely he and Xi Jinping will have a good laugh reading the article.
They might show it to Obama just to try and embarrass him.
More likely he and Xi Jinping will have a good laugh reading the article.
They might show it to Obama just to try and embarrass him.

I guess you always say that western propaganda (media) is very effective in furthering US objectives. Why the U turn now?
I guess you always say that western propaganda (media) is very effective in furthering US objectives. Why the U turn now?

Brainwashing the average TV viewer who is not really interested and picks up the occasional soundbite is not the same as brainwashing senior government officials.
Brainwashing the average TV viewer who is not really interested and picks up the occasional soundbite is not the same as brainwashing senior government officials.

But those brainwashed average TV viewer elect the government. Any russian that read this article will certainly seethe with anger.
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