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Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

Once again you have shown you limited understanding of things...

Everything is clear for the people who is able to read English text. Before trolling and changing the subject personnel again, Try to comprehend something. the historical pain make you so blind that every Greek I have met in net charced themselves a mission like Trolling when something discussed about Turkey, Turkish defence industry, Turkish technology and Turkish military...

I hope You got Which side creates problem... :)
Everything is clear for the people who is able to read English text. Before trolling and changing the subject personnel again, Try to comprehend something. the historical pain make you so blind that every Greek I have met in net charced themselves a mission like Trolling when something discussed about Turkey, Turkish defence industry, Turkish technology and Turkish military...

I hope You got Which side creates problem... :)

Once again an incoherent muble, no sentence makes anything more meaningful that a 5 year old would.

It is pretty obvious by what I took the time to type after you requested and by what is written in it, and by your ........let's call them mostly childish responses ........ which side you are on.... the side of I don't understand anything but I will boast and threaten and demand things because somebody someday told me so...........and it is painfully obvious to all non fanatics...

grow up little man....


---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------

Thank you.

Don't mention it..

Once again an incoherent muble, no sentence makes anything more meaningful that a 5 year old would.

It is pretty obvious by what I took the time to type after you requested and by what is written in it, and by your ........let's call them mostly childish responses ........ which side you are on.... the side of I don't understand anything but I will boast and threaten and demand things because somebody someday told me so...........and it is painfully obvious to all non fanatics...

grow up little man....


---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------

Don't mention it..


Mr. Troll,

Read What is written before barking and crying like a littile girl... You can not cover anything with your easy and childless "5 years old" attacks and your multiple Ownage in this thread... Even every statements of yours have been cut down by a source and historical evidence by members but you have already been accusing the members with your big and dirty mouth. Stop trolling because There are lots of such parasites who charced to perform same mission against Turks in net...
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Mr. Troll,

Read What is written before barking and crying like a littile girl... You can not cover anything with your easy and childless "5 years old" attacks and your multiple Ownage in this thread... Even every statements of yours have been cut down by a source and historical evidence by members but you have already been accusing the members with your big and dirty mouth. Stop trolling because There are lots of such parasites who charced to perform same mission against Turks in net...

Oh my God, you have lost it. Same mission against the turks? are you serious?

Look, ok, I'll pretend you are a grown man for a bit and respond to you accordingly.

The issues you keep mentioning (with one or two exceptions) are either non substanciated or taken completely out of context in order to support your non-sensible arguments. You do this because you love to present an one sided case. This is evident by the way you write. When I wrote, I was very very careful to mention both sides of the fence. You do not do this, because it is not convenient for what you want to present as a truth, that simply does not exist.

Right ... now I have treated you like an adult, let's see what you will come up with. I'am waiting.

Oh my God, you have lost it. Same mission against the turks? are you serious?

Look, ok, I'll pretend you are a grown man for a bit and respond to you accordingly.

The issues you keep mentioning (with one or two exceptions) are either non substanciated or taken completely out of context in order to support your non-sensible arguments. You do this because you love to present an one sided case. This is evident by the way you write. When I wrote, I was very very careful to mention both sides of the fence. You do not do this, because it is not convenient for what you want to present as a truth, that simply does not exist.

Right ... now I have treated you like an adult, let's see what you will come up with. I'am waiting.


As I stated in my previous post, I have NOT typed all those sentence to clerify/solve this problem or justify one side but You did. I have just proved that Turks do not create problems in accordance with cronological line of incidents and some international regulations. As I said again, There are two thesis that two country is defending and It is the international justices that will solve this problem in accordance with international regulations and law. Neither you, nor I are not professionel judges. We are here to tell the both thesis Two side are defending. Both thesis have some right sides but Forums are not the proper areas that those problems can be finalised. If it was such an easy desicion, Both country would not come into edge of wars many times cause of this problem.
As I said again, There are two thesis that two country is defending and It is the international justices that will solve this problem in accordance with international regulations and law. Neither you, nor I are not professionel judges. We are here to tell the both thesis Two side are defending. Both thesis have some right sides but Forums are not the proper areas that those problems can be finalised. If it was such an easy desicion, Both country would not come into edge of wars many times cause of this problem.

As a working assumption, I'll use what you just wrote as a basis.
What you just said would be valid as a position, IF Turkey was willing to address the international Hague Tribunal.
However had you read my post, or paid attention to your country's foreign policy you would know that Turkey refuses to address the international court, claiming that the issue must be solved between Greece and Turkey outside of the international court.

Do you have evidence that the official Turkish goverment wants to address the international Hague court ? please present them.

Do you have evidence that the official Turkish goverment wants to address the international Hague court ? please present them.


I do not know Which way they will apply but It is on schedule of AKP to solve Aegean problem quickly. You know AKP has a foreign policy based on "0 problem with Neighbours". Even If Many of attempts have been failed with other countries, they are trying to do something usefull... :)
People who are reeling the biggest debt crisis on europe should be concerned about feeding their people rather than picking wars.
As a working assumption, I'll use what you just wrote as a basis.
What you just said would be valid as a position, IF Turkey was willing to address the international Hague Tribunal.
However had you read my post, or paid attention to your country's foreign policy you would know that Turkey refuses to address the international court, claiming that the issue must be solved between Greece and Turkey outside of the international court.

Do you have evidence that the official Turkish goverment wants to address the international Hague court ? please present them.

International court?

Do you really believe it is about justice and working to solve problems?

An international court is an organisation which has has duty to build an "This is fair" illusion of powerful country's political failures. Just that. (and to work for their benefits)

If you don't know that it means you don't know anything about how international laws work. They have justice for only one who has power, they have only punishment for who is weaker.

You are not powerful for a result for your benefit. But we have powerful enemies who has the power of manipulation on these courts and will help you at this.

If you will answer this, please write an answer which includes thoughts fed with information. If you will answer as childish as you did to cabatli, please don't.
International court?

Do you really believe it is about justice and working to solve problems?

An international court is an organisation which has has duty to build an "This is fair" illusion of powerful country's political failures. Just that. (and to work for their benefits)

If you don't know that it means you don't know anything about how international laws work. They have justice for only one who has power, they have only punishment for who is weaker.

You are not powerful for a result for your benefit. But we have powerful enemies who has the power of manipulation on these courts and will help you at this.

If you will answer this, please write an answer which includes thoughts fed with information. If you will answer as childish as you did to cabatli, please don't.

I am childish ?? well this is new.. anyway here is your answer..

the ICJ is currently comprised of:
Sierra Leone
New Zealand

I don't see anyone on this list that is an "Enemy" -political or otherwise- of Turkey, so your argument about clandestine forces plotting against Turkey in the ICJ are erroneous and mostly hearsay unfounded.

Furthermore a list of recent cases the ICJ has dealt with lately can be found on their website. I list a few here for completeness...

* 2010 Proceedings jointly instituted by Burkina Faso and the Republic of Niger (Burkina Faso/Republic of Niger)
* Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan)

* 2010 Judgment No.2867 of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization upon a Complaint Filed against the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Request for Advisory Opinion)

* 2009 Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Belgium v. Switzerland)
* Certain questions concerning diplomatic relations (Honduras v. Brazil)
* Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal)


* 2008 Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy)
* Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v. Greece)
* Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Georgia v. Russian Federation)
* Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 31 March 2004 in the Case concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America) (Mexico v. United States of America)
* Aerial Herbicide Spraying (Ecuador v. Colombia)
* Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile)

* 2008 Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion)

* 2006 Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v. France)
* Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay)
* Status vis-à-vis the Host State of a Diplomatic Envoy to the United Nations (Commonwealth of Dominica v. Switzerland)


* 2005 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua)


* 2004 Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine)


* 2003 Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore)
* Certain Criminal Proceedings in France (Republic of the Congo v. France)
* Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America)

* 2003 Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

* 2002 Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 September 1992 in the Case concerning the Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras: Nicaragua intervening)(El Salvador v. Honduras)
* Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (New Application : 2002) (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda)
* Frontier Dispute (Benin/Niger)

Now.. do you see the ICJ being the dark instrument of some evil empire here ? I don't .. if you do please enlighten me..

Now.. do you see the ICJ being the dark instrument of some evil empire here ? I don't .. if you do please enlighten me..

ICJ doesn't have a judicial power, thus, it's understandable of Turkey for not choosing to participate or have a court hearing. What Turkey does is, or wants to show, that two sovereign states can achieve a place where interests cross each other. Talks between two countries getting better each day. I'm quite optimistic that there will be a agreement in the coming years.
ICJ doesn't have a judicial power, thus, it's understandable of Turkey for not choosing to participate or have a court hearing. What Turkey does is, or wants to show, that two sovereign states can achieve a place where interests cross each other. Talks between two countries getting better each day. I'm quite optimistic that there will be a agreement in the coming years.

I am also very optimistic that an agreement will finaly be made.

but you say :

ICJ doesn't have a judicial power, thus, it's understandable of Turkey for not choosing to participate or have a court hearing. What Turkey does is, or wants to show, that two sovereign states can achieve a place where interests cross each other.

And I find it odd that Mexico vs USA and Germany vs Italy are just two recent examples of 4 very sovereign countries, widely respected internationaly that addressed and appealed to the ICJ.
What makes Turkey not recognising the ICJ where USA, Germany and Italy for instance do ?

I am also very optimistic that an agreement will finaly be made.

but you say :

And I find it odd that Mexico vs USA and Germany vs Italy are just two recent examples of 4 very sovereign countries, widely respected internationaly that addressed and appealed to the ICJ.
What makes Turkey not recognising the ICJ where USA, Germany and Italy for instance do ?

But contexts are different.. Those countries don't have territorial problems with their neighbours thus their focus is not territorial integrity but civic matters. If such an agreement occurs between Greece and Turkey, there would be no such a case to be seen in the court.

btw Kosovo ruling of ICJ is not related to what I just wrote. Just wanted to point it out in case you wanted to bring it up :)
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