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Russia, Iran joint center threatens US after Syria missile strike

OK, I'll confess. It was the Norwegians:devil:. Russia and the Americans had been muscling in on our business so we poked a few malcontents in Ukraine, then Syria, and the next thing you knew the whole region was a burning so brightly. Sorry you got caught up in our little excursion (well not that sorry). Business is business after all.





That gas wasn't going to sell itself to Europe.
I'm lost...
Not a fan of "theories on the interwebs which claim Syrian war is all about carbon-fuel sales to Europe" from a Norwegian conspiracy angle?

Ok then. Sorry to bother you.
Not a fan either of that fuel conspiracy... since Everything started in Tunisia and spread in few weeks around the arab world... Or the Fuel/Oil Illuminatis saw that in advance and played their cards in Tunisia ( a non oil producer) and waited and prayed that it will extend " BY CHANCE" in syria/libya... :)

If they did, then Hannibal/Ceasar or Alexander the GReat should bow to them... and WE shall BOW to those Illuminatis Einstenies...
First The Qatar -Europe pipeline passing by Syria... wasn't the main goal.. since they could have gone by Iraq
I think Iran's influence in Iraq far exceeds Iran's influence in Syria. Secondly Russia is also key player in this theory because Russia is one of the largest suppliers for energy to Europe. Qatar pipeline going through will break EU's dependence on Russian energy.
I think Iran's influence in Iraq far exceeds Iran's influence in Syria. Secondly Russia is also key player in this theory because Russia is one of the largest suppliers for energy to Europe. Qatar pipeline going through will break EU's dependence on Russian energy.

Iran it's oil... Qatar it's Gas...
Iraq is not Iran. Iran may have influence, but Iraq has his own agenda. A pipeline will give her Millions $ each time for just giving free passage.
Russia at that Time got not problem with that, since everything was ok in Europe, even Ukraine problem hasn't started yet. The pipeline thing is not a new idea... it's been around for decades...
and Iraq was still under US influence etc... it's been almost a decade or a little mre that the pipeline fantasy was over in their minds... since Liquified ship became cheaper...

But ofc the pipeline is interesting if the production rise by a lot... but today it' snot.

What does Iran has to threaten the US with?? The burka-clad lethal flies? A year ago (almost) their older Mig-29 and F-14's were chasing after an American drone, an escort F-22 was routed towards them. The Raptor flew for full 15 minutes directly underneath the second plane. He pulled out and told both the jets "its time to go home" lol.

And the Russians......those damn S-300 and S-400 crap didn't work to take out the Tomahawks? What happened? Oh sh!t. Its called frequency manipulation to confuse the radars so they can't track the gap in returning wavelengths, and there is no blip on the screen while the Tomahawks could be flying right above your head. So you can see those, but can't fire upon them, unless you start using your handgun.

This was a fair response. Trump got the votes based on his policy that he won't get into the mess called the ME. But Assad crossed the line and killed so many innocents with chems and other weapons that shouldn't be used on innocent people and children. So he learnt the lesson I am sure. If you use those illegal weapons to kill masses of innocents, you'll be held liable and responsible. Simple is that! Mrs. Singh (Nikki Haley) has already told them that taking out Assad is on the cards also. So this will go further if Assad doesn't stop killing people!
What does Iran has to threaten the US with?? The burka-clad lethal flies? A year ago (almost) their older Mig-29 and F-14's were chasing after an American drone, an escort F-22 was routed towards them. The Raptor flew for full 15 minutes directly underneath the second plane. He pulled out and told both the jets "its time to go home" lol.

And the Russians......those damn S-300 and S-400 crap didn't work to take out the Tomahawks? What happened? Oh sh!t. Its called frequency manipulation to confuse the radars so they can't track the gap in returning wavelengths, and there is no blip on the screen while the Tomahawks could be flying right above your head. So you can see those, but can't fire upon them, unless you start using your handgun.

This was a fair response. Trump got the votes based on his policy that he won't get into the mess called the ME. But Assad crossed the line and killed so many innocents with chems and other weapons that shouldn't be used on innocent people and children. So he learnt the lesson I am sure. If you use those illegal weapons to kill masses of innocents, you'll be held liable and responsible. Simple is that! Mrs. Singh (Nikki Haley) has already told them that taking out Assad is on the cards also. So this will go further if Assad doesn't stop killing people!
Okay fair enough.
Now answer me this the Children killed by Assad's Chemical weapons are Children and the Children being killed by Cluster Bombs is Yemen by American Supplied weapons are not Children?

You don't have proof that Assad used Chemical weapons but the world has proof that Saudia is using American and UK supplied cluster bombs in Yemen over civilians. Will you please help me here?

What does Iran has to threaten the US with?? The burka-clad lethal flies? A year ago (almost) their older Mig-29 and F-14's were chasing after an American drone, an escort F-22 was routed towards them. The Raptor flew for full 15 minutes directly underneath the second plane. He pulled out and told both the jets "its time to go home" lol.

And the Russians......those damn S-300 and S-400 crap didn't work to take out the Tomahawks? What happened? Oh sh!t. Its called frequency manipulation to confuse the radars so they can't track the gap in returning wavelengths, and there is no blip on the screen while the Tomahawks could be flying right above your head. So you can see those, but can't fire upon them, unless you start using your handgun.
To make USA pay for the missile attacks is very easy and simple. Russia, Iran and Syria only needs to take few steps just allow the ISIS a free rout to USA and collation Base at Jordanian border and rest will be done by the ISIS. Russia and Assad only need to stop fighting ISIS to make USA pay.
In case of war in Syria MAD is going to take place!!?? Hahaha who is a kid here you or me... kiddo both US and Russia or known to foil each others plans in spite of that US attacked the base where even Russian personalso were present.. and miraculously Russians didn't shoot down the American missiles.. kid you should stop hearing too much of Mullah sheit and read something international. Tell me when are you going to sink a carrier it's been in and out of hormuz for years now.
I would hate mullahs too if they ruled over me for a thousand yrs, i can sympathize dear bharti and ur geo political analysis is what a kid would do, grow up, there is a limit to what russia will tolerate, just yesterday russia issued a statement that they would retaliate the next time Us conducts strikes, i tend to believe govt's rather than inferiority complex ridden bhartis who consider americans to be their daddys, ur statemwnt glorifying the Us and the sudden america pleasing stance of u bahrtis shows what sort of people u are, disloyal back stabbers, russia has been more than a friend to u for ages and now just becauee america has started using u to counter pak and china u seem to be barking against russia, the same russia that is ur sustainer, despicable seriously and kid syrian is a flash point, no way russia will back of there, they are not doing this outta love for asad, they have their reasons for bieng in syria, national security issues, no way they are letting the Us surround them by planting pro Us regimes around them, war can kick of between Us and russia in syria no question about it and can swiftly escalate to a global conflict, every one worth a dime knows that and kid russia has always had the better of Us in proxy wars, i.e in veitnam, in north korea, russia fell in afghanistan cause isi was there but there is no palistan this time in the Us corner to save them in syria...
This is confirmed to be fake news right?

The Russians denied have said anything like this and was a statement from a pro-Assad publication in Syria or Lebanon
The burka-clad lethal flies
Mate don't ridicule Muslim's cultural clothing. You don't hear us talking about your women wearing butt-crack ropes on the beaches like a savage who hasn't discovered clothes yet?
Mate don't ridicule Muslim's cultural clothing. You don't hear us talking about your women wearing butt-crack ropes on the beaches like a savage who hasn't discovered clothes yet?

This wasn't ridiculing anyone's religion or culture. I literally meant what I wrote. The dude sounded like a macho-fly with having 1950's weapons threatening the US. So I asked what do they have to use against the US air-machines that he sounds so macho? May be burka-clad flies as they don't have any modern airforce. And the burka-clad meant stealthy flies in a humorous way.

There is no disrespect to any woman in the post. I went to school with a few Hijabi and some Jewish girls. I know they all have clean good hearts and they like to cover up as a sign of modesty. Following religion and being good-hearted isn't a bad thing and its everyone's right. My post has nothing to do with women. It was a sarcastic comment on stealthy flies that Iran might have to threaten the use of force against the US. Thanks
I've been confused. Why did only 29/60 hit their target?
They are talking about impact points. Two missiles might have struck the same target one after the other so we multiply 29 x 2.

Secondly, warhead type matters. They have warheads that destroy a vehicle but do not leave crator on the ground. So if the objective is to send a message with minimium damage, you use those type of warheads.
this is what I think the coalition is going to do in response to this:

flooding Yemen with ATGMs, anti-ship missiles and other surface to surface missiles.

supplying Hezbollah with precision missiles, and advanced anti-air capabilities.

"accidently" attacking Turkish ES troops in northern Syria (who are occupiers under international law)

Significantly beefing up Syrian air defences.

harassing American airplanes by constant missile locks.

shooting down any Turkish aircraft that enter 1 inch of Syrian territory.

Deploying more naval and anti-air assets in Syria.

bringing in more pro-government militia

increased involvement of Russian aircraft and Iranian ground units

And if another attacks come and Russian military personnel are killed. I could see American plane getting shot down EASILY and the possibilities are endless from there.
Israel has bombed every weapon that was transferred to Hezbollah
How are you going to lock on stealth aircraft that you cant even see?
Russian Air Defenses are useless against all kinds of targets as seen in Israeli, Coalition, and Turkish aircraft let alone those 59 Tomahawks

Any lock on on American aircraft will result in a massive SEAD operation against all SAMs in Syria (By the way this option is already considered by Israel's defense minister)

As I said Russian anti air missiles are useless.
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