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Russia rejects Pakistan request for 50,000 AK rifles, assures India of no deals in future

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Yes, but its narrative is finding traction in certain areas of the world slowly.
No it is not...the only reason why the world powers(US and the western countries) roll with it is simply bcuz they need India to counter China. For that to happen they need to please India and take Pak off of India's list of worries.

Otherwise they can easily turn a blind eye as they did when they needed Pak back during the cold war. For as long as Pak was needed to counter USSR in Afghanistan...the Western powers turned a blind eye to Pak's nuclear program. As soon as that was done...they sanctioned Pak. Other examples are turning a blind eye to KSA and other gulf states...if they support and arm proxies...there's no sanctions, warnings, etc...if Iran does it then it's not acceptable. The same can be said of human rights violations...KSA and other gulf states hardly get the attention of the West for doing the same violations while for other countries the issue is brought up in UN and what not. It is thought necessary to bring democracy even if by force in case of some countries while not a finger is lifted against monarchs of middle eastern states(including Iran when it was under the rule of Shah). In short all is good and jolly as long as u r needed(strategically or in some other manner) but if u r a thorn in the strategic calculus of the world powers then every little thing becomes an issue. That's about the only reason...otherwise India has no power to bend the views of the world powers according to its liking.

It's just the way the world works...countries are run by humans...and u can see the human element in the way countries operate. Favoritism is a thing, those who r in power want to maintain the status quo so they can remain in power, using others(other countries) to further ur own goals...these r just some of the very human things u can see in how countries operate around the world.
Somehow in the midst of Jet Engines, EW systems and Gunships; India has “achieved” some uncorroborated victory of stopping 50000 AK-47s which are manufactured locally everywhere from shops to factories with similar tooling and quality?

The pitiful mentality of our neighbor astounds me.

Any EW system in particular ?
We not need them as we are producing good guns domestically,if required we can get them through china
The source is of Indian media so it is questionable...but if true Pak should just get Chinese made copies of AKs just to piss off and bypass Russia/India.
Our Pathans can build the best replicas of the AK47 , even the Russians wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Nonsensical article , Pakistan can buy 10 times many from many sources.
wasnt Pak Army checking this rifle CZ 807
Thats SCAR
Indian media is mostly biased, so, Big Question mark on the credibility of News.
Yeah they are handing us Jet engines, heavily armed Helos like MI35 and denying us mere AK series rifles :lol:. What the F you Indians smoke anyway to be so dumb? Russia thrives on its military sales and they will sell to anyone willing to pay for it. They have literally been begging us to purchase their air defense systems and tanks. Btw If and when Pakistan decides to buy something then you Indians will probably know 10 YEARS after its in our inventory. Also new AK series are already in use in small numbers by our armed forces.
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