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Russia’s Choice: Power Balancer or China’s Canada?

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you Indians are really something special you telling me your opinion is more credit worthy than James Brooke, VOA Moscow bureau chief

dude..economy isn't only index which gives you a "Super Power" Status..it gives you a "Economic Powerhouse" status..to become a superpower(what actually needs Russia to become China's Canada,ever iff) you need to project your power all over the world..don't want to bash you,but hell,you can't project your power on your neighbour and twisted them in your way,how can you dictate over whole world??how many overseas bases and how many means do you have to project that???Bullying Phil and Vietnam isn't what gives you that status..you need to show that truely you are the boss around here..Russia is almost dead for 2 decades..but they still can project their strength beyond your dreams..eg..look at Syria..

Economic power like China,Japan,Germany,India will come and go..but Superpowers are here to stay...
you Indians are really something special you telling me your opinion is more credit worthy than James Brooke, VOA Moscow bureau chief

Dear China Today ,

I said I am entitled to my opinion ...just as you are entitled to yours...Be tolerant to even those with whom you don't agree ...

Who is James brooke ....? Is he God ? Is he Confucius ?

Yes you are right ! For me my opinion is more creditworthy than James Brooke .
next article in the line...USA is China's Somalia.... :omghaha: :rofl:

No next article ..... may be india is china's mexico:D

dude..economy isn't only index which gives you a "Super Power" Status..it gives you a "Economic Powerhouse" status..to become a superpower(what actually needs Russia to become China's Canada,ever iff) you need to project your power all over the world..don't want to bash you,but hell,you can't project your power on your neighbour and twisted them in your way,how can you dictate over whole world??how many overseas bases and how many means do you have to project that???Bullying Phil and Vietnam isn't what gives you that status..you need to show that truely you are the boss around here..Russia is almost dead for 2 decades..but they still can project their strength beyond your dreams..eg..look at Syria..

Economic power like China,Japan,Germany,India will come and go..but Superpowers are here to stay...

Do you still considered great britian still a world superpower today?
dude..economy isn't only index which gives you a "Super Power" Status..it gives you a "Economic Powerhouse" status..to become a superpower(what actually needs Russia to become China's Canada,ever iff) you need to project your power all over the world..don't want to bash you,but hell,you can't project your power on your neighbour and twisted them in your way,how can you dictate over whole world??how many overseas bases and how many means do you have to project that???Bullying Phil and Vietnam isn't what gives you that status..you need to show that truely you are the boss around here..Russia is almost dead for 2 decades..but they still can project their strength beyond your dreams..eg..look at Syria..

Economic power like China,Japan,Germany,India will come and go..but Superpowers are here to stay...

Russia is spead from east to west with 12 time zones ...have some of the largest reserves of oil and natural gas
Indeed even today Russia's nuclear weapons inventory is 5 times bigger than China and so also about other arms and weapons ...How many mars missions China had or for that matter moon missions. Russia build its first Space station when majority of us were not even born ...They had been leaders in science and technology for last 5 decades ...
Indeed economies develop and falter ...but Superpowers stay ...

I am surprised seasoned person like China Today should say something like that !
Russians brought Ukraine to its knees, bombed Georgia when the NATO fleet was in the Black sea. Flew over Canada, Operated thier nuclear subs in the Atlantic and gave Syrians S 300 missiles and asked the West to shove their fist into their behinds. Can China do that? Till date and even for a decade it can't.

China is catching up to Russia. And the Russia right now is just hibernating. The US knows it is not wise to go and wake up a hibernating Bear. So they are playing softly.
No next article ..... may be india is china's mexico:D

Do you still considered great britian still a world superpower today?

Yes Great Britain is a Superpower ....You have any doubts about that ...
Dear China Today ,
friendly opinion here . Learn the humility ....it's the mark of greatness...learn to appreciate virtues and goodness of your opponents ...Since as per your posts it seems China is in race to outdo Russia...don't belittle Russia's achievements even as you try to compete with them . You may or may not be able to reach the heights they touched once ... but how you treat your rivals is also mark of greatness you aspire !
No next article ..... may be india is china's mexico:D

Do you still considered great britian still a world superpower today?

Great Britain lost its Super Power status in WW II..due to huge amount of loan to USA,its simply became a ally of USA than a
Super Power..

and for Mexico,Nope..we don't want to be "Mexico" of any one's "Superpower dreams"..we'd better become Vietnam and will whip your @r$3... :omghaha:
What a funny article. Even now whole of Europe fears Russia. The only country that can bring US down to its knees is Russia.
What a funny article. Even now whole of Europe fears Russia. The only country that can bring US down to its knees is Russia.

Russia can only resort to nuclear blackmail nothing else,they cannot win any conventional war with USA.
I think neither Russia nor India will like to be anything to anybody ....For that matter even Pakistan won't like to be your Israel ...
Ask them if they are willing to be your Israel ....?

You should start with them because they are your only ally and friend .
Russia is spead from east to west with 12 time zones ...have some of the largest reserves of oil and natural gas
Indeed even today Russia's nuclear weapons inventory is 5 times bigger than China and so also about other arms and weapons ...How many mars missions China had or for that matter moon missions. Russia build its first Space station when majority of us were not even born ...They had been leaders in science and technology for last 5 decades ...
Indeed economies develop and falter ...but Superpowers stay ...

I am surprised seasoned person like China Today should say something like that !

well,they're "whoppers"...they don't compare reality and jump to the conclusion..only few weeks ago,Chinese members posted "China Dwarfs USA in Space Race".. :rofl: they were rejoicing for their first mini space station..but they ignored the fact that USA is trying to land in Jupiter's moon,let alone the fact that they already had several successful mission in Mars..USA already played their little game half a century ago..now,its not that China's achievement is small..its that they are "whoppers"..
Russia can only resort to nuclear blackmail nothing else,they cannot win any conventional war with USA.

Isn't that enough ? And what do you think nuclear weapons are meant for ...? if not for blackmail then what other purpose do they serve ?

Dear ....nuclear blackmail is called as deterrence in sophisticated way ....both mean same thing !

They don't have to win conventional war with US ...why should they even wish something like that given that they can make sure doesn't happen given their - 'let's say what you call' nuclear blackmail ?
Russia can only resort to nuclear blackmail nothing else,they cannot win any conventional war with USA.

Even without nukes, they are a force to reckon with. US certainly has an upper edge, but Russia is a technology and military power in its own way and can inflict unacceptable damage to US. Remember 70% India military ware is from Russia
Even without nukes, they are a force to reckon with. US certainly has an upper edge, but Russia is a technology and military power in its own way and can inflict unacceptable damage to US. Remember 70% India military ware is from Russia

How long can they fight?
Any conventional war with US is going to be a prolonged one especially financial strains and economical damages alone will crumble Russian economy.
And technologically too US has decisive advantage against Russia.

Isn't that enough ? And what do you think nuclear weapons are meant for ...? if not for blackmail then what other purpose do they serve ?

Dear ....nuclear blackmail is called as deterrence in sophisticated way ....both mean same thing !

They don't have to win conventional war with US ...why should they even wish something like that given that they can make sure doesn't happen given their - 'let's say what you call' nuclear blackmail ?

Nuclear Blackmail wont bring US down to its Knees.
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