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Russia, Iran joint center threatens US after Syria missile strike

Iran warning US..:o:
I remember the old days when mullahs used to threaten to sunk US carriers if they again enter straights of hormuz and the very next day US used to send their ships, not a single ship is harmed so far:bunny:...

Iran warning US..:o:
I remember the old days when mullahs used to threaten to sunk US carriers if they again enter straights of hormuz and the very next day US used to send their ships, not a single ship is harmed so far:bunny:...

hello my old PDF fellow. don't you see Russia ? world is looking for another ww and you are making fun..
U.S is wise enough U.S don't need your advice.. btw what are you doing in israel now a days ? i am sure you are busy to provoke israel against someone.
hello my old PDF fellow. don't you see Russia ? world is looking for another ww and you are making fun..
U.S is wise enough U.S don't need your advice.. btw what are you doing in israel now a days ? i am sure you are busy to provoke israel against someone.

Didn't you read'' if US cross the red line again''
How many times had Russia warned US so far!?? You think US is going to stop!?? If red line crossed Russia would take action not warnings... I did saw the Russian reactions after their jet was downed by turkey after their ambassador was killed in Turkey on a live television... and Russia is not in a position to escalate a tension with US. Tell me why did Russia allowed the strike In the first place ?!!!!! US did warned Russia before striking Syria.
Looks more like some "accounts closure" issues for US vs Russia. This time the venue is Syria. At the end of the day only the local folks will suffer as if they've not suffered enough so far! Indeed we're living through "interesting times"....
Talk is cheap.

Statements like that give ammunition to fanboys to fire and rave about in various online communities but do not change anything on the ground.

We will see.

In the meantime:



I think it's important to note that since the missile strikes, the US has been flying F-22s over Syrian air space. That tells a lot about what the US thinks of these threats.
LOL @ response ...again empty warnings. They cannot do an inch to US forces. If have balls, than try it.
Russia and Iran review Syrian operations

The reverberations of the US missile attack in Syria on Thursday are inexorably felt in the geopolitical arena. A series of developments through the weekend signals that the Syrian conflict is entering a new phase. The most consequential development was a phone conversation Sunday afternoon between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, at the latter’s initiative, to discuss the emergent situation in Syria and in the region.

Earlier in the day, Rouhani also had spoken with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to assure him of full Iranian support. On a parallel track, the Iranian and Syrian military chiefs also confabulated on Sunday. Prior to that on Saturday, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri and the Russian Chief of General Staff General Valeri Gerasimov discussed the Syrian situation. They vowed to continue their military cooperation in support of Assad “until the total defeat of the terrorists and those that support them” (according to the Iranian news agency.)

Again, on Saturday the chiefs of the Iranian and Russian national security councils, Admiral Ali Shamkhai and Nikolai Patrushev held a phone conversation to discuss Syria. Shamkhani hinted at intelligence available with Tehran that the chemical attack in Idlib on April 4 was executed “by a third party in order to create a pretext for carrying out a (US) military attack on Syria.”

Broadly, Moscow and Tehran have voiced identical demands that an independent investigation must be conducted on the chemical attack in Idlib to establish the culpability. Both have strongly condemned the US missile attack as an act of “aggression” and a violation of the UN Charter and international law.

The text of today’s Kremlin statement is reproduced below:

  • On the initiative of the Iranian party a phone conversation between Vladimir Putin and President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani was held. … [The presidents] exchanged their views of the situation in Syria.
  • Both parties pointed out the inadmissibility of US aggressive actions against the sovereign state in violation of the international law. Putin and Rouhani called for holding an objective, impartial investigation of all circumstances of the incident involving chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib on April 4.
  • Particular importance was paid to the key aspects of the bilateral cooperation in the sphere of counterterrorism, a readiness to deepen cooperation in order to ensure stability in the Middle East was expressed.
  • The Leaders also noted the importance to continue close cooperation on political and diplomatic settlement of the armed conflict in Syria.

The statement hints at an intensification of the Russian-Iranian military operations in Syria. The intention could be to accelerate the liberation of areas still under the control of ISIS and Al-Qaeda affiliates. Importantly, Idlib province bordering Turkey is one such priority area. The extremist groups ensconced in Idlib still enjoy the backing of Turkey, and some of them used to be the CIA’s proxy groups.

Secondly, it is more than likely that discussions have taken place as to how to counter any future US attacks in Syria. Iranian media linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps reported today on a statement by the so-called Syria-Iran-Russia Joint Operations Room, which coordinates the military strategies in Syria. The statement warned that any future US aggression will be “given a lethal response”. It said, “We will respond to any aggression powerfully, as Russia and Iran would never allow the US to dominate the world.”

Significantly, the latest Iranian statements have referred to strategic cooperation among Iran, Syria, Russia and the “resistance front”. Today’s Kremlin statement pointedly touched on a mutual Russian-Iranian “readiness to deepen cooperation in order to ensure stability in the Middle East.” Taken together, Russian-Iranian military cooperation in Syria may assume new dimensions as a coordinated regional strategy.



It shows that US is prepared for any eventuality in that region.

From statement of US secretary of state, looks like US already backtracking .....it might be lost here but not in US establishment why 60% of their missile failed. In some informed corner it was told that heavy jamming made 60% of mighty US missile worthless. That is even without activating Sx00. If that is not a message to US then what is?
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From statement of US secretary of state, looks like US already backtracking .....it might be lost here but not in US establishment why 60% of their missile failed. In some informed corner it was told that heavy jamming made 60% of might US missile worthless. If that is not a message to US then what is?
Their is no need for US to issue a tit-for-tat statement against each Russian and/or Iranian warning. They are determined to act and they have made this clear even in the UN.

Russians noticed 23 impact points and concluded that 23 missiles hit the target. This is not the case. Other missiles might have hit the same target and/or some other targets in the region. Don't expect Russians to tell you the truth.

Tomahawk cruise missiles cannot be jammed.
Tomahawk cruise missiles cannot be jammed.

right, because you said so.

Idlib: US-Made Arms Depot Destroyed in Syrian Airstrike


TEHRAN (FNA)- Media sources said that the Syrian Air Force in a crushing response to the US missile attack on Shayrat airbase in Southwestern Homs launched massive airstrikes on terrorists' depot of US-made arms and ammunition in Idlib.
The Arabic language al-Hadath news website reported that as a first massive response to the Thursday missile strikes, the Syrian warplanes took off from Shayrat airbase and targeted a huge depot of American arms and munitions of the Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) in al-Qasaniyeh settlement in Jisr al-Shughour region in Southern Idlib, destroying the entire weapons stocked in there and killing a number of militants at and around the depot.

Well-informed sources in Northern Syrian reported earlier today that the Syrian Army troops have opened heavy fire at an American reconnaissance plane in Northern Hasaka, forcing the US plane to leave the country's airspace.

The sources said that the intense fire of the special forces forced an American reconnaissance plane to leave the region after approaching the army troops' positions in Qamishli border city.


Meanwhile, a military source confirmed the report, stressing that the US reconnaissance aircraft was flying over the Syrian Army Base in Qamishli and distanced itself from the region after it came under fire.

Local officials confirmed on Friday that several civilians were killed and several more were wounded in the US raid on a Syrian airfield in Homs province.

Governor of Homs province Talal Barazi told reporters that the US strike on a Syrian airfield led to civilian casualties in a village near the base, as well as the airbase itself, adding at least five people were killed and seven wounded.

Two civilians and three military personnel were killed in the strike, AP reported, citing the governor.

The American missile attack on Syria won’t topple its government or change the policies of Damascus, he said after a barrage of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles targeted a Syrian airfield.

“The Syrian leadership and Syrian policy will not change,” Barazi said in a phone interview with Syrian state television. “This targeting was not the first and I don't believe it will be the last.”

He added that Shayrat airbase would be rebuilt and would continue to play a role in fighting terrorists.

Barazi told Reuters that firefighting and rescue operations were under way at the Shayrat airfield after the US attack, but he believed that there were not many casualties on the ground.

Barazi said Washington’s escalation of the conflict in Syria only served terrorist groups such as ISIL.

The governor said that the base played a significant role in the recent capture of the city of Palmyra from ISIL.

The Syrian state TV called the attack “American aggression”.

On Friday, US warships in the Eastern Mediterranean fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian airfield, with Pentagon claiming that it was used in a chemical weapons attack against a rebel-held town in Idlib province on Tuesday.

The retaliation came before the UN or the OPCW, the chemical weapons watchdog, could investigate the incident. Washington sided with the rebel-linked activists, which accused Damascus of killing civilians with toxic gas.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reminded US on Thursday that all chemical weapons were taken out of Syria in mid-2014 with Washington's assistance.

The ministry said that Russia considers US Vice President Mike Pence's statements claiming that Moscow and Damascus allegedly did not fulfill obligations to destroy Syrian nuclear arsenal to be groundless, Sputnik reported.

Pence had no grounds to say that the 2013 deal on the Syrian chemical weapons' destruction failed.

The ministry said that Russia-US cooperation on the issue was overall and quite successful.

Moscow said that it was premature to accuse the Syrian government of using chemical weapons in Idlib, adding that Russia insists on conducting a full-fledged probe into the issue.

In 2013, the Syrian authorities agreed to transfer its stockpiled chemical weapons to international control for their subsequent destruction, so as to prevent them from falling into the hands of militants operating in the country.

Syrian opposition claimed Tuesday forces loyal to President Bashar Assad had used a chemical gas on people in the Northwestern province, killing nearly 80 and injuring 200. Assad argued his government had no chemical weapons after agreeing to have them destroyed in 2013. He also ruled out having used chemicals against own people.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said earlier in the day that the US-UK-France-backed draft resolution on the chemical weapons in Syria was based on fake reports mostly from the White Helmets and the SOHR "which cannot be called reliable."

The Russian Defense Ministry said early Wednesday the airstrike near Khan Sheikhoun was carried out by Syrian aircraft, which struck a terrorist warehouse that stored chemical weapons slated for delivery to Iraq.

right, because you said so.
Not because I said so; concentrate on the technicalities instead.

Tomahawk cruise missile is a jamming-proof design. Its on-board GPS guidance has anti-jamming mechanism. However, for the sake of argument, let us say that Tomahawk's GPS guidance system somehow malfunctions or jammed during the course of its flight-path towards a target, 3 additional guidance systems are on-board and would kick-in one at a time and/or simultaneously. Additional guidance systems are like a series of fail-safes for the missile.


Therefore, it is virtually impossible to jam even a single tomahawk cruise missile. The only viable method to stop it is by intercepting it but easier said than done.


Farsnews is an Iranian propaganda outlet.
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This can be the switch of WW3. Are you ready ? LOL
Whether we are ready or not is not the topic of the debate rather its Iran and Russia threatening US, which i consider just a statement. There will be more missiles fired towards Syria and we will keep on hearing such statements.
THESE ARE ONLY WORDS............... that's IT .
Russia didn't use S-400 or any other AD to stop the TH ? lol As soon As Russian use there S-400 whole world especially USA will know the credibility of the system!!!!!!!!!!
And I can still take Russia but Iran........... man you must be joking . Iran under mulla only there because USA need some thing to counter Israel and GCC .
Thanks to Iran GCC spend 100billion $$$$ on Arms every year and Main part goes to USA.
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