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Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

Actually Those famous pain of Greeks started with Malazgirt war 1071. All their statements introducing their ambitious over our lands that described with Greek words such as "Megalo Idea" depend on 1071, 1453 and 1861 wars.. All those wars created such a big depression over them that After centuries, They could not forget How Turks handled them in battlefield. That's why they call us like Barbar !!! :)

Actually Those famous pain of Greeks started with Malazgirt war 1071. All their statements introducing their ambitious over our lands that described with Greek words such as "Megalo Idea" depend on 1071, 1453 and 1861 wars.. All those wars created such a big depression over them that After centuries, They could not forget How Turks handled them in battlefield. That's why they call us like Barbar !!! :)


Are you serious ? How old are you ? 5?

Have you ever opened a serious history book ?

Now i understand why Turkey needs to have good relations with Israel.

Why do they want to have relations with Zionist Nazi devil ? Turkey have their own military tradition and can defend themselves.
- The cypriot events were orchestrated by the Americans with Turkish help. The turkish side was fully aware because it served its purpose.

Keep your conspiracy theory for yourself... I am talking about hundreds of civilian Turks including babies killed by Greeks before the battle and It is the same USA issue embargo over turkey cause of Cyprus war... Aselsan has been established with this embargo...

-The kardak stupidity ends, the Island is called Imia, and they are not yours.

If you claim that It is yours, Send some troops, or fishing boats to there and see What they will meet. :)



OK, Turkey did not signed anything related with Aegean problem. If you claim that It is protected by laws, Why do not you act as If Your territorial waters are 12 miles and search petrol within there. Please :)
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Are you serious ? How old are you ? 5?

Have you ever opened a serious history book ?


Please educate me !!! Tell something about wars Greeks have been defeated against Turks. Do you know How many of them ? :undecided:

BTW, Such statements looks you so desperate !!!:azn:
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No, you got me wrong, I meant, now, in modern times, we get along with these people. I was not talking about older times, I meant the last couple of hundred years or so are proof of how the religion is not an issue...

I agree that these countries have good relations with Greece. These countries also got independence from Turkey by invasion of European powers. Many Syrians have complained that Ottomans kept them backward and they have been historical powers and centers of learning. They feel sympathetic to Greece and that friendship has developed since there no conflict between Greece and Lebanon Syria, etc.
Please educate me !!! :) Tell something about wars Greeks have been defeated against Turks. Do you know How many of them ? :undecided:

BTW, Such statements looks you so desperate !!!:azn:

I have nothing to prove to you, because you mentaly challenged person, Greeks do not make any demands against Turkey.

Your empty threats and idiotic remarks about soldiers here and soldiers there and how strong you are or have been or will be are coming right from your arse.

You are not educated and it so evident that it is embarasing.

You are the product of hatred and bitter propaganda, cultured with the idea that the turks can get whatever they want because it is their God given right...

I am very serious when I say, you are pathetic in knowledge, behaviour, understanding, and even more, self awareness...

You completely ignore the concepts and complications of things such as international relationships, third party observers, UN mediations, historical evidence, eye witness accounts from people neither greek nor turkish....

I belittle myself simply by responding to you, but your idiotic propaganda will be no more.

Oh ... and for the record, NO GREEK HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED IN GENOCIDE.....

and let's leave it at that..........

I have nothing to prove to you, because you mentaly challenged person, Greeks do not make any demands against Turkey.

If you can not prove what you claimed, Please do not waste our times with all those idiotic statements. Conspiracy theories and Greek imaginations do not make any sense in forums.

Your empty threats and idiotic remarks about soldiers here and soldiers there and how strong you are or have been or will be are coming right from your arse.

You are in Turkish defence section of PDF and We, Turks are here to talk about latest achievements of Turkish defence industry. We are introducing what we achieved with official facts. If All those threads, achievements of Turks, defence spending amounts give you pain, Simply, Do not participate...

You are not educated and it so evident that it is embarasing.

You are accusing me to became uneducated but I offered you to educate me more :) You can not offer me anything and said that You do not have any obligation to prove anything but simple Conspiracy theories and Governmental Greek propagandas. Thanks. I never buy any of them...

You are the product of hatred and bitter propaganda, cultured with the idea that the turks can get whatever they want because it is their God given right...

I never claimed that It is a God given right to Turks and There is lots of wars We were defeated but When the subject became Greeks against Turks. It may be true. :) History proves it. Read some history book to comprehend something about Turks :partay:

I am very serious when I say, you are pathetic in knowledge, behaviour, understanding, and even more, self awareness...
You completely ignore the concepts and complications of things such as international relationships, third party observers, UN mediations, historical evidence, eye witness accounts from people neither greek nor turkish....

Awww ! Finally You chanced the subject the personnel issues. How many of my questions you have properly answered that you are accusing me with all those sentences ? You really suppose that You are enlightening us with your deep knowledges about international relationships, third party observers, UN mediations, historical evidence, While I am babbling ? :)

All your response I have met in PDF accuses Turks to create problems, perform barbarism and many others. You always point that Anatolia was a Greek land and Turks came here take take our lands..bla bla. When you got your response, You start babbling like human rights, education standarts, GDP, culture bla bla...

If you do not have evidences enough to support your idiotic claims and do not have knowledge enough to tell the historical facts, even do not know the importance of Malazgirt war in history, Do not cry like babies When you got your response in forums.

Oh ... and for the record, NO GREEK HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED IN GENOCIDE.....

Who said that Turks have involved in a genocide ? That must be your presentation style of your knowlede While accusing others to became uneducated in forums...

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Keep your conspiracy theory for yourself... I am talking about hundreds of civilian Turks including babies killed by Greeks before the battle and It is the same USA issue embargo over turkey cause of Cyprus war... Aselsan has been established with this embargo...

If you claim that It is yours, Send some troops, or fishing boats to there and see What they will meet. :)


OK, Turkey did not signed anything related with Aegean problem. If you claim that It is protected by laws, Why do not you act as If Your territorial waters are 12 miles and search petrol within there. Please :)

Too much MIT in here...

Look guys, Turkey is a country created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1922.
I believe that it is a country - morphoma, created by the western countries and i believe that is gonna be part again as i said in 3 counties (Kurdistan,Anatolia and Ionia).
Believe it or not i'm not care.

Turk in their language means "strong" (that say it all).

Further analysis shows that Turkey is afraid to engage in a conflict with Greece, because they will forced to move troops to the East, so Kurds will make PARTY :cheers: in the East !!!
Oh ... and for the record, NO GREEK HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED IN GENOCIDE.....

That is not true either !

Greek volunteers in the Srebrenica Genocide by HARUN KARCIC*
Greek volunteers in the Srebrenica Genocide
On July 11, 2010, Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) will mark the 15th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide.

The genocide occurred over a couple of days during the scorching July 1995 summer when Bosnian Serb forces along with special forces belonging to the Serbian Ministry of Interior and the Yugoslav People's Army (which de facto and de jure belonged to neighboring Serbia) brutally slaughtered an estimated 9,000 Bosniak men and young boys at the UN-declared “safe haven” of Srebrenica and forcefully expelled the remaining 30,000 Bosniak women, children and elderly people. The UN-established International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has so far convicted three Bosnian Serb military leaders for genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica.

A more recent unfolding of events in Greece, however, sheds light on the less talked about role of Greek volunteers who in the name of Orthodox Christianity (along with Russian volunteers) flocked to help their Serb brothers-in-faith in their efforts to eliminate some of the last remnants of autochthonous European Muslims.

Takis Michas, a contributor to The Wall Street Journal and author of “Unholy Alliance: Greece and Milosevic's Serbia,” a book that deals with Serbian-Greek relations and the role of Greek volunteers in the Bosnian war, is being sued by a Stavros Vitalis, a former Greek volunteer who along with other Greek volunteers in Bosnia and Herzegovina made up the Greek Voluntary Guard which was under the direct command of Serb Gen. Ratko Mladic, currently wanted for genocide by the ICTY. Vitalis, who is now a spokesman for the ultranationalist Panhellenic Macedonian Front, is suing Michas for referring to Greek volunteers in Bosnia and Herzegovina as “paramilitaries who took part in the slaughter of Srebrenica.”

While Vitalis does not deny taking part in Srebrenica, he rebukes Michas for referring to him and his comrades as “paramilitaries” while claiming that Greek volunteers were in fact members of the regular Army of the Serb Republic who simply took part in the “re-occupation” of Srebrenica, as he puts it. Furthermore, Vitalis claims that the recruitment of Greek volunteers such as himself for the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina occurred with the implicit knowledge and approval of leading Greek politicians such as Andreas Papandreou and, to a lesser extent, Constantine Mitsotakis.

As Vitalis put it: “The whole of Greece knows that the Greek volunteers had the broad support of Greek society as a whole as well as the support of politicians, mainly belonging to PASOK [the Panhellenic Socialist Movement], because of the warm friendship between Andreas Papandreou and Radovan Karadzic. They also enjoyed the support of New Democracy, through the friendly diplomatic initiatives of Constantine Mitsotakis.”

But this outright evidence of Greek participation and tacit approval of top Greek politicians did not seem to trigger any interest within the European Union or the “international community.” On the contrary, the entire attention in the post-war years has been and continues to be on the presence of Muslim mujahedeen fighters who came from Arab countries. And while Bosniak military leaders have been sentenced by the ICTY for petty individual crimes committed by undisciplined mujahedeen fighters, no single member of the Greek Voluntary Guard has been prosecuted by the ICTY or by Greek courts. Instead, four of them have been awarded medals of honor by former Bosnian Serb leader Karadzic, currently facing charges of genocide at the ICTY.

Bearing in mind the power of the Greek “deep state” and the strong support of the Greek church and state for Serbs and for all that they have done in the past, it seems unlikely that any action will be taken against the volunteers anytime soon. After all, what is to be expected from a state which supported the genocidal campaigns of Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic and whose people continue to consider these war criminals as heroes?

In the meantime, instead of Greek volunteers taking their seat on the court bench, brave journalists such as Michas will be tried instead.

*Harun Karcic is researching Islamic revival in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the “Roberto Ruffilli” Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna and is a member of the Sarajevo-based ISEEF group. The views expressed here do not reflect the views of the institutions the author is affiliated with.

04 July 2010, Sunday
Oh ... and for the record, NO GREEK HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED IN GENOCIDE.....

Another link !

31 January, 2010

PHOTO: Christian terrorists from Greece during the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide offered "Heil Hitler" salute.

VIDEO: Russian terrorists in Skelani in 1993. Skelani was a pre-war Bosnian Muslim village with 950 Bosniak residents and 160 Serbs. Russian volunteers participated in the massacres against the Bosniak population of Skelani.

Little has been told about Christian terrorists who came -- in the name of "Christianity" -- to fight in Bosnia by raping, torturing and slaughtering Bosnian Muslim civilians - and ultimately, committing the genocide in Srebrenica. Many of these Orthodox Christian terrorists participated in the massacres against the largely unarmed Bosniak Muslim population in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Not even one of them faced the justice.

On the other hand, there has been a lot of talk about 0.1% of volunteers, who came from Islamic countries to join Bosniak-defence forces and fight against the Serbian fascists in Bosnia. Out of 200,000 soldiers in the Army of Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, there was only few hundred or 0.1% of mujahadeens who fought alongside our forces in the central, northern, and possibly western parts of Bosnia around Bihac (but not in Srebrenica). A much larger percentage of the Christian terrorists fought alongside the Bosnian Serb Army led by genocidal commander Ratko Mladic.

Recently, a Greek volunteer and participant in the Srebrenica Genocide, Stavros Vitalis, sued a prominent Greek journalist, Michas Takis, for revealing the depth of a Greek involvement in the Genocide in Bosnia. Shouldn't be the other way around?

Greek terrorists are not the only ones who helped Ratko Mladic slaughter Bosnian Muslims. According to the Government-owned (and controlled) Russian papers "Pravda.ru", in 2003, the commissioner of the Hague Tribunal, Vanessa Le Roa,

"demanded the delivery of the Russian military men who had volunteered to wage war in Bosnia... Vanessa Le Roa affirmed up to 700 Russian military men were waging war in Yugoslavia ten years ago. Investigators of The Hague Tribunal have allegedly collected enough evidence to prove Russian military men's participation in punitive operations against Muslims and Croatians."

However, to this day, nothing has been done to bring these terrorists to justice. It is important to note that the Christian terrorism in Bosnia dates back to the act of assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Bosnian Serb terrorist Gavrilo Princip on 28 June 1914. This terror act ignited the World War I and indicrectly caused the suffering of millions of people. Yet, we don't see much talk about the Christian terror in the Balkans. Can anyone explain WHY?


posted by Srebrenica Genocide at 2:49 PM
That is not true. Most Greeks I have met claim Turkish territory especially Istanbul and Izmir.

I find that very difficult to believe .. very difficult to believe..

perhaps you misunderstood what they were saying...

sometimes Greeks, especially refugees from those areas, have the tendency to say

"Constantinople is ours" or "Smyrni is ours" but in greek this simply means "we made them" or "we built them"

You will have to search very very hard amongst all Greeks to find a handful that would "claim" what you think...

this is simply not true
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