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Russia lifts embargo on weapons supplies to Pakistan

Good. Now India should not give a single penny to Russia. We are spending money and we can buy it from anywhere Russia should understand this.

I hope Modi shall listen your advice and go ahead with that.
Russia has lifted an embargo on weapons deliveries to Pakistan and is negotiating the sale of a number of Mi-35 attack helicopters to Islamabad, Sergei Chemezov, head of state-owned technology corporation Rostec, told Itar-Tass on Monday.

The potential delivery of weapons and military hardware to Pakistan from Moscow could create tension between Russia and India, which has a long-standing rivalry with neighboring Pakistan. Historically, Russia has sold more weaponry to India — Russia delivered just 70 Mi-17 transport helicopters to Pakistan from 1996 to 2010.

In 2012, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry, seemingly took offense to Indian journalists asking him whether Moscow could supply Pakistan with weapons in future.

Russia "always cooperates with India to ensure safety in the region. We have never created problems for India, unlike other countries. If someone says differently, spit in their face," Rogozin said, Vedomosti reported.

Boris Volkhonsky, head of the Asian sector of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, said Monday that although India has always tended to react badly to the idea of arms being supplied to Pakistan, he doesn't expect collaboration between Moscow and Islamabad to cause problems.

"I do not think that India will have any objections. After all, India and Pakistan both buy weapons from the U.S., and this has not bothered them," Volkhonsky told RIA Novosti.

Russia Lifts Embargo on Weapons Sales to Pakistan | News | The Moscow Times
Well i think its good news for both Pak and Russia , but we have to see what Russia is willing to sell and what pakistan is willing to buy , wish list in too big for Pakistan, but our pocket is just recovering but still need years to give us strength to buy anything we want , as i mention many time before army need Attack helo's very badly to counter TTP and Afghan cross border terrorism , i would prefer 30 Attack helicopters , with just attack role no transport .. i dont know which one will be best buy for PA , but we can hope for the best , At least the ice is melting between two countries , it is very sad to see indians crying all the time ..
for now may be Pakistan will buy some Attack heli but in long term it is good for our Jf-17 program , Russian can provide us more powerful engines in future , still we cant hope for many things because of US and their allies in Pakistan , US will not let Pakistan to go more close to Russia because of his own political interest in region , but few incidents in last few years puts some huge crack of US-PAk relationship walls,
what ever PA will but it should have night vision capability and also thermal view if possible , i personally believe that if this news get more heated in international media we will see some offers from any western countries very soon ...i am not sure but this is what i feel ...

this is bit off topic , but i always want Pak-Russian relationship to be better again because of their Sam's ...i wanted to see some units of S-300 in Pakistan :)

i slightly disagree ...i think Pakistan should go for transport helicopters instead of attack helicopters... we can buy Russian equipment which can be delivered to us without indian intervention and it will further open doors for more trade of weapons and equipment .for attack heli's we have option to buy from china and turkey
we can have other cash too :whistle: , cash that the US does not give us

just common sense bro :lol:

Ofcourse you can, just that you will need to prove it to US Congress it wasn't theirs that you spent without permission from them.

Mean machine !! :tup:
i slightly disagree ...i think Pakistan should go for transport helicopters instead of attack helicopters... we can buy Russian equipment which can be delivered to us without indian intervention and it will further open doors for more trade of weapons and equipment .for attack heli's we have option to buy from china and turkey

sir right now we need heavy fire power to crush TTP and Bla and also watch over Pak afghan border ,, this task can neverebe achieved by atak or un proven chinese heli's ,
russian heli are far more heavier and with good firepower ... think as long term man ...
this is bit off topic , but i always want Pak-Russian relationship to be better again because of their Sam's ...i wanted to see some units of S-300 in Pakistan :)

They don't produce it anymore and I think Russia needs their current inventory, they will probably start selling S400's to new customers now
Jehad, nowadays means exactly that. Now what you need to do is, get your arse back to Pakistan and meet Zarvi types and go on Jehad. So our boys can target practice you Arab lovers.
I have no respect for people who shout Allah o Akbar and then behead their captives, who engage in vile practices as cannibalism and rape and call it Jihad from Pakistan to Syria. in my eyes they are the biggest blasphemers. and its not just me, every Pakistani soldier is shoving the taliban's sickness back in their asses which they claim to be jihad

when you are confronted with an enemy so vile and so low who justifies every sick action with your own religion and the beliefs you hold so dear... then the answer has to be powerful and devastating enough that the Taliban and their supporters are only left with their eyes to weep when our military is done with them.

coming back to the topic. I am up for a powerful system which has night fighting capability. thats when these rats come out and can be hunted.

Motto of Pak army
Motto of Pakistan Army

after you guys are done reading. just jump in swimming pool and drown in shame.
We might see some offer from USA soon because it has good relations only because the sell us and they are our constraints now we can bargain from them....
They don't produce it anymore and I think Russia needs their current inventory, they will probably start selling S400's to new customers now

that would be more better for pakistan :ashamed:
It will be good for Pakistan to use on its western border against Talibs. BTW we are thinking of retiring ours. Pakistan may buy them as well. Will be cost effective solution for you guys for war against terror.

The maintenance of Indians is so poor that we offer you short -term summer camp for this summer so next time if you offer us something second hand so we might think about it...:toast_sign:
Pakistan could get some more helo from US, but it seems expected date of helo retirement in US armed forces has postponed for another few years.
For example A10 suppose to be retired but still in service since 1960 . Its all because its over all performance, and no need to retire anytime soon and same with Super Cobra etc..Most probably US will provide funds to Pakistan to buy Helicopter from Russia, just like it did last time . Pakistan bought Mi17i from joint fund.
You definitely could do with gunships. But why the Mi-25? They have a problem with ceiling altitude and the place where you need it the most is in mountainous high altitude terrain. You could have asked for Kamov Ka-52 having a far higher combat ceiling.
we need gunships and transport hellis against terrorists. That area is not very high not as high as north or north east.

mi-35 and mi-8 combo is understandable due to maintenance ease -- this combo was used by russians in a-stan

however are we ditching suber cobra / atak in favour of mi28?
i think atak will still remain as an option and will be brought eventually but u need to understand that we also have requirement of transport helis too. So Mil Mi 35 is a good option because as u mentioned ease of maintenance and these are transport cum attack helos too. So their acquirement makes sense.
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