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Russia lifts embargo on weapons supplies to Pakistan

All the indians farting on this thread let me tell you Russia is not our Chacha they are improving relation with us because of our geopolitical location with Afghanistan, Iran and China they want us to be there friend because they have tasted our evilness...
We are already friend of china so they want us to be in there camp because of geopolitical position and our strong army...
All the indians farting on this thread let me tell you Russia is not our Chacha they are improving relation with us because of our geopolitical location with Afghanistan, Iran and China they want us to be there friend because they have tasted our evilness...
We are already friend of china so they want us to be in there camp because of geopolitical position and our strong army...
Dude but in the long run we should also mend our ways, and become stronger. Also not to mess with anyone but India (if necessary)
What is more important to defeat ManPAD??

1- Speed
2- Maneuverability
Yep! India rejected the Mi 25 and purchasing the superior Apaches instead.

Mi-25 is an export version of Russia’s Mi-24(P) Hind attack helicopter. These are pretty dated platforms, entering service in 1972. Of course there have been modifications to give it more teeth. But then, you can scrub a donkey all you can, but you can never turn it into a horse!! :P


Upgraded Mi-25/35 of Indian Air Force.
im sure what we will get will be updated and brand new air-frames. Enough to service with us more then yr life is left in this world.:)
there is no need to fly high, wait and observe the developments, we don't know what has been promised in India in exchange of weapon embargo lift from RF. Its all suspicious indeed.
do expect a clause wherein 30-40% of weapons parts will be manufactured in India...win win situation for all.....:partay:
Good. Now India should not give a single penny to Russia. We are spending money and we can buy it from anywhere Russia should understand this.

Its not just about money , you see you Indians were put in the driving seat by the Americans in Afghanistan. There is no denying this fact.

What did you guys give back to America in the Afghan theater ? Nada , Zilch .. you never stood up to be counted , you were content hiding in america's arm pits while american and NATO took the bulk of the causalities in Afghanistan.

Your friends and foe alike have seen through you , you are wimps , you can trash talk all you want but at the end of the day you are wimps that can't provide any meaningful alliance to a bigger power, perhaps the Russians too have come to realize this
Very Good news. Its a Lethal machine. @Irfan Baloch Sir, do russians have hellfire equivalent missile? it yes then can that missile be mounted on this beast? and How many missiles it can carry as Apache and Mi-28 can carry upto 16 anti tank missiles.

do russians have hellfire equivalent missile?

yes: Shturm with 5Km range

it yes then can that missile be mounted on this beast?

yes and some. like The Ataka anti-tank guided missile. 8 Km range

How many missiles it can carry
it has 6 under wing pylons and so it can potentially carry 18 missiles or with 2 gunpods/ rocket pod configuration 12 missiles




80 MM S8 rockets

the gunpods include the 12.7 flexible mount, the 23 mm and 30 mm fixed or flexible mounts. there is a lot of firepower at disposal in addition to the ability of troop transport

just to clarify. Mi-35 is the export version of Mi-24 series.
Hey let's say Russians don't wanna give us the NV enabled version, can't we put it on ourselves? (hint: institute of optronic/Zumr)

Orange agent..... :)
(nah just googled it, too brutal)
integration shouldn't be an issue but nothing beats a real thing which is tested and integrated originally consisting of entire system including helmets, camera, the display more
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