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Russia ready to negotiate with India on MiG-35 fighters

I disagree, India should just stay with Rafale now. But for navy, go for F-18.

Dude i think rafaleM is better in all apsect for IN , because f 18 will come with lots of agreements that GoI has to sign. To be honest we will get our IAC2(a catabor variant) in 2023 only. so that time eurofughter naval version or even pak fa naval version will also be ready. so why IN needs f 18 at that time.
Mig 29 UPG (indian upgrade with Zhuk AE) = Mig 35

Bola na nahi chahiye Jakar chana aur gorshkov la.
Mig 29 UPG (indian upgrade with Zhuk AE) = Mig 35

no dude. its not zhuk AE,its zhuk ME.


TRISHUL: IAF's MiG-29UPG Upgrade Package Detailed
I disagree, India should just stay with Rafale now. But for navy, go for F-18.

Yeah, that's true

India doesnot require another Air Superiority Fighter in service
With 270 Su30MKI on order and 216 FGFA/PAKFA to Follow them , Our Air Superiority Fleet is Done for the next 20 years

It is the Ground Attack Fleet that needs replenishment Coz out of the 270 Ground Attack Aircrafts currently in service( 50 Mirages, 120 Jaguars, 100 Mig 27) , only 50 Mirages and 67 Jaguars will still remain in service in 2023
Hence Rafale with its superior Ground Attack capability compared to all competitors except F/A18 and with its no string attached Nuke Delivery Capability , so it was chosen
Rafale will perfectly fit in IAF doctrine.. mig-35 although is a nice fighter doesn't fit our current/future needs !
Well i would say, Buy 1 Sqd of it and keep the Russians happy for now
Where are Swedes..? they should also spend some time in Dilli.
Well i would say, Buy 1 Sqd of it and keep the Russians happy for now

We don't need to purchase anybody's happiness with our hard earned money. We are not Arab dictators or arab countries. We will spend our money for OUR needs only.
Of course they're willing to negotiate with India, the issue is India has no interest in doing so. END OF STORY.

I think we both know why this..and some other assorted news articles have been coming out. Even the report on the Barak-8, I was confirming with PSK and his answer was simple- the P-15 DDG is getting its fitment of Barak-8s this year itself before its commissioning and there were NO such issues whatsoever. Bunch of fools writing up stories.
I think we both know why this..and some other assorted news articles have been coming out. Even the report on the Barak-8, I was confirming with PSK and his answer was simple- the P-15 DDG is getting its fitment of Barak-8s this year itself before its commissioning and there were NO such issues whatsoever. Bunch of fools writing up stories.

Yep, we're all well aware what is going on with these fools.
Yep, we're all well aware what is going on with these fools.

Did you read the article on the PLA RRFs based on which some blog writer had postulated India's response options- there is a thread on it here. I smelled BS- again asked for confirmation from a few people including PSK- your uncle was in the paras right, please ask Sir exactly how likely a man is to turn into bug splatter if a group of soldiers pick up gliders with combat load and decided to glide over the mountains in NE? I couldn't believe what I was reading....wonderful journos we have.
Did you read the article on the PLA RRFs based on which some blog writer had postulated India's response options- there is a thread on it here. I smelled BS- again asked for confirmation from a few people including PSK- your uncle was in the paras right, please ask Sir exactly how likely a man is to turn into bug splatter if a group of soldiers pick up gliders with combat load and decided to glide over the mountains in NE? I couldn't believe what I was reading....wonderful journos we have.

Maybe those gliders were real men like my esteemed self & not scrawny arsed kids like yourself who risk being blown away by a strong gust of wind or ending up as bug splatter on some peak somewhere ! :whistle:
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