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Russia in denial of china's anti-air missiles capability


Jul 22, 2014
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中国导弹明明命中 被俄方判定脱靶
(博讯北京时间2015年8月15日 转载)








来源:解放军报 _(网文转载) (博讯 boxun.com)

Russia thinks china's anti-air missiles missed targets during international competition in Russia.
so much for russia-china strategic frienship..lol
Most of the members here do not read Russian or Chinese. Can you please provide a translation?
Most of the members here do not read Russian or Chinese. Can you please provide a translation?
here you go, via google translate so it's full of grammatical errors

Russia is being expanded international military competition, he came "Rashomon." Earlier domestic media quoted Russian media reported that held in August 11 "air defense combat experts" competition, the Chinese team fired anti-aircraft missiles all off-target. According to observers from the network to understand at the front of the Xinhua News Agency correspondent, the Chinese team's "avant-2" missiles completed hit, but was in Russia "and the goal difference of 100 meters," all of it is determined by off-target.

Earlier, according to the Russian arms network August 12 reported that held August 11 in Yeisk "air defense combat experts" competition in the face of an a "hovering helicopter" target and two news aerial targets only Russian team successfully hit all three airborne targets, Belarus hit two air targets other teams each hit a target, the Chinese team did not hit an airborne target, all off-target. And that "the final results showed that the Russian equipment fire superiority." Many domestic media admissible news.

However, according to an interview with Russia for international military competitions Xinhua News Agency reporters Li Yun told the PLA observers branch network in China today, "Air Defense experts" competition launched 2 missiles hit all the avant-garde, but was sentenced to miss the organizers.

According to the competition schedule, each team should break wading road stage on length of 14.5 km, continuous soil ridge, anti-tank ditches, more comprehensive hazard, track bridge, roll slope, sandy roads, minefields pathways Group disorders, the use of portable anti-aircraft missile system to destroy "hovering helicopter" target, using light weapons fire hit the floor target groups, in the form of a unified assault across the barrier tape, shot down two small air targets. Chinese team to take the domestic ZSL-10 wheeled armored carriers.

According to Li Yun introduced after the start of the game, the Chinese team using the "avant-2" anti-aircraft missile hit the hovering "helicopter simulation" targets 10 meters in the air, and in the subsequent firing infantry weapons made of different subjects from the target hit . After the adoption of the Russian standard 400-meter steeplechase, the Chinese team to two drones fired two "avant-2" anti-aircraft missiles and target the exact intersection. But organizers then announced last shot did not hit, but the difference with a target of 100 meters, and refused to release the game live video recording, said the video recording had been lost. The Chinese side also refused to watch live video shoot.

After the Chinese side note, the organizers after 24 hours produced a blurry video capture, show evidence of anti-aircraft missiles and target the so-called no intersection. But China immediately questioned: Why video lost, the video shots can keep? And the video capture trajectory error, the existence of suspected fraud. But the organizers did not respond to this clear.

Li Yun said, according to the day of the competition results, only the Chinese missile ruled off-target, in order to make the Russian delegation became the first game, otherwise the Chinese team secured the "air defense combat experts" champion.

Source: PLA Daily _ (net culture reprint) (Boxun boxun.com)
Thanks for the translation but it still quite terrible of the online translation.
not me, google auto translate thing.

maybe you can fix it so it makes more sense to everyone ?
Is Russia's international military competition and broke a "Rashomon". Earlier local media reported quoting Russian media said on August 11, "air defense combat experts" competitions, all launched by the Chinese air defense missile Miss distance. Observers NET from in front of the Xinhua News Agency Office, China's "avant-2" missiles all hit, but the Russian side "with goal difference of 100 meters" for all convicted of Miss distance

According to Li Yun introduced, after the game, the Chinese team "avant-2" air defense missile hover in the 10-meter air "SimCopter" target, and in a subsequent infantry weapon firing a different distance from the target account made hits. After the adoption of a standard 400-meter hurdles by the Russian army, China team two drones fired two "avant-2" air defense missiles and targeted intersection. But organizers later announced that the final shot missed, but the target is 100 meters, and refused to disclose the live video recording saying video record has been lost. Russia also refused to watch the Chinese shooting live video.

Putin loves China but his stupid military general still lives in Cold war era thinking they are dealing with Deng Xiaoping era PLA. Putin shall give a lecture to his general. China shall post all the video of the exercise in youtube and youku if the sore loser Russian refuse the result. Let the viewer decide it.

Thanks for the translation but it still quite terrible of the online translation.
yea,...keep your one-sided wishes to yourself...
china should not take russia's unstable nature too seriously...
China shall boycott such event in future. China are not as extra there to promote Russian military products.
who cares..lol. just fun and friendlily games. many locals were watching.. you can understand:D
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Putin loves China but his stupid military general still lives in Cold war era thinking they are dealing with Deng Xiaoping era PLA. Putin shall give a lecture to his general. China shall post all the video of the exercise in youtube and youku if the sore loser Russian refuse the result. Let the viewer decide it.

Thanks for the translation but it still quite terrible of the online translation.

Dude simple ...

Stimulating helicopter target at 10 km .

Two targets - Chinese fired two missiles and both missed one came close with 100m error (as Chinese claimed) .
But organisers called it bluff and failed Chinese :D.

Chinese then alleged it has an attempt to malign their image and they claimed it was deliberate attempt by Russia and asked for video proof.

And again Russians (may be laughed) and trolled Chinese by said video got lost . LOL ... So as usal Chinese called it an attempt to cheat by organiser .

So finally climax : Russians gave video but Chinese claimed video is not of high definition or 3D so they again accused Russians and asked for HQ video ..

Real climax before names would pop up : Chinese refused to watch HQ video and all their news papers claimed China has won and hit both the target ...

Russian tech is pretty much garbage these days. All left over from the USSR.

Even Russian sukhoi fighters have outdated electronics. I'm willing to bet that China's J-11D would beat the Russian Su-35.

Russian military technology has a very high failure rate. Just look how often Russian space program fails nowadays. Their submarines too.

This is why China no longer buys Russian weapons any more.
Russian tech is pretty much garbage these days. All left over from the USSR.

Even Russian sukhoi fighters have outdated electronics. I'm willing to bet that China's J-11D would beat the Russian Su-35.

Russian military technology has a very high failure rate. Just look how often Russian space program fails nowadays. Their submarines too.

This is why China no longer buys Russian weapons any more.

Dude, just calm down a bit.

The PLA was not coming after the gold medal, but to gain for more war time experience.

During the war time, our army has to be ready for any contingency, since the enemy won't follow our rules.

While to badmouth our weapons is definitely unethical, but it doesn't matter, since the Chinese products have been tarnished and demonized for decades, but it still didn't prevent the fact that our products have been constantly sold like hot cake.

BTW, don't need to go tirade after Russia for this, since their military technology is still quite mature like the AL-31F engine and their space program.
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Dude simple ...

Stimulating helicopter target at 10 km .

Two targets - Chinese fired two missiles and both missed one came close with 100m error (as Chinese claimed) .
But organisers called it bluff and failed Chinese :D.

Chinese then alleged it has an attempt to malign their image and they claimed it was deliberate attempt by Russia and asked for video proof.

And again Russians (may be laughed) and trolled Chinese by said video got lost . LOL ... So as usal Chinese called it an attempt to cheat by organiser .

So finally climax : Russians gave video but Chinese claimed video is not of high definition or 3D so they again accused Russians and asked for HQ video ..

Real climax before names would pop up : Chinese refused to watch HQ video and all their news papers claimed China has won and hit both the target ...

Man,before you make a story please go to the official site and take a look at the rules:
1. there are three targets
2. in the records of the officials, we got two hits and miss one

I only knew Indians were good at PPTs before, but now know Indians are good cheater.

Real climax before names would pop up : Chinese refused to watch HQ video and all their news papers claimed China has won and hit both the target ..
I think the real climax is Indians lost all of the competitions to China and in most of them are far behind:omghaha:
Man,before you make a story please go to the official site and take a look at the rules:
1. there are three targets
2. in the records of the officials, we got two hits and miss one

I only knew Indians were good at PPTs before, but now know Indians are good cheater.

I think the real climax is Indians lost all of the competitions to China and in most of them are far behind:omghaha:

Lol so u missed 3 ? What u need to fire them in first place ? :D .... And it's Russians who said you failed and your missiles went miles away from the target .. And you call your infantry best among the world ? lol
Lol so u missed 3 ? What u need to fire them in first place ? :D .... And it's Russians who said you failed and your missiles went miles away from the target .. And you call your infantry best among the world ? lol

I think you are ill-brained as you can not read English properly
Russian tech is pretty much garbage these days. All left over from the USSR.

Even Russian sukhoi fighters have outdated electronics. I'm willing to bet that China's J-11D would beat the Russian Su-35.

Russian military technology has a very high failure rate. Just look how often Russian space program fails nowadays. Their submarines too.

This is why China no longer buys Russian weapons any more.

They're ahead in Submarine technology, I'd love it if China could get TOT from the Yasen and Borei.
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