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Russia offers Pakistan 10 Helicopters to enhance better understanding

mi-171v which we got last batch of 14


i can only imagine and thinking from where the Pak government will pay.





Kanpur is really disconnected from world ?tell me true dude :rofl:

Pakistan's forex reserves cross 18 bn dollars
Pakistan's forex reserves cross 18 bn dollars [newKerala.com News # 23345]

Pakistan's forex reserves cross 18 bn dollars

Islamabad, July 8 : Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves have crossed the USD 18 billion mark, a record level in the country's history
, says Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Gilani said this was achieved despite major economic challenges like last year's devastating floods, the escalating prices of fuel in international markets and global recession.

He said high foreign exchange reserves was an evidence of the sound economic strategy of the government, Associated Press of Pakistan reported.

The prime minister said the government was paying special attention to underdeveloped regions with a view to bring them at par with developed regions.


we have today money which we don't have ever you idiot .look at pakistani current inventory before open troll mouth .pakistan already has 96+ of them and we never ask you to pay it.more 30 BELL-412 is coming on the way squadron rised with new AW-139 helicopters and we are getting what we need .
Oh great Russia I beg you on behalf of all Pakistanis for the great misunderstanding during the Soviet-Afghan war - the people back then were stupid and Zia-ul-haq ibn shaitan Al-kafir does not represent Pakistanis. If I was president I would never support the ungrateful shameless traitors and haters low life scum the Afghans
Please forgive us.
newly made pakistani mi-17 v5 at kazan plant the batch of 10 which we received in 2010



in pakistan



---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

mi-171 v5 in action


That particular whole plane is controversial itself. I'd be surprised if Pakistan does manage to buy them though.

Pakistan is not going to J-11 its out of pepers now dear .its strict line for us now jf-17 j-10 j-20 or j-xx thats it .j-11b assembly line is closed and china is working on copy of su-34 now lolz:lol:
Russia has offered Pakistan a wide range of counter-terrorism equipment. The package on offer includes 10 MI-17 helicopters of unarmed configuration.

Without any military configuration how it going to help Pakistan's counter terrorism operation ? It should have include possibility of attaching military equipment . but any way its a sign of growing relation with Russia in the time when Pakistan is facing trust deficit with western power mainly with usa .
Oh great Russia I beg you on behalf of all Pakistanis for the great misunderstanding during the Soviet-Afghan war - the people back then were stupid and Zia-ul-haq ibn shaitan Al-kafir does not represent Pakistanis. If I was president I would never support the ungrateful shameless traitors and haters low life scum the Afghans
Please forgive us

first I laughed at what you said about Zia

but your last lines were very distasteful. what Afghans did was what exactly the Russians did against the Nazi occupation.

USSR was wrong to bring in its forces to support a puppet government what was oppressive towards its people and then together they killed millions of Afghans and made millions homeless.

I have full respect for the Afghans and I doubt if any other nation has such resilience and such defiance against all odds and standing in front of the oppressors so many times stronger than them.

Don’t view them badly due to some scumbags like Amrullah Salay , Abdullah Abdullah and Gen Fahim that have been involved against Pakistan in terrorism.
Afghans now form a part of our society. They are very hard working and committed people and have contributed very positively in our society. They are no more bad than our religious extremists and criminals and smugglers. Branding them as only trouble makers is factually wrong. If they were that bad, then 6 Million of them wouldn’t have lived that long and peacefully in Pakistan.. They deserve support and respect in these difficult times since 911 the western media has portrayed them very badly as savage and illiterates. They have their own very unique and old culture.

So begging the Russians for forgiveness is wrong and expecting them to own up to what they and their puppets did to millions of Afghans and thousands of Pakistanis in the form of Hammer group is the need of the day instead.

What we as Pakistanis did was the right thing to do, we are far better than the Arabs who are simply watching the misery of the Palestinians and instead building multi million dollar hotels and billion dollar islands and skyscrapers. We actually helped the Afghans and thee is no shame in that. yes we suffered the consequences due to radicalism but that has nothing to do with supporting the Afghans during the Soviet occupation. Its been almost 3 decades and we have had enough time to correct ourselves but we are now cursing the policies of those times.
Oh great Russia I beg you on behalf of all Pakistanis for the great misunderstanding during the Soviet-Afghan war - the people back then were stupid and Zia-ul-haq ibn shaitan Al-kafir does not represent Pakistanis. If I was president I would never support the ungrateful shameless traitors and haters low life scum the Afghans
Please forgive us.

It is not about asking for forgiveness, mate. It is just that global politics keeps changing. For example, we hated the British (both you and us) until they left. Once we became independent, we maintained strong ties with them rather than counter them everywhere. The same goes for European Union. 6 decades back, they were all at each others' throats trying to annihilate each other. Now who could then imagine that one day they all would be a Union with Germany included?

It is just that no global politics is a zero-sum game. It just doesn't work out like that until there is significant benefit to both the parties involved. The relationship between two individuals is totally different from relationship between two nations. Friendship and "brotherliness" is all a cover up for the billions of dollars worth of benefit that they give each other and it is applicable for all international relationships. There is nothing brotherly in world politics--- including the so-called ummah that you Pakistanis dream of.
The only reason why "all the" Muslims were Muslims then was because Ottoman empire was there. Did anyone make a conscious effort to get back to form a single union? Nope. Forget that, not even the anti-western Arab rulers during cold war attempted to unite similar minded Arab countries. Because disagreements happen. Simple as that.

Russia is our very good friend not because it is saintly or we are so cute; but because they get billions worth of economic revenue and we get the same worth of hi-tech weapons and other equipment from them. There is an element of personal touch involved, but that is there because of more than half a century of good relations. However, relationship between nations is not the same as individual relationship--- it is never a zero sum game. Russia doesn't hate you because they are not individuals to hate you as individuals.

But this is simply the fact that economically how can both be beneficial to both; which is clearly lacking. That is all.
first I laughed at what you said about Zia

but your last lines were very distasteful. what Afghans did was what exactly the Russians did against the Nazi occupation.

USSR was wrong to bring in its forces to support a puppet government what was oppressive towards its people and then together they killed millions of Afghans and made millions homeless.

You need to come out of "foreigners invading Muslims" mentality because this is the only thing that is ruining you beyond return and will totally destroy your country if you keep it up. If you don't know history please make an attempt to learn it rather than spread false news around.

USSR had no interest in maiming and killing common Afghans. It was invited by the PDPA themselves to save the Moscow-friendly regime there and remove jihadi fundamentalists out (what is your puppet Taliban today). USSR gave massive economic, educational and infrastructural support to Afghans and at one time, Afghanistan was among the most prominent, liberal and forward looking societies until your (and US) creation ruined them.

Russians started assaulting local villages when the militants hid among common villages and they did not know how to approach the assault. Heck! even US who sponsored the Taliban today is left scratching their heads wondering what to do despite the training that it imparted to you and you imparted to Taliban in those days! Russians were first time seeing this form of combat. They were trained to flatten and overrun organized armies; not fight against loose units of gun-totting rebels.

Their only objective was the secure the PDPA. If they wanted, the entire Afghan race would have been exterminated without a single USSR soldier even stepping in. Why do you think they didn't do it in first place.

I have full respect for the Afghans and I doubt if any other nation has such resilience and such defiance against all odds and standing in front of the oppressors so many times stronger than them.

Hark! You destroyed their nation along with your ex-master the US and you're talking about Afghan resilience. Jale pe namak math dalo yaar.

Don’t view them badly due to some scumbags like Amrullah Salay , Abdullah Abdullah and Gen Fahim that have been involved against Pakistan in terrorism.

They don't like you; accept it. They might not be our brothers but they hate you. And why blame the entire lot or try to save your face? You blame and hate US for just 5 years of ensuing chaos despite the fact that they are not even attacking you but your sponsored fundamentalist factions. Do you think that the chaos you created and destroyed Afghanistan would go down so easily with Afghans?

Your nation rubbed against them really bad and even now continues to stand in defiance which is bringing even more misery to Pakistan daily.

So begging the Russians for forgiveness is wrong and expecting them to own up to what they and their puppets did to millions of Afghans and thousands of Pakistanis in the form of Hammer group is the need of the day instead.

Soviets brought invention, science, free-thinking, infrastructure, healthcare, education etc to Afghanistan. What did your Taliban bring? Only death, hatred, illiteracy and pain. And you expect them to love you?

We actually helped the Afghans and thee is no shame in that. yes we suffered the consequences due to radicalism but that has nothing to do with supporting the Afghans during the Soviet occupation. Its been almost 3 decades and we have had enough time to correct ourselves but we are now cursing the policies of those times.

They didn't want your help genius. Russians were there for fighting the Talibunnies not massacring common Afghans. What you are seeing now is not Zardari's or Karzai's or even Obama's fault but the consequence of your meddling in the 80s and filling that poison inside a set of people that now have turned against you and have become a threat to everyone including CAR, Russia, us and the Westerners. Add to that the infamy and dislike of so many nations.

And yet you cease to shock and anger the world with your continued obsession of strategic space when your own personal space is threatened by the ones that once took your refuge.
@ Tshering22

Thanks for your frank but exaggerated opinion. you have tried to stir up flame at many levels but I wont go down that route.

You are so wrong at almost every level that responding you will kill this thread.

I live among Afghans, Okay? I work with them and have family relations too
So buzz off and don’t tell me what they think of us.
You watch one video of some Northern alliance warlord and you decide that’s the opinion of the majority Afghans?

Once you know me well then we will have a meaningful debate. Show me where I termed soviet invasion as an invasion on Islam? Lets not be silly and make up thing shall we?

The Soviets were “invited” by the communist regime as much as the Americans “invited themselves”.

But that was then and its now. Now keep your judgements to yourself or in the appropriate thread or I will have to report you.
rest assured I will request mods to keep you under check.
total rubbish.....buying just 10 new helicopters and all pakistani's are starting to dream about some kind of angel relation.....wake uu guys......india had bought lots equipment from us during the 1960's.....still they sent a CBG to retaliate india and to save u guys during 1971 war but...sadly failed!!!!!:rolleyes:
Hmmm....Nice Gesture by Russia....so can Russia can get a trade route to India....I mean...Tajakistan..Afghanistan....Pakistan....to India....atlast who will loose the oppurtunity to Increase the bilatral trade with their trusted friend....and for that they need a trade route which fortunatly or unfortunatly goes through Pakistan.....Btw forget about russia even Hal will be ready to sell the civil version of Dhruv to Pakistan.......so their is nothing in this deal to get excited....
Hmmm....Nice Gesture by Russia....so can Russia can get a trade route to India....I mean...Tajakistan..Afghanistan....Pakistan....to India....atlast who will loose the oppurtunity to Increase the bilatral trade with their trusted friend....and for that they need a trade route which fortunatly or unfortunatly goes through Pakistan.....

DEAR SIR no one use afghanistan for any route .nato usa pay taliban to for secure their supply .use any other route then this bloody route where every thing blow up .
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