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Russia orders army to prepare for war as UK and west have crossed redline

Village life

Oct 8, 2016
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According to a Media out let the Russian ground forces commander have asked troops to prepare for a war with Ukraine. As the UKs supplies of anti armour next generation weapons continues to Ukraine and it seems the UK and Uncle Sam the evil god is doing it on purpose the Russian seems with no option but war. A nuclear powered US sub with 125 tomahawks on board is already near the Ukraine the US push for war seems yielding results .
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And what, pray tell does the west gain from losing Ukraine to Russia, which is what will happen if Ukraine and Russia go to war?

It's all geopolitics. So far as I'm concerned, it's two assholes trying to murder each other.

But regardless, I doubt the Russians will actually go to war. When Russia goes to war, it doesn't announce it to the world, it moves quickly and quietly. If Russia was serious, they would have done it by now.
Russia should invade Ukraine and take control of it.
If the Russians wanted to invade Ukraine they would have done so by now instead of announcing it on "The Sun" for everyone to dig in and make it worse for the invading force
It's nothing but a geopolitical game with threats flying around without any of these threats being implemented.Theres already a significant presence of actual russian forces disguised as local militants in the Donbass region

Russian already achieved what it wanted to achieve by capturing the areas with significant russian population & loyalties along with the warm water sea port of Sevastopol where the Russian black sea fleet is stationed

Russians just don't want NATOs presence in Ukraine which it considers as a buffer state between the east and the west and that's the main point of contention
If all goes to hell, the UK will find itself in another ditch created by their Masters (yet again).

Seems like they haven't learned their lesson from Afghanistan.
A Blinkin was quite on Blackfoot a while ago in Berlin , they were thinking it is 90s Russia ,but Putin is strong and clear that there should be no further expansion of NATO specially near to it's borders, west and US is being doing lot of dirty conspiracies to Russia creating problems for the common people of ex Soviet states,these evil Americans have strategy to weaken the supposed future enemies in preemptive actions thus not letting the world to live in peace ,the only way to worlds peace is the deployment of Nukes in Cuba or Venezuela , or some how in Mexico or Columbia,
Yesterday, senile Biden gave Russia the green light. He mentioned that there would be a difference between a small invasion, bite on the side, and an entire invasion. :D

Yes, good point!
By hinting that US would basically look the other way if only a minor incursion into Ukraine by Russia, an opening has been created. I wonder if it was Biden's Freudian Clip? Perhaps some face saving agreement has been reached between big powers to let the status quo continue with some gains for Russia. It is in Russian interests to capture just enough more of eastern Ukraine to make freshwater supply to the Crimean Peninsula unrestricted. Ukraine is choking C.Penn with water supplies.
It's stupid for US to mess with Russia and China the same time, US politicians are totally retards.

Not really the weakness of both comes from there lack of alliances just two of them will not go far but if more and more elements where to join then the balance will change but currently as it stands no the US fancies itself and favourite to come out with raised hands.. NATO is able to deal with them both at the same time
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Yes, good point!
By hinting that US would basically look the other way if only a minor incursion into Ukraine by Russia, an opening has been created. I wonder if it was Biden's Freudian Clip? Perhaps some face saving agreement has been reached between big powers to let the status quo continue with some gains for Russia. It is in Russian interests to capture just enough more of eastern Ukraine to make freshwater supply to the Crimean Peninsula unrestricted. Ukraine is choking C.Penn with water supplies.
Crimea? Is gone. Maybe its status will never be recognized, but it is already physically attached to Russia, so who cares? Territories of existing separatist, russian proxies? Probably these areas will gone too.

USA president says don't try walk to Odessa and Kiev. Thats all.
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