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Russia, Iran joint center threatens US after Syria missile strike

I think it's important to note that since the missile strikes, the US has been flying F-22s over Syrian air space. That tells a lot about what the US thinks of these threats.

Would like to see some evidence of it. Is it available?
In this game of playing with proxy or settling scores by hitting each other proxies, I dont think Russia and America will directly confront each other.

Russia can hammer home the message to America if it start hitting militarily, the biggest American proxy in the region which is Israel.
US is not one to back down. .. this can escalate. Hopefully not.

Will be interesting to see who aligns with who. Especially India.
NYtimes and US media is source of FAKE NEWS. US president said so and we saw how US and its media lied to the world about Iraq WMD. Only independent investigation will show what had happened. US is resisting such independent inquiry.

So ASSad only barbaric thing he has done was this Sarin attack for you???
Not the first time, in 2013 he used it and IT WAS VERIFIED BY the UN

Ot those 400K+ death is not enought for you? or maybe you don't believe it either...
SAd we can't post some vid about those barrel bombs being dropped on civilians + they aftermath of young/baby/woman etc corpse around...

And for those jumping on the "But more will die"... well at this point 70% syrians are refugee , almost every syrian has someone dead in their family and EVERYDAY around 100-150 death... so let's it fall into a conflict, and let's it end... Syrians already choosed to die to get ASSad out of there... Ya ALLAH make their wish be true.
Not because I said so; concentrate on the technicalities instead.

Tomahawk cruise missile is a jamming-proof design. Its on-board GPS guidance has anti-jamming mechanism. However, for the sake of argument, let us say that Tomahawk's GPS guidance system somehow malfunctions or jammed during the course of its flight-path towards a target, 3 additional guidance systems are on-board and would kick-in one at a time and/or simultaneously. Additional guidance systems are like a series of fail-safes for the missile.


Therefore, it is virtually impossible to jam even a single tomahawk cruise missile. The only viable method to stop it is by intercepting it but easier said than done.


Farsnews is an Iranian propaganda outlet.

I've been confused. Why did only 29/60 hit their target?
So ASSad only barbaric thing he has done was this Sarin attack for you???
Not the first time, in 2013 he used it and IT WAS VERIFIED BY the UN

Turkey provided know how, provided materials, operated these terrorists for 2013 attack. Turkey in last 6-7 years committed lots of crime against its neighboring countries and their people.

Ot those 400K+ death is not enought for you? or maybe you don't believe it either...
Before "regime change" imposed by US and operated by Turkish backed terrorists, there was no such death. US, Turkey, Israel, Saudis and Qataris are absolutely and entirely responsible for death and destruction in Syria. Even Turkish opposition and media spoken out these facts.
Turkey provided know how, provided materials, operated these terrorists for 2013 attack. Turkey in last 6-7 years committed lots of crime against its neighboring countries and their people.

Before "regime change" imposed by US and operated by Turkish backed terrorists, there was no such death. US, Turkey, Israel, Saudis and Qataris are absolutely and entirely responsible for death and destruction in Syria. Even Turkish opposition and media spoken out these facts.

Yeah ... Go back into your sh*thole piece of mind... and let us in peace.

Best regards.

PS: Hitler+Staline were ANgels...

There are theories on the interwebs which claim Syrian war is all about carbon-fuel sales to Europe.

There are theories on the interwebs which claim Syrian war is all about carbon-fuel sales to Europe.

Lol this theory is still alive...

First The Qatar -Europe pipeline passing by Syria... wasn't the main goal.. since they could have gone by Iraq... it's was already discussed by Iraq+Kurdistan for a pipeline via their lands... But with current Qatar production, their Liquified Ship is already enough and cheap... so the pipeline fantasy was ok Yesterday but as for today it's not anymore... at least with current production rate...

As for Iran... what do you take an oil/gas pipeline for??? so you think a pipeline from Cyprus to WHere???? and in the Mediteranean sea.... We are speakign about a PIPELINE not an internet/telecom cable...

Anyway. Have FUn
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