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Russia, Pakistan conduct first-ever joint military drills (PHOTOS)

I .Now once you have a track record of supporting anti Indian elements, then the 1st suspect will always be pointed towards you...
here, i do agree with you. this is the right process. You can name a suspect, but dame confirm it without a pure evidence.
what indian media is doing is putting confirmed blame on pakistan and now probably more than half of the india wants war with pakistan. now you tell me who ruins relationship first? this is how you handle matters in civilized world?
Fingers crossed for Pics and Videos of Exercise .. Welcome To Russia , With Russian-Pakistan relationship melting we will see a more Peaceful South Asia
No idea why you are addressing Muslim brothers. Would it have killed you to say "Pakistani brothers"? There is P in DF that stands for "Pakistan".

And if the Indian's do attack they are not going to hit Bangla, Iran, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Saudia Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Oman. Egypt, Jordan and all Indian Muslims etc. They are going to hit Pakistan.

So get out of this stupid mentality. Wake up to reality.

Have a hunch that he's not Pakistani and is from another Muslim country showing support on that bases. You were tough on him.
@maroofz2000 mate set your signature so that it says that the reason why you use caps is because of your eyesight.
@maroofz2000 mate set your signature so that it says that the reason why you use caps is because of your eyesight.
finally found my camera shy friend in the video. just few seconds glimpse but I have grown up with him so I picked him up immediately.
I will try to get information and write an article if he gets clearance to talk about it
1. Iran wants to be part of CPEC.
2. Germany wants to invest in the CPEC project.
3. Japan wants to deliver advance technology to Pakistan.
4. Kuwait wants to install oil plants in Gwadar. 5. China is our partner in the project
6. Israel demonstrated military drill with Pakistan in the UAE.
7. Now Russian military counterparts have arrived into Pakistan to do military drills with Pakistan
8. Indonesia offered assistance for CPEC
9. Turkey sending their team to Kashmir to asses human rights violation as asked by Pakistan
10. Nepal backs Pakistan's stance on Kashmir and wants to improve bilateral relations
while on the other hand India wants to go on war with us and the reason is very obvious "Butthurt" ....

1. #Russian forces arrive in Pakistan to hold joint military drills snubbing India.

2. #Indonesia offers Pakistan defence equipment

3. #Iran wants to be a part of CPEC and link Chabahar port with it built on Indian money.

4. #China says it supports Islamabad's stance on Kashmir and will support Pakistan in the Case of any Conflict.

5. #OIC says it supports Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

6. #Turkey sending fact finding mission to Kashmir on Pakistan demand.

7. #Nepal wants to boosts bilateral relations with Pakistan.

8. #USA has refrained from naming Pakistan for the Uri Attack.

9. USA Refused to back Indian Call of Free #Balochistan.

10. #Italy wants good bilateral relations with Pakistan in Trade and Defense.

11. #Korea Offered to build a Ship yard at #Gawadar.

12. #Tajikistan ,#Uzbikistan, #Kyrgyzstan,#Turkemanistan want to join CPEC and to offered energy and trade to Pakistan.

13.Belarus,Ukraine offered us good defense and trade relations.

14. #Bangladeshi People unlike Their Government backs Pakistan on all issues and shown their love towards pakistan.

And #Indian government, Desh Bhaktas and Bhakats k Paapa (#Modi) wants us to believe that Pakistan has been internationally isolated.


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