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Russia, Iran joint center threatens US after Syria missile strike

The missile strikes were a warning to Assad not to use chemical weapons. The runways weren't even targeted. Nikki Hayley has already warned Syria that if they use chemical weapons again, that further military action will take place. If the US wanted to take out the entire Syrian air force it could do so.

Oooooo ooooo what is that America a god? Or a fucking whore giving birth to isis eggs ? Already she lay down two illegitimate sluts jai fuk indian and mossad son of shaitan shit...

Bbbrrrrrrrilliantttt love that big v.I.P on stage..carry on putin we are with you.....
Oooooo ooooo what is that America a god? Or a fucking whore giving birth to isis eggs ?
:sarcastic: :enjoy:
Exactly, a bunch of bastard warmonger supremacists that are trying to destroy both EU and Russia by dividing those natural neighbors. Destroying Muslim countries by warmongering between Muslim countries. Destroying China and NK by warmongering in S.China sea
USA is the actual threat to global peace, must be destroyed and dismantled from inside. Hopefully will be done by Murican people :bounce:
Dr. Michio Kaku would disagree with you.

What does he disagree with me about? Immigrants are an asset that has greatly benefited this country. That doesn't change a thing I said or the accomplishments this country has achieved.
:sarcastic: :enjoy:
Exactly, a bunch of bastard warmonger supremacists that are trying to destroy both EU and Russia by dividing those natural neighbors. Destroying Muslim countries by warmongering between Muslim countries. Destroying China and NK by warmongering in S.China sea
USA is the actual threat to global peace, must be destroyed and dismantled from inside. Hopefully will be done by Murican people :bounce:

You know the pay 700$ to each isis member monthly and is just amazing too that there sallery is in dollar mission to kill Muslims slaughter them rape females and then put grenades there and blow them...

Sooner or later this is the last opportunity for us to allied with russia otherwise .....

Alliance with U.S. we face Indian influence in kabul in kashmir and ttp fuk face bought by Indians too_On which CIA got that we are defeated and you know they remain still silent on Indian influence in everywhere against pak.
So please no more walk with this whore.

We welcome Russia and we will provide help where they want because now they jump in favour of pak.
who told you that? the pentagon who "accidently" bombed the SAA in DEZ for an hour and killed 200 soldiers? or American intelligence who were a week earlier calling trump a Russian agent. and told the world Hussein had WMDs, while previously telling them he didn't when they were helping him gas the Iranians and the kurds.

the US o A. The only country on earth to use nuclear weapons on civilians. a country built upon the genocide of the local native population, and slavery of defenceless peoples. a nation responsible for the most wars, coups, and misery in the world. has no right to come in and act as the worlds moral police.

especially when they have been wrong repeatedly about these baby saving excuses they use to topple enemy government.

Once again, no one else has the capability to deliver air launched chemical weapons in that area except the Syrian regime. You can yap all you want, but it won't change that fact.

Oh yes, what misery we've inflicted upon the world. In fact, the US is so despised the No. 1 destination for immigrants is the US and has been for decades. How terrible that the world has benefited from US advances in science, medicine, and technology.

Look, the US is no saint, but then again the vast majority of countries aren't either. The US looks after its own interests, just like any other country.
The US looks after its own interests, just like any other country.
Let's agree to disagree, Not every country is looking for it's own interest, the best example of it is my country, Nor The US always looks after its own interests.
Once again, no one else has the capability to deliver air launched chemical weapons in that area except the Syrian regime. You can yap all you want, but it won't change that fact.

Oh yes, what misery we've inflicted upon the world. In fact, the US is so despised the No. 1 destination for immigrants is the US and has been for decades. How terrible that the world has benefited from US advances in science, medicine, and technology.

Look, the US is no saint, but then again the vast majority of countries aren't either. The US looks after its own interests, just like any other country.
The other view statement from the Syrian air force is that they have attacked a rebel's munition depot, and there were chemical weapons unknown to them..This is also a viable possibility, since all Syrian Chemical weapons were destroyed under UN supervision some time ago..
The other view statement from the Syrian air force is that they have attacked a rebel's munition depot, and there were chemical weapons unknown to them..This is also a viable possibility, since all Syrian Chemical weapons were destroyed under UN supervision some time ago..
Can I add a theory here?
The other view statement from the Syrian air force is that they have attacked a rebel's munition depot, and there were chemical weapons unknown to them..This is also a viable possibility, since all Syrian Chemical weapons were destroyed under UN supervision some time ago..

That's already been addressed here:

  • The Russian government has tried to claim that opposition forces had a chemical facility in Khan Sheikhoun that was hit by a bomb, but the official pointed to evidence that the bomb hit – and left a massive crater – in the middle of a road, not near any buildings, as shown by multiple open-source video and satellite images of the town. The official said it was clear the bomb was dropped in a location near civilians and contained the sarin gas, and “any obfuscation of whether this was a nerve attack or not is really untenable in the face of the facts. … There’s no credible alternative to Syrian regime air attack as the source of the chemicals .. that killed so many Syrian civilians.”

Here is my theory.
1. The Egyptian president visited before the Chemical attacks in Syria.
2. The Chinese president visited before the missile attacks in Syria.

can anyone connect dots or shall I do them.
That's already been addressed here:

  • The Russian government has tried to claim that opposition forces had a chemical facility in Khan Sheikhoun that was hit by a bomb, but the official pointed to evidence that the bomb hit – and left a massive crater – in the middle of a road, not near any buildings, as shown by multiple open-source video and satellite images of the town. The official said it was clear the bomb was dropped in a location near civilians and contained the sarin gas, and “any obfuscation of whether this was a nerve attack or not is really untenable in the face of the facts. … There’s no credible alternative to Syrian regime air attack as the source of the chemicals .. that killed so many Syrian civilians.”

But they can not have dropped only one bomb on the road, there is also a building that have been destroyed near that impact, meaning that a building was targeted.. you can see it clearly on both images on the right side of the road..
What is the toxicity of Sarin Gas?
Sarin is highly toxic, whether by respiratory or dermal exposure. The toxicity of sarin in humans is largely based on calculations from studies with animals. The general consensus is that the lethal concentration of sarin in air is approximately 35 mg per cubic meter per minute for a two-minute exposure time by a healthy adult breathing normally (exchanging 15 liters of air per minute). This number represents the estimated lethal concentration for 50% of exposed victims

Weather forecast of Khan Shaykhun on 4th April 2017

Wind direction


Wind speed (km/h)



Now the toxicity Sarin Gas and the weather forecast about wind in the area shows that Sarin was there to stay and the infected area where the attack took place was unreachable for hours due to stable wind conditions and the video of white helmets surface in seconds after the attack by people not wearing any gas masks.

Now after the missile attacks on Syria USA moves on North Korea WHY?

Trump said in his speech after the missile attacks that he acted in the name of American national security. So the American national security is threatened from where? North Korea and this all was done to leave an impression on Chinese and North Koreans.
Russia, Iran Warn U.S. They Will "Respond With Force" If Syria "Red Lines" Crossed Again

A statement issued on Sunday by a joint command centre consisting of forces of Russian, Iran and allied militia alliance supporting Syrian President Bashar al Assad said that Friday's US strike on the Syrian air base crossed “red lines” and it would "respond with force" to any new aggression while increasing their level of support to their ally.

In the statement
published by the group on media outlet Ilam al Harbi, the pro-Assad alliances says that “what America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well."

Earlier on Sunday the UK's Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon, demanded Russia rein in Mr Assad (by which he really meant be willing to accept a new Syrian regime with a pro-western puppet leader, and one who is willing to allow the Qatar gas pipeline to cross the country on its way to Europe.

Fallon also claimed that Moscow is "responsible for every civilian death" in the chemical attack on Khan Sheikhun and said Putin was responsible for the brutal killings “by proxy”, because it was the Syrian president’s “principal backer." The defense minister said the attack had happened "on their watch" and that Vladimir Putin must now live up to previous promises that Mr Assad’s chemical weapons had been destroyed. His comments came after Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson pulled out of a Moscow visit hours before he was due to fly.

And then after US changing it attacking posture.

Syrian people should decide Assad’s fate, Tillerson tells US media
Published time: 9 Apr, 2017 21:20Edited time: 9 Apr, 2017 23:08

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson © Joe Skipper / Reuters
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US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said the Syrian crisis can only be solved through a political process, claiming it's not regime change but the defeat of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group that Washington is seeking in Syria.

"Our strategy in Syria, our priority is first to defeat ISIS," the US official said in an interview with ABC's "This Week" host, George Stephanopoulos, which was aired Sunday.

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