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Russia offers Fighter Jets , S400 , Turbofan Engine and Submarine technologies to Turkey

how about turkey goes for this single engine stealth fighter Checkmate ???? any news if its at agenda?

CHECKMATE is future project for 2035

Turkey has its own TFX stealth Fighter Jet project

No time to wait until 2035
Turkey urgently needs F-16V or SU-35 ,SU-57 against Greece-France even Egypt alliance
I do not think US will allow Nato members to enter into an actual air war against each other but lets say such an event does happen and Turkey goes against Greece-France-Egypt alliance and US has to take side..

In my view US will choose the alliance against Turkey and hence will block any F-16V spare parts (even possible activation of Kill switch)..

So it makes sense for Turkey to diversify and go for Russian hardware until such time when their own hardware becomes operational.

By the way.... there was an explosion in the nuclear reactor being built by Russian for Turkey...do U guys think it has any thing to do with Israel....are they sabotaging Turkish efforts to go nuclear..your thoughts on this..:undecided::undecided:

No time to wait until 2035
Turkey urgently needs F-16V or SU-35 ,SU-57 against Greece-France even Egypt alliance
You used to say that Turkey can defeat France in a war. You even said that Turkey can defeat Greece,France,Egypt,Israel at the same time.
do U guys think it has any thing to do with Israel....are they sabotaging Turkish efforts to go nuclear..your thoughts on this..:undecided::undecided:

This is hilarious assumption Turkey is not Iran. The tiny state is intimidated by Turkey and know exactly what they get. For 400 years Israel was under Turkey something that could be re-realized and could give a ground but nah I don't such gamble would be taken by the tiny state or anyone in their right mind
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I do not think US will allow Nato members to enter into an actual air war against each other but lets say such an event does happen and Turkey goes against Greece-France-Egypt alliance and US has to take side..

USA even deployed 15 F-15 Fighter Jets in Greece

everything for tiny İsrael .....
smart İsrael-USA uses proxies FETO, PKK/YPG ,Greece , Egypt against Turkey
France has its own interests in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean against Turkey

USA will not sell even F-16V to Turkey ...... no need to lose more time

Turkey needs new Fighter Jets and Russian SU-35 , SU-57 can protect balance of power in the region
otherwise Turkey with only F-16s can not match with F-16V , F-15 , Rafale , SU-35 ( USA-France-Greece-Egypt alliance )

also S400 will add deterrence to the Turkish Armed Forces

for Naval Power , Turkey has tons of weapons to turn all enemy Warships into crap of metal , if they enter Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean
I don't think Turkey will go for the jets at the end of the day but they could pick them up regardless for bulk purchase and for the immediate use but SU-57s will definitely not give air-superiority over F-22 example that is where TFX-MIUS comes into the picture they are mainly being designed to be the absolute number 1 in everything. Being ambitious is the right mentality. Example China purchased S400 even tho they have better defense systems now and in development. They also purchased SU something as I recall even tho the J-20 is superior to the Su-35
Turkey may work with Russia on jet engine design and manufacturing but that's about it
USA even deployed 15 F-15 Fighter Jets in Greece
For an exercise.

Turkey needs new Fighter Jets and Russian SU-35 , SU-57 can protect balance of power in the region
otherwise Turkey with only F-16s can not match with F-16V , F-15 , Rafale , SU-35 ( USA-France-Greece-Egypt alliance )
I thought you said nobody can match regional superpower Turkey.

for Naval Power , Turkey has tons of weapons to turn all enemy Warships into crap of metal , if they enter Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean
Lol,the combined fleets of France,Greece,Egypt and Israel? And even part of the US fleet?
You used to say that Turkey can defeat France in a war. You even said that Turkey can defeat Greece,France,Egypt,Israel at the same time.

I said that Turkish Armed Forces can defeat French Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean

even Turkey can produce hundreds of TRLG-230 , KUZGUN-TJ , SOM and ATMACA Missiles also 650+ HARPOON , SLAM-ER , HARM Missiles in service to turn all enemy Warships into crap of metal , if they enter Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey has strategic advantage and superior missile fire power to intercept enemy Navies

but Airforce is different story ...

need to intercept enemy Fighter Jets ( F16V , Rafale , SU-35 )
Turkey needs more Fighter Jets and very deterrent Air Defense System capability

if anybody could say there will be no any conflict until 2035 , then no problem
Turkey will have super weapons until 2035

but I dont think USA-France-Grece-Egypt will do nothing until 2035
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For 400 years Israel was under Turkey something that could be re-realized and could give a ground but nah I don't such gamble would be taken by the tiny state or anyone in their right mind
Do you think the Israelis will not use nuclear weapons against Turkey if they try to take Israel?

Besides,the Israelis have one of the best Air Forces in the world. And the Americans would not let them get attacked by Turkey.
I thought you said nobody can match regional superpower Turkey.

one on one , Grece or Egypt or France can not match with Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

therefore USA created Greece-France-Egypt alliance
and arms embargo on Turkey

what a dirty game
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Do you think the Israelis will not use nuclear weapons against Turkey if they try to take Israel?

Besides,the Israelis have one of the best Air Forces in the world. And the Americans would not let them get attacked by Turkey.
The French are only successful against unarmed Africa as are nato effective against countries that can't fight back
Azerbaijan war just showed how different Turkey is and adaptable it is. Countries like Greece and Egypt and buy big ticket items but can they fight. History shows otherwise and I don't mean ancient history
Do you think the Israelis will not use nuclear weapons against Turkey if they try to take Israel?

Besides,the Israelis have one of the best Air Forces in the world. And the Americans would not let them get attacked by Turkey.

Who said the Israelis won't get hit themselves first and if that were to happen it would be over while Turkey is large and has stragetic signficiant.. Do you think Pakistan will just watch and let Turkey fall while the Americans rush to Israel. Turkey is Pakistans Israel to be fairly honest Israel doesn't even mean much to the US compare to what Turkey means for Pakistan. Turkey have stragetic depth and with one hit the curtain could come down on the tiny state..
even Turkey can produce hundreds of TRLG-230 , KUZGUN-TJ , SOM and ATMACA Missiles also 650+ HARPOON , SLAM-ER , HARM Missiles in service to turn all enemy Warships into crap of metal , if they enter Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean
Stop. Just stop. You are spamming the same stuff again. From "can" to will is like saying "would,but could?" You think only Turkey has or can produce missiles? You're just making missiles,the others have been making them for 50 years.

but I dont think USA-France-Grece-Egypt will do nothing until 2035
The only one who wants to do something is Erdoğan.
Do you think the Israelis will not use nuclear weapons against Turkey if they try to take Israel?

Besides,the Israelis have one of the best Air Forces in the world. And the Americans would not let them get attacked by Turkey.

Turks dont need İsrael
and yes İsrael has SAMPSON option to use nuclear weapons on the verge of extinction

Turkey can give tens of billions of dollars to Pakistan to buy nuclear weapons to be hosted in Pakistan to use in a conflict against non-muslim Countries

if anyone threat Turkey with nuclear weapons
one on one , Grece or Egypt or France can not match with Turkey in the region

therefore USA created Greece-France-Egypt alliance
and more arms embargo on Turkey

what a dirty game
USA?? It's ERDOĞAN'S FAULT we all formed an alliance. It's Turkey's foreign policy the last 10 years that alienated so many countries in the region and made us form alliances and arm.
Turkey can give tens of billions of dollars to Pakistan to buy nuclear weapons to be hosted in Pakistan to use in a conflict against non-muslim Countries
Pakistan doesn't sell nukes. Pakistan is not a bandit country and will not risk giving nuclear weapons to Turkey.
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