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Russia refuses to sell Nimitz Aircraft Carrier and space shuttle to China

One model of J-20 has the AL-31 while the other operates on a different engine. That engine is not confirmed but it is Chinese (where else could it have come from? No way Russia would sell just 2 AL-41 to China). The question is, which engine is it? WS-10A? WS-10G? WS-15? We don't know.
Yes we will not sell to you AL-41 because, errr, it's not even in mass production.
To your first query. Where do you think the first 2 engines had come from in the first place?
LOL at indians still humiliated from their 1962 spanking by China :lol:

Oh when Chinese left their posts abandoned and ran back to mutant Mao with their tails in the legs, that 1962? Wake up comrade, India breached your LAC and its still breached by Indians, do some squat, use your high end technology and alien-ware missiles its been 50 odd years, India is screwing your LAC.
^^^ Dude no need to respond so rudely to the Idiot Chinese troll..
Trolls will remain trolls no matter how you speak to them....
Indians are INSANE!! The best they can do is the Tejas with no engines while China makes the J-20 with domestic engines and they still have the audacity to criticize China! How do you look yourselves in the mirror and not hide your face? It's like a fat boy in a wheelchair criticizing the physical training and technique of a professional cage fighter. And don't bring that copying BS up. This is the military, not a game. Life and death has no rules. You do everything you can do to get your military to work or your citizens will suffer from foreign rule. You'd think that I wouldn't have to tell this to Indians of all people.

CHINI are INSANE…I am sure with that…As you talk about Tejas…First point... we are trying to do everything that we can and getting help from other country as required Agree with that we are not born Intelligent…Second point…No country in this world can say we have stolen technology from somewhere ..LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE NOT AGREEING WITH THIS…CAN YOU SAY THIS ABOUT CHINA… Third Point ....about facing mirror… CPC is killing CHINI…A BIG example is Tiananmen Square Massacre…CAN YOU FACE MIRROR…???... In India we have right to speak and right to express view…DO YOU HAVE…???....Finally… even we are doing everything to blast each and every enemy.

LOL at indians still humiliated from their 1962 spanking by China :lol:

1962 Incident was a big Shock for Indians…we never expected that from CHINA…But this time…MAA BHAWANI KI SAUGANDH…WE ARE READY… JUST DO THAT WE WILL LET U KNOW.
Oh when Chinese left their posts abandoned and ran back to mutant Mao with their tails in the legs, that 1962? Wake up comrade, India breached your LAC and its still breached by Indians, do some squat, use your high end technology and alien-ware missiles its been 50 odd years, India is screwing your LAC.

Everyone, even Indians admit defeat in 1962. You make yourself look like a fool with this post. Admitting past defeats is a sign of strength and maturity; trying to twist things around to make failure look like success is a mark of incompetence and future defeat.

And Shree835, you just don't get it, do you? You think it's worth something that India didn't take advantage of foreign designs. You think India followed the rules and China cheated. You just don't realize that there ARE NO rules to survival. It's worth absolutely NOTHING how you got your designs and worth EVERYTHING that they work. How much comfort can you take that you didn't copy a design when you lose wars and your citizens are killed or enslaved? No comfort for me. I know you are working on your Tejas. Tejas is more than what the vast majority of countries can make, but it is nothing compared to what China can make, regardless of how we make it. The fact that you work hard is no justification AT ALL to criticize someone else who is working harder than you are and more technologically advanced than you are. Be silent and work. That is what China did for 3 decades.

Why bring up Tiananmen? What does that have to do with Chinese technology?
Ah these egoist Chinese.
No wonder you guys are unpopular all over the world,known for your ungrateful behavior and got most of the countries rather as your enemies than friends.
Digging up their own graves!:meeting:
Everyone, even Indians admit defeat in 1962. You make yourself look like a fool with this post. Admitting past defeats is a sign of strength and maturity; trying to twist things around to make failure look like success is a mark of incompetence and future defeat.

And Shree835, you just don't get it, do you? You think it's worth something that India didn't take advantage of foreign designs. You think India followed the rules and China cheated. You just don't realize that there ARE NO rules to survival. It's worth absolutely NOTHING how you got your designs and worth EVERYTHING that they work. How much comfort can you take that you didn't copy a design when you lose wars and your citizens are killed or enslaved? No comfort for me. I know you are working on your Tejas. Tejas is more than what the vast majority of countries can make, but it is nothing compared to what China can make, regardless of how we make it. The fact that you work hard is no justification AT ALL to criticize someone else who is working harder than you are and more technologically advanced than you are. Be silent and work. That is what China did for 3 decades.

Why bring up Tiananmen? What does that have to do with Chinese technology?
'Be silent and work' Is that the new punch line the CCP has been feeding to you '2 cent army' guys.
First of your country copies and steals our tech. Then you repaint it and call it as 100% indigenous. :rofl:
Then you dumb CCP zombies come out here and open threads like
'Russia refused to sell Nimitz A/C and Space shuttle because they don't have it.' '
Ruskies are a joke.' and whatnot.
The fact that you work hard is no justification AT ALL to criticize someone else who is working harder than you are and more technologically advanced than you are.
Some Hypocrites, we are. Aren't we?:china:
Everyone, even Indians admit defeat in 1962. You make yourself look like a fool with this post. Admitting past defeats is a sign of strength and maturity; trying to twist things around to make failure look like success is a mark of incompetence and future defeat.

And Shree835, you just don't get it, do you? You think it's worth something that India didn't take advantage of foreign designs. You think India followed the rules and China cheated. You just don't realize that there ARE NO rules to survival. It's worth absolutely NOTHING how you got your designs and worth EVERYTHING that they work. How much comfort can you take that you didn't copy a design when you lose wars and your citizens are killed or enslaved? No comfort for me. I know you are working on your Tejas. Tejas is more than what the vast majority of countries can make, but it is nothing compared to what China can make, regardless of how we make it. The fact that you work hard is no justification AT ALL to criticize someone else who is working harder than you are and more technologically advanced than you are. Be silent and work. That is what China did for 3 decades.

Why bring up Tiananmen? What does that have to do with Chinese technology?

Your answer is there in my post...Open your eyes and look at it.

Indians brag that their country is a high tech country and yet they can't even copy.

COZ We don believe in copy paste business.
Yeah, "Be silent and work" is what I was taught since I was a 3 years old by my father. That's why I'm a PhD. Anyone who ever achieved anything knows to be silent and work. I have no idea how you can criticize this. If you don't like this, then what is your philosophy? Do nothing and run your mouth? J-11 clearly used a Russian air frame; I don't call that 100% indigenous, but what's inside may be. I really have no hatred for Russians. I like them a lot. Russians helped China and sold us military technology when no other country would under a western ban. I have only good wishes for Russia. Who have I criticized to be a hypocrit? I didn't criticize Russian or American technology. I don't even want to criticize India's Tejas because most countries wouldn't be able to make that but somehow, Indians had the nerve to criticize the J-20.

Shree, India does not belive in copying, or cannot copy properly? If you say that J-10 is a copy of the Lavi because it looks the similar or that J-20 has the same configuration as the MiG 1.44, then by that logic, certainly, the Tejas is a copy of the Mirage. About the Tiananmen part, I never killed anyone so I can see myself just fine. But Indians BS everyday about being better than China. Don't they find themselves funny or are they actually that delusional?
Yeah, "Be silent and work". That's why I'm a PhD. Anyone who ever achieved anything knows to be silent and work. I have no idea how you can criticize this.
Unfortunately no one is teaching them how to 'THINK'!
'Be silent and work' Is that the new punch line the CCP has been feeding to you '2 cent army' guys.
I don't even want to criticize India's Tejas because most countries wouldn't be able to make that but somehow, Indians had the nerve to criticize the J-20.
Funny, how the Chinese cant seem to take criticism. Criticism can be taken only when one can think clearly and independently. The fact that you guys cannot take criticism speaks a lot! Wonder how did you ever do your PhD without taking anyone's (your peers') criticisms?
copying requires a smart brain.

Yeah, sure! Those who actually THINK are dumb, no?

But Indians BS everyday about being better than China. Don't they find themselves funny or are they actually that delusional?
Have you ever read the posts of your comrades? Case in point...the post just above mine!
Yeah, "Be silent and work" is what I was taught since I was a 3 years old by my father. That's why I'm a PhD. Anyone who ever achieved anything knows to be silent and work. I have no idea how you can criticize this. If you don't like this, then what is your philosophy? Do nothing and run your mouth? J-11 clearly used a Russian air frame; I don't call that 100% indigenous, but what's inside may be. I really have no hatred for Russians. I like them a lot. Russians helped China and sold us military technology when no other country would under a western ban. I have only good wishes for Russia. Who have I criticized to be a hypocrit? I didn't criticize Russian or American technology. I don't even want to criticize India's Tejas because most countries wouldn't be able to make that but somehow, Indians had the nerve to criticize the J-20.

Shree, India does not belive in copying, or cannot copy properly? If you say that J-10 is a copy of the Lavi because it looks the similar or that J-20 has the same configuration as the MiG 1.44, then by that logic, certainly, the Tejas is a copy of the Mirage. About the Tiananmen part, I never killed anyone so I can see myself just fine. But Indians BS everyday about being better than China. Don't they find themselves funny or are they actually that delusional?

"Be silent and work"
Well, Good for you.

Still doesn't change the fact that your country couldn't even produce a good solid jet without copying [not talking about J-20] without copying and still dare to mock others about it who are atleast making an honest effort, never mind the result, towards it.
By the time J-20 had come, China had learnt enough about making jets, so that it could make it's own. But it would have been impossible for them had they not copied and thereby learnt in the initial stages of developement.
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