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Whatever u said about Bangladeshi people is RUBBISH. We all humans are made up of Dust particle, No one is better than anyone, U forgot our islamic teaching of (TAQWA) ....You should repent on your sayings....
By the way ...i think 1971 event have taught us many lessons
1. Bangalis hve different mentality / patience level then us, we took them like Sindi/Balouchi/punjabi/pathans...
2. Bangla is far far away from us, no land/sea route, ....
3. Pakistan & india is divided by Bunch of Jock-sters, One scrap piece of land in East & one in scrap in West (incomeplete without kashmir) , they divided subcontinent land like an Idiot TAILOR
4. Banglis as one Nation hve strong History as compared to us, they gave tough time to all rulers, including Mughals.
5. there r many many points, but one things that distrubs me most....Why india took part in our Brotherly Conflict, when it's Obvious, bangla will not stay any longer with us...Why india played hostile role towards us??

Moreoer pakistan is infact not Ordinary land like turks for turkey, iran for iranins, Pakistan is above them all Concepts, pak is a vision dreamed by Allama Iqbal...................Huge Topic ...bybybybybyby

India got involved after 9 months of preparation and 15-1 advantage to take on 33,000 soldiers without supplies left in far away land. Just to boast their midget egos nothing more, even then amazing thing is they needed 9 months and 15-1 advantage just to make sure. Bengal colony was already lost case.
Listen to your general. 15-1 advantage hindu baniya and Pakistanis still fought with dignity and courage. But since colony of Bengal was lost case, there was no other option left. If it was mere 4000 then Pakistanis would have beaten them to death in matter of hours. You guys live in land of fantasy where midget hindu isnt a coward.

Do you think Indja could have hold on plains of Pakistan? 4000 is less then 0,001% Pakistan total area. Hindu mandir educated think his army consist of super monkeys like hanuman.

Well sikh chamar with iq level below even monkey will say that. See my avatar and learn how your kind of portrayed in Hindu Epics.
Pakistan lost that's it. we would have done this or that makes no sense.
indian govt does not discriminate like Pakistans false Islamic govt does.
somehow I feel that supermonkeys are in no way different than our own angels talking the word of god and such myths

India got involved after 9 months of preparation and 15-1 advantage to take on 33,000 soldiers without supplies left in far away land. Just to boast their midget egos nothing more, even then amazing thing is they needed 9 months and 15-1 advantage just to make sure. Bengal colony was already lost case.
ok.. so far pak has not won any war. their hijra army cant even win over ttp gorillas
Listen to your general. 15-1 advantage hindu baniya and Pakistanis still fought with dignity and courage. But since colony of Bengal was lost case, there was no other option left. If it was mere 4000 then Pakistanis would have beaten them to death in matter of hours. You guys live in land of fantasy where midget hindu isnt a coward.

It is a mark of real courage and strength to speak well of your opponents. Even after crushing them utterly.

Something that can't be expected of people with such a pathetic lowly discourse as you.

Bengalis are a proud race and that is why they kicked out the lowly scum with our help.

The same can't be said of wannabes like you.
We muslims defeated by Hindus / Christians army many times in history?? We muslims got Crushed / got humiliated / blown-up ..?

In any case, Pakistani converts had nothing to do with what Arab and Turk nomads did. You trying to claim their history gets you only contempt from them.

The Arab will call you "Musalli" not even a full Musalmaan.

Anyway, frankly we don't give a damn about any of this. We just want to have nothing to do with you.
@Anoushivran What this thread has to do with bullshit you wrote??
Dravidian blooded aren't they?, so not much human to begin with.

--Subhuman Dravidians fetched 3 Nobels ( CV Raman, Chandrashekhar, Ramakrishnan)
--Subhuman Bengalies fetched 3 Nobels ( Tagore, Sen, Yunus) [Also add not Nobel laureates like S.N. Bose for Boson(god particle) + JC Bose for radiowave and Life Sc who changed the course of science)
--Subhuman Ahmedias fetched 1 Nobel (Abdus Salam)

May I know how many Nobels fetched by SUPER HUMAN Pakistani (Sunnis)?
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@qadiyani_muslim @Vinod2070 Enjoy......
What is Defeat?? ......what do you think about defeat?
I Openly Confessed here...We muslims defeated by Hindus / Christians army many times in history?? We muslims got Crushed / got humiliated / blown-up ..?
We've graves in France, when muslim army after conquring Spain(713) invaded City of France, defeated by Great Charles Martel(731 i think) , is that defeat makes me feel ASHAMED?? or I should sit at home licking my INJURIES??
Seljuk Muslim army lost Jerusalem in 1087 to Chritians ?? defeatd by hindu Raja 971 upto 1971 , defeated in Hungary Invasion when muslim army under the command of Solomon the great stopped at the gate of VIENNA(1683) & on the celebraton of that defeat they invented BREAD CAKE (on the symbol of Moon shape hilal) & french celebrates each year how they stop invasion of muslim advancement in Europe till that day......Wow i really enjoying the global sensation of muslim hegemoney, power, Certainity of will .........wheich unfortunately u people Lack
I think losing the battle field kicks you / jolts you to start your efforts in a New way.........
WHEN NATIONS HAVE BIG & GREATER OBJECTIVES that power enable themselves TO SURVIVE IN ALL POSSIBLE CALAMITIES then nobody can stops you.......My Personal opinion about 1971 defeat was that, Each man of our army must choose to die & should choose not to surrender in ALIEN land of Bangla, instead of branding stain of defeat, when they did so, on return from captivity, all thouse Army Javans should be Killed Immediately infront of firing squad (it never happens)..ok no problem

(ONE WEIRED NEWS)...I come to know that. not verified news,later i will confirm it.........Pak army in their Uniform branded little "Black-Badge" to all Soldiers uniform which reminds each every soldier humiliating defeat of 1971....(humiliating hahahaaha 15 ratio 1 battle)........, that is the main reason Our Army resist Pak-Government to have good relations with india.

:bounce:I think ... all indians are Enjoying my posts, after all i highlighted & accepted our HUmiliating Defeats .....:victory:

Eh, all I can read is poorly crafted sentences and a muddled mind that cannot present a train of thought cogently.
Just because you are muslim and Pakistani, you cannot claim inheritance of the muslims like mamluks and seljuks.
We were hindus who converted either for greed of land or fear for life.
All that your Army needs to do now is to stop support for terror and bomming innocent Indians and Pakistanis.
I don't take any credit or liability for any muslim army somewhere in central asia.
Listen to your general. 15-1 advantage hindu baniya and Pakistanis still fought with dignity and courage. But since colony of Bengal was lost case, there was no other option left. If it was mere 4000 then Pakistanis would have beaten them to death in matter of hours. You guys live in land of fantasy where midget hindu isnt a coward.

Do you think Indja could have hold on plains of Pakistan? 4000 is less then 0,001% Pakistan total area. Hindu mandir educated think his army consist of super monkeys like hanuman.

Well sikh chamar with iq level below even monkey will say that. See my avatar and learn how your kind of portrayed in Hindu Epics.

Seems like the combined ill effects of madrassa education and inbreeding has already taken its toll on your intellect and comprehension abilities.

The reality is we kicked your arse everytime you tried to act smart and we will continue to do so till oblivion.Everytime you will annoy us,we will we shall smash you to the ground....it's just in our blood and we can't help it spanking you.
So yeah,in reality we owned your arse everytime and you are just butthurt and you can't do nothing about it.

Regarding '71,where did you pulled your numbers out....from your arse??15:1 superiority!!Reall?!I mean....Reall??
According to your own army officers like Maj Aminh and late Gen Niajy,the East Pakistan detachment had 3 infantry divisions plus an independent infantry brigade in its disposal at the beginning of hostility....which makes it close to ~50-55k combat troops and not 33k as you claimed.Note that it's your official figures,not mine.
Now if we take your word as true,then IA would have needed 750k troops just for Eastern front itself!!It's just your brain fart to put it gently and nothing else.
In reality,IA Eastern command under General Aurora had deployed nine mountain infantry divisions along with a single armored brigade which means there were no more than ~160k-180k at max soldiers.So there is in no way Indian Army could have outnumbered your east pak detachment by 15 to 1 ratio.Ask the senior Pakistani members here in PDF if you want to_Or perhaps it's high time when you ought to shed your madrassa "education" you gained from those propaganda pieces with distorted history lessons written by illiterate mullahs and start reading some real books.

Why do you keep bringing in our religion and ethnicity in each and every post of yours you imbecile moron??What does religion has to do with the matter at hand??But if you are hell bent on your bs,then so be it??Let me ask you a direct question simply and bluntly -
"What good your religion has ever contributed to the humanity that you keep ridiculing our cult when our contribution to the humanity is world renowned??"
Oh and :Nuri Natt,

Both Indian Army and Pak Army was pretty much evenly matched on the western front in both men and armor with neither side having any decisive advantage over the other....so what happened there??How did your uber soldiers of superior race manage to get there arses handed over to the "lowly,weak,coward,ill fed,malnourished midget" hindu army??Why did they lose 5500 square mile territory in the west even with massive material help from your multiple daddies like US fucking A, China,Jordan,KSA et al??
And 5500 square mile is just .001% of total pak territory??That's news to me!!Would you mind revealing what kind of mathematical formula you used to get arrive on that number??Do you know the total area of Pakistan - it's ~307374 square mile.So 5500 square mile makes it close to 2% (~1.8 ) of your entire territory you retard.Heck
And believe it or not,the performance of Pak Army against Indian Army hasn't been all that great to say the truth.They lost in most theatres in all the wars they fought.For example,they lost the high altitude mountain posts of Kargil,Drass,Batalik etc in 1971 war despite of having been well entrenched,you lost the Haji Pir pass - again a high altitude mountain area.
In the Basantar area,Pakistan Army suffered a humiliating defeat in the hands of their Indian opponent despite of mastering significant qualitative and quantitative advantage in the form of 1 Corps which had 3 infantry divisions,1 armored division+1 armored brigade and a artillery brigade.Besides,they also had 4 more infantry divisions and unknown number of artillery and suppirt units in Sialkot army garrison as reserves according to official sources.
On the opposing side,Indian Army 1 Corps had 3 infantry divisions,1 armored brigade and a single artillery brigade.

So overall at the Basantar sector,Indian Army 1 Corps from Pathankot garrison had been effectively outnumbered 3 to 1 by the Pakistanis.Yet,despite of being outnumbered IA 1 Corps launched a daring and bold offensive and took your forces by complete surprise and throwing them off balance.
Pakistan Army lost close to ~90 tanks destroyed despite of mastering a hopping 4:1 numerical superiority.The Indian loses stood at no more than 10-15 tanks at that sector.In addition,Pakistan lost close to 2000 square kilometres of fertile land which included ~600 villages and towns.Pakistani authorities still consider this traumatising mauling they received as their most humbling and humiliating defeat on the west!!
The Indian 1 Corps was so emboldened by this feat they even planned to storm your Sialkot army garrison.Had they not depleted their ammunition reserves in the 9 days of bitter fighting and the cease fire wasn't declared,Pakistan would have suffered yet another humiliating defeat of an unprecedented level and magnitude.
It was yet another bad luck for us as we again lost a God gifted opportunity just like what happened in '65 when a cease fire saved your arses from certain and assured destruction.Too bad....may be next time......
Can someone tell me.....

In such projects... (like Iran Pak India pipeline or Russia China India pipeline), can the transit country (through which the pipeline passes) stop the flow to the recieving country (India) in certain circumstances?
India got involved after 9 months of preparation and 15-1 advantage to take on 33,000 soldiers without supplies left in far away land. Just to boast their midget egos nothing more, even then amazing thing is they needed 9 months and 15-1 advantage just to make sure. Bengal colony was already lost case.

15-1 advantage over 33000 only (really?) soldiers means almost 500000, half the Indian army towards Bangladesh. Other half had to face almost entirety of Pakistani army (minus the 33000) in the west and be wary of China. Still the bravest of the brave, 10 times the Hindu counterpart could not make any progress towards the east and take over even a single city, even when they started the war. Bravo!
Nations contact with other nation differs ppl to ppl contact, Im not expert but i think ....Nobody invests huge sum without Safety for its Investment...So while agreeing on terms & condition that Safety terms r elaborated in "IF-Else" situation in detail i.e. natural disasters or attacks r exceptions
15-1 advantage over 33000 only (really?) soldiers means almost 500000, half the Indian army towards Bangladesh. Other half had to face almost entirety of Pakistani army (minus the 33000) in the west and be wary of China. Still the bravest of the brave, 10 times the Hindu counterpart could not make any progress towards the east and take over even a single city, even when they started the war. Bravo!

hell it was more than that

India is 4 +times the size of Pakistan in land mass and 7 times the size in population

Pakistan has had to take on a nation far far bigger than it and even then its almost hilariously pathetic to see india justify why it was so poor on the battlefield

There are 7 Indians to every Pakistani you hold huge numerical advantage, yet you lost a large portion of kashmir, & the only alleged victory is where Pakistani forces were limited in number with no supply lines, running out of ammunition and with a hostile local population over 1000 miles from our home land

thats beyond pathetic

its also in line with hindu acts in the past allowing a handfull of islamic armies to defeat
and take over india and inflict enormous humiliation upon the Hinduism population

lage raho:cheesy:
Afghanistan in terms of population and size is roughly the same as the difference between Pakistan and India

if Pakistan and Afghanistan got into a war I would expect Pakistan with all our advantages in land and population to decimate Afghanistan, if I was left trying to legitimise how a 200 million Pakistan only had this and the afghans hsd that and we held this much km and they had that much km it would be beyond pathetic:woot:

This is what hindus do they went through 1000 years of domonation and abuse followed by a few years of independence before being subjugated again by the britsh and follow on trying to justify how they have yet to defeat a nation 7 times smaller then it :cheesy:

story time

7 hindus walking home after a fight
1 hindu had black eye
2nd hindu has broken teeth
3rd hindu walks with a limp
4th hindu nose is broken
5th hindu has a gash across forhead
6th hindu has had his ear bitten off
7th hindu having breathing problems

1st hindu says, hey guys that was a great fight we took on that pakistani and gave him two blavk eyes:cheesy:
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