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Russia, Iran joint center threatens US after Syria missile strike


Sep 24, 2016
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Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) meets with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 28, 2017. (Sergei Karpukhin/AFP

A command center jointly operated by Russia, Iran and other groups supporting the Syrian regime issued a statement Sunday condemning the recent US missile strike on a Syrian airbase and threatening to respond if such attacks continue.

“What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines,” the center said in a statement carried by the Syrian government’s War Information Center, known as Elam al-Harbi, according to Reuters.

“From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well,” the operations center statement said.

The threat came in response to a US strike on Thursday, ordered by US President Donald Trump, which was retaliation for a deadly chemical weapons attack Tuesday in the northern Syrian province of Idlib that left at least 86 people dead, including 27 children, and allegedly employed the nerve agent sarin.

Footage of people and children choking on the gas prompted outrage across the globe.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani by phone on Sunday, during which they agreed that the US strike was a violation of international law.

“We denounce the US missile strike on Syria and regard it as a flagrant violation of an independent country’s sovereignty (and) a measure that needs to be addressed and condemned in the UN Security Council,” Rouhani said, according to Iranian media.

A US official said 59 precision guided Tomahawk missiles hit the regime-held Shayrat Airfield, north of the Syrian capital Damascus, from which Washington believes Tuesday’s deadly attack was launched.

In this image provided by the US Navy, the guided-missile destroyer USS Porter (DDG 78) launches a tomahawk land attack missile in the Mediterranean Sea, Friday, April 7, 2017.(Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Ford Williams/U.S. Navy via AP)

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson denied in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the strikes signaled an overhaul of American policy, saying its priority remained to defeat Islamic State militants in the Middle East. The strike was the first time American forces targeted a Syrian government installation in the course of the war. US Treasury officials say they are preparing sanctions in response to the chemical weapons attack, though the Syrian government is already buried under US sanctions.

Tillerson will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow later this week. Moscow has been a steadfast ally of the Syrian government and has defended it against claims of chemical weapons use in front of the UN Security Council.

Both Russia and Iran previously condemned the US missile strike.

On Friday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russian President Vladimir Putin

Putin considers the US strike as an “aggression against a sovereign state in violation of international norms,” according to Russian agencies.

Washington said that Russian military officials in Syria were informed of the strike beforehand in order to avoid casualties that could prompt a broader crisis.

“The Syrian army does not have any chemical weapon stockpiles,” added Peskov. “The fact of destruction of all chemical weapon stockpiles of the Syrian armed forces was recorded and confirmed by the (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons).”

File: Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Syria President Bashar Assad arrive for a meeting in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, October 20, 2015. (Alexei Druzhinin, RIA-Novosti, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File)

On Saturday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that “terrorists” were applauding Trump for launching the missile strike.

“This man who is now in office in America claimed that he wanted to fight terrorism but today all terrorists in Syria are celebrating the US attack,” Rouhani said in a speech aired by state television.

“Why have you attacked the Syrian army which is at war with terrorists? Under what law or authority did you launch your missiles at this independent country?”

Rouhani also called his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad in order to reaffirm Iran’s support for the Syrian regime, his office said Sunday.

Despite Russia and Iran’s condemnation of Thursday’s missile strike, many US allies have expressed support for the move.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the strike was the appropriate “moral” response to the chemical weapons attack.

“Israel fully supports the American attack on Syria,” Netanyahu said before the weekly cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. “They did this for moral reasons in light of the difficult scenes from Idlib and also to make it clear that there is a price for using chemical weapons.”
this is what I think the coalition is going to do in response to this:

flooding Yemen with ATGMs, anti-ship missiles and other surface to surface missiles.

supplying Hezbollah with precision missiles, and advanced anti-air capabilities.

"accidently" attacking Turkish ES troops in northern Syria (who are occupiers under international law)

Significantly beefing up Syrian air defences.

harassing American airplanes by constant missile locks.

shooting down any Turkish aircraft that enter 1 inch of Syrian territory.

Deploying more naval and anti-air assets in Syria.

bringing in more pro-government militia

increased involvement of Russian aircraft and Iranian ground units

And if another attacks come and Russian military personnel are killed. I could see American plane getting shot down EASILY and the possibilities are endless from there.
The recent Us Cruise missiles attack tells alot about where things are headed after.

Just write Russia next time as those two others should not even be taken into consideration. As for threatening the US/NATO/Anti-Al-Assad countries, laughable, is the right word to use.
I think Trump has taken Irani and Russian threats seriously, as CNN reported after 3 hours that jets took from the same base that was attacked by US missiles and Attacked the same city where the Chemical attacks took place and there was nothing Trump did about it.
I think Trump has taken Irani and Russian threats seriously, as CNN reported after 3 hours that jets took from the same base that was attacked by US missiles and Attacked the same city where the Chemical attacks took place and there was nothing Trump did about it.

The missile strikes were a warning to Assad not to use chemical weapons. The runways weren't even targeted. Nikki Hayley has already warned Syria that if they use chemical weapons again, that further military action will take place. If the US wanted to take out the entire Syrian air force it could do so.
The missile strikes were a warning to Assad not to use chemical weapons. The runways weren't even targeted. Nikki Hayley has already warned Syria that if they use chemical weapons again, that further military action will take place. If the US wanted to take out the entire Syrian air force it could do so.
Oh okay so what is USA waiting for? Full Moon?
The Chemical attacks were not done by Assad and USA knows it so there was no warning. It was all done just to show Trump is serious because no one in the world takes Trump or USA serious any more. Sorry friend but please don't take it personal Trump is making America look like a Joke. After the missile attacks USA said that they think Chemical attacks were done by Russia so who the hell they are giving a warning by firing 60 cruise missiles on garden of the Air base. You know those cruise missile ruined the entire grass.
If they wanted to respond they would had responded and destroyed US destroyers launching those strikes but since it did not happen, anything else is mere BS and for domestic consumption.
there is no proof the Syrian government commited any chemical weapons attack.

secondly, who the F^#* is nicky Haley? and who made her world police? even IF (which he didn't ) the syrian government supposedly did use chemical weapons. what legal right does Zionist puppet nikky haley have to unilaterly act as world police, violate international law, and attack a sovereign nation like that?

might as well throw the UN charter to the wolves. reckless American acts of terrorism, that only play into a domestic audience to make trump look stronk!!!! (the way a man looks strong by beating up a 4 year old kid who already has his hands and feet tied)

the ramifications of this are going to catastrophic. Where the world goes back to the stone ages, and any country who has a stronger military can attack a weaker side with impunity. every country that can (or is smart enough) will try to develop nukes for self-defence. The US has become a huge destabilizing force in the world

the fact that you brag about this, or are too stupid to understand doesn't surprise me. Given that about 40% of the American population cannot locate the US on a world map.

The US military tracked the Syrian aircraft used in the chemical weapon attack. Nobody else has the capability to deliver sarin gas in that area. The Syrian government attacked innocent civilians with sarin gas and you know it.

Nikki Hayley is the US Amb. to the UN, and no other country is willing to hold Syria accountable. The US had every right to destroy the aircraft Syria used in this attack.

It's not bragging when it's the truth. An taking a shot at Americans intelligence makes you look like the fool. The US is a world leader in science, technology, and higher education. The US has also produced over 300 Nobel Prize winners. What has your country contributed to the world?
The US military tracked the Syrian aircraft used in the chemical weapon attack. Nobody else has the capability to deliver sarin gas in that area. The Syrian government attacked innocent civilians with sarin gas and you know it.

Nikki Hayley is the US Amb. to the UN, and no other country is willing to hold Syria accountable. The US had every right to destroy the aircraft Syria used in this attack.

It's not bragging when it's the truth. An taking a shot at Americans intelligence makes you look like the fool. The US is a world leader in science, technology, and higher education. The US has also produced over 300 Nobel Prize winners. What has your country contributed to the world?
Indeed that is so. But 14 years earlier this technology was not available to the US that is why no WMDs were ever found in Iraq.
It's not bragging when it's the truth. An taking a shot at Americans intelligence makes you look like the fool. The US is a world leader in science, technology, and higher education. The US has also produced over 300 Nobel Prize winners. What has your country contributed to the world?
Dr. Michio Kaku would disagree with you.
If they wanted to respond they would had responded and destroyed US destroyers launching those strikes but since it did not happen, anything else is mere BS and for domestic consumption.
This can be the switch of WW3. Are you ready ? LOL
The US military tracked the Syrian aircraft used in the chemical weapon attack. Nobody else has the capability to deliver sarin gas in that area. The Syrian government attacked innocent civilians with sarin gas and you know it.

who told you that? the pentagon who "accidently" bombed the SAA in DEZ for an hour and killed 200 soldiers? or American intelligence who were a week earlier calling trump a Russian agent. and told the world Hussein had WMDs, while previously telling them he didn't when they were helping him gas the Iranians and the kurds.

Nikki Hayley is the US Amb. to the UN, and no other country is willing to hold Syria accountable. The US had every right to destroy the aircraft Syria used in this attack.

It's not bragging when it's the truth. An taking a shot at Americans intelligence makes you look like the fool. The US is a world leader in science, technology, and higher education. The US has also produced over 300 Nobel Prize winners. What has your country contributed to the world?

the US o A. The only country on earth to use nuclear weapons on civilians. a country built upon the genocide of the local native population, and slavery of defenceless peoples. a nation responsible for the most wars, coups, and misery in the world. has no right to come in and act as the worlds moral police.

especially when they have been wrong repeatedly about these baby saving excuses they use to topple enemy government.
The missile strikes were a warning to Assad not to use chemical weapons. The runways weren't even targeted. Nikki Hayley has already warned Syria that if they use chemical weapons again, that further military action will take place. If the US wanted to take out the entire Syrian air force it could do so.
are you kidding me , the must ineffective way of destroying an airport is targeting the runway with cruise missiles.
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