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O yar let Indians enjoy the single Victory on us, Moreover Bangladesh is not conqured by Pak, so that we are under Oath to protect each bangalis, Pakistan is vision its a country not for pakistani, as india 4 indians, turks for turkey, We are above of all those Concepts, You are follower of Dr.Allama Iqbal
The lion who had emerged from the desert and had toppled the Roman Empire, is, as I am told by the angels, about to get up again (from his sleep)
Whatever the eye is seeing cannot be described by the lips, I am lost in amazement as to what the world will become!, The night will eventually disappear by sun’s appearance! This garden will be filled with Light of Tauhid (Oneness of God)

Tomorrow is still hidden in intention, but its dawn is flashing before my eyes
Plans will be reversed, destiny will be changed; this is a fact with truth, not fiction of my thought.
In any case, Pakistani converts had nothing to do with what Arab and Turk nomads did. You trying to claim their history gets you only contempt from them.

The Arab will call you "Musalli" not even a full Musalmaan.

Anyway, frankly we don't give a damn about any of this. We just want to have nothing to do with you.

Retarded we call Mussali to low caste south indian looking dalit converts. Its a caste, its all your fantasy that arabs hate muslims. Bhangis like you do give a damn, thats why PDF is infested by your kind.

Afghanistan in terms of population and size is roughly the same as the difference between Pakistan and India

if Pakistan and Afghanistan got into a war I would expect Pakistan with all our advantages in land and population to decimate Afghanistan, if I was left trying to legitimise how a 200 million Pakistan only had this and the afghans hsd that and we held this much km and they had that much km it would be beyond pathetic:woot:

This is what hindus do they went through 1000 years of domonation and abuse followed by a few years of independence before being subjugated again by the britsh and follow on trying to justify how they have yet to defeat a nation 7 times smaller then it :cheesy:

story time

7 hindus walking home after a fight
1 hindu had black eye
2nd hindu has broken teeth
3rd hindu walks with a limp
4th hindu nose is broken
5th hindu has a gash across forhead
6th hindu has had his ear bitten off
7th hindu having breathing problems

1st hindu says, hey guys that was a great fight we took on that pakistani and gave him two blavk eyes:cheesy:

hahahahah rightly said

Seems like the combined ill effects of madrassa education and inbreeding has already taken its toll on your intellect and comprehension abilities.

The reality is we kicked your arse everytime you tried to act smart and we will continue to do so till oblivion.Everytime you will annoy us,we will we shall smash you to the ground....it's just in our blood and we can't help it spanking you.
So yeah,in reality we owned your arse everytime and you are just butthurt and you can't do nothing about it.

Regarding '71,where did you pulled your numbers out....from your arse??15:1 superiority!!Reall?!I mean....Reall??
According to your own army officers like Maj Aminh and late Gen Niajy,the East Pakistan detachment had 3 infantry divisions plus an independent infantry brigade in its disposal at the beginning of hostility....which makes it close to ~50-55k combat troops and not 33k as you claimed.Note that it's your official figures,not mine.
Now if we take your word as true,then IA would have needed 750k troops just for Eastern front itself!!It's just your brain fart to put it gently and nothing else.
In reality,IA Eastern command under General Aurora had deployed nine mountain infantry divisions along with a single armored brigade which means there were no more than ~160k-180k at max soldiers.So there is in no way Indian Army could have outnumbered your east pak detachment by 15 to 1 ratio.Ask the senior Pakistani members here in PDF if you want to_Or perhaps it's high time when you ought to shed your madrassa "education" you gained from those propaganda pieces with distorted history lessons written by illiterate mullahs and start reading some real books.

Why do you keep bringing in our religion and ethnicity in each and every post of yours you imbecile moron??What does religion has to do with the matter at hand??But if you are hell bent on your bs,then so be it??Let me ask you a direct question simply and bluntly -
"What good your religion has ever contributed to the humanity that you keep ridiculing our cult when our contribution to the humanity is world renowned??"

Listen bharoti, the thing that you boast about defending your land against 7 times smaller enemy already tell you all one need to know about hindus. And in case of Bengal war it was 15-1 advantage hindu baniya.
Retarded we call Mussali to low caste south indian looking dalit converts. Its a caste, its all your fantasy that arabs hate muslims. Bhangis like you do give a damn, thats why PDF is infested by your kind.

hahahahah rightly said

Listen bharoti, the thing that you boast about defending your land against 7 times smaller enemy already tell you all one need to know about hindus. And in case of Bengal war it was 15-1 advantage hindu baniya.

7 time smaller by LAND MASS......not by the size of the Army.How could we outnumber you to 15 to 1 when at that tome Indian Army was about ~2.3 times bigger than Pakistani Army at the first place you dumb??I gave you official figures yet you remain adamant.Tell me boyo - did your mother dropped you on your head when you were a child??Or the Pakistani mothers feed you something that diminishes your comprehension abilities??No offence,I'm just curious.
hell it was more than that

India is 4 +times the size of Pakistan in land mass and 7 times the size in population

Pakistan has had to take on a nation far far bigger than it and even then its almost hilariously pathetic to see india justify why it was so poor on the battlefield

There are 7 Indians to every Pakistani you hold huge numerical advantage, yet you lost a large portion of kashmir, & the only alleged victory is where Pakistani forces were limited in number with no supply lines, running out of ammunition and with a hostile local population over 1000 miles from our home land

thats beyond pathetic

its also in line with hindu acts in the past allowing a handfull of islamic armies to defeat
and take over india and inflict enormous humiliation upon the Hinduism population

lage raho:cheesy:

4 time the size and 7 times the population? What Pakistan fought and loosed to was just army, not the entirety of population which didn't participated in the war. The numerical advantage doesn't translate to fighting force. It is just an excuse which Pakistani like you give themselves to inflate their own ego.
7 time smaller by LAND MASS......not by the size of the Army.How could we outnumber you to 15 to 1 when at that tome Indian Army was about ~2.3 times bigger than Pakistani Army at the first place you dumb??I gave you official figures yet you remain adamant.Tell me boyo - did your mother dropped you on your head when you were a child??Or the Pakistani mothers feed you something that diminishes your comprehension abilities??No offence,I'm just curious.

7 times in terms of population and resources! India is only bigger 3.5 times in terms of land area. On per capita basis both countries are pretty much same in terms of resources, India just happen to have 7 times more to spend on armed forces etc

Pretty simply things which hindus can't comprehend, :mamba: effect of eating to much cow dung i guess
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7 time smaller by LAND MASS......not by the size of the Army.How could we outnumber you to 15 to 1 when at that tome Indian Army was about ~2.3 times bigger than Pakistani Army at the first place you dumb??I gave you official figures yet you remain adamant.Tell me boyo - did your mother dropped you on your head when you were a child??Or the Pakistani mothers feed you something that diminishes your comprehension abilities??No offence,I'm just curious.


Pakistan is 7 times smaller in population size
About 4 times smaller in landmass
7-10 times smaller defence budget
with nothing compared to indias strategic land depth

what more do you want??????

we shouldn't be standing, how can india **** up so badly that even with so many advantages
7 times in terms of population and resources! India is only bigger 3.5 times in terms of land area. On per capita basis both countries are pretty much same in terms of resources, India just happen to have 7 times more to spend on armed forces etc

Pretty simply things which hindus can't comprehend, :mamba: effect of eating to much cow dung i guess

1971 defence budget of Pakistan ~0.7$ bill
Of India - ~$1.7 bill. Not the 7 times.

India had to maintain larger army, larger navy, and larger air force. The navy was decisively superior, the airforce and army being a bit bigger. Some had to be posted towards north. The numerical/economic superiority wasn't as great as you would like us to believe. Can't explain the fact that despite being equal/qualitatively superior Pakistan could not have a decisive victory in the western front, and pretty much loose most of the fronts.


Pakistan is 7 times smaller in population size
About 4 times smaller in landmass
7-10 times smaller defence budget
with nothing compared to indias strategic land depth

what more do you want??????

we shouldn't be standing, how can india **** up so badly that even with so many advantages

Because it was never an Indian design to destroy Pakistan. Had not Pakistani military suppressed or caused genocide in Bengal, there was no reason for India to intervene.
Why just 71, all the wars, be it attacking the princely state of Kashmir, op Gibraltar, East Pakistan or Kargil. There is no reason for India to create a mess in its own neighbourhood.
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Bull shit

Your saying the same gutless hindus who foamed at the mouth killing women and children In gujraat didn't want to invade Pakistan, you even tried to occupy Lahore but were destroyed in 65
Bull shit

Your saying the same gutless hindus who foamed at the mouth killing women and children In gujraat didn't want to invade Pakistan, you even tried to occupy Lahore but were destroyed in 65

U stupid man,go and try to liberate palestein first against just 7 million israelis and then come and shit year.

U guys have delusions of grandeur
U stupid man,go and try to liberate palestein first against just 7 million israelis and then come and shit year.

U guys have delusions of grandeur

I told you its a work in motion

Muslims don't forget, in the middle ages when the crusaders took Jerusalem and the holy land muslims didn't give up it took 100 years before muslims got together the right armies to slaughter the crusaders and retake Jerusalem

israel is only 60 years old and are already getting outnumbered in gaza/israel/WB its a matter of time son
I told you its a work in motion

Muslims don't forget, in the middle ages when the crusaders took Jerusalem and the holy land muslims didn't give up it took 100 years before muslims got together the right armies to slaughter the crusaders and retake Jerusalem

israel is only 60 years old and are already getting outnumbered in gaza/israel/WB its a matter of time son

U have 1/1000 of the technology they have caveman.
All u can do is to produce more and more children in the hope of increasing ur population to take on the enemy,in this case just 7 million jews.

U shameful man,do u even see the news how many palestenians are killed everyday by jews and still the blood flowing in ur veins is as cold as ice.

If u are a man of honour then go and fight jews instead of shitting here with ur legs open

Pakistan is 7 times smaller in population size
About 4 times smaller in landmass
7-10 times smaller defence budget
with nothing compared to indias strategic land depth

what more do you want??????

we shouldn't be standing, how can india **** up so badly that even with so many advantages

Man you should take a history lesson on sub continent.In 65 and 71,your economy was in better shape than ours and there is no question of India having a 7 times larger defence budget during those days.
Beside,you had received a lot of then state of the art weapons from USA under CENTO and CEATO.For example,your Pakistan Army mastered both qualitative and quantitative advantage over Indian Army in terms of Tanks and artillery.
Like Pakistan Army during '65 had 2 armored divisions compared to Indian Army's just one.There were over 900 tanks in PA with over 600 then very modern M 47 and M 48 tanks.
On the other hand,we indians had just 700 tanks with most of them being outdated M 4 Shermans with just 180 or so Centurion Mk IX.

Pak Army also had vastly superior artillery guns with large numbers of 203mm heavy and 155mm medium artillery pieces in their disposal.What did Indian Army had - just a few hundred obsolete 105mm and 122mm guns!!
Your PAF was equipped with Canadair Sabres where as IAF was still flying the Mysteres and De Haviland Vampires!!

And here you are lecturing me how weak you were when infact you guys were stronger by a long-shot....a long long-shot.Judging by the level of disparity of both armies at that time it should have been resulted into a massacre of Indian soldiers but the superior officer corps of the Indian Army had saved the day.

And where did we **** up,eh??Contrary to widely dispersed propaganda of your government and armed forces,Indians never had enjoyed the superiority which you guys like to harping around so much.Your very own army senior officials have acknowledged the fact time to time yet you can't see the light of the reality.....or probably you guys don't want to see because then it will shatter the false sense of moral superiority of your own creation.....or may be both.

Really,what is that you told we fucked up??We hold on to Kashmir against your surprise and unprovoked offensive with vastly superior numbers and quality.When we were the weakest,just trying to get ourselves on our feet after the '62 disaster,the prestige and moral of our army shattered and a weak economy.Yet we decimated your armored thrust in Jammu,we reached close to Lahore,captured massive chunk of your territory including the Haji pir pass against loosing just ~350 square kilometres.
We incurred more than twice armor losses on your army than our loss even with vastly inferior and obsolete tanks just because of superior planning and bold executions by the field officers.

Lets not talk about '71 here....everybody and his grand parents know that our forces quite decimated yours on the both fronts at our will.
You lost both Siachen and Saltoro.
You lost Kargil.
And I'm quite sure you will lose again in future conflict with India.....it's pretty much assured.Why I say this - you see my friend,we Indians have turned defeating your country into our habit and you know old habits die hard.It's....what they say....yeah,INEVITABLE.

Jai Hind
its a work in motion

you don't want to run in unprepared, I am neither palestinian nor arab that I should be in the middle east but they have my support

the muslim population of israel is almost beyond 20 percent and will push towards 25/30 percent soon enough (arab population is already heading towards 25 percent)

give it time
Bull shit

Your saying the same gutless hindus who foamed at the mouth killing women and children In gujraat didn't want to invade Pakistan, you even tried to occupy Lahore but were destroyed in 65

No one was destroyed you fucktard.Indian Army,despite of suffering clearly from significant qualitative disadvantage,was able to capture the east bank of BRB canal and also captured the strategic town of Fillora where Pakistan Army lost close to 60+ tanks against an Indian loss of just 4-6 outdated Sherman tanks.And Phillora was situated on the outskirts of Lahore.
We simply paused there and waiting for reinforcements to arrive before storming the city.But due to our bad luck,it was declared cease fire.
So mr fucktard,my advice....first read up a beat,educate yourself a little bit more and then come here to debate because otherwise,your bs makes you look like a .......well,a fucktard.

Bull shit

Your saying the same gutless hindus who foamed at the mouth killing women and children In gujraat didn't want to invade Pakistan, you even tried to occupy Lahore but were destroyed in 65

No one was destroyed you fucktard.Indian Army,despite of suffering clearly from significant qualitative disadvantage,was able to capture the east bank of BRB canal and also captured the strategic town of Fillora where Pakistan Army lost close to 60+ tanks against an Indian loss of just 4-6 outdated Sherman tanks according to military historian Steven J. Zaloga.And Phillora was situated on the outskirts of Lahore.
We simply paused there and waiting for reinforcements to arrive before storming the city.But due to our bad luck,it was declared cease fire.
So mr fucktard,my advice....first read up a beat,educate yourself a little bit more and then come here to debate because otherwise,your bs makes you look like a .......well,a fucktard.
Man you should take a history lesson on sub continent.In 65 and 71,your economy was in better shape than ours and there is no question of India having a 7 times larger defence budget during those days.
Beside,you had received a lot of then state of the art weapons from USA under CENTO and CEATO.For example,your Pakistan Army masteredinevitablelitative and quantitative advantage over Indian Army in terms of Tanks and artillery.
Like Pakistan Army during '65 had 2 armored divisions compared to Indian Army's just one.There were over 900 tanks in PA with over 600 then very modern M 47 and M 48 tanks.
On the other hand,we indians had just 700 tanks with most of them being outdated M 4 Shermans with just 180 or so Centurion Mk IX.

Pak Army also had vastly superior artillery guns with large numbers of 203mm heavy and 155mm medium artillery pieces in their disposal.What did Indian Army had - just a few hundred obsolete 105mm and 122mm guns!!
Your PAF was equipped with Canadair Sabres where as IAF was still flying the Mysteres and De Haviland Vampires!!

And here you are lecturing me how weak you were when infact you guys were stronger by a long-shot....a long long-shot.Judging by the level of disparity of both armies at that time it should have been resulted into a massacre of Indian soldiers but the superior officer corps of the Indian Army had saved the day.

And where did we **** up,eh??Contrary to widely dispersed propaganda of your government and armed forces,Indians never had enjoyed the superiority which you guys like to harping around so much.Your very own army senior officials have acknowledged the fact time to time yet you can't see the light of the reality.....or probably you guys don't want to see because then it will shatter the false sense of moral superiority of your own creation.....or may be both.

Really,what is that you told we fucked up??We hold on to Kashmir against your surprise and unprovoked offensive with vastly superior numbers and quality.When we were the weakest,just trying to get ourselves on our feet after the '62 disaster,the prestige and moral of our army shattered and a weak economy.Yet we decimated your armored thrust in Jammu,we reached close to Lahore,captured massive chunk of your territory including the Haji pir pass against loosing just ~350 square kilometres.
We incurred more than twice armor losses on your army than our loss even with vastly inferior and obsolete tanks just because of superior planning and bold executions by the field officers.

Lets not talk about '71 here....everybody and his grand parents know that our forces quite decimated yours on the both fronts at our will.
You lost both Siachen and Saltoro.
You lost Kargil.
And I'm quite sure you will lose again in future conflict with India.....it's pretty much assured.Why I say this - you see my friend,we Indians have turned defeating your country into our habit and you know old habits die hard.It's....what they say....yeah,INEVITABLE.

Jai Hind
:rofl: you want me to respond to all that shit on a smart phone it would take me 3 hours to respond

Pakistan after partition had nothing, nothing

yet had an enemy many times it size to deal with in 47 with no effective military pakistan took a big chunk of kashmir which we retain to this day

in 65 we thrust in Jammu and in a panic india had to try and divert our attention to stop the inevitable, you didnt stop outside Lahore you were devastated and destroyed

in 71 you needed Pakistan to act over 1000 miles from home with limited forces, no supply lines and no reinforcements

The very fact we are standing instigating mumbai, beheading your soldiers with 200 nuclear war heads hanging above your heads like 200 swords is what you should be ashamed about

a nation 7 times smaller then you:agree:
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